• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,374 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

  • ...

The Ninth Chapter Will Initiate A Fight of Pillows

Chapter 9: Will Initiate A Fight of Pillows

HAHA! You’re back! Phew... Man I thought you would never come back. Well it’s safe to say that the story can continue. There’s still much to do and lots of development to go. I know it seems a little weird that the two mares did such a thing last chapter. I apologize for the inconvenience. Won’t happen again, I promise! Hmm... What? What do you mean I’m crossing my fingers behind my back? Huh? Orange? Knife? Are you implying that I ha-- Ohhhohoho! You mean the cliffhanger from the Author Notes! Pfffft-- I don’t have anything conclusive for you. I just did that so you’d come back--



I see you bought some tomatoes from the next room. I regret nothing. (Trevor, you’re a traitor! I TOLD you to lock that door!)


The Fair and Dominated Trixie was waking up from what seemed like the best dream she's ever had. In her own world, Twilight Sparkle would always bring so many pleasures in her fantasies. This one in particular, however, wasn't as... raunchy as the others, yet the emotions and actions felt so real, it stood out from all the rest. Was she allowed to experience such happiness? The thought crossed her mind often, since her head seemed to be the only place she could contemplate her desires. Never would she dare attempt to express them in public or show any to the mare she loved. It's not like she would be the one performing these embarrassing feats, anyway.

Trixie's consciousness came into play, at this point. Laying in darkness, a solid, hard pressure can be felt on her right side. The ground beneath her was cold, yet it didn't seem to affect her at all. The source of her warmth came from an object in front of her. The subtle heat from this soft item made her feel secure as she gave it a squeeze and a slight nuzzle. Her comfort was halted when the object made a distinct sound. An exquisite moan that was quiet, but gave a positive inflection. Trixie's ears were soothed by the murmur, then alarmed at what the meaning behind it was.

Separating her eyelids to allow light into her vision, a blurry dark violet with light red clouded her sight. As it cleared up she noticed the texture of the blur was that of a mane. This specific design was very familiar to her, since she had seen it many times that day. Panning her vision down, she could see the strands or hair was draped around a horn and over a lavender head. Realizations of what the object could be was starting to become clear. Why was Twilight Sparkle's face so close to hers? It was a question that took Trixie's head back with her eyes wide open in shock.

Looking back at her were the closed eyes of the mare she secretly longed for. Her nose was scrunched up against Trixie's, and her mouth slightly hung a little bit. To Trixie, Twilight's sleeping face was possibly the best expression she has made to her yet, as if she were only a newborn foal who had fallen asleep for the first time. Watching her in such a feeble state made Trixie swore the tiniest whisper from those lips could render her defenseless. 'Wait... Lips? Defenseless?' she wondered with her memories of a recent event flowing back to her. Suddenly a crimson hue appeared on her cheeks. She wanted to move her hoof to her mouth in reaction to her findings. A slight tug was felt from the object she was holding.

She investigated where the tug was to find that her hoof was around Twilight's body, overlapped with a lavender leg. Concluding the situation, her wits were lost in translation. She was holding Twilight like she was her own bedtime blanket! The feeling must have been mutual, since her own body was graced by two lavender hooves on both sides. Having her crush caress her in such a way doubled Trixie’s body temperature as her entire blue coat became a glossy red. If this wasn’t embarrassing enough, she soon found that she wasn’t the only one who had woken up.

“Hrmm... Trixie...?” Murmured Twilight, her hooves wiggling and her figure squirming around. In a split second, Trixie panicked and used her horn to shove Twilight back. Slamming against the bookcase, the egghead’s eyes were pried opened with a fright. Her body slid to the ground with her limbs in a slump as if her entire structure was made of jello. Sitting up and turning away from her, Trixie twiddled her hooves with her eyes looking down. Glimpses of every fraction of a second from that tender moment wouldn’t leave her mind at peace. Even if it was only to switch their bodies back to normal, it’s not like they did nothing at all. Her blood must have permanently stuck to the inner edges of her skin because that blush would not disappear. She needed time to nurse the feeling away so she could be presentable and not an awkward wreck.

