• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,374 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

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The Eighth Chapter Wherever They End Up Next

Chapter 8: Wherever They End Up Next

What’s with this body swapping thing? Is this some kind of story arc? Whoever wrote the Twixie fiction Swapped, is getting unintentionally referenced constantly. I think it’s time we moved on to other Twixie fanfictions that haven’t been mentioned yet. This is to say without the exception of the horde posted with respective links a couple chapters ago. How about some more Fillystata? We’ll have Twilight raise her dead ancestor this chapter. Why not mix it up a bit with some Mistress of Midnight Castle? This way, Twilight’s ancestor will have control over the somehow infamous shard from the Rainbow of Darkness! Forcing the Twixie duo to her every twisted will!

This is getting weird. I’ve changed my mind. Going back under my rock.


The Eased and Ecstatic Twilight Sparkle, along with Trixie, had finally found the book they’ve been looking for. By complete coincidence, this object happened to fall off a high shelf of a bookcase Trixie bumped into, causing it to drop and collide with her head. Conveniently, this particular one had the phrase ‘body swap’ located in its index, which is the spell the duo had been tying to find for a couple hours now. Now that they had a reference that detailed their supposed curse, it was conclusive that they would be back to their normal bodies shortly.

“You’re right, Trixie! This is the book I remember reading about it in!” exclaimed Twilight with glee. Picking up the book with magic, she flipped to the page it listed. On page sixty-nine, the title “Body Swapping” was there as clear as day. Twilight scanned the contents over, obtaining the directions to initiate the spell to switch their minds back. The book was shut and tossed aside, showing a confident smug on the egghead’s face.

“I got it now. C’mon Trixie. It’s almost like we did before, except this time I’ll be able to unlock the spell,” she said, lowering her head with her horn pointing towards Trixie. Thoughts raced through the showmare’s head, ‘Oh no. The horn touching again?! Trixie won’t forget how... amazing yet embarrassing it felt. Must she really do this another time?’ Though, arguing with herself, she didn’t attempt to fight with Twilight at all on the matter. Either way, she just wanted her old body back, even if she found being Twilight Sparkle entirely tantalizing. Bowing her own skull and rubbing her horn against Twilight’s, their horns lit up in their respective colors once again.

“Now what, Twilight? You haven’t told Trixie how to unlock the spell,” Trixie pointed out, holding back each flinch from their horn’s slight movement against each other.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to do a thing. I can open this spell on my own, actually. It didn’t detail the secondary user doing anything at all,” insisted Twilight. Being labeled as the ‘secondary user’ didn’t exactly thrill Trixie, but she figured now wasn’t the time to argue specifics. Twilight read the spell before her, so that could count as being the primary user. Looking back at her friend, Trixie could see Twilight’s eyes closed in complete focus.

Their horns grew brighter like they did before, but this time, only Twilight inflamed a magical aura. Rising up with her horn still attached to the other, Twilight's concentration reached its peak. Her jaw locked and she began grunting as her bodily light's wave-like energy intensified to a jagged outburst. Soon enough, the illumination began to compress around her, shrinking to just a tiny spark, and vanished in a blinding flash. Twilight, who still controlled Trixie's body, disappeared as well, leaving the showmare all alone. No longer sensing her friend's presence, Trixie opened her eyes to find the mare she loved was out of her sight. Her head darted around in confusion of where she went.

“Twilight! Where’d you go? Show yourself to Trixie, please!” she cried, afraid to move from her place. Seeing as the bookworm was nowhere to be found, a response wasn’t expected. However, there was an answer indeed. Just not where Trixie was expecting it to be.

“Trixie? What’s going on? I can’t move my body!” exclaimed a voice that sounded like it came from her thoughts. Trixie looked around her, wondering why the source of it felt so close.

“What do you mean you can’t move?” she asked. Walking towards the dresser where Twilight’s mirror was hung, she spun around, still curious as to where the egghead could have possibly gone to.

“Wait... Trixie, look over here!” Twilight pleaded. Hearing the word ‘here’ wasn’t exactly helpful when you don’t know where ‘here’ was. Trixie only pivoted to face every direction she could think of to try to find the mare. Noticing how vague she was, Twilight corrected herself.

“Look at the mirror, Trixie,” she said, half amused at her friend’s chronic head turns. Finally, Trixie looked over at the mirror, surprised at what she saw. Staring back at her was her original body, meaning she must have been restored back to her beautiful figure. She immediately made a huge gleaming smile in response. For some reason, though, her reflection didn’t do the same. In fact, her mirrored image started to move and talk on its own.

