• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 14,390 Views, 589 Comments

Office Love - Flutterpriest

Anonymous leaves Ponyville to pursue a quiet office job in Manehattan. While he finds the possibility of new love in his future, he finds that his past from Ponyville isn't willing to give him up so easily.

  • ...

Part 1 - Chapter 11: Bedside Manner

Humans and Equines aren't too different from each other. For instance, when in moments of high stress or when their lives are in danger, both species have a way of thinking harder, running their muscles to their breaking point, and acting on pure instinct.

The endocrine system. Specifically, the adrenal gland.

When one of these species have a 'fight or flight' reaction to a situation, the response is immediate and unconscious. Epinephrine pumps into the bloodstream immediately, boosting the heart rate and sending their body into overdrive. It's a much needed system for critical situations.

Critical situations, just like the ones you would face tonight.

You immediately take off running as Autumn follows behind to the best ability that her little legs could. The only thought that pressed on your mind was if Mulberry was okay. The first thought that crossed your mind was how sad she's been lately. But, was she really that sad?

No, it couldn't be that. Anything but that. You would never forgive yourself.

Your legs push forward on instinct as adrenaline pumps through your veins. Autumn's speed can barely keep up as you sprint towards your apartment complex. You weren't even 100% sure that it was going to be Mulberry in trouble. However, you had a feeling in your gut. It was her. You simply knew it.

The world rushes by your eyes as ponies watch the two of you in mild curiosity and confusion. The only luck that was on your side was the restaurant wasn't a far walk from your home. However, your mind was numb. The only thought that stuck in your mind was if she was okay. She pleaded to you today. She asked for you to spend the day with her, but you refused. Just to spend time with Autumn.

Guilt hangs over you with it's judgmental gaze, sending shivers down your spine. Rounding a corner, you look over your shoulder to Autumn, who's face is contorted in fear and concern, putting everything she can into staying behind you. The building is just visible in the distance, as the teams of emergency ponies funnel into the building. However, another team of police were already on the scene, taping up the outside of the apartment building and pushing away those who where standing by and asking questions.

Your heart skips a beat as the world around you becomes silent. It had to be her.

Your legs move on instinct and you jump into the street, blatantly disregarding any traffic that no longer existed in the world that matters to you. The crowd is only a mild hindrance as you push yourself past each of the concerned citizens. They grunt and curse as you push through to the police stallions. The police shout to the crowd that the building was off limits to non-residents, but it falls on deaf ears as Autumn follows in tow.

Breaking through the tape, a few of the police chase after you, but you don't even glance at them as Autumn tells them that you live there, keeping in step behind you. Pushing into the building, you immediately head for the stairway. The elevator would take too long and time is of the essence.

You leap up each flight of stairs three at a time and push through the door to your floor without taking any extra breaths. Breath raggedly escapes your mouth as you scan the hall. Once you turn to Mulberry's room, you freeze as exhaustion, loss of breath, and your pulsing heart rate hit their breaking point and overwhelm your body.

The epinephrine wasn't enough to push you through the scene in front of you.

Two police stand outside of Mulberry's apartment as a medical staff enters the door with a stretcher. Autumn pushes through the stairway door behind you, panting heavily to catch her breath.

"No..." you whisper, seeing your fear come to life. One foot slowly places itself in front of the other towards her apartment. It can't be. She has to be okay. She has to be okay. This is all your fault.

"Anon..." Autumn says, following behind you. "I don't think we can go in there."

"I don't care," you answer, your voice cracking. Each step towards the apartment that you entered so non-nonchalantly yesterday feels grueling and sets you more on edge. Goosebumps form on the back of your neck as you approach the two stallions guarding the entrance. One immediately blocks your entry as you come near.

"Sir, this is a crime scene. I'm going to have to ask you to leave-"

"I want to see if Berry is okay," you interrupt.

"Unless you are family, I cannot allow-"

"Bullshit. I'm her neighbor and she's been in a lot of rough shit lately," you roar.

