• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 14,390 Views, 589 Comments

Office Love - Flutterpriest

Anonymous leaves Ponyville to pursue a quiet office job in Manehattan. While he finds the possibility of new love in his future, he finds that his past from Ponyville isn't willing to give him up so easily.

  • ...

Part 1 - Chapter 9: The Truth and The Past

You step outside of Fluttershy's apartment and close the door firmly behind you. With a sigh, you lean on the door and rub your forehead.

You had to get out of there. There wasn't any other option. If you stayed there... you know exactly what would have happened next. That wasn't the Fluttershy you work with. That was the old Fluttershy... the one you moved from Ponyville to get away from. Your hand moves down to rub your eyes and you step away from the door.

She needs to change. That's all there is to it. It's a journey she has to travel alone. Not because she feels that if she does, she will win your heart. Instead, because she wants to. As much as you would want to help push her down that path, she has to come to that conclusion herself. You can't force her.

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, you look over your shoulder at the doorway to her apartment. Maybe you shouldn't have left so abruptly. Maybe you should go back and apologize. Silence fills the hallway as a feeling deep in the pit of your chest aches for you to go back. There were tears in her eyes. She pleaded.

But she hasn't changed.

With a shake of your head, you return on your path to the elevator.

You stand at the door of your apartment with one hoof on the handle. Tears welling in your eyes as you fight yourself for what to do next. Do you follow him?

'You messed it up, Fluttershy,' you tell yourself. 'He needs some space.'

But if you went to him, maybe he will accept your apology. You could also just make things worse. What are you supposed to do?

Your knees collapse and you fall to the floor. What have you done? You just ruined everything... You were doing so well at repressing it. Burying your face into the carpeted floor, you cover the front of your face with your bright yellow hooves.

Now it's all gone. Everything you worked so hard for is gone.

Your body begins to shake as you sob into the floor. A soft warmth rubs against your body and cuddles up next to you. You destroyed everything. Anon will never love you if you can't change the way you used to be. A cold, wet spot pokes at your underbelly. You wipe away your tears and look down at your side.

Scruffy looks up at you, concerned. He whimpers softly and rests his head on your side. A small smile curls on your lips. At least you aren't alone. Even if you feel lonely, there is still someone beside you.

"You're right, little guy." You lay on your side and pull your new little friend closer to you. "It's all going to turn out okay, isn't it?"

Scruffy's tail begins to wag, seeing his new owner's mood pick up. His long, wet tongue plants a massive kiss on your salty cheek. An involuntary giggle escapes your mouth as his attempt to make you feel better begin to work.

"How about we get you some dinner? How's that sound?" you ask enthusiastically. The little mutt's head perks up excitedly and he lets out a happy bark.

Stepping out of Fluttershy's apartment building, you grab your phone and quickly check the time. However, instead of the usual digital clock, telling you how late you've stayed up, you see a new text message notification.

Oh... right. You never did check the texts you got from earlier. Since you were on a date with Fluttershy, you just ignored them. You didn't want to make her any more jealous than she already is. With a few simple clicks, you see four unread texts. The first one comes from Autumn.

"Hey! If you get done early, do you want to hang out with Mulberry and I?"

A smile curls on your face involuntarily. There is nothing you'd rather do than get your mind off of Fluttershy. Who knows? Maybe they have a cold beer somewhere with all that wine. Your feet guide themselves onto the path back to your place. Well, Mulberry's place. You skip to the next message, from Mulberry.

"Hey! What was Fluttershy's deal just then? I thought you two just worked together..."

Suddenly, the air begins to feel a little colder around you. Great. Of course, Fluttershy's scene would have left a bad impression. You should have known better than to just leave without explaining things. There isn't much you can do about that now though...

With a sigh, you skip to the next message. It's from Autumn.

"Um... Do you still want to go out tomorrow? If you found someone else... I understand."

The dinner in your gut suddenly turns sour. Shit. No. Nonono. This can't be happening. Damn it, Anon. Why didn't you check your phone?! Your casual walk turns into a jog.

