• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 3,435 Views, 40 Comments

Changeling or Not - Lord Despair

Sometimes, all it takes to change how a whole country thinks is one man or pony

  • ...


Outside the cells

After being reminded about the 'Batpony coffee' Bright met up with a nervous Cloudy just outside the cell block, their follow guards haven't suspected a thing. The dark blue stallion deduced that their so far success had been only luck and the other guard's disbelief in that fact the dungeons are outdated and the idea that no pony would turn traitor in Canterlot of all places.

''Psst Cloudy,'' he whispered while keeping a look out for the other guards. ''Do you got the goods?''

''Gah! not so loud Bright are you trying to get us caught! '' whispered Cloudy sternly despite his nervous twitch. ''Yes I have the goods but have you taken care of the coffee yet?''

''It been taken care of'' Bright whispered back. ''You're ready for the next phase?''

Cloudy sighs ''Ready as I'll ever be Bright...'' Bright nods in understanding Cloudy was never the bravest pegasus out of the two yet while himself was the brave one, Cloudy was always the smart one. Without further words needed the two pegasi walked calmly into the depths of the cell block forever sealing their fate by opening the door of first cell they passed releasing the scum of the Equestrian empire, out of the shadows of the cell a green unicorn with a knife for a cutie mark steps in the torch light, he gives the two Ex- guards a predatory insane grin before silently thanking them for new freedom. The unicorn stallion quickly disappears in the gloom of the dungeons. Cloudy still shivering fearfully from that crazed smile opens another cell this time the inmate didn't show themselves a loud snore rattles the cell bars the red colt nervously looks to his partner with a small whimper as if to tell him there no way he'll would go in there.

With a sigh Bright enters the cell eying the sleeping pale mare with a dragon tattoo on the side of her face once he amuse that he was far enough in the cell to escape, he quickly smacks the sleeping mare's flank as soon the hoof meet the clearly feminine rump Bright flew out of that cell like he had wings on his hooves followed by a very pissed earth pony murderess screaming pervert at the top of her lungs. As Bright galloped for his life with the mare on his tail, Cloudy struggling to keep from laughing at his friend's predicament went to open to the next cell.

Hivie's cell

Hivie's pov

Nervously I paced in my cell, worry filling my heart worry for my friends.

'No I am a Changeling for Chrysalis sake! I shouldn't worry for Celestia's ponies they never helped us then why should I worry for some Chrysalis damned ponies!'

'Because those two guards Bright and Cloudy are your friends that why you worry, it's not for the other ponies but for it's them.' Said both my mind and heart in council.

I bite my lip at the words my mind used, one part of me was right I'm only worried for my friends yet out of the corner of my eye I see a green unicorn with a crazed grin leaning up against the bars of my cell

''What do you want Blade Edge?'' I asked in disgust for the unicorn I had the story from the other inmates about the green unicorn, the word was that he killed and ate his own wife and two fillies after he was replaced as the royal blacksmith by a younger colt named Tree Cutter. He too was killed before the guard finally caught him.

''Besides wanting a taste of you? Ms. Tak' Mashar?'' Said the stallion licking his flat teeth at the thought of getting a taste of Changeling flesh "I figure that you would want to know that your coltfriend and the red bitch as been very naughty little colts....very naughty indeed.''

''What!?...I don't have a boyfriend!'' I said indignantly. ''What are you going on about Blade?''

''Heh heh I don't know about that one Ms.Tak' Mashar...'' teased Blade Edge before his grin fades into an serious glare. ''But you friends dead meat that I do know for sure.''

At Blade's glare I found myself retreating into the shadows of the room, with a gulp I quickly put a stop to that I am Changeling ponies are supposed to fear me! Not the other way around ''What make you say that Blade? Are they in trouble?"

''Trouble?'' Blinked the green stallion ''Honey, trouble is the least of their worries... Now that I think about it, why haven't you asked me why I'm not in the pin yet?''

I blush at my obliviousness to the fact he was right I haven't question that fact he was free but that blush falls away as realization hits me. Bright

"They let you out, didn't they?''

''Indeed my dear.'' Said Blade with his crazed grin in return ''Indeed your boyfriend and his red he-bitch are opening the cells as we speak, but it's funny why would two guards would risk their lives and Celestia's wrath by freeing a brunch of 'deadponies'. Would you have anything to do with that Ms. Tak' Mashar? After all they did spend a lot of time with you.''

I don't give the insane pony an answer. I couldn't really, the worry for my friends overwhelmed my remaining senses as images of what could happen fill my head everything from them joining me at the executioners ax to Celestia's grinning muzzle as she placed memory charms and them forcing them to forget me before ordering them to kill me. But there was a small warmth in my heart at that fact they were willing to sacrificed everything thing they ever known for me. A Changeling.

I truly had no words for such nobility, I soon found a blush upon my face.