"Sir, I can't let you in unless I get orders telling me otherwise," the police stallion stated flatly.

"Anon, there isn't anything we can do," Autumn said, tugging gently on your hoodie. "He's just trying to do his job." Your muscles tense as you look into his eyes. How can he just not care? You could punch him straight in his stupid face and barge in to see Mulberry. Maybe you could help her. Maybe she needs something that you can give her.

A gentle tug causes you to blink as time begins to return back to it's normal speed. With a sigh, you take a step back and look back down to the fall-colored mare, who looks back at you weakly.

"They know what they're doing," she says in an attempt to soothe you. You look back inside the open door of the apartment and nod.

"Sir, unless you live on this floor, I'm going to have to ask-"

"Yeah. I get it," you sigh. "I get it. Just... can you tell me where they are going to take her? If she goes to the hospital?" The policeman looks to his partner with a look that doesn't give you any comfort. "I'm two doors down and... well. Nevermind. I get it," you answer in resignation. "You can't tell me anything."

Of course they wouldn't let you in. Even if you were lucky enough to have met the same crew that helped Berry a few weeks ago and they recognized you, they have a job that they have to do. No exceptions.

Shaking your head, you take slow steps towards your apartment door. Autumn looks from the policeman, to the scene, then back to you and slowly trots behind you.

"Let's just take a little bit to cool down, then check up on them in a little bit," she suggests softly.

"Alright," you answer weakly.

You pull out your keys to open your apartment, feeling like a part of your soul was scratched out like a lottery ticket. You could have prevented this. None of this would have happened if you didn't go out with Autumn today. None of this would have happened if you just told the truth about being on a date with Fluttershy. None of this would have happened if you just put your battery back in your phone. Pulling to the right key, you bring your hand to your door and steady your hand to put your key in the lock. But, as you pull on the door, you hear a light click.

The click of a door closing. Why was your door not all the way closed? You remember locking the door explicitly this morning.

Berry. Berry has a key. You force the door open and find your apartment dark and quiet.

"Berry?" you call inside desperately. Flipping the wall switch, the lights in your apartment come to life as you step inside.

"Anon, was the door un-"

But you quickly step inside and tune her out of your mind. Berry could be in here hiding in case she was worried about getting attacked. You listen closely for breathing as you creep into your home.

Step after step, your senses are jumbled by the scent of burnt pizza as you look into the Kitchen. Empty.

Moving down the hall, you look into the bathroom. Empty. Your attention moves to the Living Room as your ears strain for any sort of noise.

"Berry? Are you here?" you call out gently. You take a few steps into the living room as your eyes immediately dart to the couch, where a smiling, yellow pegasus with long pink hair smiles.

"Am I not who you were expecting?" Fluttershy asks softly. Autumn trots to catch up with you at the sound of her voice. Her eyes dart from you, to the pegasus on your couch.

"What's -she- doing here?" Autumn asks, concern filling her tone.

"I don't know," you reply. "If she doesn't tell me soon, she won't be here for long."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy answers hurtfully. "You refuse answer any of my messages and calls all day and I can't come over to see if you are alright?" You stare at her curiously, trying to get inside her head. Is she being sincere?

"Sorry. Phone's dead," you reply. Fluttershy studies your face and slightly frowns. Her gaze moves from you to Autumn.

"I see..." she says.

"What happened to Berry?" you ask. Fluttershy looks at you confusedly.

"What do you mean? Did something happen to her?" she asks. "I had been busy here ever since you left, cleaning your home, which you made quite filthy with the burnt food."

"How the hell do you NOT KNOW?" you yell. "Did you not HEAR any of the commotion or police outside?"

"The vacuum is loud, Anon." You grunt in frustration and run your hands through your hair.

"Goddamnit. God. Damnit," you whisper. Autumn and Fluttershy stare at each other intently, however while Autumn looks confused and skeptical, Fluttershy simply smiles confidently. What's she doing that for? Why is she smiling? This has to end now. No more games. "Fluttershy, I want the key to my apartment back," you state firmly. Autumn looks up to you, breaking the stare down with your secretary.