Quickly, you jump to the next message. Another from Mulberry.

"Did you say something to Autumn? She seems out of it and keeps checking her phone..."

"Shiiit," you growl under your breath.

The question keeps repeating itself in your head. Why didn't you check your phone?! Now look what you've done? You might have just ruined your chances with Autumn! How are you going to make this better? Think Anon...

You jog down the streets of Manehattan, your path dimly lit by overhead lights. Looking down at your phone, your mind scrambles for any way to repair the situation. Should you text her back? Should you give her an excuse? Should you just tell her about Fluttershy?

Mulberry probably has her doubts of what you told her at breakfast after what she saw earlier. Ugh. There isn't going to be a good way to explain that you were on a date tonight either.

Then again, you didn't plan on it being a date...

It doesn't change that it was a date, Anon. Come on. Think. You fidget with your phone, trying to decide the best course of action as you jog towards Mulberry's home, which might as well be a war zone for how nervous you feel.

You don't have a choice. Tonight, you have to explain everything to Autumn. Plus, after how Fluttershy acted tonight... she clearly needs more time to get over her other side. Turning your phone over in your hand, you open the back cover and rip out the battery. You slip the battery into a back pocket and slip your phone into your normal one.

It's a near perfect plan. Your phone was dead. That's how you can get out of this, but it's only temporary. A white lie to transition to setting everything straight with the truth. Everything has to be set straight.

As you near the apartment building, you wonder what in the world you are going to encounter once you knock on that door. Will she have already left? Autumn... that is.

You push through the doors much harder than you should have and they make a loud clang as you head to the elevator. Smashing on the button, you watch as the elevator ticks down slowly to the ground floor. The time is excruciating as you watch the elevator slowly tick down one by one.

This is taking too long.

Changing course, you head to the stairs. Grabbing the handrail, you push yourself up the stairs three at a time, given that they are smaller and designed for ponies.

First Floor. Second Floor. A drip of sweat falls down your face. Just a few more.

Floor after floor whooshes by until you finally reach yours. Panting, you make a mental note to yourself to begin to take the stairs more. With a deep breath, to repress the urge to pant, you jog down the hall to your neighbor's apartment.

Alright, Anon. Don't mess this up. Everything's riding on this. It's only a pony you are going on a date with tomorrow in there and you just got back from a different date. No pressure.

You shake your head and take one last deep breath. Your fist raps on the door three solid times and now you wait. The seconds feel even more slow than when you were waiting for the elevator. You hear a rustle from inside the apartment.

"I can get it,"

"No! Let me!" the familiar feminine voices sound off. Thank goodness. They didn't leave. The door begins to open slowly.

"Thanks for delivering late! I know that-" The light brown maned mare mutters while carrying a handbag around her neck. Yet her speech is cut short when her eyes connect with yours and a light smile curls on Autumn's lips.

"Oh darn!” you act an over-dramatic panic worthy of Rarity's standards. “I must have forgot the pizza back at the restaurant," you exclaim, smashing your hand to your forehead. Quickly you turn around and head back down the hall. "I'll go back and get-"

Instantly, your arm is nearly ripped from it's socket from being pulled by the fall colored mare.

"He did come back!" Autumn exclaims, hopping up and down.

"Tolld youu," Mulberry smiles, the blue-purple mare nursing a bottle of wine in her hooves on her couch. "Get em in herre!"

Autumn pulls on you hard, the previously somewhat sober mare now smelling of alcohol much like her friend.

"Come oooon!" she begs while pulling on your arm.

"I'm coming! Jeez, I only have two legs you know," you tease the tipsy mares.

"Soooo... Where did you and Fluttershy go, Anon?" Mulberry asks.

Great. Hard questions already. You barely even got to the living room! Time to work on your feet, Anon.

"Oh, well Fluttershy is still somewhat new in town. We knew each other back in Ponyville, so I let her stay for a bit till she could move into her own place. She did that today." Autumn leads you over to the couch where the two girls sit. As you try to sit on the end, your date forces you to scoot over, planting you directly in the center of them.

