• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 15,375 Views, 399 Comments

The Fascinating Yet Obvious Twixie - DashXColt

A story where Trixie collapses in front of Twilight's house and nothing funny ever happens.

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The Second Chapter When They Eat Pancakes

Chapter 2: When They Eat Pancakes

With Twilight and Trixie reunited, they have not only burnt pancakes but also had a touching moment. This is a Romantic (Sometimes Random) Comedy, people. Now with this development, how will they react to each other? Y'know without ending the story in a cop out ending. I mean... you did want to see them get together, right? *sigh* I gotta be honest. I was only reading this for the plot...

Tomatoes are sold in the next room, folks.


The Quick and Comforting Trixie had pulled her lavender equine love into an embrace of sorts. She told Twilight that everything was alright and that the failed batch of food didn't matter. The showmare's hold on her tightened as her love for her grew even more. She had finally expressed her feelings in a circle of concern and ease. It was hasty, but in the end she wouldn't give up this feeling for the world. The hug was so great, in fact, that she took a while to notice the only thing wrong about it. Twilight Sparkle wasn't holding her back. She only let her hooves come around her and never returned the gesture. From Trixie's point of view, it looks as if her mare friend was stunned. As if this love couldn't be shown back because she didn't feel the same way. Realizing this, the silver maned mare let go and jumped back a bit. A bit of show'mare'ship should fix this error of hers.

"O-oops! Oh, Trixie is so s-sorry! She doesn't know what came over her there," performed Trixie. She thought her acting was perfect and that she had foaled Twilight Sparkle into thinking this was a mistake. Until she noticed the mare had not come back to life after being turned to stone. She was still frozen in place! Her eyes broadened, standing on one hoof (terrific balance by the way) with her other hooves straight as a board, and mouth slightly opened.

'Was the shock that great to her? Did Trixie really mess this up this fast?! Is she still breathing...?' Trixie pondered these thoughts with her head looking around the statue. Not one movement. Is she really that broken? Actually, she wasn't. In that stiff body of Twilight Sparkle was a mind that did not stop racing. It was a type of concentration that pulled her from this world and into her own. You could say that the hug proved too much for her, and you'd be half right. See, she really liked being held by the mare of her dreams. Loved it even! As Trixie deduced, however, something wasn't right. It wasn't the sudden impact of hooves against her back. Nor was it the sweet sound of her soft whispers into her ear. There was something else. This is why Twilight had little to no reaction. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it but there was something very subtle missing.

Still locked in position after Trixie let her go, the search continued. It should have been easy for this egghead to figure this out, but everything was happening so fast. The energy was stripped from her body and into her skull. Only her mind could move at this point. With so many thought processes happening at once, her sight became dark. That is until a small light penetrated it. A spark from her memory chains made a clink. At last the answer came to her. It was simple, almost obvious! How could she forget this one little detail is beyond her, but now her body is whip lashing back to normal at an alarming rate. The answer to the hug's slight oddity. The missing piece of the puzzle! Twilight's mind thought but her mouth moved instead.

"Where's the jasmine mint?" As she blurted it out, her body came back into motion. This had taken Trixie back a few feet, being that she was too busy trying to read the motionless pony up close.

"W-what?! What jasmine mint?! What are you talking about...?" If anything, this silver mane mare had thought she had ruined whatever they had going. A random outburst like that demanded explanation! I mean... after a full minute of looking comatose, this was the first thing she said? With that in mind, Twilight finally came to. She now remembers what was missing this whole time. The hug only stalled her mind for a moment. It turns out that jasmine mint was the lovely smell that only The Great and Powerful Trixie could produce. She noted it occasionally when she would breath in the showmare's hat and cape at night. How she loved that scent, but the problem still stood.

Why couldn't she smell that fragrance now? Twilight began to look at her unicorn friend over as if she were a specimen. Trixie watched cautiously seeing as she felt at fault and didn't want to make things worse. As the striped mane mare looked over this Slim yet Curvaceous body, she took note of what she saw. Her hooves still had traces of dirt and grass as if she had been living out in the pasture. The mane had several split ends which had bits of shrubbery intact. Finally, her body had their own marks of dirt, along with pine needles stuck around the front, and small samples of tree sap toward her rear. Ending this examination, this mare scientist took a whiff of these odors. It was just as she thought! For Trixie, however, it looked as if-- no she was basically sniffing around her butt. She replaced said rear with a glaring face.