Twilight, on the other hoof, saw the showmare in front of her and noticed that she was back in her beloved frame. Happy about the success of the spell cancellation, the corners of her mouth rose up. A moist, adhesive sensation was felt from under her eyes. She lifted a hoof to her face in confirmation of what it meant. ‘Was I crying?’ she wondered. Wiping her tear-stained face, she looked back at Trixie. The method of reversing the spell had affected her too. With rosy cheeks, Twilight covered her lips with one of her hooves. She could still taste the jasmine and mint from before.

To have such a wonderful unique mix, Twilight wished she could keep it for herself. She made a promise to keep their friendship on good morals, however, so another kiss was totally out of the question. Looking over at Trixie, she could see the glistening sweat all over her back with moist smudges on her mane. After what they just went through, Twilight wasn't surprised at how her friend was taking it. Comfort and reassurance of their current status is what she thought Trixie needed, at this point. Standing up was a bit difficult since her body's physical energy was low, due to Trixie's overexertion earlier. Nevertheless she mustered the strength to approach the mare.

"Hey, Trixie, we're back in our own bodies again." Her hoof rested on Trixie's shoulder; the showmare turned to her with a guilty, shameful expression. Disdain with slight irritation filled her voice as she spoke.

"Trixie did notice, Twilight Sparkle. She was the first one to wake up, you know," she stated. Anypony could sense the hostility seeping out of her. It was worse than Twilight thought. Either way, she knew that she needed to ease Trixie as best she can.

"You know that kiss didn't mean anything, right?" Twilight asked bluntly. Though, referring to it as ‘meaningless’ only hurt Trixie more, not to mention, Twilight would be lying if she said the pain wasn't the same with her. Knowing they wanted to keep their crush a secret for a more proper time, they had to act as if they were both fine with it. Trixie played along with this practice.

"Of course it didn't. You and Trixie are good friends, right?" answered Trixie with another question. Given the activity they just partook in, the irony made Twilight snicker a bit.

"Friends don't usually kiss each other like that," she pointed out with a sheepish grin. Trixie knew this was a glitch in their friendship, yet still tried to preserve it the best she could.

"Perhaps, we are just r-really good friends, then," argued Trixie, taking egghead's statement to heart, who welcomed her idea of being closer friends.

"You mean like... best friends?" Twilight hesitated at the term 'best friends,' seeing as they have only spent one day getting to know one another. Even if the title was a little too outlandish for them, she wanted it almost as much as she desired to be with Trixie because it was a great step in the direction she wanted to go. Luckily, Trixie agreed and felt just about the same way. In her mind, she wanted Twilight right now rather than go on with this charade of hers, but she also wanted to keep Twilight's best interests in mind. Before diving into this deeper end of the pool, Trixie felt it was necessary to test the water first to make sure it's safe.

"Do you want to be best friends with Trixie?" inquired Trixie, facing Twilight with her whole body now. As much as a risk this was, Twilight decided to try taking a shot at her idea of closing distances.

"I don't see why not. We've already spent so much time together all in one day. You’ve read my favorite book with me and I got to see one of your shows," she explained. Trixie thought the amount of time they've been friends comparing to those who call themselves 'best friends' were on two different ends of Equestria. It was definitely debatable, yet if that kind of battle were to happen, their side would ignite in flames, rather than put up a good fight. Still, Trixie didn't care as long as Twilight was on board with it. Nopony was there to judge them anyway.