She sits up on the couch and locks her eyes on your face. A comforting warmth swiftly spreads through your chest. Damn she's cute like that, curled up like a filly waiting for story time at school.

"She finally got a place and needed help moving. I helped her get some stuff to settle in... and I guess we also grabbed dinner at that noodle place around the corner." Mulberry stares at you carefully, although the alcohol running through her system forces her to tilt her head.

"Isn't that place fancy?" Mulberry asks instantly.

"I dunno. I never really saw it that way. It's just one of my favorite places," you reply honestly.

"What's it called?" Autumn asks curiously.

You turn your attention away from the drunken pony, to your crush. "The place is called A Taste of-"

"ANON!" Mulberry yells at you in slur. You bite your bottom lip and turn back to Mulberry. It's only now that the full extent of the alcohol on her breath truly hits you. They must have really have had a heck of a time tonight. "Are yooou going out with Fluttershhy?"

"No," You say firmly and resolutely. "We work together and we are friends. No more. No less." You sigh to yourself and look into your hands. "I don't see her like that. At all." The way she licked her lips and talked to you tonight runs through your mind. You shudder, remembering everything that happened in Ponyville.

"Are you suuure? You weeren't answering your phone." The drunken mare asks.

Lifting your head, you turn to face Autumn, who is studying your face carefully. Her face is riddled with concern, though she may be trying to hide it. The way she looks at you makes you wonder if Mulberry was asking for her own interest... or her friends. Autumn looks like must have been worrying about it all night.

"I am not dating Fluttershy. I wasn't answering my phone because my phone died," you answer the question, but more directed at the fall pony beside you.

Pulling out your fake-dead phone, you pull it out and try to turn it on. Without a battery, it doesn't even light up. "As for Fluttershy,” you continue, stuffing the phone back in your pocket. “I might have considered it in the past, but there is no way I would now." A smile curls on Autumn's face and Mulberry sits back in satisfaction.

"III knew it! I knew there was more than just friendship there," Mulberry says proudly with a short hiccup.

"But wait..." Autumn says softly. "Does that mean you and Fluttershy used to be..."

You sigh to yourself and rustle your hair. They are going to have to find out at some point.
You might as well tell them now.

"Alright girls. You want to know the truth?" Looking down at your hand, you find Autumn's hooves still haven't let go of yours. You squeeze them gently. "It's not going to be easy for me to tell."

"I like stories!" Mulberry says happily.

Autumn nods quietly, her eyes transfixed on your pained expression. You grab the nearest bottle of wine on the coffee table, that must have been Autumn's and take a strong swig.

"Well. The deal is, when I left Ponyville, Fluttershy and I really weren't on good terms,” you begin to explain.

Mulberry takes a loud, large gulp of her drink. That's when you notice Autumn hadn't even touched hers since you walked through the door.

"Fluttershy had a massive crush on me while I lived in Ponyville. To a degree that... well, at times I wouldn't feel safe. My life felt miserable. She followed me everywhere. Knocked on my door every morning. She even tried to figure out some really... well, personal things."

"What Kiiind of-"

"Shhh," Autumn quiets Mulberry with a well practiced librarian hush. Mulberry instantly goes quiet and her eyes seem a bit more focused.

"Uhm. Well, when I decided to leave for Manehattan, all of my friends decided to throw me a big going away party. It was great. I would spend the day with everypony, and then the next day I would get on the train and move in." You sigh and rub your eyes. "It was a great party, but Fluttershy was clearly distraught the whole time. She cried during the party... and didn't really say a word to me. She would try to, but then walk away when it looked like she would say something. I wasn't close friends with her, but I still felt kinda bad." The girls nod along.

"When the party was dying down, the last few people were leaving when I went to go put something in the kitchen. Then..." You place your hand where you felt the impact. "There was this massive pain in my head... and I fell... then it was just black."

