• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,374 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

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The First Chapter Where Trixie Is In A Library

Chapter 1 : Trixie Is In A Library

The story is going to continue now. For those who forgot the very last paragraph last time, Trixie had collapsed in front of a hollowed tree. In a bizarre and shocking turn of events, it turned out to be the house of Twilight Sparkle! The lavender mare heard the noise at her front door that was about a hundred feet away. She opened the door and there she saw Trixie lying unconscious... And nothing weird ever happened! Now watch in awe as I change the scene with just 3 little star things.


The Great and Powerful Trixie was feeling a bit odd. I mean, for days she walked around in the middle of nowhere and slept on the cold hard ground. Now she felt pretty comfortable and had something covering her starved body. It’s been mentioned a few times that she is pretty hungry. Pinecones may be nutritious but they're not exactly filling. The texture is also a bit... much. So it would be great if she could have a real meal soon! Hopefully the epically crafted foreshadowing doesn't give the next scene away. Trixie is still sleeping peacefully in some unowned bed in a house that doesn't belong to Twilight Sparkle.

You would think I'd have to wake her up again by breaking my own narrative wall. Somehow she wakes up on her own though. Eyes slightly open, the first thought that drifts into her mind is, 'Trixie must be getting too used to sleeping on rocks and grass. It feels more comfortable than ever!' Even in her thoughts, she speaks in third person. Which in this universe is called "third pony." As the showmare looked around eyes half opened, she began to notice that this wasn't the outside world. If you were to see things from her point of view, you would see... books. Shelves and racks full of nothing but books.

Trixie the Magnificent eyes widened when she saw the contraption she was snuggled in. She hadn't seen a bed for a good while. Her hooves scrambled downward as she sat up abruptly. This room was pretty tidy. Not a thing out of place. Like some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder pony lives here. Even her sheets were tucked in perfectly. The silver maned pony put a hoof up to rub her cheek. Despite waking up in some strange book place, she still noticed how her muzzle had dried drool on the right side. Her face contorted into an annoyed yet disgusted frown. Perhaps there was some sort of room where she could wash up.

She began to step down from the softest object she has laid on for weeks, began to yawn but immediately covered her mouth. Her surroundings were still unknown to her so she didn't want anypony to hear her. She wanted the chance to take a look around to calm herself down. You'd freak out too if you woke up and you didn't know where you were. She began walking silently around the room. Yeah, that injured hoof from last chapter? It got better. Anyway, she took note of the things she found. Another bed across from hers, books, a dresser chest, books, a small workshop bench with a large roll of parchment on top, books, a picture of Twilight Sparkle and other ponies she had encountered before. She had begun emphasizing with her thoughts on how the room had to have had one too many books. The showmare then had a spark of sorts.

The head of this bed maned mare bolted towards the picture she passed earlier. A picture of Twilight Sparkle? What was this dream she was having? Her face met with the end of her hoof in an attempt to wake up. Wake up, she did. In the same exact spot that she was standing in with the situation still the same. So she wasn't even dreaming to begin with. Seeing this braggart of a unicorn punch herself in the face was interesting though. Still this picture that sat nicely on the nightstand next to this other bed was curious. Whoever this home belongs to, they knew the Twilight Sparkle in the picture. Trixie took a minute to contemplate her thoughts. 'One of her friends? A lover perhaps?' She decided not to think of the latter. That would just ruin her week. Besides, there are other ponies in this picture. That should rule out the lover bit. 'Unless this pony had some sort of harem going on!' The mare froze in place.


Let's stop looking at this picture.

Her long journey of this barren room full of written texts ended at a flight of stairs. It looked like it went pretty far down. Dare she explore further and risk being seen like the mess she currently was? Well it would be such a bore if she sat there for most of the chapter. The warm blue coated unicorn began navigating down the steps. The opening to the next room was already in view. She could see the bottom of the stairway ahead now. This room seemed just as empty of life as the one she was sleeping in. 'Perhaps there's nopony home. Good. The Great and Powerful Trixie could use some time to freshen up,' she thought. A bit of relief came over her. Thankfully, the only pony she had really taken a liking to didn't have to see her like this. She didn't, but she did anyway. Twilight Sparkle came out from the left opening and saw Trixie in the middle of the stairway.