"Trixie sees what you mean, Twilight. Being best friends with you seems... fitting. She accepts your proposition." She gave half a grin towards the librarian. While they might not have had the time that most best friends would have, they have spent the majority of theirs deep within each other’s worlds. With that said, Twilight was delighted to hear her wish being granted. So much that she almost tackled the mare down in a crushing hug. Her front hooves stopped in mid jump, however, and dropped to the ground, inches away from her friend. Having an idea of what she was going to do, Trixie sat down and spread her forehooves out as if she were inviting Twilight to them. Her face was pointed away with a slight red hue across her face.

“You wanted a h-hug, right? T-Trixie doesn’t mind as long as don’t strangle her this time,” stammered Trixie. Closing her eyes, she anticipated strong hooves would soon cut off her airways like before. To her, Twilight never seemed to know how exactly to hold somepony without squeezing the life force out of them. Noting the last time she hugged the egghead, she recalled a stiff body that seemed frozen in time. That would be the last time she ever acted on her impulses like that. Or so she wished.

A pair of lavender hooves came around her in a calm, relaxed manner. She was pulled closer to Twilight’s chest until her head could easily rest over the mare’s shoulder. Hooves still dangling on both sides, Trixie couldn’t help but be surprised that her conditions were respected. Even more so, she felt that fluttering in her stomach again as well as her heart feeling lighter like it did before. Relaxed in an almost slumber-like state, she wrapped her own front hooves around Twilight.

Out of all the one sided embraces, this moment felt the most serene, beating the others by miles. Twilight’s hold tightened slightly, giving permission for Trixie to do the same. What only was a few seconds, felt like hours to the pair. Equally, they never wanted to let go, lest one of them would have to make an excuse later for another. Is this what best friends do? To them, they didn’t really know what best friends could do, nor did they not notice how in depth their hold on each other was. Not until an interruption abruptly ruined their loving moment.


The sudden noise snapped both mares out of their trances as they literally jerked away from each other. Having some sense knocked into them, they realized the gravity of how that embrace might have been interpreted. Though their personalities were opposite, their expressions were currently the same. Fidgeting with their hooves and only looking down, they each had a display of crimson streaked on their muzzle. Time elapsed and the awkward silence was eventually broken.

“Was th-that your clock, Twilight?” Inquired Trixie, still startled from the loud noise.

“Um, yes...” Twilight hesitated for a second while she fixed her somewhat askew mane.

“My clock always goes off at midnight,” she finished. This raised a question in Trixie’s mind.

“Why does your clock make such a noise at midnight?” She questioned, rubbing her chin as she stared as the clock mounted on the wall above Twilight’s bed. Bearing resemblance to a house, the actual face of the clock was small with a window carved in above it. Both hands were resting on the number twelve, meaning that it was either noon and dark outside at the same time or it was midnight; the latter being obviously true.

“Lots of clocks are timed to chime or make a distinct noise when striking the new hour. Mine happens to only go off at noon or midnight,” said Twilight with an awkward smile.

“You can’t possibly sleep through that racket,” Trixie commented.

“You’re right. Every night I wake up to it, but I just ignore it and go back to sleep,” lied Twilight. In reality, she would glare at it with stinging red eyes when it woke her up. To her, it was the most irritating sound at night. Either she would bring the clock to her so she could punch it or fling I across the room, only to fix it back up in the morning. There was even a time where the cuckoo canary would fly out with that obnoxious drivel of a call; Twilight would grab the bird in mid-flight, and force it back into its tiny window. It was a miracle the clock still performed the same midnight task let alone tell time.

“We’re getting off topic... It’s getting pretty late,” Trixie pointed out. ‘Come to think of it, Trixie has been here the entire day. She can’t just assume she lives here or something. Perhaps it’s time Trixie took departure. She could always visit Twilight tomorrow...’ she pondered with a heavy melancholic, guilty look. She turned away from Twilight and headed down the steps, aiming for the door that exited the bedroom. Of course, she was stopped by a voice.

"Wait, where are you going?" Asked Twilight from the top of the stairs.

"Trixie shouldn't grace you with her presence any longer. You've..." She lowered her head and finished her sentence with a whisper.