"She has a key to your apartment?" she asks.

"Of course, I do," Fluttershy says warmly. "I've been living here with him."

"Not anymore. You got your own place now. You don't need to crash here," you answer flatly. "Which means you don't need the key." Fluttershy looks back to you in slight disbelief.

"R-really?" she asks.

"Yes. Give it back," you command. She looks hesitantly from you, to her bag on the floor.

"Is this about last night?" Fluttershy asks. "I said I was sorry." Autumn looks in shock between you and Fluttershy. The vivid memory of her lustful eyes undressing you with her mind runs through your head. You shiver at the thought.

"No. This was coming and you knew it. Give me the key," you reply. With a sign, Fluttershy grabs her saddle bag and takes the key out. She looks at it carefully, but sighs and places it down in front of her on the nearby coffee table.

"Here," she says quietly, rising from her seat and halving the distance between you and her.

"Thank you," you politely answer. She stands in the spotlight of your attention, as her gaze looks between you and Autumn.

"So, then. When will it be official?" she asks venomously, failing her attempt to conceal hurt in her voice. Autumn blushes as her gaze moves to the floor.

"Soon enough," you reply sternly. "It's none of your concern."

"So when were you going to tell me?" she asks, her wings beginning to expand in a threatening pose. "Did you forget what you told me?" You stare at her, anger welling up inside you. Why was she doing this? "You said one date. One date and you'd let her down easy. You didn't want her to feel led on. So I let you..." Autumn's mouth opens slightly.

"We weren't a couple, Fluttershy," you interrupted quickly. "I was giving you a second chance at getting back in my life again, so I-"

"Led me on?" she asked hatefully.

"No." You slowly shake your head in anger, trying to hold back the mean and hurtful things you could shoot back.

"Lied to me?"


"I suppose the nights we slept together meant nothing then, did they?" she asks, her voice cracking. Autumn looks up to you, her expression full of horror.

"Listen. What I did to you was shitty. What I did to both of you was shitty. I'm sorry. I led both of you on. I had feelings for both of you and couldn't decide who I liked more. I liked this new side of Fluttershy. I liked this new person that entered my life. However, I made my mind up last night," you say to her with a glance of anger. Fluttershy remains silent as tears form in her eyes.

"Then, that's it?" Fluttershy asks. "Just like that you're tossing me to the curb? I knew you first. I was there for you. I helped you when you first arrived in Ponyville-"

"You know exactly what you fucking did in Ponyville. It's clear you haven't forgotten and don't intend on changing that," you interrupt loudly. "It's all you want from me."

A silence falls in the room. A tear runs down Fluttershy's cheek as she sends you a look you haven't seen her have before. You've seen her lustful gaze of desire, her loving look of care, and her expression of content, but this was different. It was like she was looking at something she recognized from her past... but it was changed, altered to a point of near nonrecognition. The very sight of you caused her pain. Her body gently trembled as she stood in the center of your apartment.

"I'd like for you to leave," you command her.

The words sent a shockwave of hurt through her body as she winced. However, she remained still, as if she didn't hear you at all. Fluttershy looked to your bedroom as her mouth slowly opened, her wings slowly re-closing. The life and volume in her tail slowly faded away as it fell to the ground. The positivity drained from her face as her eyes returned to meet yours.

"Y-yes... sir," she whispered, her neck slowly craning towards the floor. She walked slowly in-between you and Autumn and made her way out to the hallway."G-goodbye, Anon," she says as she closes the door behind her.

The slam left echoes in your ears and will leave an imprint on your soul for the rest of your life. Your attention turned to the mare beside you, not letting the guilt eat at your soul. Autumn stood directly beside you, but felt a million miles away. You keel down to meet her gaze, but her eyes wouldn't meet yours.

Now, the guilt sets in. You feel like the smallest person in Equestria.