Isn't that just ironic? On second thought, you want to know what's more ironic? I don't know if you have thought of this yet, but you probably have. Trixie noticed the lavender mare of her dreams standing at the base of the stairs, then immediately began tumbling down these same steps. It wasn't even graceful tumbling. It was flat out prat falling! She reached the end of this incident on her plot with her head and front hooves bending over her back hooves. It looked like it really hurt, but this pony would live. The showmare's head tilted up, her eyes widening in amazement. There she was! The mare she had fallen in love with somehow, and had never forgotten in her mind. The Cute and Adorable Twilight Sparkle!

"A-a-are you alright?!" exclaimed the nervous but concerned unicorn.


Don't you love how I changed the scene right when they finally meet again? I'm really not sorry for it, either. I think at this time we should focus on Twilight's half of the story. Don't worry I won't keep doing this to you. But c'mon, I bet you are kind of wondering what she did when she found Trixie at her doorstep, right? Well perverted fantasies aside, you're about to find out! Going back to the same point from before, there was a collapsed pony resting at Twilight's hooves.


She felt as though she had seen this mare before. The color of the coat and mane were exactly the same as Trixie's, but the body shape looked too slim and the mane was a mess. An attempt was made to communicate with this motionless mare.

"Hey, are you ok?"

No answer. Either she was asleep or she died of starvation. 'Wait...' Twilight's thoughts had begun racing. 'What if this pony is dead?! What does this mean? Why is there a pony dead in front of my house? There's no way tha--' just then the presumed dead mare had shuffled a bit. This made Twilight jump back, 'A ZOMBIE PONY?!' Hang on, that's just ridiculous. She shouldn't jump to those kinds of conclusions. Everypony knows that there's no such thing. At least she'll realize soon enoug-- 'It's a zombie pony! It died and then came back to life! Now it wants to eat my brains! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!' So she freaked out a little bit and once more after that. Finally reality came and smacked her across the face. She noticed the mare's chest rising and falling slightly. She wasn't dead, nor was she a zombie pony. Twilight felt just a bit silly for thinking that way.

Using her horn of magical might, the front of this poor mare's mane was tossed aside. What she saw took her farther back than the whole zombie pony thing. There was no denying it now. This was the Great and Powerful Trixie. The pony that fled Ponyville after the attack of the Ursa Minor. The pony who still kept her ego thrusted forward after being bested by another. The pony whom had Twilight's heart ever since. The pony that was still lying on the doorstep, probably dying of starvation. I'm sure she's fine; just keep savoring your realizations and amazement over her soon to be corpse. Once Twilight snapped to for a second time, she figured that Trixie should be in a bed and not on the cold hard ground. With her levitation magic, Trixie was lifted up into the air. Did I say, lifted? I meant jerked. The lavender pony was too excited in lifting her delicate love. She jerked her up so hard she hit the top of the doorway. Twilight’s a smooth unicorn. In fact, she dropped her abruptly after that. Surprisingly Trixie didn't wake up from that. Though, it's not a good sign that she didn't.

Twilight lifted Trixie up gently this time. She softly brought her down and let her rest on her back. Having your crush lay on your back with their head next to yours is pretty awesome by the way. The bookworm could hear her love's soft breathing on her cheek. Heartwarming yes, but Trixie shouldn't be breathing that softly. That is supposed to be an alarming thing. Like her body is extremely weak and needs medical attention. Despite this observation, Twilight smiled sweetly at the knocked out mare on her back. Her stride across the room and up the stairway began. Strangely enough, she didn't drop the body back down the stairs. No, really, Trixie never fell from her back at all. Please don't expect the worst of a common situation. The light purple unicorn made it to the top of the steps and set Trixie nicely on the hardwood floor. With a bright glow from that horn of hers, she took one of her beloved books and blew it up into a normal sized bed. Nothing extravagant! Just a normal bed.

