• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 14,391 Views, 589 Comments

Office Love - Flutterpriest

Anonymous leaves Ponyville to pursue a quiet office job in Manehattan. While he finds the possibility of new love in his future, he finds that his past from Ponyville isn't willing to give him up so easily.

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Part 1 - Chapter 3: Happy Hour

Well, it looks like you have a bunch of work that Fluttershy completed sitting in front of you, a bunch of work of our own, and three hours of normal work. You've been helping Fluttershy out so much all day that you've barely been able to touch your own work. Getting out your calculator and some scratch paper, you get to work on the most daunting thing on your plate. The numbers whiz by in your head easily thanks to your amazing mood. It's amazing what a simple cup of coffee will do for you.

Your new office is so cozy and quiet that it's extremely easy to lose track of time. Next thing you know, you are closing the book on the file with a satisfied grin. Looks like there is 30 minutes left until the end of the day. You aren't quite spent, so you could get some more work done, but you haven't checked on Fluttershy for a while. If you really wanted to, you could kill some time with Brand.

But, it would probably be a good idea to see how Fluttershy is holding up. It IS her first day on the job, and knowing how shy she can get, maybe she is too scared to ask for help. Then again, today she has been acting like a totally different pony then normal. Who knows what could be awaiting you at her desk.

You exit your office and head down the hall to Fluttershy's desk timidly. She seems to be working diligently and ignoring a stallion that you've seen around the office that frequently has inter-office romances.

"Anyway... if you aren't doing anything later tonight... maybe I could show ya round town. Whaddaya say? It could be fun?" The stallion asks with a sly grin.

It seems like she hasn't quite noticed you yet. It would probably be better if you approached the situation.

"Miss Fluttershy." You state, announcing your presence. She looks up to you with a smile that could only be forced.

"Good Afternoon Anonymous. How can I help you?" Fluttershy asks in her business tone.

"I just wanted to see how things were holding up for you. If there is anything reasonable I can do to help you adjust, I'd be happy to oblige."

"No problem yet sir. Everything is going smoothly." She says directly to you, acting like the stallion beside her doesn't even exist.

"That's good to hear. Also, as a friendly reminder, I'm happy that you are trying to adjust to life in Manehattan, but I insist that you do not do it on company time." You mention with a hint of a warning. You turn your attention to the stallion. "Same goes to you. I will be more than happy to inform Brand of your slacking."

He scribbles something down on a piece of paper and leaves it on Fluttershy's desk.

"Sorry sir." The stallion says sheepishly. He turns to Fluttershy and whispers "Call me," before scurrying to his desk. She looks at the paper for a second, and tosses it with another stack of papers.

"Sir, if it's not too much trouble, could you drop these in the shredder on your way back?" She asks happily.

"Sure, it's not a problem." You answer. She gives you a wide smile, and your hand grazes her hoof as you grab the papers. She blushes wildly at such a simple gesture. Goddamn she is cute sometimes. If you didn't have such a checkered past with her... then maybe...

You shake your head and assure Fluttershy she's doing a good job. Heading back to your desk, you dump the paper into the shredder, noticing the stallion's scribbled number in among the papers you trashed.

Stopping back into your office, you notice that you've got some time left. Might as well review some of Fluttershy's work. You pull up the documents and scan over them carefully. As you go deeper and deeper into each document, you have to strain harder to check every little detail. Everything is perfect, and in fact, almost look as if you did them yourself. She's really got a gift for this work. How did she get this skill all of a sudden? Fluttershy never seemed to be the smart type.

Guess there is still a lot to learn about this mare.

You shut the book on one of the three projects when Brand knocks on your open door.

"Hey man, ready to get outta here?" He asks with a smug grin.

"Yeah sure. I just gotta check in with Fluttershy first before we go." You mention.

"Really?” He asks in slight shock. “I thought you hated her? I thought I would provide you an escape route."

"Things... seem different... for some reason. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think she is trying to change." You elaborate.

"Alright. Well, I guess it sounded like everything turned out. I'll meet you downstairs then. See you in a bit." He concludes with a wave and taking his leave.

You get up and close the door to your office and lock it with your keys. While you walk down the hall towards Flutter's desk, you unhook your apartment key. She is working diligently on a few extra files. Hearing your approach, she looks up and gives you a wide smile.

"Are you ready to go? I had such a marvelous plan for thanking you tonight. I was going to pick up some things and make you dinner!" She makes a small squee and looks at you excitedly. A small pang of guilt shoots through you, but you do your best to shake the feling.

"Sorry Flutters, I've got plans with Brand tonight. Maybe another time. Here are the keys to the place. I dunno when I will get in, but be safe. We'll talk more in the morning."

Her face deflates, and she looks down at her work. "Oh... well... um. Maybe I'll have something you can warm up for lunch tomorrow or something."

"You don't have to do that. You don't need to pay me back for anything. I'll just see you later tonight." You attempt to reassure her

"Oh... well.. okay Anon. See you..."

She looks like a child that received socks for a Christmas present. You take a quick look around. It looks like the office is pretty much empty. Maybe if she is really trying to change...

"Hey." She looks up at you. You stroke her mane and pinkness rises in her cheeks. "I'd like to maybe take your offer on another night." She smiles a little and nods. "There we go. I'll see you at my place tonight then. Here's the key."

Fluttershy takes the key and nods, examining it carefully. You head to the elevators and jump inside one of the machines that are heading down. It's a quiet ride to the lobby, but you actually feel a little excited for your evening tonight. Plans on the weekdays are a rare occurrence for you. The chime signals the arrival to the ground floor, and you meet up with Brand.

"Alright! Let's get outta here." You proclaim.

"Sweet! I know just the place." Brand starts leading the way to one of his favorite pubs.