"I'm... I'm so sorry," you whisper. "I should have told you the whole situation. That I was giving her a second shot-" She shook her head violently, forcing you to stop mid-sentence.

"I knew that. I knew that the whole time," she said, her voice full of pain and hurt. You kept silent as she remained rooted to the spot, unable to form the words she wanted. She could have walked out at any point, but hadn't yet. There has to be a reason.

"You said that... the two of you weren't serious," she said.

"We weren't," you answered softly.

"But... the two of you..." she trailed off, unable to say it. "Slept..."

"No," you instantly answered. "We shared the same bed. Mulberry was too scared to go back to her apartment after everything happened. So she took the couch. I was trying to be nice and not make anyone sleep on the floor. It was completely platonic," you say. She turns to look you in the eye, tears welling from her own.

"If we're going to make this work, Anon... we need to be completely honest with each other," she said. You nod to her and place a hand on your knee.

"Of course. I have nothing to hide." She takes a step closer to you as you raise a hand to her face, but hesitate halfway.

"I don't want you seeing her at all outside of work," she says. You nod to her with a smile.

"Done. I was planning on cutting myself off from her anyway." Autumn take a step towards you and pushes her face gently into her hand as you caress her cheek.

"Promise?" she asks, looking directly into your eyes.

"Yes. I promise," you answer, the words coming from your heart, not your head. She studies your face for a moment, her expression full of hope, caution, and fear. However, it slowly fades as she takes another step closer to you. Then another.

Her front hooves lift off the ground and wrap themselves around your neck as she pulls herself into you. You wrap your arms around her as she cradles her head on your shoulder and you hold her tightly. Her soft warmth penetrates your shaken form.

"I believe you, Anon. I trust you," she whispers.

"I don't want to hurt you, Autumn," you answer.

Three words sit on the edge of your lips. Words that felt natural to say, but... you realized how much they would mean if you said them right now. Perhaps... it's too soon. Besides, other than seeing her a few times and a date... maybe two if you count the park, the two of you haven't known each other for that long.

Don't say it. Don't ruin this, Anon. You've already hurt enough ponies for one day.

First, Mulberry's home gets broken into, then you shatter Fluttershy. Nopony else deserves to get hurt anymore. If there's one that you can protect... You squeeze Autumn tightly and plant a kiss just underneath her ear. It's this one.

"Why are you so... wonderful?" she asks. You squeeze her tightly and breathe deeply into her brown, velvet soft mane, smelling the relaxing smell of old books and maple leaves in the fall time.

"You'd have to tell me why you are first," you reply with a smile.

It just felt good to have her in your arms again. This time, you wouldn't be so callous. A knock at the door breaks you and Autumn's moment, distracting the two of you for a second time this evening.
You press your lips on the forehead of the light brown mare and rise to your feet. Opening the door, one of the police stallions from Mulberry's door was standing outside.

"Y-yes, officer. How can I help you?" you ask.

"Sir, we heard shouting from inside. Is everything alright?" he asks.

"Yeah," you answer quickly. "Yeah. Everything's fine now. Just... getting a bit over-dramatic is all. It's been a big day."

"I see," he says, leaning over to view the inside of your home. You lean to the side as Autumn approaches the door with a smile, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Everything's fine, officer. I swear," she says in confirmation. The officer looks back at you skeptically.

"Listen. I can tell you care and we're just going to tell the landlord anyway, so we figured we might as well tell you now and save you the trouble. She's in an ambulance right now, headed to Mercy Midtown Medical," You gasp and stand up straighter, as if being at attention will get you on the officer's good side.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," you reply.

"Thank you so much," Autumn answers. "We were so worried." He nods at the two of you.

"Listen. It's my last call for the night and the place is right on my way home. Do the two of you want a lift? That is, if the monkey isn't too heavy," he says. You open your mouth to protest, but shake your head quickly, not wanting to pass up this opportunity.