"You've already done so much for me."

Facing the door again, she tried to make another step, but something tugged her back. Looking over her shoulder, she saw an image that froze her structure in place. In Twilight's mouth was her silver tail and above that were two pleading, violet eyes. Bemused by the gaze that could pierce thousands of hearts, Trixie quickly found herself in that realm of defeat once again. It felt like every time she was beaten by this egghead, it was became more deplorable each time.

First by showing her up with better feats of magic, later by only a few words, and now with just one expression. 'Twilight's successful methods of persuasion are becoming unbelievable,' thought Trixie. Though the face Twilight made soothed the showmare's heart, she dared not show such weakness through any visual means.

"You're not letting Trixie leave, are you?" asked Trixie, displaying a blank stare with half shut eyes. The magician's tail still being held between her teeth, Twilight simply shook her head in response. Shifting her weight, Trixie tugged at her tail for Twilight to let go. The silver end was then dropped from the bookworm’s grasp. She began her protest.

“There’s no way I’m letting you go back out there when it’s this late. Where would you even go?” questioned Twilight as she walked around the mare, stopping in front of the doorway. Actually, Trixie didn’t even know herself about where she would go. To be honest, she just wanted to stay at Twilight’s house for as long as possible, yet she didn’t want to impose on her newly proclaimed best friend. The result of her departure, however, would be similar to the day before yesterday when she was living outdoors, snacking on pinecones and performing horrifying shows for the forest critters. Even vaguely knowing where she would go, Trixie just gave the silent treatment. Twilight, on the other hoof, wanted her to stay more than anything.

“You’re welcome to stay here, you know. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you stayed longer. You don’t have anywhere in particular to go, right? Besides, we’re best friends now, so there’s plenty of room here for you to stay as long as you want,” she insisted. If Trixie didn’t have any control over herself, she would have confessed her love right then and there. She was much too grateful for the librarian’s unconditional hospitality. Plus, another day with her crush was just too exciting a concept. Luckily, she managed to suppress her outrageous happy demeanor and instead showed a polite smile.

“In that case, Trixie wouldn’t mind staying another night, Twilight Sparkle,” agreed Trixie, putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, who responded with a delighted grin of her own and a wave of relief coming over her. Their time together didn’t have to be cut short after all. In fact, this gave Twilight an idea that she couldn’t have executed the night before because of Trixie’s condition.

“Great! Ooo, that makes this a slumber party, then!” she exclaimed. Trixie could only raise a brow in response.

“What are you talking about?” queried Trixie.

“That’s what happens when you have somepony sleepover. You have a slumber party! This is going to be so much fun!” Twilight said, trotting to the bottom of the steps past Trixie. Watching her friend giggle like a young school mare, Trixie turned to face her only to be puzzled at what exactly this kind of gathering entails. Twilight would satisfy her curiosity without being asked, fortunately.

“First we’ll give each other makeovers, then we’ll tell ghost stories, and after that, truth or dare, then...” she took a moment to take in oxygen before continuing. Trixie backed up a little from the egghead’s sudden, ecstatic outburst.

“Then smores, pillow fighting, and finally, sleeping,” beamed Twilight, who only stepped closer to the retreated showmare. Staring at her reflection in Twilight’s wide, over-excited eyes, Trixie glanced over to the clock in the upper part of the room and then back. As much as she didn’t want to see that stupid smirk fade away, she knew it would be better to be honest with her. Being as late as it was, her physical constitution was wearing away from all they went through that day. Even when thinking of how to gently decline, she had to suppress a yawn from being so tired.

“Trixie is sorry, Twilight. Actually, she was hoping by staying the night that we could skip right to the sleeping part. It’s pretty late and--” she stopped when she noticed her fears were realized. That big smile turned sour as Twilight only frowned and attempted to make the same puppy eyed look she had made earlier that convinced Trixie not to leave. The same trick would prove to be less effective the second time.