"So, how's things going Brand? Having any luck lately?" You ask him curiously. You nudge him in the side and you both laugh.

"Things are alright I suppose. I met this nice stallion a few weeks ago at the place we are heading to. His name was Cedar. We talked and exchanged numbers, but it just didn't work out I guess."

"Why's that? No time in that busy schedule for a bit of R&R?" You interrogate.

"No... It's nothing like that. He's just not... quite what I'm looking for right now.” He looks a little down, but you keep moving forward.

"Don't worry about it man, you'll find who you're looking for. Just gotta keep your head held high and have an optimistic outlook." He smiles and nods to you.

"Yeah. I suppose it's just a matter of time. It's just hard sometimes when it feels like you aren't even noticed by the people you really like. Anyway, how are things adjusting with the new girl? I have to admit that I was really concerned this morning."

"I understand man. She's... alright I guess.” Now that you had Brand in a normal conversation, you couldn't stop thinking of the question that eating at you. How did this all happen? How did you get into this mess? “Hey, I hate to change the subject... but I'm kinda interested. What prompted the sudden promotion? Not that I'm complaining mind you, it just sorta came outta the blue." He looks away from you and you can't see his expression. "I mean, I haven't even been working here that long. It doesn't make a whole ton of sense to me."

"I thought... I thought you were ready for it. You were qualified. It seemed to make sense." He says with a tone you can't quite recognize.

"I appreciate it to be sure and I'm glad I got the job, it's just I'd hate to see you get some flak for it. Guess I just gotta make sure the higher ups see it wasn't a mistake huh?" He smiles and looks at you.

"I know you will be able to do it. I have faith in you...” He quickly looks away and shakes his head. “Here we go! Just around the block. They got some great prices on some imported cider."

"Awesome! You will have to give me a suggestion for something strong when we get in."

The two of you walk in and it's a simple enough place. Tables line the entirety of the bar, leaving room for a dance floor and there is a live band playing. Brand takes a seat at the bar and you sit next to him. The barkeep walks over with a smile.

"Two hard ciders please." Brand asks.

"Gotcha." The barkeep nods. He heads down towards the other end of the bar and returns with two glasses of cider on the rocks.

"Cheers, my friend." Brand toasts with a raised glass.

"Cheers!" You answer, clashing your glasses together, and down the hatches the cider goes.

You and Brand talk a little bit of corporate gossip, share some off-color humor and even take turns eying mares and stallions from around the bar. Brand suddenly begins to stare down into his drink when a stallion begins to approach the two of you.

"Fancy seeing you here Brand." The mysterious stallion mentions. You look to him with confusion on your face. After mouthing out "Who the fuck is this?" Brand sits up straight.

"Anon... this is Cedar. Cedar... Anon."

"Great to see that I got REPLACED so fast. Tell me then Anon. How does it feel knowing you are getting sloppy seconds from a REAL stallion?"

Perhaps it's the haze of alcohol that's eating at you or simply that you can't stand the idea of someone being mean to your friend, you decide it's time to put up an act.

"Actually. It's fuckin great." You state matter-of-factly. You wrap your arm around Brand and give him a kiss on the cheek. "You don't have a clue what your missin bro. This guy is a MONSTER when you let him loose." Cedar looks at you in disgust. "Besides." You stand up to him, a little unbalanced from the liquor, which was a lot stronger than you thought, but resolute never-the-less. "He's too good for a little slut like you." He panics at the behemoth that towers over him.

"W-Whatever! I don't need to waste my time around people like you." Cedar turns tail and trots out.

"Hope I never see your fuckin face again!" You call after him. Finally, you turn to Brand which has noticeable blush on his face. You give him a wide smile and a small wink. "Gotch'er back, Bro." He turns around in his seat and back into his drink.

"Yeah... bro. Thanks. That guy is a real pain." You give him a punch in the arm.

"Come on. Why all the doom and gloom bro? Lighten up."

"Yeah yeah. It's hard to find someone special you know?" You look down and it's 7pm. Oh crap! Sun is setting soon.

"It is, sure, but you're pretty damn special. There are probably tons of really shy guys just waiting for you." He smiles a bit. "If anyone gives you any flak, just point 'em out and I'll show why they're wrong." You flex your godly muscles. Well, you think they are godly anyway. "Ya' know, I'm pretty damn good debater." He nervously chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll keep that in mind." You stretch your arms out and quickly pay your tab.

"Well, I better get back. I got some company tonight." Brand gives you a weird look, then he sips his drink again.

"You sure you can't stay much longer?" The thought of Fluttershy rifling through your underwear comes to mind. Old habits die hard for some mares. You aren't quite sure you want to find out what group Fluttershy is in.

"I'm pretty sure." You say nervously.

"Well, alright. See you tomorrow then."

You exit the bar and begin to stroll towards your apartment. That was a pretty good time, if you didn't say so yourself. Not eating anything did make you pretty hungry though. Oh well, that's just more money that's saved. Maybe there is something at home you can warm up quick.

Pushing into your apartment, you take the elevator up to your floor. As you pass Mulberry's apartment, you hear yelling. You stop to think before you enter your apartment. Concern begins to wash over you. Is she okay? You begin to move towards the door of her apartment. The yelling is muffled... but from what you can make out.

"I don't understand how I have to go to work all day then come back to you lazing about and making me do all the work!" You hear a feminine voice from inside. It must be Mulberry.

"It doesn't fucking matter what I do! Shut the fuck up and just clean the goddamn dishes!"

"I shouldn't have to be your mother!"

Everything goes quiet. You cup your ear to the door, but no more sounds grace your ears. You step away from the door and inch your way towards your apartment. Staring at the door to her apartment, the door doesn't budge. You must have stood at your door for five minutes. No more sound comes from the normally quiet apartment. Something is wrong. You can just feel it.