• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 23,840 Views, 483 Comments

The Fake Sun - The Tale of a No one that became Princess - ratedoni

If eating too much cake was the worst since I became Celestia I would be happy... but I guess I am not that lucky.

  • ...

The Land of the Rising Sunset part 1

Author's Note:

Oh, look, what's that? A new chapter? I must be having a hallucination, but unless we are higher than Tree Hugger, no, this is real, this is a new chapter for the story.

Do I have an excuse? Of course I have, am I gonna use it? Of course not, you have a new chapter, that is good enough to excuse myself for being a shitty writer and not writing enough for you guys.

But unto good news, guys, we are over 300 likes and who knows how many hundred favorites, which is more than mind blowing to me considering this whole story started more as a writing excercise than anything else, but let's start the party!

To other news, guys, if any of you want to have the gruesome job of being pre-reader for this thing, you are more than welcome, just let me get a good enough whip so I can use it on your back so all of us can work fast enough for this thing to start being delivered at least once per week, beyond that I only have one last thing to say.

If you can, take a look at my pony and gaming channel, The Rated Oni Channel.

Not only do I make Let's Plays, but also talk anything pony and do reacts of the chapters, you already saw one of them when I did the blog, but most importantly, I really want my channel to be a source of money for me, it would greatly reduce the amount of time I spend doing other things, like working on a school, to be put into these and other stories and more pony videos, which we can all say are good things for humanity, because really, do you want ME to teach kids? Save some kids and watch my videos, think in the future of those little kids.

But that's it, go and enjoy this story and if you are wondering, yes, it is the first part, am I not a magnificent bastard for that?

This was not only a special day; this was the most important day for Sunset Shimmer in her whole life. This was the day where she would finally get her deepest desire and find out after all this time the secret that was hiding behind those doors.
She would find out what Donut Joe’s Zap Apple Frosted Donuts finally tasted like today.

Those rainbow colored apples were something of a national treasure after being found by almost accident in the terrible and creepy Everfree Forest. Really, a little of magic-free spaces and most ponies will start screaming as if the end of the world was coming, mind you, most of the times it seemed like it with weird ponies popping out now and then, but seriously, everypony made a ruckus out of a free butterfly.

Of course, the Everfree Forest wasn’t the only place in the whole planet that worked outside of the rules of normal rules; there were the twin obsidian towers on the border with the Zebrican territories and they were beautiful. Sunset still remembered the sight of Princess Celestia working on that sunrise and how awe inspiring it looked, obviously not just for Sunset but for the leaders of the different Zebrica tribes. Thankfully it worked and the rest of the reunion was a complete success, now the Zebrica tribes were coming closer to having a true central government for the first time in 500 years.

Not only does magic-free environments (in the sense of not having to be guided constantly by pony magic all the time, as if it were a little colt that wanted to buy a new and shiny toy but his mother was dragging him out of the store) are terrifying and amazing at the same time but in the process of existing they did something even better, created things that were so good for others that it was well worth the risk of getting your own body parts gnawed by an angry beast like a nice pancake stack in the royal buffet room.

And the little pieces of nirvana called zap apples were worth that risk according to the Princess so today she had been prepared, waking up an hour earlier than usual and walking to the central hub of news and gossip better known as coffee shops and restaurants. For Sunset it was also the entertainment center especially when a so called ‘royalty’ member decided to get on her nerves. Last time one particularly bigheaded member of the bourgeoisie hinted that the biggest position Sunset would be able to hold in the social hierarchy would be under the sheets of his bedroom... it didn’t end up well for him.

The end results of said words were a rather messy and funny conclusion, at least in the eyes of Sunset and it had ended with Blueblood asking Sunset to explain how exactly two liters of tartar sauce, a parrot, a guard’s spear and a professional camera ended up being used in her retaliation, not to mention the two and a half miles of hose required for the complete plan and the proper uses for deep body cleaning.
Leaving those happy memories behind Sunset quickly arrived at the counter of Joe’s Donuts and looked at the delicacies presented to her, a veritable cornucopia of flavors and colors that had gained popularity among all inhabitants of Canterlot.

Placing one hand under her chin she started to check the list of current donut variations in her now trademarked thinking position as Rarity once had said to her.

“Miss Sunset?” the employee said while arching an eyebrow on his face, he was currently placing more donuts on a tray with help of pliers and magic, meanwhile Sunset took an empty tray to put her selection of donuts in with her hands before quickly recognizing something wrong about the whole situation, she had hands.

“This can’t be right”

“Miss Shimmer!” the now incongruous female voice coming out of the stallion’s mouth was the last thing she needed to realize something important.

