• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 3,435 Views, 40 Comments

Changeling or Not - Lord Despair

Sometimes, all it takes to change how a whole country thinks is one man or pony

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Blueprints part one

Author's Note:

Heres the first chapter since I took over the story...........the chapter is petty much me continuing where BBQ had left off so one half is his old work the other half is me. I hope I did my part well enough to keep the flow going......

“Baah! That won’t work either!” Bright grumbled to himself as he studied the blueprints to the castle dungeon. At first, Bright thought that it wouldn’t take much to break out of that dungeon on account of it’s size and simplicity.

But as he got more deep into the progress of the plan, the dungeon seemed to be more complicated than thought. WIth hidden vents, chambers, and the confusing and twisted way the cages were organized, it became more harder than it should’ve been.

Bright took a bottle of whiskey and his shot glass. He poured a small amount and quickly shot back the bitter liquid. Bright wasn't much of a drinker, but when he had to work late on paperwork or just to make harder jobs at work a bit easier.

He glanced at the blueprints and the schedule for the other guards he worked with. His first worry was Smoke Bomb and the possibility of him ruining the plan and turning him in. However, when he checked his schedule, he was pleased to learn that his shift during the time of the breakout is gate duty for the main gates of the castle; Bright would be in the clear of that bastard.

As Bright began planning out another plot to breakout Hivie, he felt his eyelids get heavy. Knowing that this was the first sign of falling asleep, Bright settled with what he had schemed up and began to walk over to his small bed.

Bright didn’t live in a large house. He technically didn’t own a house. He lived in a guard's room within the royal palace.

Finally laying down, it didn’t take long for Bright to fall asleep.


Bright’s eyes snapped open as he found himself bound to a chair. Leather straps keeping his hooves to the arms of the chair. He tried moving his wings, but soon discovered that they were bound together with rope. Hoping that his hind legs were untied, he moved them too. But was disappointed to find them bound down.

Giving up, he took this opportunity to look over his surroundings.

It was dark, all he could see was a single light dangling from the ceiling, and a row of chairs in front of him.

It was quite, no activity at all until he heard hoofsteps. As the hoofsteps got closer, he was shocked and horrified to see Smoke Bomb walk up to Bright. He whispered something inaudible and got into a straight standing position. He then said, in a chilling echoed voice,

“Bright Justice. Electricity shall now be passed through your body until you’re dead. May Celestia have mercy on your soul.”

As he finished up his chilling sentence. Another stallion walked up to Bright carrying a wet sponge in one hoof, and a black hood with a part of the top cut out. As the stallion got closer, Bright was able to get a good look at the stallion.

It was Cloudy.

Bright tried calling out for Cloudy to tell him what was going on, but he was unable to talk.

He tried to talk but was halted by the black hood that went over his head, taking away his sight. He then felt the damp sponge be placed on his head. The only place the hood didn’t cover. Then a cold, metal bowl like object be placed atop the wet sponge and his head.

After the metal bowl was secure, some time passed before Smoke said one more thing.

“Roll on two!”

A surge of energy began to surge through Bright’s body as his head began to spasm. After some time, Bright felt himself go limp. He then heard whispering. The whispering of Smoke that said,

“Je vous ai dit que vous auriez à brûler”


Bright shot up into a sitting position. His head forehead was sweaty and his mane was damp with sweat. He was breathing heavily and he was wide eyed.

‘What am I getting into!?’ Bright thought to himself. His head snapped to his workbench where the blueprints, the schedule, and a small alarm clock sat.

He looked at the clock to learn that it was going on 4 AM. Just an hour until he had to clock in for work. As he rushed to get ready for guard duty his mind also raced for any ideas to save Hivie till at the last minute inspiration buck him in the face, warping his mind around the idea an mad smile grace his muzzle, ''This......just might work after all.''

An hour later in the locker rooms

''..............any questions Cloudy '' whispered Bright in an very shush tone, one of his ears laid back listening out for the other guardponies despite them beaning alone

''T-tha-at's i-i-i-it '' whispered the red Pegasus colt nervously '' that's your plan...........no Bright, it's-it's too risky what will happen if-

''Cloud'' said Bright shoving an hoof into Cloudy mouth shunting the red pegasus up ''Listen to me Cloudy the only thing bad that would happen would be Hivie going six feet under if we fail to save her from this place, anything else would help us make the escape....Bright then removes his hoof from Cloudy's muzzle his face morph into one of desperation and need .......it's our job to keep innocence safe right?.... so will you help me in this my friend?''

Try as he might Cloudy just couldn't say no may be it his own consensus and/or the fear of letting his only friend down gulping hard he said yes of course this helps Bright's look of desperation resort back to normal plus an smile on his friends lips, the first smile he had seen since Hivie was brought in. The dark blue muscular stallion pulled the smaller red colt into an sudden gentle embrace whispering thank you into his ears. The hug ended as soon it began with the two stallions separating coughing to clear their throats mentally vowing to never to speak of the strangely nice hug again.

''Okay with then that over'' said Bright awkwardly before changing the subject ''Let's go over the plan once more before we go though with it''

"I may not like the plan but I can improve upon it'' said Cloudy before whispering into his friend's ear with each word Bright's smile widens like a foal on hearts warming day. He should've known that Cloudy should of been the one to come up with the plan while his plan was already good, yet according to what cloudy was saying he evidently left out a lot of the details. Once Cloudy finished his improvements the red colt asked ''Did you get all that Bright?''

''Yeah I did Cloud'' replied Bright with a nod

''D-do you-you understand what to do'' said Cloudy nervously his glasses fogging up due to his nervous ''You do realize once we do this there's no coming back everything we ever work for......our very dreams will be lost if we save Hivie''

''Yes'' said the muscular stallion giving Cloudy a leveled look ''I'd rather give up being a royal guard to save Hivie than knowing that I was willing let somepony die a death they don't deserve.....you and me both know that either of us can't live with that guilt''

Cloudy shakes his head agreeing with his friend's assessment ''See you in an hour''

''See you in an hour '' smirked Bright turning away from the crimson colt his sky-blue and white mane dangling down the back of his neck leaving the locker room to play his part of the plan. After watching Bright left Cloudy as he brushed his light brown mane out of his eyes, idling, wondering of what he had gotten himself into but Bright did have a point, the both of them couldn't live with knowing that they let Hivie die. Even if it went against Celestia's wishes they swore an oath to protect all who dwell in Equestria that included the Changeling Hivie as well. ''I hope that plan works Bright I really do'' as Cloudy began to leave to do his own part ''cause we're living on an prayer''