“I think I might have messed the spell up a little bit,” the Trixie in the mirror spoke with a very familiar tone, its face showing a discontent frown. Trixie heard this pony before since it was the only unicorn she had listened to all day. Realizing the voice had belonged to Twilight Sparkle, Trixie knew what it had meant. ‘If she still has Trixie’s body, then that means...’ she pondered, slowly raising her hooves. Finding they were still a lavender color, her fears were confirmed. Not only did the magic not work, but now Twilight was showing up in her own mirror.

“How could you messed it up this bad? You’re in a mirror now,” Trixie pointed out.

“Well, not exactly, you se--” cutting off Twilight was a purple horn now pointed at her. Beginning to glow, Trixie made a determined glare at the reflective surface which held her love in its prison.

“Don’t worry, Twilight Sparkle. Trixie will break this mirror and free you!” She yelled with the purple light from her horn growing brighter. With forehooves flailing in a panic, Twilight put up a red flag.

“W-wait a second! Don’t break it!” The mare shouted. Her words reached the showmare as she had halted her destructive intentions.

“What’s wrong, Twilight? You like your mirror this much?” she questioned with a raised brow.

“No, it’s not that. I’m not really in the mirror, so shattering it won’t help,” revealed Twilight, eyelids half shut. Amusingly, Trixie turned around and gave a clear scan of the entire room before facing Twilight again.

“Trixie doesn’t see you anywhere else...” she bickered.

“I know, but I’m not exactly in the mirror. Right now, I’m just showing up as your reflection. I’m actually inside of you!” declared Twilight, while pointing at Trixie who jumped back in response.

“I-inside of T-Trixie?” she stammered with a slight blush across her cheeks. Twilight abruptly hit her forehead with the bottom of her hoof. Knowing that Trixie had misinterpreted what she said, the egghead continued her explanation.

“I must have only done the spell half right. Instead of exchanging minds or bodies, I just dove straight into yours. It’s weird because I didn’t think the spell could work like that.” She rubbed the side of her head in deep thought. Picking up the book from a few feet away, Trixie levitated it to her and opened it up to the correct page. Her eyes squinted at the page’s title, while Twilight noticed it as well.

“Body submergence...? Um-- Oops! Looks like I cast the wrong spell.” Twilight grinned, embarrassed. As amateur as this mistake was, Trixie actually poked her head out from the book to look at her reflection again with a perplexed look. ‘How could she have seen the same thing?’ she wondered. Twilight knew how to answer that question.

“Oh, I can see everything you can see. We are in the same body, after all,” she explained. Trixie, on the other hoof, nodded in acknowledgement. It wasn’t too surprising she could se--

‘How did she know what Trixie was pondering about...?’ She thought of in a shocking realization. Actually, Twilight just noticed it herself.

“Hmmm... I guess I can hear your thoughts as well,” said Twilight with another awkward smirk. Trixie bowed her head up and down again in understanding of how sharing a body worked. Reading her thoughts wasn’t that big of a de-- the book suddenly dropped with the lack of a purple veil holding it up.

Her eyes flashed wide open in utter fear as her heart sank to the bottom of her backhooves. If Twilight could read her mind, then what if she thought of...? Dreading the worst case scenario of the librarian’s new power over her, Trixie sank to the to the floor as she covered her ears with her front hooves.

“No, no no no no! Get out of Trixie’s head, now!” she screamed in terror. Even a slight picturing of her feelings for Twilight would ruin everything she’s worked so hard for. Banging her head back and forth between her forehooves, Trixie shook her skull furiously in hope that her crush would just fly out of it. Nothing happened when she did this, besides maybe losing a few brain cells in the process. Clenching her ears again as well as her teeth, Trixie’s eyes danced in hysteria of what her brain might think of subconsciously. Her hairs split and her jaw ground her pearly whites back and forth. She had never felt such paranoia before and couldn’t bare any control at her sudden outburst. ‘Don’t think about it, Don’t think about it...’ she would repeat in her head. Twilight only became confused at what she was witnessing and decided to intervene.

“Get out? Don’t think about what?” She inquired, puzzled at her friend’s instant breakdown. ‘La la la la la la la...’ Trixie’s mind kept in a monotone repetition.