“That won’t work this time, Twilight Sparkle. It’s really late and Trixie is very tire--” again, Trixie was interrupted by Twilight as her round, lavender face contorted slightly to emphasize the large size of her eyes in contrast with her big lower lip pushing out further than before. ‘This new face of hers is extremely difficult to argue with. Although, if Trixie doesn’t stand her ground now, Twilight could potentially string Trixie up as her puppet,’ contemplated Trixie. She wouldn’t completely disappoint her friend, but maybe there was a way to compromise.

“Perhaps we could do... one thing before sleeping?” she suggested. Luckily, the idea worked as expected. Twilight’s expression went back to the smile she had before. Already, she seemed to know exactly what she wanted to do.

“A pillow fight it is, then!” Her inner brows lowered, her grin now brimming with confidence. Trixie wished she had thought about what she said more carefully and picked the activity for her. Although, it was unexpected that Twilight would pick something as barbaric as fighting. Even if it was with something so soft.

“Why pillow fighting of all things?” she asked.

“Well, the last time I had a slumber party, I didn’t get the chance to participate. Now that you’re here, I can finally put my training to good use!” said Twilight with a glint in her eye. Baffled at the fact that the bookworm of all mares would practice fighting with pillows, Trixie took a quick peek around the room. The only pillow in the room she could see was the one on Twilight’s bed. Using her horn, she lifted the pillow and flung it over to her location. If Twilight really wanted to go through with this, then Trixie needed to end it quickly so she could get some sleep. The blue light coming from her horn, captivated Twilight’s gaze.

“Trixie, why is your horn glowi-- imff!” The pillow Trixie had smacked her across the face. Looking back at the culprit, she saw the snickering unicorn holding a pillow up next to her. With an arrogant glare emerging from laughter, Trixie claimed an early victory.

“Looks like Trixie wins, Sparkle. Give up while you still can!” she offered. In response, Trixie began to hear Twilight’s feeble cackling as one of the hairs on her mane broke from the herd. Immediately, Trixie was starting to regret the sneak attack. Twilight has indeed proven herself unpredictable at times like this. Especially having never challenged the powerful mare before.

“Give up? I don’t think so,” declined Twilight. The front of her body lowered into a battle stance as her horn illuminated its purple aura. Veils of the same color started appearing all around Trixie as she marveled at her surroundings. Bookshelves --that seemed built on-- flipped upside down, her bed rose and turned over, and even the stairs shuffled upwards, rotating upside down. All this resulted in the uncovering of hundreds of pillows, neatly stacked in rows and columns. Twilight’s random large abundance of fluffy projectiles made Trixie take a few steps back in pure disbelief. She abruptly pointed her hoof at the pillow hoarder, trying to keep her sanity intact.

“Why... Why do you have so many?!” she cried, hysterically. Overconfident, Twilight only gave the showmare the same glare with a mischievous smile across her face. With her ability to grab every book from the bookcase that fell on them earlier that day, she wouldn’t have any issue controlling every pillow in her room at once. Trixie knew this well and wanted to throw in the towel while she still had the chance, yet her own arrogance came into play instead. Knowing that Twilight was far more savvy when it came to magical prowess sent chills down her spine. There was one disadvantage Twilight had in this particular situation, however, and Trixie decided to keep it hidden until the timing was just right. Either way, the battle wasn’t entirely hopeless for her.

The brewing storm was close at hoof as purple lights radiated throughout the room, highlighting each pillow in order of proximity. One by one they started floating upwards and made their way toward the duo. Like vultures awaiting their prey, the white cushions swirled overhead. Trixie’s head mimicked the movement in utter horror as she thought, ‘What did Trixie get herself into? This mare is overly obsessive when it comes to anything she takes interest in! I can only imagine what it would be like if that something would be me.’ She almost chuckled at the thought of a shrine dedicated to her with pictures filling the space all over the walls. Amusement quickly turned to disgust when she interpreted the idea in a different light. Twilight being that creepy made Trixie’s body shudder. She didn’t want to be worshipped that much.