"Can you give me five seconds?" you ask. He nods as you nod to Autumn and head to your bedroom. Once you get in your bedroom, you freeze as the entire room has been cleaned. The clothes from last night were picked up. By Fluttershy.

Instantly, you run to the dirty clothes hamper and frantically search for yesterday's pants. Finally, you find them and rip them out from the bottom of the hamper. Quickly, you check the pockets for the battery to your phone. However, nothing is in them. You look frantically around your room. Could it have fallen out? Where would it-

You scan your bed, which was now neatly folded and laundered by Fluttershy's loving hoof, and sitting on one of the fluffy white pillows, the one Fluttershy had been sleeping on, was your phone battery. Anger fills your chest as you grab the battery off the pillow and slam it into your phone. Crossing the room back to your phone charger, your mind fills with all sorts of questions.

What's her problem? What happened to the kind, gentle person you've seen the last few days? Why does she have this... disgusting passive-aggressive side that only you see? It's wrong. Now she's trying to act like she owns you or something.

You place the phone on the charger and take a deep breath as you head back to the police officer. It'll have to wait. Right now, Berry needs your attention. Hopefully it's not too late.

"Would the two of you like coffee as you wait?" You jerk your head upward and blink your eyes. Were you nodding off?

"Uhm. Yeah, that would be nice. What time is it?" you ask.

"Three A.M."

"Thanks," you reply.

Rubbing your eyes, you sit up straighter on the waiting room bench. Autumn was fast asleep, her head resting gently on your lap. The last thing the nurses told you was that the doctors were taking care of some broken bones and internal bleeding, but she would have been moved to a room after they completed their work. You have to see her.

It calmed your mind that she would be okay, but you still felt hollow. You caused this. You could have prevented this. Shakily, you release a breath as you place a hand on Autumn's back and stroke her soft fur.

While you want to revel in what a good day you had today, you can't bring yourself to feel good about everything that happened. Today's date was like something out of a fairy tale. Except, fairy tales had everything in them go completely right. This was even better, it was real. Autumn felt... real. But, she felt so perfect.

Shaking your head, you grin at the idea of what the two of you are. Hopeless.

You look up at the double doors that the doctors must have carried Berry though. What was she thinking right now? Were the cops looking for the scumbag that had caused all of this? Was Fluttershy involved? You shake your head at the thought. Fluttershy wasn't that horrible. Sure, she's been trying to keep you all to herself the last two weeks, but she wouldn't hurt somepony to be sure she kept you.

The nurse mare returns, carrying a plate of two cups of coffee.

"I'll put hers on the table," she replies.

"Thanks," you answer, taking one of the cups from her.

"I think Ms. Mulberry will be available soon. Is she family?" the nurse asks out of curiosity.

"Something like that," you answer. "We're both close friends with her."

"Ah, I see," she answers. "Well, I don't think it'll be long. They are going to take her down the hall to 308, if you want to wait in the room." You nod and take a sip of the burning hot life energy.

"Right. Thanks." Gently, you caress Autumn's mane as her face begins to make small contortions.

"Erhm... Wha? Is she okay?" she mutters, as her eyes open gently.

"She's going to be out soon. They are going to let us wait in her room," you whisper.

"Oh... okay," Autumn says, wiping her lips with a hoof and raising her head from her leg. The nurse smiles as you hand Autumn the coffee she brought her.

"Here, it's after three. You might need it," you tell her. She rubs her eye with a hoof and yawns.

"Yeah... thanks," Autumn says.

"Uhm... excuse me," the nurse says. You and Autumn both turn to look at the nurse.

"I don't mean to intrude... but, are the two of you dating?" she asks. A smile curls on your lips as your gaze turns to meet Autumn.

"Why, yes we are," you reply. The nurse sighs and smiles.

"Oh, good. I was about to say, the two of you make a really, really cute couple," she says. Autumn blushes and looks back to the nurse.

"Uhm, thank you," she says. She nods with a smile, then leaves you two to be alone. Autumn looks down to her drink and takes a sip.