“Are you... okay?” asked Twilight. She was worried that she might have freaked Trixie out, which she had, since the magician’s pupils only shrank at the horror that she might lose control and think of something she would regret. Her heart’s pulse felt like it was running a marathon along with her breathing. Afraid her love might go into shock from her condition, Twilight gave a verbal slap to the face.

“Snap out of it! I’m sure we can fix this if we just reverse the spell! Look at the book again!” she shouted in the showmare’s head. Bringing her back to reality, she frantically scrambled to her hooves and flipped through the book on the ground. After jumbling the pages back and forth, she managed to land on the correct page she looked at before. She looked over the page, desperate to find the passage that will free her mind from the time bomb it became. As her eyes raced across the page, she found the part that she needed. Reading faster than she could ever possibly go, her head took notes on every important aspect.

‘Concentrate your horn onto... Swirl the aura clockwi-- Free your mind with one... Love. Trixie loves. Can’t let her fi--’ her thoughts abruptly stopped as Trixie slammed her head against hardwood floor. It knocked her wits out for a fraction of a second, then she wildly glared back at the paragraph she was reading; her brain was back on track and more guarded than ever. At least until Twilight spoke up about the showmare’s recent thinking process.

“I didn’t read any parts about love... Where did you see that?” Twilight asked obliviously. Trixie’s entire body felt a jolt run through it while she read the last sentence. Rather than address the curious mare in her noggin, she decided to cast her out as soon as magically possible. Reversal spell on the brain and a lit up horn intact, Trixie thrust her neck forward, sweat profusely coming from the top of her head with tightened eyelids, and grimaced in pain. Her mental walls were beginning to disassemble brick by brick. Purple lights sparked and fizzed from her horn, trying to stay focused on tossing her brain’s intruder out the front door. ‘Get out, Twilight! I can’t let yo-- Not supposed to kno--’ wincing at her sudden halts in pondering.

This much stress on her mind exerted her powers greatly. Soon the physical energy would deplete from her body along with her magical stamina. How long would she be able to hold against her lingering thoughts? Trixie figured she needed to tackle this problem with everything she’s got. ‘One big push now might be enough to unlock the spell’s properties, yet if it doesn’t work, Trixie will be too exhausted to continue; her mind would become like an open book that Twilight could read to her heart’s content. Without trying, though, Trixie could very well end up in the same place.’ she contemplated all of this carefully. Forcing Twilight out of her, preventing her from finding out about her secret affection for her was top priority. She decided on the primary plan of action.

Her body started trembling as she gathered the last of her magic she could muster. Filled with determination that fueled her stressful endeavor, Trixie reared her head back. She was ready to unleash her innermost strength to cast her crush out from within her. ‘Get out. Get out! Get out!’ her thoughts dropped to her throat.

Get OUT!” shouted Trixie, unleashing an enormous flash of white, filling every dark crevice the bedroom possessed. From that bright light came an azure unicorn who was instantly shot out from Trixie’s horn and crashed in the bookcase only ten feet away. This sent the showmare sliding back, reaching the top of the stairway that surrounded part of the room. Twilight’s now flattened body slid down to the floor and slouched over the ground. Regaining shape, she sprang up and galloped over to her fallen friend.

“Trixie! Are you okay?” cried Twilight, coming to the magician’s side. What she saw she didn’t expect. Trixie’s lips were stretched out into a giant grin with her eyes closed. Regardless, she was panting and was beaded all over in her own perspiration. Exhausted, she dragged her hoof over her forehead to wipe the sweat away.

“Trixie... will live... for now,” she said in between inhaling the oxygen she currently needed. Remembering what she had listened to before when Trixie was getting ready for that final bout, Twilight felt worried since she had been reckless using the last of her stamina over something so trivial. ‘Does she really not like me inside her mind that much?’ she wondered. Then again, if it was the other way around, she wouldn’t like it either. It would mean her secret crush on Trixie might be exposed. Their relationship seemed too premature for those kinds of feelings to be expressed yet. At least, not without the other party freaking out. Either way, Trixie was completely void of any strength left, at the expense of Twilight.

“I’m sorry about messing up the spell. You getting hurt wasn’t my intention at all,” apologized Twilight in a concerned tone. Trixie managed to catch her breath after a while so she could properly respond.