Trixie was lifted once again by a magical aura and rested her on the bed with ease. With the bed covers being thrown over her, the showmare held the end of the covers and snuggled in them. Twilight's eyes lit up at the sweet innocence and smiled sincerely. You could say it was an odd but strangely satisfying fan service for her. She hadn't seen Trixie in weeks and missed her very much. You could say that her obsession with Trixie was more than that. Remember how Twilight researched her feelings after running from this mare's brief magic show? Well don't forget how much time had passed since she ran from there. This striped maned pony came back to save the day when dusk had set. That means she was researching for hours in between on this subject. Not to mention the studying she did after Trixie's departure. Not a day went by that she lacked thought of this particular cerulean blue unicorn.

With Trixie on a much better surface for her spine, Twilight trotted happily back down her steps. In her (never shown canonically) kitchen, she started boiling up some Neighbell’s noodle soup. Yeah, that’s right. The Campbell’s brand is ponifed, too. Nothing is safe from these ponies. Continuing on, the soup didn’t take long to make. Just boil and have it simmer for ten minutes. As simple as making soup gets. Just don’t question where the soup came from or how it’s being boiled. Eventually, it was finished and smelled wonderful. With the soup ready and already in a bowl, Twilight set it on a tray and carried it back to the room where Trixie was asleep. She propped the showmare’s head up so she could spoon feed her the noodle/broth mixture. Using a spoon with her magic was easy… when she had to feed herself. Though she could bring the soup to Trixie’s lips effortlessly, the broth just didn’t go in like she wanted. It trailed on the sides of her face, making the lavender unicorn struggle to keep it up to her mouth. This task almost tired her horn out. She stopped for a moment to take a break. While thinking how exhilarating it is to feed the mare you love, she thought of something. A different method of feeding The Great and Powerful Trixie. Would she dare attempt this?

She quickly brought the bowl to her and slurped the soup she made. Still in her mouth and without gulping any of it, she cautiously approached Trixie. How is she going to be fed? Spitting in her face? That’s not very nice. Her face drew nearer to the silver-maned beauty. Oh, she’s going to feed her mouth to mouth. A less messy way, supposedly. Can she follow through? Short answer is no. Long answer is because of Trixie. Twilight’s lips almost graced her love’s half opened mouth and this fanfiction would have gotten a lot more views. The passed out mare on the bed somehow coped a cough right in her feeder’s face. This caused the latter pony to dart their head back and swallow the soup on reflex. The experiment was a failure and everypony was disappointed. Even you. Instead of simply re-attempting, Twilight went back to using the spoon from before. Luckily, this great and powerful mare liked the soup. Her body never rejected the soup or spat it back up. Her reflex to allow the broth down into her body seemed to work on its own. After the last spoonful was consumed, the utensil used was immediately dropped. This unicorn was exhausted from all that spoon feeding. It was a real test of endurance for her. She was glad she was able to do it, though, without the poor mare waking up.

With a triumphant smile on her face, she carried the tray and bowl away. Putting the dishes into her sink, she made her way back up to the bedroom. Upon entering the room, her eyes fell back onto the divine unicorn in her guest bed. Of course, Twilight had thought about just snuggling up with Trixie for the whole night. Although it would make this dream of having her here all the more better, there’s no way it would end well. It’s easy to imagine this braggart’s reaction to her arch nemesis sleeping in bed with her.


“W-wha? The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to know why Twilight Sparkle is touching her! Where is Trixie?! How did she get here?! What have you been doing to Trixie?! I command you to give her answers! Twilight Sparkle?!

Twilight SPARKLE!!!”