"Well... what should we say?" you ask. Autumn looks up to you curiously.

"I don't think now is the right time to tell Berry about... us," you say. She instantly nods.

"Oh, yes. Definitely," she replies. "We can tell her later." You nod.

"What if she asks about what we did today?" you ask. Her face freezes and her gaze looks back down to her drink.

"Uhm..." she says, perplexed. She takes a deep drink of her coffee and sighs.

"Maybe... we only bring that up... if she asks," you suggest.

"That's probably how we should handle it... I don't know... how well she'll take it," Autumn answers.

"What do you mean?" you ask, having a general idea where this is headed. Autumn simply looks at you with a guilty look as she drinks the rest of her coffee. Her glare confirms your fear. Mulberry likes you. Just your luck. With a shake of your head, you down your coffee.

"Well, let's do this," you say, rising to your feet and leaving the cup on the table. Autumn nods and gets to her hooves. Turning towards the nearest hallway, you follow the signs on the walls that lead you in the right direction of Berry's room. Your muscles ache with every step towards her. How can you look her in the eye? She'll blame you. You try to control your breathing as Autumn watches you with concern.

"Hey... do you want me to go in first?" she asks with concern.

"No," you reply. "We should go in together."

"You sure?" she reiterates.


306... 307... A young mare, levitating a clipboard exits room 308 as the two of you approach.
Her attention snaps to you two and she smiles.

"You two must be here to see Mulberry," she says positively.

"Yeah. Is she okay?" you ask. The doctor gives a warm smile and nods.

"She'll be just fine. We had to do a few internal stitches and she's under a lot of drugs right now, but she will be back to normal in a week or two. With a few casts, of course," she says. You cringe at the word 'cast.' "The drugs are going to lower her ability to... uhm, watch what she says. So, she might be a bit of a talker," the doctor warns.

"That's fine, we just want to make sure she's okay," Autumn replies. The doctor nods.

"Of course, well, I won't keep you any longer. Have a nice morning and try not to wake up any of the other patients. We're bending a few rules for you two," she teases.

"Right. Thank you again," you add as she turns and walks to the next room. You look to Autumn and pause to collect yourself. With a nod, you walk through the door to the room, where Mulberry lies on a hospital bed, attached to a IV and heart monitor. She has one of her hind hooves in a cast and lifted into the air, while the opposite foreleg is in a cast too. Her face is covered in bandages, leaving one eye open, which looks out at the window at the dark morning sky.

Your stomach drops at seeing her. She looks like she got hit by a car.

"H-hey, Berry," you stumble out.

"Hey, Berry," chants Autumn. Berry turns her head weakly and a smile forms on her face.

"Hey you two," she groans. "I didn't think I'd be getting visitors..."

"Well, clearly you underestimate us," you add, trying to keep a positive demeanor. "We came as soon as we found out." She smiles warmly, a tear forming in her eye.

"You guys are the best..." she whispers.

You spot two chairs on Mulberry's bedside and both you and Autumn make your way over to them. Taking a seat, Autumn reaches out and wraps her hoof in Berry's good hoof. The room goes silent as the three of you just smile. Berry's expression falters slightly when her gaze moves from Autumn to you.

"Phone," she grunts, but blinks after saying it, as if she tasted something that she didn't expect. "No sorry. Uhm."

"No. I'm sorry. My phone was dead today," you whisper. You reach out and place your hand on Berry's hoof with Autumn's. "I'm so, so sorry, Berry. I should have been there. I-" You tried to make more words, but you found yourself short on breath. Your lungs grew tight and your voice was caught in your throat. Damn it, Anon. Say something. Your gaze turns to the ground. "I-I... should have... I'm so sorry," you stutter.

"It's okay, Anon," she whispers. "Don't be sad. I don't like seeing you hurt," You look up to her, as she endures physical pain and suffering in a hospital. A hurt smile forms on your lips as you aren't sure what to say. Autumn glances from you to Berry, unsure of what to say herself.