"Do you mind?! Trixie's lovely posterior is not some flower you can jus--" She was interrupted by Twilight. Her observation came to an end. The results to say the least were... frightening for somepony like Trixie. If it were Rarity, she would just die.

"You stink..." she said bluntly. Trixie could feel the word "stink" jab her in the forehead, sending her head back.

"Really bad..." concluded Twilight. These words zipped at the receiver and rammed her stomach hard. Not exactly what she wanted to hear after she just put her heart into such a warmhearted hug. Twilight on the other hand felt horrible about saying these harsh words to the one she loves. Honesty to her future lover was important to her, though. In other words, tough love, baby! Still, she needed a way to make up for her truthful yet hurtful ways. An idea surged through her like lightning. This is perfect!

"Looks like you'll need to clean yourself up," she said. Still collecting her wits after the recent beating she took, Trixie had her guard down after hearing this. She had not been defeated so quickly before. Especially after just four words. Her defenses merely caved in response.

"Trixie supposes she doesn't have much of a choice..." gave in the blue unicorn. she wouldn't waste a moment longer now.

"Where is your wash room? Trixie must cleanse herself from this stench immediately!" She wouldn't have admitted that she smelled had Twilight not hammered it into her head. Her mind was calm now and she was ready to finally wash up. This was something she wanted to do in the first place. Before Twilight Sparkle was even a factor in it.

"Right this way, Great and Powerful Trixie!" Twilight began walking into the next room where there was a slight opening behind one of the many bookcases. The silver mane pony followed her love and anticipated the wonderful feeling of being clean again. Also it was an added bonus that her title was announced by her favorite mare in the world. What she didn't see was that the pony leading her into this crevice had an almost mischievous smile come across her lips. An evil plan was at hoof here! One that even Trixie The Magnificent won't be able to perceive until it's too late.

The duo walked into the washroom. The door was slowly closed behind them with an ominous air locked into the room with them. Over the following hour, there were noises of running water and discussions can be heard inside. While the outside was shown to be a normal day, there was nothing normal going on inside this hollowed tree. Back to the entry our characters had walked through a while ago, the sounds of pouring water ceased. After a brief silence, the door to the washroom slammed open. Steam clouds drifted slowly from the opening. Two silhouettes walked out peacefully without speaking. Nothing being said about what just happened nor would it be brought up again. No infamous shower scene here, either.


With that hushed event concluded, Twilight continued making that breakfast she started in the morning. Trixie only stood by and watched. She began to wonder. 'Trixie still thinks this is some sort of dream. How could she be here? In the home of Twilight Sparkle?' More importantly she thought, 'And she's even making Trixie breakfast... Is this really happening?' The question in her head was brought to her lips.

"Is this okay, Twilight Sparkle? Trixie, intruding in your home?" inquired the nervous showmare. At that time, the cooking mare was humming joyfully while flipping over one of the pancakes. She turned her head towards her guest. The smile on her face never leaving. With this being such a great day, how could she not be happy?

"What are you talking about? Of course it's okay!" Twilight beamed. She also had been wondering she was in a dream as well. 'I thought she would leave as soon as she got up. My heart would have just broke and be locked up for years. I'm so relieved that it turned out this way! Honestly, if it were up to me, I...' She faced Trixie to finish her thought, 'wish she would never leave.' A selfish desire to say the least but it's what she really wanted. With that, the last pancake was finished. The plates were set, the silverware in place, and the food took it's spot in the middle. Breakfast was ready.

"Ready to eat, Trixie? I made them just for you," with the same grin she had before. The cerulean blue unicorn couldn't decide what was better. Special attention from the mare that she has feelings for or the fact that she was finally going to put some real food in her stomach. She took a small moment to think about it, but there was no contest here! Any amount of attention from this adorable pony is worth ten times the pancakes she could eat. Not that she would really want that much portion of any food. Speaking of which, she had a nice stack of pancakes on her plate in front of her right now. 'Trixie hasn't had a real meal like this in weeks!' she thought. 'To have it made by Twilight Sparkle is a dream come true!' Trixie wanted this feeling to last. She sat there and stared at her plate.

