• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 14,390 Views, 589 Comments

Office Love - Flutterpriest

Anonymous leaves Ponyville to pursue a quiet office job in Manehattan. While he finds the possibility of new love in his future, he finds that his past from Ponyville isn't willing to give him up so easily.

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Part 1 - Chapter 8: Fluttershy's Date

Fluttershy walks ahead of you through the hallway of your apartment building to the elevator. Silent. Her body seems rigid and her eyes are focused dead ahead.


"Yes, Anon?" she answers tersely, her expression unchanging. You've seen Fluttershy mad before, usually when she wouldn't get her way during estrus, but this isn't the mad Fluttershy you came to know back in Ponyville. On the other hand, maybe you don't want that one back...

"Uh. Where do you want to go for dinner?" you ask, choosing your words carefully.

"I-I'm not sure. You pick somewhere," she answers quickly.

You rack your mind for places that might be able to lift up her mood. Was it the confrontation in Mulberry's apartment that set her off? Even though you can tell she's angry, she isn't going ballistic. She must really be trying to put on a good show for you or she is actually trying to become a better pony for you.

Like she promised the other night. Her secret promise.

Then there is Mulberry and Autumn. Alcohol didn't do good things to Mulberry. Plus there were all the bottles from this morning. All you can do is speculate... but you saw the way those mares looked at you. It's pretty obvious that they like you.

You repress a sigh and hit the elevator button as Fluttershy alternates between looking at the floor and then to you. Her expression is furrowed as if she wants to say something, but can't bring herself to say it. The yellow pegasus looks back up to you and holds her gaze.

Damnit Anon. Say something!

"How about the place I showed you this morning?" you suggest.

"That sounds nice." she mutters. She looks back to the floor.


"Fluttershy, do you wanna talk about what happened back there?" you ask, poking the sleeping dragon.

"Y-yeah." she whispers. The elevator dings and you step inside with the timid mare that has plenty on her mind.

"Well... do you want to start?" you ask politely. As a rule of thumb, you never start saying things before the lady does. You learned that in 'You are in deep shit 101.'

"W-well... you saw the way those mares looked at you... didn't you?" Fluttershy questions.

"Yeah. I did. I can't say I didn't notice."

She looks to the ground. "I-I didn't like it." she states.

You can't lie and say you didn't. You did. The extra attention from the mares has been a change of pace, and not for the worse. There really weren't very many mares you really enjoyed the company of back in Ponyville. Especially after you and Twilight decided you were better off just staying friends. Now you found yourself with three mares you really liked and the inability to choose between the three.

"There isn't really anything I can do about it though Fluttershy. I can't just tell them to not like me," you reply. She lets out a defeated sigh. You know it wasn't the answer she was looking for, but what are you honestly going to do?

"When I saw the way that one looked at you. The..." she says in a rising tone, as if she would insult her.

"Autumn,” You correct her.

"I just felt so... so...” Fluttershy shifts on her hooves and looks away from you. “I don't know what came over me."

"What do you mean?" you ask with concern. You know exactly what she means, but you want her to say it. The invite to lunch. What was that all about? She wasn't just assertive... she was aggressive. It was extremely out of character for Fluttershy. Or, at least for the Fluttershy who is trying to show the better side of herself.

"I felt like I had to protect you... and the other Fluttershy leaked out a little," she says with a guilt in her voice.

"Yeah. I noticed," you answer. As you feel the words escape your lips, you mentally try to grab the words in the air to shove them back in your mouth.

"I'm so s-sorry," Fluttershy chokes out in a waivering tone. "I'm trying so hard... and today I've been doing so bad."

"Hey, it's fine." you try to reassure her. "Everyone slips up-"

"But I followed you to the park and I spied on you as you talked to her," she lists as the guilt takes a hold of her and she begins to lose her composure.


"Then I messed up all of those reports," Fluttershy adds as she hangs her head low.

"It happens, just don't-"

"And I've been so aggressive towards your personal life," she finishes, nearly on the edge of tears.

You don't answer. Mostly because it's true. Today Fluttershy has been acting like you remembered her back in Ponyville: Overbearing, protective, and aggressive.