''Hmmm, I take your silence as a yes'' giggled the mad unicorn. ''You have my thanks then. Tell your friends that Blade Edge the Cannibal wishes them luck. Now if you would excuse me I think that pink night guard sleeping over yonder is calling my name''

I remain silent as the green unicorn disappears back in the gloom with Blade's words my mind had cease with the images of death but they were place with others. Each one different then the last yet the last of these images was a smiling dark blue pegasus stallion whispering into my ear

''I told you that I'd free you Hivie.''

I felt a smile grace my lips at the words ''Yes you did Bright.''

In the cell block

Bright's pov

After getting away from the sole murderess in the dungeon Cloudy and me continued with freeing the many murders and other criminals. Freeing them was my least favorite part of the plan. Unlike Hivie they weren't innocent many of them were guilty of numerous crimes while Cloudy had assured me that they were only being released to keep any guards off of our tails so we could escape Canterlot with Hivie. I still felt some of my guard teachings trying to derail the plan but I quickly reminded myself that we were doing this to protect an innocent from the executioner's axe.

Each of the newly freed inmates quickly faded in the the dark of the gloom no doubt seeking certain guards for pay back or looking for the way out of the dungeons they aren't going to get too far if they do leave the dungeon by the main doors where elite guards with gryphon styled bows waited as the last line of deference if a escapee did have an army backing them.

''Cloudy.'' I said calling for the red colt as we approach the cell holding another nameless murder, ''I believe that we have enough freed ex-inmates to hold up the guards for days. Let's free Hivie and get outta here!''

''O-okay Bright t-this is the last one before we get Hivie'' said Cloudy with his nerves starting to get to him again '' w-w-we s-should have e-enough k-k-k-killers, r-r-rapist and thieves running a-about.''

''Yeah.'' I said with a frown we had freed exactly thirty five inmates representing almost all of the races on the equestrian continent ponies of each tribe; gryphons; diamond dogs; the sole Minotaur in Canterlot, Centaurs, and Donkeys. Lucky we didn't come across a dragon. Yet I couldn't help to wonder why the Canterlot dungeon held such a collection of species, what have they done to deserve to be in the dungeon in the first place? Buck many of them couldn't even speak Equish! Just what is going on in the empire, that we are imprisoning citizens from other nations? Had Celestia gone mad if the other leaders knew that we had their citizens in an Equestrian prison, the long peace we had enjoyed would be destroy in the fires of war.

Skipping the next few sleeping inmates we made our way to Hivie's cell yet we had to be careful and watch the gloom for the escapees despite my wondering about them and why their were here, many of them were still killers that could turn on us. once we came to Hivie's cell to our surprise she wasn't asleep but she was waiting for us with a blush on her face.

'Hm, now I think about it she's very cute when she's blushing.'

''Bright! Cloudy! Oh I've been so worried about you! Blade Edge told me everything on what's going on in the prison.'' said Hivie in a worried tone. ''He told me what you were risking to help me.''

''It doesn't matter what we're risking Hivie, I told you that I would free you and I meant it!'' I said while opening the cell door while Cloudy was watching my back. Just in case

''But-'' Hivie attempted to say with her blush burning a bit brighter.

''N-n-no flank, Hivie i-i-it dosent matter what we're r--risking w-we could never live with o-ourselves if we left you h-here!'' said Cloudy keeping his watch on the dungeon's gloom. ''Besides your our f-friend.''

''Really you really think of me as a friend?'' asked Hivie hopefully with tears threatening the corner of her eyes.

''Of Course you are Hivie ''I said as the lock on the door sounded off with a click, opening the door I was tacked to the ground by an emotional Changeling mare hugging me tightly with a tear falling down on her face.

''Thankyouthankyouthankyou'' she joyfully repeats as I attempted to breath ''Thank you for being my friends''

''Hivie, let him breath mare'' said Cloudy taking his eyes off the gloom. At his words Hivie's blush burn like the sun with embarrassment as she instantly let go of my neck finally allowing me to breath.

The sound of a alarm echos in the deep of the dungeon.

''Buck'' I swore as scramble to my hooves ''Nopony said anything about an delayed alarm!''

Cloudy's pov

Pure panic dominated my being. No, no, no, no, NO! there shouldn't have been an delayed alarm! That wasn't in the blueprints!. This unfortunate development completely ruined my prefect plan to get Hivie to safety! The alarm surly would attract the rest of the guards reinforcing the all ready down guardponies. While the freed inmates could buy us some time to escape yet our escape time have been drastically cut into little bitty pieces by that alarm. In my heart I began to doubt that we could even escape now the main exits would been blocked by the reinforcing guards destroying my plan once again. Suddenly an idea came to me, the sewers! We can use the sewers to escape according to both the blueprints and construction ponies just below the dungeon is Canterlot's five hundred year old sewage line that is fortunately closed off from use, the construction ponies had been sent by Celestia in the hopes that the old line could be used to expand the dungeons..... right now they're going to serve the purpose of our escape route, they are our last hope.