Across the table, Twilight had finished cutting up her stack in bite sized pieces. She did this using that horn of hers, of course. Silverware wasn't made for hooves. Once finished, the fork and knife landed nicely on their respected sides of the dish. Her head tilted up to see a head looking over the other plate. She couldn't help but stare at her for this moment. The sides of her lips stayed up the entire time. Her stomach had a strange bubbly feeling when she looked at Trixie. A slight red hue began to appear on her cheeks. The object of affection she stared at for this long had lifted their head as well. Now her violets met the other's blues. The sudden eye contact suddenly made them both go crimson in the face. Both heads turned different directions without knowing the opposite's had the same movement.

The silver mane mare looked back at her food again. Whereas the lavender unicorn went back to looking at her. There was... an awkward silence between them. 'Was this the result of what I said earlier,' thought Twilight. The mind of this egghead better come up with something quick to say. It's starting to feel like they're two ponies in a photograph. Still staring at the showmare, she noticed that all she has done was just look at her meal. Ha! A conversation starter!

"Do y-you not like p-p-pancakes?" stuttered Twilight. She didn't know her mouth would move like that. It's as if The Great and Powerful Trixie responsive gaze had poked at her heart as she spoke. Still, it was a start.

"Oh, no! Trixie loves pancakes! R-really!" she stammered. Her speech was less shaky than the other's. Still you could tell that she was a bit uneasy. The last thing she wants is to lose that warm smile. Twilight was just relieved that some sort of communication was happening. Even after all that, the blue equine went back to keeping her eyes on her food. Agitated a little, the bookworm spoke up again.

"You can eat if you want to," began Twilight. "Like I said, I made this breakfast for you. You look... like you haven't been eating very much..." her concern for this guest returned. One thing she couldn't help but notice about this crush of hers is that she was very slim around the waste. Something else she noticed during the deleted shower scene was that her ribs were easy to recognize up close. 'Just what has this pony been doing for the past weeks after she ran away? Did she not have anywhere to go?' Twilight's pondering turned negative,'What if she really has been living outside? She could have gotten hurt... or worse!' Trixie then caught on to the mare pitying her again.

"Twilight Sparkle, does Trixie need to remind you again of how she has no probl--" she froze. Mouth unable to move to a syllable. Too choked up from what her eyes were showing her. That smile she didn't want to lose turned completely upside. What's more is that single drop of clear fluid ran down the cheek of that same frown. She could feel her heart strings being plucked in low key. 'Why?' she thought. The word kept blaring in her head. Her face turned to a mix of worry and shock. Twilight picked up on this and saw what she was doing.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Of course you can take care of yourself. Please don't mind me," apologized the teary mare. She wiped her face with a small napkin. Trixie just couldn't stand it.

"N-no I'm sorry, Twilight! You're absolutely right! I-I haven't had the best nutrition lately..." she admitted it. Towards the end of her last sentence, she grew quieter. That and her third pony speech wore off briefly. Having said what she did, she became at ease. Twilight, on the other hoof, was not.

"I knew it... Why couldn't you just admit it before? I know your reputation is important, but is it worth," she paused at the end. Knowing what the end of the sentence was, the showmare finished for her.

"Trixie's life? Of course not, but Trixie can't stand the thought of being pitied like some homeless mare. She knows Trixie is better than that!" she said with a calm, serious tone in her voice. Finally the striped mane mare understood the hostility that transpired earlier. She only lied to dispel any worry about her. It was noble, but foolish in her condition. Twilight focused on the "noble" aspect. With her head down, she decided to bury her resistance.

"I... understand. I wouldn't think of you like that, but I'll keep my worries to myse--" she almost finished with her statement, but Trixie cut her off. Sweetly cut her off. Meaning she said something nice.

"Thank you!" Trixie raised at almost of a yell. Twilight looked up with broadening eyes.