Except for right now.

She seems to be legitimately sorry for the way that she has acted today.

"I understand if you don't love me anymore." she whimpers.

The elevator dings and opens on the floor of the lobby. A mare waiting to get on darts her eyes from you to Fluttershy.

“Um, I'll get the next one," she says.

You press the door close button, and it slowly closes. The cabin remains still as you kneel down on eye level with her.

"Fluttershy, you are a great friend. Honestly, I really like you," She blinks and a few salty tears run down her face. "In the 'more than a friend' kind of way too." Fluttershy cracks a faint smile and sniffs. "But, if we are going to try and make something work, we need to be a team," you add. "Mulberry is our friend and honestly I really like Autumn too. I don't think it would be fair to me if you made me throw them on the sidelines." Her smile fades quickly, but you need to press on, you need to continue. "I just think it's too soon to tell, Fluttershy. I know we've known each other for a long time, but I mean you've only been here in Manehattan for few weeks and we agreed to start over on a clean slate."

She nods her head and continues to listen. At least she hasn't tuned out yet. Something must be getting through. "Even then you already slept with me," you attempt to tease her. She faintly smiles, but is otherwise unamused. "Doesn't that count for something?" you ask her.

She smiles and pushes her hair way from her shrouded eyes. She looks back up to you with a faint smile and light tears in her eyes.

"What does that mean to you?" you ask. She looks up at you and you use the opportunity to wipe a tear from her cheek.

"That you trust me," Fluttershy says through a smile.

"Aaand?" you add. She looks at you quizzically.

"That I like you, silly filly," you answer. Her face returns to a calmed smile, but you know this is long from over in the long run. It's too soon to tell on any of the mares. Honestly, you need to get to know Autumn more. You've only texted her off and on the last few weeks. Tomorrow is the big day and you will finally be able to get to know your crush a little better. "Now let's grab some dinner. What would Pinkie say if you were frowning like that?"

Fluttershy shakes her head, and with it, her bad mood. "She'd probably tell me to turn that frown upside down and to stop worrying so much," she answers.

"That's right! Now, let's get some food." you say, pressing the 'Open Door' button.

The doors open and you exit the building for your walk. The evening air is fairly nice, the sun had not finished its returning journey across the horizon yet, but it will probably be dark in an hour or two.

Your problem is still on full display in your mind. Here you are. Three mares trying to grasp for your heart and you have feelings for two of them. Mulberry has you worried. With everything she's gone through lately, and the alcohol...

You can't entertain playing around with her, that's heartless, but maybe if you took her out on a night to talk about her drinking or to make sure she's alright, as friends, then you could let her down easy. Celestia forbid you get feelings for her too, and you have another problem to deal with. If only there was some way to help her deal with her problems...

At this point, all you can do is really get to know Autumn and Fluttershy and compare your options. The yellow pegasus walks with you with a wide smile. Not as wide as this morning, but still pretty big. You know she loves you so much.

But, do you love her just as much?

You've always known, but it could be in the way she picks up her hooves a little higher when she's around you or how she lingers on your every word. It's going to be hard to let her down if that's your choice. If only Twilight were here... she was always so good to talk to when you had something serious on your mind.

"So! Been thinking of what pet you are going to get? Still set on a bird?" you ask curiously.

"Sort of. I had an idea today," Fluttershy answers excitedly.

"Really? Tell me about it."

"Well I've been thinking of all the little pigeons and birdies that fly around here in the city, and I've been thinking that maybe I could start a little birdie home on the roof. I need to talk to the apartment manager about it... but if I could... just imagine all the little birds that I would make friends with, Anon!"

"That sounds like a really sweet idea, Fluttershy. I'm sure they would love that."

Fluttershy makes little hops as you near the restaurant. "Oooh! I'm so excited just thinking about it! If they say yes would you help me build their home Anon?"

"Yeah! It sounds like a good time."