Autumn's jaw drops slightly. You take a deep breath and brace yourself to tell the rest of the story.

"When I woke up, I was in bed and Fluttershy was there... There was blood on my pillow where I was hit... and this look in her eyes... something I've never seen before." Your body begins to shake and you close your eyes.

"You don't have to keep going..." Autumn says softly.

You sigh to yourself. "It was a long time ago... Fluttershy apologized for what she did and promised to try and reform. Then I left Ponyville. After about a while, she shows up in Manehattan, as my new secretary."

"But you should have done something..." Autumn says.

"What was I going to do? Who would believe me?" The mare silently rubs your hand softly with her hooves. “Plus, she's an Element of Harmony... there isn't much I could do even if I wanted to. She has immunity. Given the circumstances of her arrival, I promised I would give her a second chance at friendship. "

"Did you forgive her?" Autumn asks. Her question catches you off guard.

"Well, yeah. I mean, we agreed to put the past behind us..."

"That's not what I asked," Autumn asks calmly while lightly shaking her head. "Have you forgiven her?"

"Well how could he?" Mulberry answers, breaking her silence. In surprise, you turn to the mare who seems to have her bearings more together. "I'll never forgive that loser for what he did to me. If it weren't for Anon... I might not be here right now."

"Yeah, but that's-" Autumn begins.

"Anon, there is always going to be a part of you that isn't going to be able to overcome what she did to you. Even if she is reformed," Mulberry continues. You look at Mulberry silently, a pang of guilt building in your chest. "I'm surprised you are trying to even be friends."

With a sigh, you look down at the floor.

"I'd just like to think... maybe things can be different. That she could change. I mean, I don't really have a lot of people here in this town for me. I would like to keep the number of people I lose as close to zero as possible.”

"I'm here for you," Autumn just barely whispers. You turn to her and a blush fills her face.

"I dunno!" Mulberry announces to the room. "Maybe I'm just weird or something."

She laughs out loud at her own joke as you look carefully at Autumn. Her light green eyes seem to fill your soul with purpose and meaning. When she's around, everything just seems to feel right. With Fluttershy... you always seem to be on the edge of your seat and worrying what will happen next. Maybe things don't have to be complicated or filled with drama in order to work.

You place your other hand on top of Autumn's hooves and she looks away lightly, blushing and smiling like a schoolfilly. Drunk Autumn is kinda cute when you think about it. Maybe you just need something simple.

"Autumn! Have you ever had to forgive someone that you really didn't want to?" Mulberry asks, her drunken demeanor seeming to become more prevalent as she takes another large gulp.

The blush and color leaves Autumn's face. The curls at the edges of her lips flatten as she sits back on the couch, closing her eyes.

"Yes," she says calmly. "There was... one stallion."

Your hands hold her hooves carefully. It seems like now it's your turn to be the comforter.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, Autumn," you reassure her.

"No, I think I finally need to tell my story to somepony," She says looking back at the two of you. "I've... never told anypony else. I don't really have any friends... other than you two."

Berry sets down her bottle of wine and focuses her attention on Autumn. While you can tell she is trying her best to stay serious, her eyes are slightly glazed and a wide grin is painted on her face. Yet, that's not what is important to you. Does Autumn really not have other friends?

"A few years ago... My real name wasn't Autumn," She begins to say, pausing to choose her words correctly. "It was Fall. I had it changed to hide myself from... this stallion I dated awhile back." Your hand squeezes her hoof and she looks towards the source of the pressure.

"He... he beat me. Everyday. One day I just... couldn't take it anymore and left. I didn't go to the police. I didn't take anything. I just... left. I moved to the other side of town. This side of town. Got a new job and just... started over,” She shakes her head. "I didn't want him to find me, so I changed my name. I haven't seen or heard of him since."

"And you forgave him?" Mulberry interjects. "You were... able to?"

Autumn looks to Mulberry, who lingers on her every word. "I don't know if forgive is the right word..." Autumn answers. "They told me that time heals all wounds. I suppose over time, while I don't want anything to do with him ever again. I don't hate him the same way anymore. It's hard to explain..."