“It’s okay, Twilight. Just never do that to Trixie again,” she warned, putting a hoof on her shoulder. Unfortunately, Trixie wore herself out more than she thought. Shifting her body’s weight onto her stomach, she made every effort she could to lift herself up. Each additional attempt she would make raised herself higher than the previous attempt, yet it would always end with her back on the ground. It was no use; her legs felt like noodles. Twilight watched her friend struggle with her original body until she gave up trying. Using her horn, she picked Trixie up off the ground in a vivid blue bubble.

“H-hey! Trixie can get up by herself. Put her down!” Trixie demanded, flailing her feeble legs about.

“Are you kidding? You barely could stand up on your own. Let me help you,” Twilight insisted while she dragged the showmare over to her. Rotating her in midair, she gently set her down so she was in a sitting position against the bookshelf beside her. The comforting light that bound Trixie faded away as she folded her forehooves with an irritated expression. Inside her mind, however, a celebration was taking place since she could now think freely about whatever she wanted. Especially about Twilight Sparkle who, speaking of which, levitated the book over to them.

“Now, we still have a spell to break. No mistakes this time, I promise,” she reassured, opening the book back to page sixty nine where the solution to their problem was written. They both looked over the spell for body swapping, reading the details on how it’s performed. Something caught Trixie’s eye near the end of the page.

“Wait, what’s this symbol mean, Twilight?” she inquired, pointing at the part Twilight was investigating. Twilight knew exactly what it was without too much thought.

“That’s an asterisk. Usually it’s used to reference something relating to the subject material.” She put the end of her hoof at the end of the page to indicate where the asterisk was shown again. Looking the reference over halfway, she became outraged at the first line.

“This spell cannot be used as a cancellation for a potion-based enchantment?!” she read, her tone rising with each word said. Twilight felt disappointed that it took them this long to find out it has all been a waste of time. Glancing back at the line herself, she noticed there was more to it.

“Wait... It says here, the solution to this potion based spell is to either; One, recreate the potion using the necessary components to reapply the spell or Two, both recipients perform a DNA swap to cancel out the switch, thereby forcing both users back into their original forms,” Twilight read aloud. Trixie already knew the first solution would take months, nor could she quite understand the second.

“What does it mean by ‘DNA swap?’ How are we suppose to swap DNA?” She questioned, rubbing the side of her head, contemplating all the methods of how they could accomplish this in the easiest way possible. This was about science now, and had nothing to do with unicorn magic.

“What we would have to do is exchange bodily fluids,” Twilight pondered out loud. Trixie’s head tilted to the side, trying to understand what exactly it means.

“Bodily fluids? So... like sharing blood?” She asked.

“Well... I’m not too comfortable with pricking you or myself,” stated Twilight, though she wouldn’t shudder at the sight of blood. There were just easier methods that she would prefer to do. Gazing at Trixie, she began to develop a red hue across her cheeks at what she was about to suggest.

“I guess the most accessible source of DNA would have to be...” she hesitated by averting her eyes, only for a second before looking back at her.

“...saliva,” swallowed Twilight.

A long, awkward pause occurred as both mares were silent. Though both of them always had an ulterior motive about stealing the other’s heart, they had always given each other the purest intentions up to this point. This kind of suggestion by Twilight had sought and destroyed all of Trixie’s mental defenses. She didn’t need to ask what saliva was or what this method of swapping would entail. Knowing very well of what this meant, she moved to an immediate dismissal to avoid any damage that this could have on their friendship. ‘A short, but effective statement should be enough,’ she thought.

“Trixie declines,” she said bluntly. A smirk almost came to her face in satisfaction of how the words came out. Twilight, on the other hoof, was unaffected.

“I knew you would, but right now this is the simplest way of changing us back. Besides, it’s just a little peck. I promise, it won’t ruin our friendship,” persuaded Twilight. ‘That’s two promises she’s made now. Can she really keep both of them?’ Trixie wondered. Either way, Twilight made this task seem incredibly easy. Trixie found it difficult to argue any further, lest she sounded any more like a wimp.

“Hmmm... Trixie s-supposes a quick o-one might be alright,” she stuttered, her muzzle embellished with a scarlet color.

“That’s the spirit!” exclaimed Twilight, sounding almost too excited. She stood up on all fours and positioned herself in front of Trixie. On her back knees, she propped herself up by extending her front hooves against the bookcase behind Trixie; making extra sure that her body wouldn’t touch hers in any kind of weird way. However, even with making the situation as comfortable as possible, Trixie only stiffened up. Sure, she made out with her via reflection, but that was an inanimate object that only projected her fantasies. Here, it was the real thing! Not to mention she had no control over anything. Being stunned by the moment and still worn out from before served as a nasty combination that kept her from resisting. Luckily, her mouth could still move.