This would scare the average pony to the other end of Equestria, crossing their front hooves in a big X in that psycho pony’s direction. Though Twilight wishes her unrequited love to be returned, she finds a Pissed and Confused Trixie just as appealing. A combo to combat the other looks she has framed in her memory. If only this exquisite mare wasn’t lying so close to her bed. Then those never-to-be-mentioned-again magazines could come out from under her bed. At this point, she was too tired for such mature twists in the story. A good night sleep was right up her… alley. A climb and a drop, the lavender pony made onto her own mattress. Eyelids already growing heavy. The mare’s sleep was interrupted earlier by the showmare’s overdramatic pratfall on her doorstop. So getting back to her dreams was an easy feat. Her last sight was toward the bed on the opposite side of the room as she finally began to sleep.


The illumination of daybreak shone through the library windows. The Sparkles of the Twilight variety began to unsheathe the ‘lashed ends of her eyes. A dawn of tremendous destiny was upon this awoken striped mane unicorn. Her first step landed on the barren wasteland of clean cut lumber. A determined, heroic expression was made as this pony stared into the distance of her own bedroom. This is how all her mornings would start. At this precise, ridiculous high, no less. Since the rest of her day would be plain ol’ boring, she walked past the sleeping mare she shared the room with. Down the library stairs and into the aforementioned kitchen. She took out a package of flour, milk, eggs, and whatever else makes pancakes. If The Great and Powerful Trixie were going to grace her presence in this home, some sort of breakfast would have to be crafted. Luckily, for her ulterior motives, Spike wasn’t around. He left just yesterday to spend a lot of time with Rarity. So much time even, that he probably won’t make an appearance in this story. Isn’t that convenient?

Anyway, the pancakes were just about to be ready when a noise from upstairs could be heard. Knowing there is only one other living thing in this hollowed tree, Twilight knew that Trixie had awoken. She anticipated that the showmare would begin to yell and holler about her whereabouts. No noise like that ever came. The lavender pony made her way to the end of the stairway leading up to the bedroom. That’s when she saw something fall and roll towards her. She took a step back and that object landed in front of her. The Great and Powerful Trixie had fallen to this mare’s hooves. The grounded unicorn had shown her purple eyes to the opposite’s violet. Twilight, now realizing this love of hers just tumbled halfway down her steps, became concerned.

“A-a-are you alright?” She repeated for the second time in the story.


Trixie had just made a foal out of herself in front of the only mare she had feelings for. Rising up from the ground, she used her horn to dust herself off. Twilight put a hoof forward in attempt to comfort the poor showmare. Wait, “poor?” Is this… pity? Trixie could not stand the thought of being pitied. She abruptly backed away, looking almost insulted. She understood she was in a position that could easily be misinterpreted as somepony who needs help. The Great and Powerful Trixie, however, did not need such help. Physical denial, however, wasn’t enough for the lavender mare to understand this. She took another step towards the pony with the silver mane and expressed her concern in words this time.

“You took a pretty big fall there. Doesn’t it hurt anywhere?”

It seems like Trixie needs to convey her feelings towards this situation in words as well.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is quite fine, Twilight Sparkle. It would take 12 more flights of stairs to be able to cause the tiniest bit of harm,” She lied. Realistically, she ached all over. Not to mention she was still starving from yesterday. In fact she took a step towards Twilight after her reassuring comment and winced at the pain coming from her right front hoof. Guess that injured hoof has a mind of its own. This didn’t help the case the injured pony was trying to make. Twilight once again spoke to Trixie in a way that she couldn’t admit to liking.

“See! You are hurt. You don’t have to act tough for me, Trixie. Let me at least apply some bandage to that hoof!”

Trixie’s thoughts could now be read through putting apostrophes around them. ‘Darn this mare! As much as Trixie would like to be treated by her, she just can’t be shown this kind of pity! No, The Great and Powerful Trixie refuses to be shown this kind of pity!’ She opened her mouth again, this time more angry then before. Her pride wasn’t going to allow this.

“I do not require treatment, Twilight Sparkl—“she froze for a second with her hooves covering her mouth.