The fall colored pony moves off the couch and walks slowly over to Berry and wraps her hooves around her.

"The bottom line is, I know what you are going through right now. It's going to be okay." She says calmly to the blueish pony.

"W-well of course it will," Mulberry stutters out. "I mean. What do I need him for? Huh? I'm a strong mare... I'm..." Mulberry begins to tremble as Autumn's understanding hooves hold her closer. Scooting over, you wrap your arms around Mulberry as well, keeping her in a protective warmth of you and Autumn. "I'm... I'm..." Berry chokes out, her voice failing her. Her eyes close and tears begin to run down her face.

"I've been there..." Autumn whispers. "It'll be okay. You're strong."

Berry's voice whimpers and cracks as she sobs into your embrace. The minutes pass like seconds as you hold your neighbor in your arms. You occasionally glance up at Autumn, who glances back at you, but your hold on Mulberry never weakens and never breaks. After a few moments, her sobbing slows and quiets.

Her breathing becomes more relaxed and her body leans more into your embrace. Autumn lets go of her friend and she lays limply in your arms, her eyes closed and snoozing peacefully.

Your actions are automatic. As you lift Mulberry into your arms and stand up slowly, you cradle her head and ensure you don't wake her. Scanning the room you try to remember the layout of her apartment. You believe she lent you the book from... there.

Moving across the room, you gently push open the door to the master bedroom. The floor is clean, with the exception of a few stray piles of laundry to be washed, and her bed is made neatly. Tip-toeing across the room, you lay her down gently onto her bed and place her head gently onto a pillow.

Taking a blanket, you cover her and take a moment to examine her bedside table. There sits an empty bottle of wine, a lamp, an alarm clock, and what appears to be a picture of Mulberry with some stallion. You pick up the picture frame and examine it's photo carefully.

Below it, a note is inscribed 'Berry and Copper at the park.'

They seem to be smiling so widely. It must have been from a better time. The stallion's name is well suited for his copper colored fur and dark brown mane, but his muscles and size are intimidating. You won't have to remind yourself to not get on his bad side.

Setting down the picture, you look down at the sleeping mare. A gentle smile is curled on her face as she dreams. She seems so peaceful when she sleeps. There will come a time when everything in her life will be much more peaceful and she won't have to wait for sleep to rest easily.

Until then, you will be there if she needs anything, because that's what friends do.

Reaching down, you curl a stray hair behind her ear and she mutters something quietly in her sleep. You only hope that day comes sooner rather than later. Grabbing the empty bottle, you tip toe out of her room and close the door quietly. Autumn stands in Mulberry's kitchen area, washing out what must have been empty glasses from this evening.

"I've got another," you say, turning the bottle over in your hands.

"Another? Jeez," Autumn says quietly.

"How many did she go through today?" you ask.

"I'm not sure I want to know," Autumn answers, turning off the running water. "I'm already worried for her."

"Me too... I just can't help to notice-"

"How much there is?" Autumn finishes your sentence.


Autumn sighs to herself and looks at a clock on the wall of the apartment. "One AM."

"Wow. Time really flies huh?" you reply.

"I guess so,” she chuckles. You move to the kitchen and lean against the counter.

"Hey, uh. Sorry about not answering earlier. I didn't mean to worry you."

"Oh, it's fine. I just need to learn to not worry so much. I-I had this silly thought that maybe," Autumn trails off.

"No," You answer firmly.

Autumn looks back up at you, visibly concerned. "Were you two... ever..."

You sigh to yourself and shake your head. "There was a time I was going to give her a chance, but things changed."

The fall colored mare nods her head. "I understand. I'm sorry I asked..."

"No, it's fine," you answer her. "I have nothing to hide. No secrets."

Autumn looks up at you and smiles. "Uhm. Anon?"


"Would you mind... walking me home? It's just late... and-"

"Of course I will," you answer as if someone offered you free money.