''B-bright, H-hivie!'' I nervously called, getting the attention of the my fellow Pegasus and the Changeling mare. ''We need t-to h-hurry that alarm had alerted t-the rest of the g-guards but I may know a-a way out of h-here!''

''Why was there a delayed alarm in the dungeons Cloudy?'' asked Bright brandishing his wing blades prepared to fight our once fellow guards before I could give life to my answer Hivie answers Bright's question instead.

''Because Celestia wants me and all Changelings dead'' said Hivie taking the keys from Bright to undo the horn lock on her horn, ''I wouldn't pass her to have set an trap just in case my kind attempted a rescue....''

''And we just set it off.'' Finished Bright grimly. The sound of armor hooves echo in the gloom of the dungeon

''B-buck'' I swore this is bad the guards were already in the dungeons. ''Bright do you remember about those old sewers not far from here?''

''Yes what about-'' said Bright before a look of realization graced his face. ''Cloudy your a genius!''

''Sewers? what are Sewers?'' Hivie innocently asked with a discarded horn lock in her hoof.

''Never mind what they are Hivie, '' said Bright with his ear alarmed to the echoing thunder of hooves ''The only thing that matter about them is that our way out of here.''

''I remember where they are! Follow me!" I said taking to flight most of the dungeon halls were wide enough for pegasi and certainly Changelings to silently fly, the dungeons themselves were of Pre-Discordian Era design, where the royal guard were majorly made up of pegasi war flocks and were supported by Unicorn battle mages, they were designed by nature to allow pegasi to easily fly cutting the need to patrol in half. Yet even though I say anything to my friend about the sinking feeling in my wing and the fact that in my heart I was desperately hopping that I wasn't leading my friends to their deaths.


In the dark of the gloom was a unit of guards marching shoulder to shoulder, their royal stranded golden armor a shiny contrast to the inky blackness of the dungeon, unlike the escapees the armor hid them poorly letting the more cowardly former inmates to easily run away long before the unicorn battle mages came in range to use their magic to detain them. Yet despite the echoing thunder of their armored hooves the dungeon remained rather silent, with a motion of his hoof Dusky silently orders the unit to cease all motion. The maroon pegasus narrowed his eyes as his ear picked a familiar sound. Yet inwardly the older stallion felt cheated with the numbers of his unit, at least 60% of the prison guards were oddly misplaced but he did not show the others his disgust that the missing guards were putting a blemish on his record almost ruining his chances at a promotion, He resented that fact and more because with the misplacement of the more useful guards he had to rely on the younger and untrained children of the equally useless nobles who only joined the guard for a free ride or out of tradition.

tsk eek tsk creek tsk squish

At the very familiar sounds his muzzle morphs in an sneer,

''Guards at the ready!'' he bellowed. The guards quickly reform into ranks standing shoulder to shoulder, their armor bodies fully block off the hallway in a living blockaded of gold, muscle and magic with Dusky at the heard scanning into the dark of the gloom waiting for moment as the sound got closer. The ever stoic guards ignored the wet fleshy sounds relying on their strict training to see them though yet for some of the younger guards the sounds were unnerving but they dare not show that emotion to their older comrades in fear of what their fellow guards could do to them afterwards.

eek tsk squish tsk squish

Soon out of the gloom a single green hoof oozing with red stepped into the light of the guards torches, the sound of the wet smack of a body hitting the stone floor cruelly assaulted the young guards, yet their training and fear of the other guards held them in place. A pool of red quickly surrounded the alone hoof till the pony step into the light fully, Dusky instantly recognized the green blood covered unicorn as Blade Edge the Cannibal his greatest capture in his entire career as a royal guard, he had spent two long months in capturing the crazed unicorn setting a new record of capture time in the process yet he wasn't surprise to see the Cannibal again, when an inmate does manage to leave their cell they always make their way to the guard who had put them there in the first place. But that is according to the records in the royal archives, in truth that statement was false minus certain expectations like Blade Edge.

''Ah greetings my good ponies fancy meeting you in such a gloomy place.'' The crazed unicorn cackled with blood dripping from his muzzle.

''Return to your cell Blade Edge and I may convince the Princesses to extend your due date!'' Ordered Dusky.

''I'm sorry Mr. Trails but with all good intentions I can not do that until I finish my dinner!'' Giggled Blade Edge ''But if you would take my suggestion though I know you won't, but never the less you should run away like the little foals you all are after all 'tis time that you stop playing soldier.''

''Alright I had enough of this insane nut'' Shouted Dusky ''Ponies prepare to take him down!''

The unicorn smiled at Dusky's word '' I was hoping you would say that. Gentleponies! Dinner Time!" Once those words left the insane stallion's mouth, his fellow cannibalistic inmates charged from behind him towards Dusky and his small army.

Author's Note:

edited by GodOfBQQ

Wow renegade guards, unjustly imprisoned Changelings and other creatures......now cannibalistic ponies! what does this story doesn't have!