Shaking her head loose of the plagued daydream, Trixie focused back on the wicked librarian stomping her hoof down, ready to charge. ‘This is a pillow fight... right?’ she wondered, reeling back on her hind legs, rotating her forehooves in a circular motion. Landing back down, she began to gallop at the eye of the storm which happened to be the pony controlling it all. Twilight didn’t hesitate to start tearing down pillows over her, shooting them straight at the magician. With near perfect precision, Trixie jumped to the side as the cushioned like bullets struck where her body once was. Each pillow would burst into its feather contents with each collision, making it impossible for a second use. Side hopping a fifth one, Trixie’s ego was reaching its peak. Her senses sharpened with each skillful dodge and pushed her to taunt her foe about their horrible aim.

“You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that, Sparkle, if you want to hit The Great and Powerful Trixie!” she teased, managing to grab one of the incoming projectiles with her own horn. She launched it at Twilight with enough force for the blue aura around it to ripple like a blue fireball. Crouching to all four knees, Twilight evaded the attack with ease. Rising back up, she started galloping in a wide circle around Trixie, who was chasing after her. Still with plenty of ammo, Twilight flung one pillow after another behind her; their trajectories heading straight for their target. Trixie could now shift her weight slightly while running and manage to foil each magical cushion that dared to hit her. Her confidence was at its summit.

“Give it up, Twilight Sparkle! You couldn’t hit Trixie even if she was standing still for you,” bragged Trixie as she cackled at her seamless superiority. Twilight slammed her left forehoof down and slid around on its axis until she was facing the showmare. Stopped on all fours, her relentless pillow flinging came to a halt, yet the feather-filled cushions remained in the air. Trixie slowed down her pursuit as she noticed the bookworm's expression had changed. Before, it was the egotistical smirk that Trixie would typically show, but now it was more of a delightful smile with closed eyes.

“Let’s test that theory. Trixie, please stand still,” said Twilight. Predicting Trixie would simply reject, she positioned her large mass of soft pillows in front of her and began firing. Trixie’s legs trembled as she wanted to rely on her reflexes to avoid getting hit, but she couldn’t move from what she saw. Shots on the right kept her from moving in that direction while more from the left had her pinned to where she was. Unable to pinpoint the pillows’ paths, she became stunned and shut her eyes, anticipating an inevitable hit to the head. She could hear the magic-propelled cushions whiz past her ears, but not one had hit her. Cautiously she peaked with one eye to make sure there wasn’t one heading for her.

Her fears were unfounded as she saw all the pillows coming toward her were missing her effortlessly. Was Twilight that bad of a shot? With only eight pillows in front of Twilight remaining, Trixie saw her friend panting after her failed barrage on her. To her, Twilight’s first problem was blocking her vision with all her ammo. The second was expecting The Great and Powerful Trixie would just stand still --which she did-- as commanded. Finally, the third was Trixie’s ace in the hole which she would explain to her exhausted friend.

“Looks like Trixie has bested your challenge, Twilight Sparkle. There was no doubt that you wouldn’t be able to best The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She exclaimed, with her front hoof held high in a triumphant pose. Coming down from her overzealous victory stance, she noticed Twilight only stood there, gasping for oxygen as if she had finished a marathon at full speed. There was a pause where neither of them said a word. Trixie decided that her gloating would continue, in this case.

“You fell for Trixie’s trap, Twilight! See she knew you would tire yourself out faster than usual due to my exhausting of your body earlier. I used that as my advantage. Making you move around and constantly use your magic was too much for your body to take. Especially when you wanted to ‘test your theory’ against Trixie and still managed to miss her when she stood perfectly in place. How’s that, Sparkle?! Give up, now?” she teased, pointing out each flaw in Twilight’s battle strategy. Glancing to see her defeated friend made her raise a brow instead. Instead of a woeful, depressed Twilight Sparkle, she saw a smile instead? A big, confident grin at that.

