• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 3,435 Views, 40 Comments

Changeling or Not - Lord Despair

Sometimes, all it takes to change how a whole country thinks is one man or pony

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The harsh light of the sudden teleportation spill stunned his eyes just as harshly, when newly named SgtMaj. Smokey could see again he found himself in an wide open forest clearing one he didn't recognize though it had little to done with him being an city pony no he wasn't much of an woodspony that was something below his unicorn station but even he knew the dangers of the wood. He took an moment to scan the surrounding forest only founding his goddess like Princess, her white coat an stark contrast to the dark greens of the wood, she was breathing slow and deeply as if enjoying the musky scent of the forest after an heavy rainfall....

Suddenly the sound of wing beats taunted the unicorn yet despite his best efforts he miserably failed in locating exactly where it was coming from in the woods. then an thousand more of the wings beats sang though the air as if informing him that they were surrounded by something.

''Princess w-what's going on?'' asked the unicorn visibly shaking ''w-where are we? why we are here the wood isn't an place for one such as yourself''

''Be silent my little pony... do not speak unless I order you to do so'' said Celestia coldly before giggle hauntingly '' this is an ancient place, one I had visited many times....''

''and you are still not welcome here Half-breed'' hissed an voice in the wood which was followed by what sounded like an legion of agreements and cat calls from some of the more heated voices all of them thrown in the white Alicorn's diction before the first voice sounded off again '' This place is ours, return to your city... we kept our end of the pact you should hold yours!!!''

''WH- '' started Smokey but an quick bone breaking magical punch from Celestia reminded him not to speak unless told too. Tears rolled down his face as he cradle his right foreleg, the one that Celestia struck.

''Ah Midnight Glide I wonder how long it would take you to notice us in the Wing and Claw Clan's territory '' said Celestia. " what took you? I've expected you to show up two minutes and forty five seconds earlier."

" The clan will show when it wants to show." said another voice in the woods. " be sure to remember that half-breed."

At mention of the clan, Smokey gulp heavily in fear, the knowledge of the Wing and Claw Clan was one of the most closely guarded secrets of Equestria just hearing a single crumb about them was enough to throw in the deeps of the dungeons. The Clan is just as old as Equestria itself and very dangerous to the Equestrian way of life, the clan was made of renegade winged supremacists, they believe that any thing born with wings were superior those those that lived on the ground. They were an threat to Equestria's promise of harmony and to unicorns like Smokey, the nature enemy of the unicorn tribe who often and rightfully so protected superiority of the unicorn race in all things.

Smokey felt like running away yet he knew that if he did then he would be killed either by Celestia's hoof or by the clan. He didn't knew which was worse, he already knew that sooner or later he would be indeed killed just like Dusty was and if he wanted to live then he would have to do everything Celestia asked of him. Thus he stayed quiet despite his seeing of yellow flashing of eyes in the woods surrounding him and Celestia.

''What brings you here this time? growled who Smokey believed to be the leader of the renegades, Midnight Glide. He had heard of Midnight from the older guards, a truly massive bat pony who stood almost tall as the missing Princess Luna despite not being an Alicorn himself. " you have some nerve to show yourself here after what happen last time, the attempted domestication of your so called sister... we lost an whole company before she disappeared in the wilds and you come here so undefended as well? please forgive if any of us puts a dagger in your back."

"I have a job for the clan" says Celestia darkly "one that is befitting for the clan's many talents."

"A job..." the voice said sounding as if licking their lips " do you have the gold?"

"Yes, yes I know your price six bags of gold and free reign to 'liberate' foals from their 'vile' parents'' said the solar princess with a completely straight face, not bothered by the fact that she was allowing the clan to kidnap her beloved subjects. Which left the new SgtMaj. to question the mind of his liege yet he was too much of an coward to say something about it. " but I think you would very much rather have an pony from the house of Justice "

slowly ponies and other creatures left the shadows of the woods revealing themselves for the first time since the meeting started, Smokey shiver heavily at the sight of them, they are bigger then any other ponies he had sight before that and before them laid a beaten dragon in chains. ".... we're listening" said an massive bat pony with Alicorn sized wings.

"oh yes that's right the clan has a grudge against that family, " said Celestia this time with her motherly smile " after all it was them whom betrayed you to me but that is all ancient history, an couple of my guards who is being lead by one Bright Justice had turn renegades and free an changeling mare...

Author's Note:

sorry very short chapter