"Trixie really appreciates your hospitality! You have given her a bed to sleep on, helped Trixie clean the filth of several days off of her, and prepared this meal for her!" Trixie smiled in her honesty. A few drops were poured from her heart. Her chest felt lighter and her conscious is cleared for the moment.

"Your very welcome, Trixie. I'm very happy." the lavender mare beamed. That wonderful grin Trixie long sought for had returned. She responded with her own sincerity in her face. They both looked at each other with gleams of happiness. For a small moment, their hearts were on the same level. Both feeling as if helium had filled their bodies. Lifting them off into a endless, warm sky.

This was for a small moment, anyway.

To rudely interrupt them was a familiar sound. Trixie immediately blushed and her smile turned sheepish. That darn stomach of hers! Making a loud rumble like that. Way to ruin the mood! Laughter filled the room from both parties. This was sweet music echoing in each other's ears. Their tender moment may have been over but the good times are here to stay. Perhaps they could experience this again in the future. Which is guaranteed by the story's title. After their infectious chuckling settled down, silence befell them again. This time it wasn't an awkward one.

"Perhaps we should actually start eating. What do you think O' Great and Powerful Trixie?" Twilight slightly teased. She shouldn't feed the showmare's ego like that by calling her by her self proclaimed title. Lucky for her, Trixie's chest didn't pump her chest forward and upturn her head like a snob. Playing along seemed more appropriate, anyway.

"Oh, Trixie doesn't know. She thinks there's no harm in eating a meal gone cold," prodded the blue unicorn. This wasn't a cheap shot considering it was really her fault that the pancakes have gotten colder. Due to this, the lavender equine felt that it was easy to compromise.

"Twilight agrees," stated the mare. She dares mock Trixie? Why yes, she does. All that the played mare could do to react was to smile honestly at her. In her head was a similar story. If this pony were to start speaking in the same way she is, there might be a new level of sexiness to be reached here. In this case, she hoped that there would be more of this Twilight Sparkle down the road.


Twilight began to eat. She had good manners as expected of a librarian. Each forkful was taken with her lips and not her teeth. Which would make an irritating clink sound. Chewing with her mouth closed and doting the same with a napkin after swallowing. Trixie was impressed with her sudden grace and eating habits. On her end, she looked back at her plate. She noticed that the pancakes were stacked perfectly and not a centimeter off from the center of the dish. Strange coincidence that the table was set without anything slightly askew. Not much was thought about it as her eyes met with the stack again. The mare on the other side of the table saw that her friend was still looking at her food.

"You can eat too by the way. It's not like the pancakes are going to explode!" joked Twilight. Wait, did Trixie know that was a joke? She moved back, away from them with a look of anticipation. Then she immediately got it as shown by the serious look on her face.

"Nice try, Sparkles. Pancakes certainly do not explode under any circumstances," she said.

"Under any circumstances, huh? To prove you wrong, how about I make them explode with magic?" threatened Twilight. Had Trixie forgotten how much magic this mare actually knew? Better not tempt her.

"T-that won't be necessary! I'll eat them instead," she faltered. Once again, she was beaten by this equine. How many times did this make? Too many as far as she thought. Sooner or later, though, she would be the victor. Then she could see Twilight Sparkle's nervous face again. As her love went back to eating, she looked back to her food again. Bothering her was her stomach which has been begging for a sliver of edible food all day. No pine cones this time, fortunately.

The fork Trixie controlled by magic, sunk into the 4 unit stack of her breakfast. There was no way she could eat this so slowly. This energy was needed at this very moment. As soon as Twilight looked blankly in another direction, the starving unicorn stuffed the entire stack in her mouth. She struggled to chew and break it down as fast as she could before the wrong pony notices her. With cheeks the size of watermelons, she began to sweat a little bit. Carefully not swallowing any big pieces.

"If you eat like that, you'll choke you know," said the mare Trixie was trying to hide from. Mouth still stuffed to the brim, she hooked her head to the left. With her lips slightly apart, she covered the opening with the end of her hoof. How could she get caught displaying such bad manners? This was a once in a lifetime moment since her tummy just happened to be so empty. Regret could come later, however. First she needed to take down this cheek filled face of hers. Her teeth scrambled, ripping the pancakes to shred, and gulping them down pile after pile. Soon her mouth was emptied as she began to pant after such a workout.