“Wrong, Trixie. You fell for my trap!” Twilight snickered. Eyes widening in disbelief, Trixie stood there with a gaping mouth.

“Wha-What?! Your trap?” She questioned, blind-sighted by her friends bold revelation. Twilight merely explained her trap in three simple words.

“Look around you,” she said while waving her right forehoof around, in front of her face. The magician scoffed at her friend’s meaningless suggestion. Her eyes wandered to the side as she saw a pillow floating in mid air a few feet off the ground. Two more pillows appeared above that one and five more were around that pair. Following the trail of the sudden abundance of pillows suspended in space and looking over her shoulder to see the same blockade pattern behind her. Trixie gulped in realization of what exactly Twilight’s ‘trap’ was. She was completely surrounded by pillows in every direction. Twilight took note that Trixie finally caught on to what was happening and explained herself in a similar manner that the showmare did before.

“You see, Trixie, I knew I was going to get tired easily, thanks to you, so I devised an idea that resulted in what’s around you. I intentionally made you think I was just missing you the entire time, when in fact I was only setting you up,” pointed out Twilight. Most of it was still confusing to Trixie, though, so she wanted more answers.

“Trixie stayed perfectly still! You could have easily hit her without being able to see behind that giant pillow wall you made,” she argued. If Twilight really had missed her with every pillow on purpose, then she was extremely lucky not to have gotten hit by now. The egghead knew better, however, as she continued exposing her clever scheme.

“You’re right, I could have hit you no problem. I mean, I have all these pillows that can move at my leisure. I just thought it would be more fun if I put an evasion spell on all of them so they would all miss you. Even if you stayed perfectly still. Of course I had you beat from the very beginning,” boasted Twilight, tapping her right forehoof on the ground as her plan was successful. Trixie was dumbfounded at her crush’s brilliance, as her back knees buckled from the shock, forcing her to sit.

Pleading to herself to find a way out of this corner, Trixie’s horn lit up in a blue aura to try to take control of any of the cushions that surrounded her. It was impossible for her to overlap her blue veil over the pillow’s purple one. Watching her friend struggle to find a way out, Twilight thought she better end it now.

“Well, ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie, it looks like I win this fight. It was very fun for me! Thank you,” she beamed.

“What? Wait... No! Trixie hasn’t lost!” yelled Trixie as she tried once more to seek escape from her feathery prison. Her horn sparked and fizzed with no results. It was too late now, as the horde of pillows that surrounded her were closing in fast. With one final push Twilight smashed all the pillows together at once, causing them all to burst in a huge flash of white feathers. The remains of each cushion showered the room as the torn pieces of fabric touched the ground first, followed by the soft contents swaying back and forth above. A single feather landed on the top of Twilight’s nose. The battle was over.


Author’s Notes:

Okay, okay. Once again... Vyreinos kind of dropped me the idea of a pillow fight and my mind blew up in excitement. I couldn’t wait to write it and I had fun typing in every word. Just a bit nervous on how the actual fight will be reacted to (Being that it’s been a pretty light-hearted story so far, but c’mon! Pillows are light, aren’t they?) or how Twilight’s trolling would take. I honestly, truly liked what I was typing in. In retrospect, pillow fights are fun. I just wanted some action in mine, so I’m justified.

Who am I kidding? I’m totally getting a paddlin’ for that Dragon Ball Z move. Heck, I’d get a paddlin’ just for mentioning the name Dragon Ball Z. That’s a... That’s two paddlin’s, folks. Get to it.

I don’t know, what do you think, Trevor?

Erm... Trevor thinks that with how long it took him to proof this chapter, he’s willing to call it square, actually... But have fun with that paddlin ‘causeIgottagoBye! *Disappears in a cloud of smoke*