“Great, I felt asleep” quickly the jarring sensation of being ejected into a world full of sensations assaulted Sunset before opening her eyes into the scrutinizing sight of Miss Harshwhinny looking at her with the same look she gave Rainbow Dash every single time “yes miss?”

“Would you be so kind to tell us the answer of the last question I asked the classroom?” holding her arms right under her rather prominent bust, although she never even used cleavage or anything of that sort, gave Miss Harshwhinny a rather intimidating look.

Sunset quickly searched in her memories the last point she remembered from the classroom, did a couple of additions with a quick glance to the clock and having knowledge of the speed in which the teacher in this specific topic gave the class and considering how much she gushed (in her no-nonsense voice of course) about this it was at the end an easy answer… well, for her.

“The summer Olympics of 1988 were hosted by South Korea, they were the Olympic Games number 24, it started on September 17 and the closing ceremony was October 2” she said much to the shock of the rest of the classroom which were expecting an epic tongue lashing from the infamous teacher and instead there was a soft smile on the older woman’s face clearly satisfied with the answer.

“Well done Miss Shimmer, it seems that asleep you are capable of learning more than other students even when they are full of energy drinks” with that Miss Harshwhinny went on with her class while Sunset smirked.

Yep. She was THAT good.


So, with that whole deal of almost being impaled by a very pointy looking stake by the most ruthless and heartless teacher in the whole universe, at least according to Rainbow Dash, although one couldn’t really trust her tirades when she believed that x-games where the next best thing since oxygen. Not saying that x-games where bad, Sunset just didn’t give a quarter of a dollar about them, she was fine with other sports but that was not the point. The point was that she was free of danger for today, although something had to be done for her now chronic disease known as fall-asleep-almost-everywhere-this-last-few-days… Sunset would probably have to find a better name, she was starting to use the kind of speak found in specimens like Pinkie Pie.

These last few nights had been quite worrying, not just because they were plotting into destroying any kind of good sleep she might want to have for the rest of the century no matter how much that specific plot was apparently working. At night she was lucky if she had maybe an hour of sleep before being rudely awakened by her own subconscious. Miss Harshwhinny’s class was a nice respite but Sunset wasn’t counting on more.

No, the most horrible thing about the last few weeks was the very intriguing show her brain was putting for her in the land of dreaming.
It was like being in a theater (or the cinema considering her current home) and she was planning on seeing a nice comedy or maybe a cartoon but instead finding out that you have made the wrong turn and instead of laughter a movie by Stanley Kubrick was starting; sadly for Sunset, it was that bizarre, the only thing that she had been able to remember from weird night experience it was something about a silver box.

Sunset could be many things, cocky, the most powerful unicorn back home, an incredibly hot looking teenager and a very humble friend but stupid, nope, she wasn’t. Having a dream that more or less was repeating itself could only mean two things: one, she was going insane or two, she was having a premonition, and for her own sake she was praying for the second.

So what to do? Was this the reason why Celestia had shown her the mirror and practically pointed in the direction before making Sunset’s bags and a nice lunch, before sending her into another dimension with intention of learning everything she could about this world and find out if there was anything magical left behind, considering that it was Starswirl the Bearded favorite dumping ground for everything he deemed dangerous?

To say that Sunset was more than a little curious and ready to embark in her own adventure was like saying that Applejack had passing interest in tending to apple trees, Sunset was pretty sure she had squealed when asked to do it, but now she wasn’t all sure about the decision, especially with the broken communication between worlds, another thing that she had to look into.

But first, there was something that called for her attention at this moment, which was in the presence of a nice, timid girl with pink hair that was right now fidgeting and trying to do something, apparently calling the attention of a pair of lovebirds that were flirting while making sickly sweet eyes at each other, once again Thunderlane and Cloudkicker with their little romantic games and as if it was prerequisite, it had to be done in front of Fluttershy’s locket and like always the girl was too scared of her own shadow and too nice to even consider raising the voice beyond the sound of a munchkin to tell them what they were doing.

Thankfully it was all quickly resolved by Sunset with a quick cleaning of her throat and a sound slap behind Thunderlane’s head when that didn’t work either, the end result making him almost fall forward while Cloudkicker began to laugh at the spectacle; with a tired sigh at the shenanigans in which she seemed to be perpetually chained, Sunset threw a quick look at the shy flower known by all as Fluttershy and the look of sincere thanks while shyly hiding behind her long flowing pink hair was something that could make a person survive hypothermia with how warm it made you feel.

Quickly recovering from the adorableness she quickly found her way to her own locker finding a certain someone already at her side with that same knowing half smile that the fashionista was known to use when she saw those kinds of scenes.