"Then that means I should be able to get a puppy! Ooh, but there are so many choices of breeds." Fluttershy rattles off her favorite breeds as you hold the door to the restaurant open for her. The way she gets lost into her own little animal world made you smile as you listened to her. When she talks about animals, you feel like you are finally getting to know the real her.

The two of you step inside the dimly lit restaurant. The restaurant is littered with ponies, each eating by candlelight. A part of you forgot that this place is a little more formal than some other choices. You didn't choose this place because it was a romantic scene. The food here was just really good and you came here often because of it.

You look to Fluttershy, who is grinning from ear to ear. Yeah, this is definitely a date, no way around it. You didn't really mean for it to be one, but it is now.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you would have done things differently if you planned on it being a date. It was just going to be helping Fluttershy with a pet and helping her move in...

Then again, to keep your options open, perhaps it's better it wasn't something too dressed up.

"Just two?" asks a forest green maned waitress pony.

"Yeah. That's right," you answer.

"Right this way." She nods to you two , leading you two towards a table in the center of the room, right next to a young couple, with braces, clearly out on a date. That poor young stallion is sweating bullets. You smile, knowing what it used to be like around that age. He'll learn eventually.

Plus the young mare is CLEARLY into him, her eyes half lidded and smiling at him. The two of you take your seat and the waitress pours two glasses of water.

"Aren't they cute, Anon?" Fluttershy mutters to you.

"Yeah... I noticed. Young love in bloom." you snicker. The waitress, clueless, glances over her shoulder at the couple, and smiles too.

Quitely, under her breath she whispers, “It kinda reminds me of us.” However, it lies just beyond your earshot.

"Your waitress will be right with you," the waitress concludes

"Thanks." you answer, passing a menu to your date. The two of you look into the menus, but you clearly already know what you want. If there is one thing that this place does extremely well, it's the specials.

"Anon, would you mind if I asked you a question?" Fluttershy asks. You look up from the menu.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Why did you never try to contact us after you left?" The pegasus eyes you with saddened curiosity. The pit of your stomach drops. It was because you wanted to cut any possible ties to the pegasus sitting across from you.

"What do you mean? I wrote to Twilight a few times," you answer indirectly. Yet, it wasn't the full truth.

"She told me you did once.... and only after you moved in. We were so worried about you... I was worried about you," she elaborates, setting down her menu.

Setting down your own menu, your gut churns. Quick, think of something. No more lies either.

"Work just kinda absorbed me Fluttershy... I wanted to get up in the ranks and earn some nice things. I barely had anything to my name in Ponyville... and I wanted things to be different,” you answer. A light violet mare approaches the table, cutting you off from your speech.

"What are we thinking for tonight?" the mare asks coolly.

"I'll have whatever the special is,” you answer, turning to the waitress in a desparate attempt to change the subject.

"I'll have what he's having," Fluttershy echoes, her eyes not leaving your face. You are stuck in this conversation and Fluttershy has you cornered.

"Sounds good. It'll be right out," the waitress chimes. The waitress leaves the two of you in an uncomfortable silence.

"I understand if you wanted to leave... certain things behind you Anon...” Fluttershy sighs, looking into her water. “I completely understand," she mutters.

"That was the past Fluttershy. Don't forget, new slate," You answer, unsure if you needed the reminder or she did.

"I know, but there is one thing I don't understand." She replies. You sit in silence, as she chooses her words carefully. "What's the point of having nice things, but nopony to share it with?" She asks innocently.

Your mouth opens slightly to form some sort of reply, but your words are jumbled. Shifting in your seat, you form your answer. "I suppose I thought, it would be better if I had something worthwhile to share first."

Fluttershy giggles at your answer.

"What?" You snap. "Was that not a good answer?"

"No offense Anon, but it was a horrible answer," The yellow pegasus answers with a smile.


"Because you don't need anything special to find somepony to share your life with." You eye her face for what she means. "All you need to share your life with somepony is you."

Is it just you, or did the room suddenly get a bit warmer? Not in a bad way. You just feel a little lighter. A smile creeps on your face and you nod to Fluttershy.

"I suppose you are right," You answer. Placing your hand on one of her hooves, which is resting on the table, she blushes. "Thanks. I suppose I needed to hear that."