"W-wait! Trixie changed her mind. It'll be much better if we just made the liquid brimstone! Don't you agree, Twilight?" She gave a timid grin, hoping Twilight would change her mind. Instead, she eased in closer to the mare, her front legs slightly bending inward. Even though it was her own body moving in on her, Twilight's mind was still trapped inside. She was now closing the distance between them and making the magician’s heart throb as if it could jump out of her chest at any given time. Trixie wanted to make a second attempt at negotiations, but Twilight decided to respond to her first.

"It'll only take a second, Trixie. It won't be so bad..." she whispered. Was the Great and Powerful Trixie being seduced, now? Either way, this murmuring from Twilight seemed to have caught the showmare’s full attention as those words petrified her neck from turning away. Contemplations kept running through her head. ‘A ‘second’ my flank! This is taking eons! Why are you moving so slow, Twilight Sparkle? Each passing second you take is an eternity.’

Thinking back on today, Trixie would have never thought a moment like this would appear. The day before, everything was very different. She couldn’t even imagine a conversation with the egghead that well, nor did she know very much about her to begin with. Now, after only spending one day with her, she found out a lot more about Twilight than she could have ever dreamed. What’s more is that now her face was in close proximity, inching closer to share a small union she greatly desired for. The only problem she had was Twilight was completely dominating her right now. Having no control over something this pivotal to her still freaked her out. Time was running out as Twilight’s nose softly grazed her own.

“Twilight?” squeaked Trixie, her vocal cords becoming strained from a mixture of feelings.

“Shhhh...” Twilight cooed the poor mare, lips only a centimeter away from hers now. Trixie moaned slightly in anticipation. Feelings of euphoria entranced her greatly to make sure she wouldn’t mess this up. Melancholic nightmares she had about her shattered wishes with this lovely mare were dissipating away. These emotions tore through her body like a knife through warm butter. Closing her eyes, she would accept this unfounded happiness that would soon grace her soul.

Their faces were close enough that they could each feel each others breath passing their own. Twilight got a strong intake of that jasmine and mint she loved so much. It was intoxicating to her as she couldn’t stop herself from what her body was doing. The sheer mystery of how the smell might translate to taste danced around in her mind. Enough to motivate her to finish what she had started. Both their lips quivered before finally embracing one another, quelling any further doubts either mare was experiencing. A fluttering touch spread throughout them, as did the silence in the room.

Twilight’s mind, for the first time, was completely blank. The taste is exactly what she always wanted it to be. Moving her mouth a little, she was in disbelief if this was reality or another dream of hers like she had earlier. The latter in this case might be enough to break her spirit, if it turned out that way.This was the same for Trixie who could care less if she ever made a thought again. Pressing her lips a little further into the bookworm’s, Trixie’s pent up emotions made her lose control of her tear ducts. Sadness in distinguished fears and joint happiness with blissful love made a clear liquid roll down either sides of her face.

Whereas the spell that took place before sent out huge flashes and rays of light seeping from their horns, this one had subtle streaks of indigo, drifting out from their structures and into the others’. Glittering silver seeped from their horns and filled the air around them. With calm, featherweight auras flowing softly between them, the pair simultaneously lost consciousness. The kiss they both longed for was broken by their lack of construction to hold themselves up. They collapsed to the floor with Twilight’s azure hooves holding Trixie’s lavender figure.


Author’s note:

Back to 4k for this round. Unfortunately, I got to the point I wanted this time, so there will be no epic cliffhanger cutoff. Though there is way more story left, if you feel like coming back... I mean, it’s not like they’re together or anything! The kiss was totally platonic! Really! Speaking of which, that was a reward for you guys. You wanted the page number to matter in some way so it sort of did. Not in the sick, unmentionable way you guys may have wanted, but it still meant something. You folks are coming back for more right? Oh who am I kidding... I need a cliffhanger!

Look here! I have an orange in one hoof and a knife in the other. What will I do next?! Find out next chapter! But that won’t happen, because Dasheh is currently being chased by Magical Trevor across the internets, as he tries to stress the importance of knowing the difference between oranges, tangerines, and clementines!

You are filled to the brim in questions of how the next chapter unfolds. You can’t possibly wait to see what happens next. This is how you feel.