“That Fluttershy, so nice and beautiful as silk… sadly with the same kind of backbone as the fabric but is good to know that there is a knight with shining armor ready to defend her honor, well, more like a rebel with a shimmering Harley” the fashionista said while Sunset knew she was imagining the scene on her head, right now she was fighting a losing battle against the facepalm.

“Are you done for now Rarity?” The gold and crimson haired unicorn turned teenager said before opening her locker to get another book, this one of Biology, another class that was quite interesting considering the differences between worlds.

“My dear Sunset, sorry for making just a little fun of it, but you have to admit that it is quite entertaining to see how much you look out after poor Fluttershy”

“I don’t look after her, it is just easier to deal with those things quickly than let Rainbow get involved, my eardrums are still healing after your squeal from meeting Sapphire Shores” at this Rarity also opened her locker to retrieve a hairbrush from it to give some touches to her perfectly curled hair.

“I did not squeal, I was just, vocalizing my joy after meeting such a big star and I don’t need to be an expert to know you are not entirely honest”

“Is nothing major, is just… well, Fluttershy reminds me of someone back home” Sunset said without mentioning that said home was a parallel dimension that instead of humans had ponies, zebras, gryphons, dragons and all kind of mythical creatures in it. And it was true, seeing such a quiet, shy girl made her remember the day she had met Twilight and how shy and demure she was before the studying and craziness that was being Celestia’s student began. Sun and moon, that little filly was simply too adorable those days.

“And here I was thinking that maybe you were starting to fancy our dear flower, wouldn’t that be such a nice story?”

“Really? Rarity, I’m not interested in Fluttershy that way, why are you trying so hard in trying to pair me with her?”

“Well, I still believe that you two would be a lovely pairing, although the other reason is that you have to admit that our nice little pond that is Canterlot High seems to lack much in the sense of excitement or hot topics to talk about, not since last time that everyone thought that Rainbow Dash had the ‘hots’ for Applejack. Poor girl had a hard time convincing that it wasn’t true”

“What’s with everyone thinking that just because she has rainbow hair she is about to join a gay parade? Everyone in this school is crazy!”

“I know, poor girl was crazy for Applejack’s cousin at the time, it was good that all those talks ended quickly”

“It was good that you cut that rumor fast enough”

“Well my dear, I may be the supreme fashionista and the number one news girl of the school but a lie like that I will never tolerate” That Rarity, if it was a lie that would hurt someone she was going to fight it with teeth and nails and good luck on the poor soul that tried to stop her. Now she understood Celestia’s view on friendship, they didn’t made you an easier target, they made you tougher like a diamond, especially if that diamond was Rarity “Also something that I could never tolerate would be bags under the eyes, which you darling seem to be developing, is something the matter?”

“Nah, just… dreams I suppose, nothing to worry about… AHH!” Sunset was about to close her own locker before something made her almost jump out of her skin in surprise, making Rarity almost drop her hairbrush in surprise.

“Sunset! Are you alright? Are those bags looking as bad as I thought?”

“No, no… it was… for a moment I thought there was something looking at me from the mirror” said mirror had been one of the first gifts that Rarity had gave her, especially made to fit her locker door and like all gifts that Sunset had received she had put to use.

“Something in the mirror? I believe you are more tired than I thought, I would suggest you to take a breather and rest, maybe you could take the rest of the day to sleep a bit, with your grades I’m pretty sure the teachers will understand” Rarity said quickly getting to Sunset’s side and placing a hand on her shoulder looking as worried as when Sweetie Belle had caught the flu last month.

“Yeah… yeah, maybe you are right, maybe I need to rest” and she definitely needed that rest, because apparently she was now seeing ponies looking at her through the mirror, more specifically, a red haired white alicorn, how crazy was that?


(In the other world, at somewhere that was not Canterlot or Ponyville)

If you had told me that I would be right now trying to drink peacefully a very nice cup of tea in the company of a rather scared and worried young gryphon of name Gilda while waiting for our generous hostess to see if she was trying to help us or secretly murder us I would have told you in response that I have been through stranger things, hello, human here? I have been a female alicorn princess for close to 300 years, believe me, craziness was my middle name, no, wait, I don’t have a middle name, forget I said that.

So, in returning to our current location and predicament, isn’t that a funny story?

Well, most crazy adventures and great comedies usually start that way, isn’t that a funny story?

But in this case everything started with a golden ticket Willy Wonka style better known as the Grand Galloping Gala ticket and from there everything just became weirder and weirder. After all this I should probably get in contact with Twilight Velvet, this deserves to be put into ink.

So, while I try to see where this whole reunion will lead to why don’t we go back to the beginning of why in the name of the sun we are right now in the land of the rising sunset… weird name for a place, right?