• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 3,427 Views, 40 Comments

Changeling or Not - Lord Despair

Sometimes, all it takes to change how a whole country thinks is one man or pony

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Innocence Behind Bars

Finally Bright, Smoke, and Dusky got back to the palace. When they landed near the front gates, everypony including the guards cheered for the three stallions for capturing the changeling. Bright was surprised to see Cloudy cheering along with the crowd, but Bright gave a sad and the 'not now' kind of face which confused Cloudy; wasn't Bright happy about capturing the changeling?

Dusky and Smoke dragged the changeling as they walked while Bright barely lifted his hooves as he slowly trudged behind them.They entered the main hall that was bustling with royal guards, scribes and butlers, and some janitors here and there. When they reached the throne room they weren't surprised when they found Celestia perched upon her throne. The giant room is shiny with a glimmer of gold in each corner of the room. It smelt of the most expensive perfume, and very fancy foreign incense. A bright red carpet led the way to Celestia while on her throne.

Bright, Smoke, and Dusky walked that carpet to Celestia who in the beginning was smiling her gentle royal smile, but when her gaze fell upon the changeling in Smoke and Dusky's arms, her smile deteriorated and turned into more of a serious and menacing one.

"Your highness, earlier today we received a notice that this changeling has been spotted outside of the Everfree forest. Pvt. Smoke was able to subdue her while she tried to rush him." This news shocked Celestia, she didn't care how Smoke was able to apprehend the changeling but why the changeling was out in the first place.

"Was there more?" She asked in a stern and concerned voice.

"None that we could report your highness, but my studies to show that female changelings only stay in the villages or camps they live in and must not le-" Smoke was interrupted by Celestia.

"I know the rule of female changelings Pvt. What I want to know is why she was there in the first place." Celestia said starting to sound annoyed.

"Maybe she was trying to attack somepony but failed, that's probably why she's injured." Smoke said but Bright was quick enough to correct him.

"Highly unlikely, female changelings are never supposed to leave villages or camps correct? Then why did this one leave? I think she didn't leave, and she was probably purged from her camp or village. That's also probably why she's injured because maybe her village or camp attacked her. Changelings are known for their violence towards one another if on broke the laws of the village." Bright didn't learn much from the academy but he did learn a lot from his changeling studies; he did have Cloudy's help on that subject so that's probably why he knew it so well.

"Thank you for the information Pvt. Justice but we're here to hold a trial, not trade theories. This is a serious matter! If there are more changelings near by in the everfree then sooner or later they will try to attack Ponyville. We must send a search party to look for more of them to make sure they're not going to attack." Celestia exclaimed making Bright shudder with fear at the sudden volume of her voice.

"Now, on to the situation at hoof." Celestia looked towards the changeling who was awake but still looked very weak and hurt. "Tell me your name changeling."

A long pause, then the changeling replied weakly but clear as crystal.

"H-Hivie, my name is Hivie."

"Hivie, you are sentenced to death by hanging come this winter. How do you plead?" This sentence made Bright nervous, winter was only five weeks away. He had to think of something fast. Before Hivie could respond Bright exclaimed.

"Your highness, I believe this changeling, Hivie is innocent and has done nothing wrong or has broken any Equestrian laws. The only law she seemed to have broken is trespassing on Equestrian soil which is not a death sentence and is only a fifty year sentence to the dungeon." Bright said with determination stuck on his face.

"Maybe if you were to think before interrupting maybe you wouldn't sound like a fool Pvt. Justice! The law has changed, now if any changelings trespasses on Equestrian soil they are automatically sentenced to death as soon as possible. Now please keep your outbursts to yourself!" All the determination left Bright's face and was replaced with embarrassment and shame.

"My apologizes your highness." Bright said with a bow.

"You are forgiven, now back to you Hivie. How do you plead?" Hivie stared at Celestia with angry yet sad eyes and said,

"Onskuldig jy wat!" Celestia's eyes widened with shock.

"Take this scum to the dungeon so she can wait for her demise! First get her to the dungeon medic to get her wounds bandaged and treated." Celestia commanded. Smoke and Dusky left carrying the changeling to the cells leaving Bright alone with Celestia. "As for you Pvt. Justice, I hope you learn to hold your tongue while I sentence a criminal."

"yes your highness, it'll never happen again." Bright said with a bow.

"It better now, it would be a shame if I had to make another guard homeless for not obeying my orders." Celestia said in the same calm tone she always had, which for Bright made it even more intimidating.

"Yes your highness." he replied trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"Now, report to your post in the death cells." Celestia demanded.

"yes your highness"


Bright slowly made his way to the holding cells of death row where he saw Cloudy taking his space.

"Hey Bright, hey! Hey I'm talking to you!" Cloudy said trying to get Bright's attention but was failing at doing so.

"I-I'm sorry Cloudy, look go do your next shift I got it covered from here." Bright said depressingly.

"Dude, what's wrong? I noticed you looked more sad when you came back with Smoke and the Sarge."

"Look, it's about the changeling. I think she's innocent and I just feel guilty OK? So please just do your city rounds I'll catch up to you at lunch break." Bright said patting Cloudy on the back to get him out of the small room.

"Alright champ, let me know what happened later okay?"

"Sure thing bud." Bright replied trying to smirk a little but was having a hard time, he kept remembering Hivie's face of pain and sadness that needed him. He felt as if he failed his duty as a royal equestrian guard, he denied another living being's plea for help; a plea for forgiveness. All he did in return was look away and ignore the poor changeling.

He looked around the small room that was cornered by cells and cages all around the larger stone room. He saw murderers, rapists, and drug dealers all having something in common leaving Hivie to be the only one without that similarity.