"Uhm, I'm really happy you guys came out..." the injured mare says. "But, I'm really, really tired."

"It's okay," said Autumn. "We just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay." Berry nods to Autumn.

"Yeah, the doctors say I'll be back to my normal self in a week. Heh," she chuckles weakly. "Whatever that is." Once again, her face contorts in an expression of distaste. "I didn't mean that," she says

"It's okay. We can go," you reply. Autumn nods and the two of you release Berry's hoof.

"Oh, uhm, Anon," Berry groans. "Could you... stay for a second." The heart monitor leaps for a second. You look to Autumn for help, but her expression shows only concern and sympathy.

"Yeah, I can stay for a little," you reply. She smiles as she looks to Autumn.

"Uhm. I'm just... going to wait outside," the fall colored mare says with a false smile. She trots outside and closes the door behind her, giving you one last concerned look before the click. You sit down beside her on the bed and put her hoof in your hand.

"I'm so sorry about today, Berry," you say, your chest growing tight with guilt. Mulberry shakes her head and gives you a weak smile.

"It's not about that Anon..." she says. You bite your lip, having a feeling at what's coming. Please, Berry. Don't do this.

"I just... didn't know how... or when to say what I wanted to say- Uhm. It's just. Seeing you the last few weeks. The way you've helped me out, cared for me, took care of me. I just... Um. I think of you all the time. Dream of you sometimes too. Uhm." Her face contorts into all types of disgust. "Why are words so hard?"

You blink your eyes hard. Why? Why was she doing this to you? As if the guilt wasn't bad enough. You just got together with Autumn today. Maybe you can stop her.


"No," she grunts. "I wanna say this right. Cause, I just think you are really handsome and kind and wonderful and, and, and- Um. I like you a lot. Um." She looks you in the eye as you face is contorted in the most conflicted face you can muster. "And... I was wondering if you liked me back. The same way I liked you," she asked.

You open your mouth to say something, but you look away from her. What in the world you could possibly say that wouldn't crush her? How is someone supposed to turn someone down like this?
Let alone your abused neighbor friend. Let alone a small, cute pony. Her ears flatten as you refuse to make eye contact.

"Anon?" she asks, hurt already filling her voice again.

"I can't," you reply. Berry goes quiet as the heart monitor is the only sound in the room.

"You can't... what?" she asks, already knowing the answer you have to give.

"I can't be what you want me to be, Berry," you reply. The silence returns as you look back to her and she stares back like puppy dog who had it's nose swatted with a newspaper.

"B-but, why?" she asks. Your muscles tense as you look to the floor. Taking a deep breath, you aren't sure if you should answer the question or not. You could just get up and walk out. The conversation could just be ended right here.

"I'm seeing somepony else," you reply weakly. She looks down to the sheets of her bed.

"It's Fluttershy isn't it?" she asks. "I knew it." The dagger digs even deeper.

"No..." you reply. She looks up at you, hurt filling her face.

"Then who?" she asks, tears running down her eye as her bandage on the other grows wet.

"Listen... You've been through a lot," you say to her, standing up. "Maybe this isn't the best time."

"No! Tell me!" she raspily says. You look at her, concern filling your soul. She looks at you in anger, hurt and tears. Her eyes pierce into you like knives, demanding an answer for why the two of you couldn't be more than friends. "Tell me," she says, her voice breaking.

"It's Autumn," you answer. Her eyes open wide, as if the rug underneath her was ripped away unexpectedly.

"You were... you were the stallion she was talking about. Not- Not a stallion," she said, the pieces falling together in her head.


"Which was why she asked about you so much... and..." she trails off

"Mulberry, I think I should-" She glares at you, catching you off guard. A silence falls in the room once again. Her face alternates between horror, anger, and depression as she can't look you in the eye anymore.

"Maybe you should go," she says quietly.

"Okay," you whisper. You walk the tired, long steps to the door of the hospital room. Stopping to take one look back at her, you sigh. Her gaze returns to the window, as her face winces in pain. She was under a lot of drugs. It wasn't physical pain. "I'm sorry."