That familiar smile curls on Autumn's lips again. "Thanks," She answers, turning to the door of the apartment and heading for the exit.

You suppose it's about that time. Following her out the door, you turn the lock on the handle and pull it closed. With a quick tug on the knob, you make sure it's locked once you enter the hallway.

“Oh wait. You guys ordered food, right?” you ask.

“Oh! Yes,” she answers.

“Do you have a pen and a piece of gum?”

“Yeah, hold on.”

Pulling out your wallet, you grab some money and set it at the bottom of the door and the receipt from the restaurant. Autumn hands you the gum and you quickly chew it, while writing the delivery man a note to enjoy his free meal. Lastly, you stick the note on the door with the chewed gum, before turning to the mare you agreed to escourt.

"Well then, where to?" you ask.

"It's not far from here. Just a few blocks,"

"Works for me."

The two of you make your way to the elevator and you press the button to descend through the building.

"So... uhm. I'm excited for tomorrow," Autumn says, looking slightly away from you. "Is that bad to say? Shoot. I probably shouldn't have said that." She begins to whisper under her breath.

"I'm excited too," you answer with a chuckle. “Don't worry so much.”

She smiles as the elevator dings open. Just a matter of hours ago, this elevator was carrying you and Fluttershy off to a date. Now it holds you and tomorrow's date. Well, today's, but that's besides the point. The thought puts a pang of guilt into your stomach as you step inside and press the button for the lobby. If you could change the past, you could, but you can't.

As much as the idea hurts you, you know there isn't any other option. You've made your choice. Fluttershy needs more time.

"You... don't think of me differently after what I said tonight... do you?" Autumn asks with a hint of worry.

"What? No. Of course not. You were doing everything you could to break free of that other guy. Why would I think of you differently?"

Autumn looks down at the floor.

"I was in a really dark place at that point in my life. I considered going back to Ponyville, where I was born... but I can't bring myself to."

That's right. She mentioned Ponyville in the park.

"I remember you mentioning that, but the fact that you are giving a tall, strange beast the time of day means more than enough to me. I'm the last person who should be judging someone."

Autumn smiles slightly as the doors open. “I suppose, now you see why after Mulberry told me what happened, why I wanted to spend time with her."

"Yeah. I'm sure you know what she's going through." you answer.

"The only thing I couldn't put a dime on... was who the stallion was. Mulberry is probably one of my closest friends, but that's not saying much," She chuckles to herself. Your mind flashes to the picture on her bedside table. "Not that it matters I guess. I mean, at least she did something about her stallion. I didn't do anything..."

"Well,” you begin. “This may be a hard question, but did you think you were doing the right thing at the time?"

Autumn goes silent as she leads the way to her apartment.

"Yes, I suppose, but... I dunno, I guess I'm just rambling. It's not like I can change anything," she says with a sigh. "I'm just ready to... you know. Start over. Something simple."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," you say with a smile. She practically took the words right out of your head. You could get used to this mare. Her face is gently illuminated by the streetlights overhead as the two of you walk through town in the dead of night.

"So, where is your place?" you ask.

"Just about a block from here, we take a right at the next intersection."

You look up at the street sign and your stomach drops. If you paid more attention, you would have noticed earlier. This is the path to Fluttershy's apartment.

No, don't think about her. This is Autumn's time.

"So, uh... Got any pets?" you ask curiously.

"No, I wish! The apartments across the street allows them, but I can't afford it really. It's a shame, I'd love to have a little cat." She lives across the street from Fluttershy. Great. At least it isn't the same building.

The two of you turn the corner of the street and you instinctively look up to where Fluttershy's apartment should be. The light is on. Why is she still up? Maybe she's playing with Scruffy.

That isn't what matters right now. Focus.

You follow Autumn to the entrance to the apartments and stop as she reaches into her bag for her key to the building.

"Well, here we are!" you say, signaling the end of the night.

"Yeah, this is the place." Autumn says, taking out her key and turning to you. She drags her hoof on the ground shyly, as if searching for something to say.