Being innocent.

Hivie's cell was right across from Bright's office that had a giant fiberglass window so that he could see all of the prisoners with Hivie being the one he first sees when he looks out the window. Guilt would quickly course through his veins every time he saw her stone cold stare, he couldn't take it anymore he had to come up with some way for this changeling to stop looking at him like that. So the next day when his cell shift began, he waited until every guard left before talking to Hivie, if he were caught talking to Hivie it would be the tree of death for him by sunrise.

When the coast was clear he finally encountered her cell. When he got a better view of this changeling he realized that her wounds and bruises were still open. Then he realized that she never got medical attention. He rushed back to his post and grabbed the first aid kit. He then rushed back to the cell all while Hivie was sleeping.

He slowly got close to the cell with the medical kit under his wing.

"Changeling, hey changeling!" He whispered loudly. She made small moments until she finally woke from her slumber. She slowly looked up at Bright who was only staring at her.

"I have a name pegasus!" She exclaimed

"Sorry, uh Hivie is it?" Bright asked.

"Yes, what is it pegasus? Come to beat your prisoner?" Hivie said in an annoyed tone.

"Um, no no Hivie. Actually I'm here to do the exact opposite." Bright replied with a nervous chuckle. He presented the small medical kit from his wing. He could see her face turn from an annoyed and suspicious one to a slightly hopeful yet still suspicious face. I put the small kit to the front of the cage and slid it between the bars. When it dropped to the cell floor Hivie scrambled to get it. She quickly opened it and pulled out the bandages and gauze.

Bright watched Hivie work on her damages. She patched herself up at almost a pro level. Bright watched in amazement as Hivie bandaged herself with quick and careful finesse.

"How did you do that?" Bright asked still in amazement. Hivie feeling more comfortable with Bright answered,

"I was a medical nurse in my community. Or, I used to be anyway." She said with sadness growing on her face.

"What do you mean by that Hivie?" Never would Bright think that he would be peacefully talking to a changeling. While being in death row at that.

"I don't think I wish to tell you. I thank you for the medical equipment but please leave me be." Bright was disappointed but he understood why Hivie didn't want to speak to him. Even though he had helped her with her wounds, he still knew that Hivie was still somewhat angry at him.

But one thing still lingered in the back of his head, Hivie still had to go take her death sentence and if Bright didn't do anything now, he would let innocence die.

It was his job to keep innocence safe from any harm.


The next day Bright did his normal routine, first was door duty, then street walking, then finally cell guarding. Surprisingly the day went by pretty fast and well. But when he got to the cell position he found a note on the table in the office. He picked it up and it read,

List of prisoners who will be executed this coming Spring.

Leather Bondage

Blade Edge

Tasteless Wine

Hivie Tak' Mashar

and Sharp Feather

Bright nearly screamed at Hivie's name. She didn't deserve to be on this list, she didn't deserve to be in her dark cell at all. Bright had to do something, but what? What could one Private do to help a changeling? Most ponies would say it was impossible but Bright was known to not give up so easily.

Bright quickly took the note and rushed to the throne room to ask the princess to hopefully grant the permission to release Hivie from prison. As he assumed Celestia was sitting on her throne looking graceful yet stern as she always does. He quickly trotted to the front of the throne and saluted while saying,

"Your highness I have just received a note informing me that a prisoner by the name of Hivie the Changeling will be executed in less than a month. I am here to propose that she is innocent and does not deserve to be on death row nor be in prison in the first place!" He said in his serious military tone. His wings shuffled with nervousness as Celestia's gaze fell upon him. She looked more at peace and calm than before when she first saw the changeling.

"I see, Private have you encountered this changeling at all during you shifts in the cells?" Bright was nearly about to throw up. His stomach felt weak, his legs and hooves were like pudding and his stature nearly faltered. Was he really willing to lie to his ruler and princess for just one changeling? Was it worth it?

"No your highness, I have kept my distance from the prisoner in question."

"Of course, please continue your idea of letting this changeling go free." She said still with a calm tone.

"Right, um I believe that this changeling has done nothing wrong in the beginning of all these events. So I propose that she shall be set free back to her land." Celestia only stared Bright right in the eyes. Bright felt smaller and more weak with the princess practically staring into his soul.

Suddenly her horn began to glow making Bright nearly flee in fear from the throne room. But as hard as he tried he couldn't move. He quickly looked back at the princess who looked more angry and godly than usual. Bright cowered in fear as it got brighter and brighter. Finally what seemed quick and painless he dropped back down to the ground feeling weak and limp. He struggled to get up it felt as if he just flew 200 laps around Equestria itself.

"Wha-wha-what, did, y-you d-do!?" Bright asked with fear and weakness staining his voice. His whole body was shaking and felt tingly inside. He was lacking in air and his vision was blurry.

"Protection spell private. I feared you would come under that changeling's spell as soon as she entered that cell. So for your safety you will no longer hold that shift, instead you will continue with street walking. Believe me private, it will be for the best."

Bright didn't have the strength to object, but he did have the strength to think of a plan. So as he got up he decided to roll with what she had just done.

"Oh, thank you your highness! That blasted changeling took my mind from me! Last thing I remember I was just making sure she wasn't scamming to escape. That's when everything blacked out! Oh I thank you my princess!" Bright was putting up the best act he could, he was never ashamed of the fact that when he was in high school he was the top performer in his acting class.

Celestia only chuckled and grinned.

"You are welcome private. Since you are so grateful you have earned the rest of the day off to relax and... Come back to reality."

Bright bowed his head and began walking out of the throne room. As he walked out blew air of relief as he wiped the nervous sweat from his head.

"Thank goddess that worked!"