She smiles and looks away. "I-I'm just telling the truth. Y-you are amazing, Anon."

"Well, I'd suppose you'd be happy to hear that I did talk to Twilight the other day then." She looks up at you, eyes illuminated with curiosity.

"Really? What for?" she asks.

"Well I was curious. The day when you were hired, I knew it would probably be you or Twilight. So I was just checking a hunch." Fluttershy looks down at your hand holding her hoof.

"Did you wish it were Twilight, Anon?" she asks.

"Well... that was before the clean slate," you answer truthfully. The yellow pegasus nods with understanding.

"Here we go! Two specials for the cute couple," rings the waitress.

Fluttershy slightly jumps. You have to admit you were surprised too. The conversation had you so wrapped up, you didn't even notice that the waitress sneaked up next to you two. As she sets the two bowls of pasta in front of you, you check your phone. Two text messages. One from Autumn, one from Mulberry.


"Something wrong, Anon?" Fluttershy asks. You shove your phone back into your pocket, shaking your head.

"Nah. Nothing important right now. I can deal with it later.”

Fluttershy frowns. "Her?"

"Yeah, but I'm with you right now," you smile to her. She returns the same signature smile that warms your heart. "Alright. Let's see what-"

Then you freeze. You look into the bowl of pasta and view one of the most curious sights you've ever seen. White pasta covered in what appears to be a pesto sauce, but there seems to be something speckled into it. Something red. Is it peppers? You love peppers, but... in a pesto sauce?

"It sure looks... interesting," Fluttershy says hesitantly. “This is your favorite place, Anon?”

"Uh... Yeah. I probably should have asked what the special was before I ordered it." You try to chuckle in good humor. This could turn out so bad. What were you thinking? What if she doesn't like spicy food...

Digging a fork in, you spiral your fork in the pasta, grabbing a healthy bite of food. Cautiously, you sniff the dish. It smells like pure fire. You love spicy food... but the combination is odd to say the least. Placing the bite into your mouth, an explosion of flavor overwhelms your senses, but none of them bad. Spice, garlic, earthly oils and herbs create a wrecking ball of flavor that surprises you. Pleasntly surprised you.

"Wow. That's really something else," you say in honest surprise.

"Is it too spicy?" Fluttershy asks timidly.

"I dunno. I don't think so, but I like spicy food. It's really different." You answer. “If you don't like it, I'll order something else for you.”

She takes her own bite after inspecting a forkful.

"Mmm. That really IS different. It reminds me of something Rainbow's parents would make." Oh thank god. She likes it.

"Rainbow Dash's parents?" you ask.

"Of course! Rainbow and I grew up together in Cloudsdale. She's probably my closest friend and responsible for making me as confident as I am today." Rainbow must be a miracle worker.

"That's really awesome. Are you writing her letters?"

"Mhm.” She answers, trying to swallow a bite of food. “I've always found that letters are more... personal than a phone call," Fluttershy answers.

"I know what you mean... I remember I was going to try and write everyone letters..."
She looks up at you. “I guess we both saw how that went. In fact. I think I'll write another letter to Twilight. She would like that."

Fluttershy smiles and nods. "I think she would too Anon."

Before you know it, your plates are empty and your stomachs are full. The nervous stallion at the other table told some sort of joke as they were leaving and the mare kissed him. His face turned such a deep shade of scarlet that you and Fluttershy had to work to stifle a light giggle. The two of you settled your bill and stepped outside of the restaurant.

"Alrighty then. Are you ready for the pet store?" Fluttershy instantly begins to hover in the air.

"I'm SO ready!" she exclaims.

"Then to the pet shop!" you shout enthusiastically to the city in an over-dramatic fashion.

Leading the excited pegasus forward, you make your way to the pet shop around the corner. Fluttershy's eyes are as wide as oranges. It should be illegal for somepony to be so cute. The two of you approach the well lit shop and you hold the door open for her. She skips into the shop and stops dead in her tracks. You follow behind her and Fluttershy lets in a long, excited gasp.