"I hope you at least got to taste it," said a disappointed Twilight. A burp from the other side of the table followed. Could she be anymore embarrassed? Stomach growling is understandable with her condition, but burping? It wasn't ladylike at all. Even Applejack would lower a brow at that one.

"Please excuse T-trixie! She did not know where that came from. J-just forget Trixie ever did that..." begged the showmare. She stood up with her eyes gazing into her crush's violet irises, her face with the word "please" written on it everywhere. Twilight saw the word with no problem, but her eyes caught something even better.

"Hang on, Trixie. Don't move, okay?" she said as she stood up as well. A hoof forward in the direction of the other mare.

"W-what?! What do you mean don't move?! Is there something on my face?" spewed the freaked out mare. As Twilight moved in closer, Trixie backed up slightly out of reflex for her personal space. With a lavender hoof on her side, she could no longer move. She was paralyzed by shock and fear. Just what was this pony doing now?

"Just hold still, I got it," said Twilight so commonly.

"Got what?" retaliated the stunned equine.

"Stop talking for a second," coaxed the striped mane pony. There was nothing she could do. She struggled to make a move but her body wouldn't respond. Had she gone numb? No... her sense of touch was still there. Still, she could not even see what this mare was doing! Not even her neck responded now. What kind of magic did this unicorn do? Her horn doesn't seem to be glowing at all, but this must be some sort of spell! There's no way Twilight could subdue The Great and Powerful Trixie by mere contact! Yet she accomplished the same feat by 4 words earlier that day. Why wasn't she saying anything else?And then, suddenly, her ambitions became clear. Her eyes along with her body that was struggling had ceased any kind of attempt to move.


She felt a wet sensation on her cheek.

With the hold disappearing, the silver mane unicorn could begin to move her body again. The first movement was to whirl her head at the deliverer of that moist tingle on her face. Her face was bright red all over. What her eyes fell on was that of a smiling Twilight Sparkle.

"Got it!" she said innocently. It seems that only Trixie was the one still in the heat of the moment.

"W-w-why did y-you d-d-d--"

Trixie was stuttering out of control. Perhaps this coy bookworm had gone too far. It's almost if she had broken the showmare beyond repair.

"I'm sorry. I was just getting that speck of maple syrup. I didn't mean to scare you," assured Twilight. She was holding up some sort of napkin with a brown smudge on it. Once this caught the cerulean blue pony's eyes, her face went pale.

"So you only u-used that napkin t-to--" stumbled Trixie. Her body's movement came back pretty well but her jaw just couldn't recover here. Fortunately, Twilight couldn't grasp what this dazed mare was saying. She continued her explanation as needed.

"Yes, with this disinfectant wipe," she said. Her calm expression moved into an embarrassed one. This other unicorn, however, had her blood drained from her face just a second ago. Judging by her swirling pupils and light headed balance, the blood may have drained too quick from the shock. The Great and Powerful Trixie had been defeated before, even if it was just recently. And usually it would end with her standing there withstanding the blow. This time, Twilight has managed to knock her out.

This showmare was down for the count.


Author's Notes:

Phew! That one was a bit tougher than the last two to squeeze out. Probably has to do with the fact that I did it all in one day instead of half and half between 2 days. Sometimes you just need time to gather your thoughts and then try at it. I definitely did that but it just took me longer to do in one day since I kept working at it most of the time. Anyway, I hope this chapter turns out well for most of you. I'm a little worried about that serious part in the middle. I couldn't really fit any funnies into there and felt that situation needed to be resolved before continuing. Hope you guys like it!

I plan on taking these chapters to a Google Docs format and a possible submission to EqD. Though I think it kind of pales in comparison to every other fan fiction that got posted there. I mean, at least when they posted Spookshow Baby I was a little relieved. Not that it's a bad story or anything. I thought the concept more ridiculous than mine. I mean that in a good way.

By the way, I didn't have a prereader for this one. I kind of wish I had more than one prereader. Not too sure where or how to request for someone like that. It's kind of embarrassing to say.