Opening the door, you step outside and close it behind you. Autumn sits on a bench outside the door, looking at you in concern. You sigh and look to the ground.

"Did she..." she asks, trailing off.

"Yeah. She knows now," you answer weakly. Taking a seat beside her, she places a hoof on your lap and rubs your leg in an attempt to reassure you.

"Now what?" she asks. You sigh, leaning forward and rubbing your face in your hands.

"I dunno," you reply. "I just. I don't know." She places a hoof on your face.

"Let's go home," she says, attempting to be your voice of reason. "We're all tired. It'll all be better in the morning." You nod and look down to her. She smiles for you and it eases some of the hurt within.

"Alright, I'll walk you home," you reply. She shakes her head.

"Let's go back to your place," she says. "Just. I could use a cuddle, you know. Nothing like that." You smile and nod. Wrapping your arms around her, you lift the little mare into your arms as her face grows red with a blush.

"Let's go home."

Opening your apartment door, Autumn heads inside while you follow behind and lock the door behind her. She walks into the living room, taking in the scenery a little more deeply than last time.

"It really is a nice place," she says. "You keep it really clean."

"It's not a normal thing, I promise," you reply tiredly. Pushing open the door to your bedroom, Autumn follows you inside as you shed your shirt and toss it into the clothes hamper. What a day. Berry's in the hospital and broken. Fluttershy's distraught. Meanwhile, here's this mare.

You turn to her, as she looks at a picture of you and the girls from Ponyville on your bedside. It was bittersweet in a way. Here you were, you should be happy, but you weren't. You liked Autumn. You might even more than like her. However... at what cost did it take to get together with her?

Fluttershy and you will probably never be the same again. It's probably permanently going to damage your chance at a normal friendship with her. And what about Mulberry? If you're lucky, she might be your friend still. Or at least, it'll be like before she turned up on your doorstep. Just neighbors.

You sigh, rubbing your forehead in an attempt to evade the migraine that was growing. Autumn walks to the bed and climbs up on your side of the bed. She looks at you with a smile and lets out a long yawn. An involuntary smile curls on your face.

On second thought... Sometimes sacrifices need to be made.

Mulberry and Fluttershy are big girls. Being heartbroken hurts, but the hurt doesn't last forever. Sure, Mulberry got hurt, but her wounds will heal. Fluttershy needs to walk the path of making her a better pony all by herself. You can't force her to change. You walk to the opposite side of the bed, where Fluttershy laid just a few nights ago and carefully get under the covers.

Getting comfortable, you lay an arm underneath Autumn's pillow as she scoots her warm body closer to you. Her soft fur rubs against your chest and she sighs in content as she faces you. She reaches a hoof up to your cheek and gently caresses it.

"It'll be okay," she says. "You did the right thing."

"You think so?" you ask.

"Yeah," she says. "You did your best. That's what matters."

You smile and look into her eyes as the alarm clock blinks 5AM behind her. Reaching over her, you turn off the alarm and bring your hand to her face. Leaning your face in closer, you plant a firm kiss on her lips. You can feel her lean into the kiss, savoring every second of it. Breaking away, your arm moves down and pulls her body into yours to snuggle.

"I had a good time on our date today," Autumn whispered.

"Me too," you whispered. She smiles and closes her eyes.

"Want to hear something silly?" she asks.

"Sure," you answer sleepily.

"I'm worried that if I fall asleep, I'll wake up and today was a dream," she says. You plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Was it a good dream?" you ask. You can feel her face nod into your chest. "Good," you whisper. She readjusts herself into your body and you can feel her body meld into yours, like the two of you were two halves to a perfect circle.

"Good night, Anon," she whispers. You close your eyes and gently smile.

"Good night, babe," you whisper, before sleep slowly takes the two of you away from the city, to a place where the two of you could cherish that moment.

To cherish the moments you had today.

To cherish all the moments that were still yet to come.