"ANON! There are so many animals!" she exclaims like a schoolfilly, wings outstretched, and her hooves covering her face.

"Well, let's get looking. Wanna start with the kitties?"

Fluttershy nods and you lead her to the cat section. A litter of newborn kitties mew at the yellow pegasus as she approaches, who leans down to examine them carefully with a wide smile and motherly eyes.

"Hey there little ones~ What are your names?"

Their mewing becomes more frequent and excited as a little orange ball of fluff comes close to the grating and look into the eyes of the pegasus.

"They are so cute, Anon... I want them all!" Fluttershy coos. "They all keep calling me Mama..."

"Good Evening!" calls a masculine voice. Turning your attention to a stallion in a tan uniform, you answer.

"How's it goin?" you ask casually.

"Fine, fine. Looking for a pet? Anything I can help you with?" the stallion asks.

"Well, Fluttershy here is looking for a new pet. She loves animals but wasn't able to bring any of her friends with her when she moved to the city."

Fluttershy straightens up and steps behind you a little bit, half hiding herself behind you and even more hidden by her soft pink mane.

"Well I understand. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my animal friends. Tell me Fluttershy, who was one of your favorites back from home?"

Fluttershy gulps a little and looks up at you. You give her a nod and a smile.

"W-well. Um. There was Angel bunny... and um... Harry... um..." Fluttershy's voice goes a little quiet and she begins to mumble.

"What kind of animal was Harry?" the storekeep asks politely, sensing her nervousness .

"He's a bear." Fluttershy answers. quietly

The storekeep's eyes open wide and dart from side to side. ”Uhm. Come again?”

“A bear,” she replies again.

The storekeep looks from you, back to Fluttershy, then back to you.

"Well! We don't have any bears... but, we DO have a new batch of puppies!" Fluttershy's ears perk up at the idea of a newborn puppy.

"What breed are they?" she asks curiously.

"We have all sorts. Here, I'll show you."

The storekeep turns around and leads Fluttershy away from the mewing kitties, she looks over her shoulder at them occasionally with a sad look on her face. You can only imagine how hard it was for her to leave all of her animals at home, if she's having this much of an issue leaving kittens she doesn't even know yet.

How could she abandon so much... just to follow her crush all the way to a different city... doing something she doesn't love doing. It just doesn't make sense. Love is a weird thing that you can't even begin to comprehend... but you wonder if this had to be more than just love that Fluttershy had. Could it be an obsession?

Don't think like that, Anon. Clean slate.

The yips and barks echo through the room as you approach the puppies. Labs, boston terriers, bassets, boxers, poodles and all sorts of other mixed breeds are sorted into various glass walled pens. Their excitement grows to unprecedented levels with the possibility of a new owner on the horizon. They leap up to the glass and paw it intensely, their eyes intently focused on Fluttershy.

"H-how could I possibly choose?" she asks, overwhelmed with the number of choices. She walks up to the basset pups, who are tripping over their own ears and lick the glass when she puts her hoof up to it.

"They sure are adorable, huh?" you mention, not really knowing a whole lot about animals. You know what they will do to your favorite rug if they aren't trained properly... that's for sure.

Fluttershy nods, stepping back to get a grasp of all the animals.

"Wait," she says, her attention redirected to a glass pen that sits in the corner.

She moves to the far side of the wall, where there aren't any puppies clawing for attention. Inside this pen is a single dog who looks like he could have came in off the street. His fur is clean and groomed, but he shows no interest in moving. He lays still, eyes half lidded in weariness and with the stare that could dampen the mood of a newly 'marked' filly.

"Who is this little guy?" she asks the store owner.

"Oh. Uh, that's Scruffy," the store owner answers with a depressed tone. You look to him as you move closer to take a better look.

"Why's do you say it like that?" she asks.

"Well, most ponies that come in want a newborn kitten or pup. Scruffy here has been around for almost a year and a half now. Nopony has ever kept him."

The dog lifts his head in the pen and looks between you and Fluttershy, wondering why two people could possibly be looking at him. He puts his head down, reserved and resigned that it must be nothing. Just like all the other times.