Somehow this love of hers had disarmed her illeism with only a few sentences. ‘What other powers does this unicorn possess,’ she thought. ‘Could she make me submit to her every will? Like a slave?’ Trixie was overanalyzing the striped mane mare. Twilight just wanted to help her; to show that she cares for the showmare. Trixie knows most of this but her ego is stopping her from submitting. This resulting in the lavender pony now being the pony who was hurt. This denial wasn’t going to help her condition. Twilight confronted the refusing mare.

“Don’t lie to me, Trixie! It’s obvious that you’re injured! I saw you make a face when you stepped on that hoof,” She pointed to the injured hoof. “And what’s more is that you look like you haven’t eaten a decent meal in weeks. Have you been living outside or something? What happened to you? Where did you go after you left Ponyville?” Twilight’s concern only grew. It never withered when Trixie was concerned. Speaking of which, that ego of this showmare is having zero effect on that lavender pony. Still she fought on.

“That is none of your business, Twilight Sparkle! I’ll have you know that The Great and Powerful Trixie is not only a masterful equine in magic but she has superb skills of survival!” There goes that boasting of hers. Too bad her stomach growled as soon as she finished speaking. This gesture may be involuntary but it spoke more truth than the cerulean blue mare could at that point. She had a regretful expression on her face now. She wanted to curse this loudmouth body of hers. What’s worse is that Twilight couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Though she tried her best to hold it back by put her hoof to her mouth. Trixie’s face spawned a slight red blush on her face. It grew with each giggle the laughing pony made. The showmare demanded this mockery ended. In the most embarrassing tone…

“T-that’s n-not funny! Stop laughing at T-Trixie,” cried the defeated mare. She had been beaten by her own body. Broken down by a small, simple noise. How long would this continue she thought. Not very long since a different event was entering the room. This event took the form of thick black smoke. It flew overhead, catching Trixie’s eyes at first. Forgetting all of what just happened, she pointed towards it in question.

“Why’s there smoke coming from there?” The direction of the showmare’s hoof was noted as Twilight spun around to find the origin. She knew the source all too well, however.

“Oh nothe pancakes!” Immediately after that, the mare ran back into the kitchen. She forgot she was cooking pancakes. She just left a few sitting on the skillet when she heard a noise coming from upstairs. Now they were burnt to a crisp! There was no saving this batch. She would have to just try again. Trixie approached the disappointed pony. She didn’t display the same pity that was shown to her, but instead took a realistic approach to the situation.

“Can’t you… just make more?” It was a simple question. It’s not hard to do. Just put more on the pan and forget about it. Twilight still found this hard to do. She doesn’t like seeing anything she does or create not go perfectly. Still, a loss is a loss as she tossed the burnt rejects into the trash. Still looking upset, she avoided Trixie’s eyes. The Keen and Perceptive Trixie could see quite well that her dream pony was getting more and more depressed. ‘Over a few burnt pancakes? This should be easy damage control,’ she thought. ‘How shall Trixie confront this situation?’ She pondered and schemed how to comfort her love. It was then, you could say, her heart got the best of her. Tapping her hoof on Twilight’s back, she managed to get her attention. The lavender mare was pulled into the showmare’s arms. A great redness flew over Twilight’s muzzle. Trixie hugged her tightly and whispered to her softly.

“It’s ok… it’ll all be okay.”

Then the hang was cliffed.


Author's Notes:

First a super special awesome thanks to one of my best friends (who wanted to remain anonymous) for helping me go through this mess and clean up all the horrible humor I used from the prologue. If anything I hope this chapter will serve as a step in the right direction. I still plan on revising the Prologue to make it less intrusive and try to save this story the best I can.

I really tried my best to improve and take my criticism into consideration. Seriously hope it paid off.

As for the story I do have goals that I'm trying to reach with the characters. I'm also trying to reference most of the Twixie fanfictions I've read for comedy's sake. I plan on executing that next chapter. Of course, i'll revise the prologue first. Hope some people will stay on board for the time being.