"I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then. I've got big plans for what we can do!" You actually have no idea what to do with her tomorrow. Just play it cool, Anon.

"I can't wait." She says, smiling.

A silent moment fills the gap between the two of you as Autumn continues to search for the right words.

"Well, uh... I suppose I should get going then,” you suggest.

"Um, Anon... Could I tell you one more thing?" Autumn asks, stealing glances up at you.

"Of course. Anything."

"Um. It's a secret... Could I whisper it in your ear?" she asks quietly.

You kneel down and get on eye level with the fall colored earth pony. She steps closer to you and moves her mouth to your ear.

"Thank you for being such a gentlecolt to a mare that's had more than she would have liked to drink." You feel her cheek brush against yours as she brings her face closer to yours. Her soft lips glide across your cheek and press against your own.

A comforting sensation sweeps through your body as the small peck becomes ingrained into your memory. It only lasts for a second and as she pulls away, a dorky involuntary grin lies firmly planted on your face. She giggles slightly.

"I've been waiting a long time for that," she giggles to herself.

"Y-yeah. Me too," you reply instinctively.

She stares into your eyes for a moment, your faces are just barely inches from each other. However, her face becomes flush red and she turns way.

"I-got-to-go-see-you-tomorrow!" She spits out nervously and leaps into her apartment.

The door closes firmly behind her and you watch as she gallops to the elevators Your heart pounds at a thousand miles a minute. Your mind goes blank as your mind tries to come to terms of whether this is a dream or reality. That felt real. Or as real as it could have felt.

Autumn... just kissed you.

Your fingers move up and touch your lips, which tried their hardest to memorize every crease and indent of hers. You chuckle lightly and shake your head. Maybe you are the schoolfilly in this situation.

Rising to your feet, you quickly try to scramble some ideas for tomorrow's date in your head. With a twirl, you put yourself on the path back to home. Yet, you can't help but feel eyes on your back, as you begin to walk back to home. You look over your shoulder, but find nothing following you.

That's when you remember. Turning around, you look back up to Fluttershy's apartment. The light has been turned out. Maybe she finally went to bed. However, in the reflection of the moonlight on her window, you swear you see two light cyan eyes piercing down at you.

A shiver runs down your spine and you press on back home. She didn't see that. Fluttershy couldn't have seen that kiss. Even if she did, what does it change?


You know she needs more time. Quickening your pace, you turn the corner and head back for home.

Stepping into your apartment, you undo your tie from a long day. What a fine little mess you are in. Mulberry is a wreck, despite how good of a show she tries to put on. Plus she may have a drinking problem.

You push yourself into your room and let your tie fall unceremoniously to the ground. Fluttershy still has something dark deep inside of her that she can't fully control... and it scares you. Other than that, the shy quiet pony that you knew from Ponyville is still there. Just... can you really take that risk?

With a sigh, you strip off your shirt and fall back into your bed, where Fluttershy laid next to you, innocently, for quite a while until Berry could work the courage to go back to her apartment. If she really wanted to do something... she already could have. But she didn't. The good Fluttershy is still in there somewhere. The one that you-

You shake your head and roll over.

Autumn is almost perfect. She's... normal. No scary bipolar tendencies. She's been able to work through the problems she's had in her life. She was able to pick herself back up after she fell in the dirt. Plus she's smart, cute... a little shy. You can't deny the mild similarities between her and your yellow friend. Except, Autumn reminds you of your best friend Twilight from Ponyville as well, with her love for books.

Plus, you always kinda liked Brunettes.

You laugh at your own joke and roll over. The date tomorrow should be a lot of fun. Closing your eyes, you smile as you remember the kiss she planted on your lips.

Yeah. You could get used to this.

Everything seems to be so clear now. As you drift off to sleep, your mind focuses on the emerald green eyes of Autumn and her gentle smile.

The last thing that crosses your mind is your phone. Especially not how it's off and not being charged. With the battery still sitting in your pants, which are sitting in the corner of your room.