"A few families have taken him home, but brought him back because they wanted something cuter. He just hasn't been the same since the last time. He won't really eat. He won't try to grab the attention of ponies. Nothing," he explains.

Fluttershy looks in at the sad, reserved dog and places her hoof on the glass. The dog looks into Fluttershy's eyes. Fluttershy stares into Scruffy's two lakes of blue hurt and pain. The stallion takes a deep breath and looks at the floor.

"Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can keep him around.” The storekeep elaborates. “He's a very good dog. One of my favorites. I just can't snap him out of his depression while he's here and I can't take him home..."

You can understand why the poor thing is out of it. It's the same depression that you felt when you first arrived in Equestria. To suddenly get thrown into a place where you feel you don't belong can hurt anyone.

"If I can't give him a home, I'll have to-"

"I want him." Fluttershy states, firmly and assertively.

The store owner's eyes open widely, and he looks at Fluttershy curiously. As does Scruffy from behind his glass, his head lifting.

"Really?" The owner asks in pure shock

"Yes. I can't leave this poor little angel here." Fluttershy answers firmly. “The cycle will end with me.”

His tail stands at attention, as the dog rises to his feet and steps forward to the glass. It doesn't surprise you in the least that this poor, broken animal is who Fluttershy would want to nourish and love.

"Are you sure he's the one you want Fluttershy?" you ask her. Her eyes are locked into Scruffy's, as his tail begins to wag gently.

"Hey little guy, wanna go home with me?" she says to Scruffy, writing off your words. Scruffy barks in reply and his tail wags even harder. The shop owner places a hoof over his mouth. You look to him and nod.

"Well, you heard the mare. We'll take him," you nod to the store owner.

"Alright then. I'll get the keys to unlock him," he says joyfully. He trots off to the counter as you kneel down beside Fluttershy, who is sitting on the ground outside the glass pen.

"So how do you know, Fluttershy?" you ask. Fluttershy looks to you.

"What do you mean, Anon?"

"How did you know he was the one for you?" you ask. She looks at her new excited pet with a smile.

"It's hard to explain... but it wasn't what the stallion said that made me choose him. It was this... feeling and I think he felt it too, Anon. It was like we were meant to meet each other tonight." You look back to Scruffy.

"Kinda like love then. I guess," you answer.

"Well it is love, Anon. It's just a different kind of love than the one you are thinking of," Fluttershy answers tenderly.

The stallion returns and unlocks Scruffy's pen, who immediately leaps to land wet, sloppy
kisses on Fluttershy's face. She laughs and pets him with a hoof.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Fluttershy coos. You stand up and approach the stallion.

"What's the damage on him?" The stallion waves a hoof.

"I've watched a lot of animals be adopted over the years, but I've never been happier to see one go to a good home," The stallion answers. "I've also never seen an animal take to their new owner like that before. Just knowing that Scruffy will be happy, I'll be happy. It's moments like these that make me happy to do what I do."

You smile and nod. "Thank you sir."

"No. Really. Thank you," he insists. Returning to your date, you kneel down and scratch Scruffy behind the ears.

"Well Fluttershy, should we take this guy home?" you ask.

"Yeah," she says contentedly.

The two of you exit the shop with Scruffy in tow, brandishing a vivid new yellow collar, matching the coat of his owner. Fluttershy pulls him along on a red leash, but the dog kept so close to Fluttershy, you wouldn't think he would need one. Such is the way of the city though. The two of you walk along the sidewalk to Fluttershy's apartment this morning, which wasn't too far away.

"The movers said that everything would be moved in by tonight when I called from work." Fluttershy mentions, breaking your attention from her new pet.

"Well, hopefully they got everything in. I don't have any experience with movers here in town,” you answer.

"I'm sure they did a good job. They sounded like nice ponies over the phone," she says optimistically.

"What did you have for them to move?" you ask out of curiosity. "I thought you didn't bring many things with you." She shakes her head.

"Just some furniture, my bed and basic essentials that were in storage. I don't need many things to be happy." she says in a soft tone.

"Well at least you aren't starting from scratch then. That's good. Sure is smarter than me,” you answer. Scruffy looks excitedly around at the surrounding city, drinking in his new surroundings.

"This one's it right?" you ask as you think you've spotted the building.

"That's it," she answers.

You forgot how close this place is to yours... In fact, you can see your window from here. Opening the entrance for Fluttershy and her new pet, the two of you rise through the elevator to Fluttershy's new room. The hallways aren't anything special, but the carpeting is nice and the place seems to be quiet enough.

"402, 403... Here we go. 404," she counts off as you pass each door.

"This is it then?" you ask.

“Mhm,” she answers. You attempt to commit the room to memory.

Fluttershy pulls out a key she received from this morning and unlocks the door. It opens to a moderately sized apartment, filled with items you recognize from Fluttershy's old cottage, but without as many birdcages or animals. Honestly, it doesn't feel like a place Fluttershy would live. It doesn't seem right.

This is wrong.

"Here we are, Scruffy. Home sweet home." Fluttershy says, stepping inside.

You follow her inside and look around as she flips on some lights and Scruffy explores his new surroundings.

"It looks pretty nice," you state, trying your best to hide your reservations.

"It'll have to do,” Fluttershy says optimistically, but not optimistic enough to convince you it was the whole truth. You sit down on her couch and undo Scruffy's leash. Fluttershy flutters over and sits beside you on the couch.

"Don't you like it?" you ask. She looks around, then outside to the skyline covered view.

"Well... um," she begins, trying to search for the right words.

"It's not as quiet as Ponyville?" you suggest. She nods. "I'm sure you miss your animal friends too."

Fluttershy sighs. "I just hope they are doing okay. I miss them so much."

"I'm sure they are." You say confidently. “I'm sure they miss you too.”

She looks up into your eyes and shifts a little closer to you.

"Anon... that's one of the things that I love the most about you." Her words catch you off guard as you watch her. Fluttershy turns herself to you more and leans forward up to your face. "You always have a way of making me feel better when I'm down on myself."

She places a hoof on one of your legs and uses it to push herself closer to you.

"Even if... Just for a moment... I'm not afraid of anything when I'm around you," she whispers.

Her face inches nearer and nearer to yours. Fluttershy's eyes gently close. Your heart feels warm and your mind goes blank. You bite your bottom lip. Your throat swells tight. A mere inch from her face, a pervading thought pierces your mind and your eyes open wide.

You can't forget what she did to you.

You press your hand against her chest, but she pushes herself onto you harder. Leaning your head backwards does not halt her progress. Her lips press against yours, and your mind screams in conflict. You feel her hind hooves move up to the couch and she wraps her fore-hooves around your head. Her soft lips feel like velvet to yours, as her soft fur blankets you in warmth.

Just as quickly as it began, the kiss ends. She pulls away, blushing and looking at the floor.

"W-was that bad?" she asks innocently.

You choke on your words. How can you reply to her? That you wanted to back out at last second? Deep down, you can't remove the thought from your head. The clean slate isn't something you can give her. Not yet. You scramble for the best words you can muster.

"No. I mean, tonight was a date... right?" you ask.

She blushes and looks up at you. "I was hoping so." she whispers.

That's when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket again.

"But, I still think we should go slow Shy. I-I mean. I don't want to mess anything up," you add, trying to cover your tracks. Fluttershy looks up at you and her entire demeanor changes in seconds. Her eyes slowly become half lidded, her cheeks blushing and wearing a devilish smile.

"But, Anon... I owe you for everything you've done for me," she whispers.

That's it. That's the look. The one you remember. The one that you moved entire cities to get away from. You furrow your brow and look at her carefully.

"Shy." She leans in closer to you, licking her lips. A hoof runs along the outside of your leg. You scoot away from her. "Is this you, or your other side?"

Fluttershy freezes with her mouth open. You rise from the couch and give Scruffy a good pet.

"I'm going to leave, before you can do something you'd regret,” you state coldly. Fluttershy panics and rises from the couch.

"Anon I'm sorry, don't go. I've just-"

"It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye, Fluttershy." You say, leaving her apartment.