• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 20,759 Views, 1,122 Comments

Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 31: Compromise

“You know, it’s times like these that make me feel like singing to vent my frustrations.”

“Um, you can sing later. For now, please hold still so I can finish fixing up your body.”

“I feel ridiculous letting a female pony mend my body.”

“I’m sorry. Would you rather I go get Big Macintosh? He’s pretty gentle with his hooves.”

“Who the hell is Big Macintosh? Sounds like a type of overhyped apple or outdated computer.”

“He’s the big brother to Apple Bloom and Applejack.”

“Oh, right…I remember Applejack mentioning him. Now that you put it that way, I think I’d much rather you continue to fix me up instead. The thought of an outdated computer or overhyped apple that happens to be a male pony creeps me out.”

“Okay, so in that case, hold still! Um, please?”

Josh grumbled to himself and didn’t say another word, allowing Fluttershy to continue applying bandages and ointments to his bumps and bruises. After his brutal beating courtesy of Angel the bunny, Fluttershy returned a second later with a fresh carrot for the impatient rabbit and a med kit. However, after complaining about how Fluttershy’s animals were laughing at him behind his back, Josh asked that Fluttershy fix him up inside her house instead of out in the open. She immediately complied to his request and, after gently lifted him onto her back, she carried the stubborn stallion into her shack.

Fluttershy soon set Josh’s pained body down onto her sofa and proceeded to start fixing him up. Even though he loudly complained about how humiliated he was, in several aspects, he was secretly amazed at just how quick and efficient Fluttershy was with her work. The Pegasus moved fast, yet was very gentle and Josh barely felt anything she did to his body. Her hooves were very gentle when they touched his skin, and the soothing little song she was humming made Josh nearly relax. Of course, the desire of strangling Fluttershy for humming and irritating him lingered in his thoughts as well.

Not a bad little house, Josh mused, his eyes darting curiously around the room as he took in his new surroundings, It’s clean, despite all the animals outside. It’s also rather neat, and…well, to be perfectly honest, it’s rather dull. Seriously, this Pegasus is…boring. She’s shy and meek, she takes care of a bunch of animals, and her house has nothing of interest inside of it. Could this girl GET any more boring? I’d almost rather be back with Twilight in her library! I think I’d love to take a look inside Rainbow Dash’s house, too. She’s an obvious lesbian and she’s a pain in the ass, but at least she knows how to be cool.

“Okay…working my way down your body…that takes care of your wings,” Fluttershy murmured, giving a gentle pat to Josh’s stationary Pegasus wings. “Besides a few feathers being kicked out, the cool salve I put under your wings should take care of any blistering that will form. Now, let’s take care of the marks on your flanks and posterior, okay?” She flapped her wings and eased down towards the lowest part of Josh’s body.

“Ugh, this is so pissing me…WAIT, WHAT?!?!” Josh’s eyes bulged as a dark blush exploded across his face. Instantly, he leaped off the sofa and landed hard on his hooves. His bruised ankle bones instantly caused him some discomfort, but he didn’t care. Angrily whipping his head around to face the stunned yellow mare, he gave her a harsh glare. “Look, Fluttershy, I appreciate you fixing me up and all, but I’ll be damned if I let a female do stuff to one of my private areas!”

“Um, but Josh, Angel kicked your butt!”

“No kidding, Sherlock.”

“No. I mean, he really did kick you back there…about two dozen times, from what I think I counted. That’s how many bruises are there. It will hurt you to sit if I don’t apply some ointment. Please, lay back down; it will only take a second.”

“Are you not understanding the words that are coming out of my mouth? I said that I am NOT letting a female touch my private areas…ever! For that matter, I’m not letting a male touch them, either. Just give me the ointment and I’ll do it myself.”

Fluttershy, despite seeing how strongly Josh felt about not wanting a girl or really ANYONE to help get him better, felt a little annoyed at having Josh reject her help. With a playful smile on her face, Fluttershy slowly waved the bottle of pain relief ointment in front of Josh’s face. “How about you come and get it, Josh?”

Josh raised an eyebrow as he saw the cute smile on Fluttershy’s lips. What was she playing at? He felt like just walking out of the house, but something about the way Fluttershy was teasing him made him want to stay. It was almost like she was toying with him, seeing what his reaction would be. Was this some kind of test? Well, no matter what it was, Josh could feel the pain in his rump from all the deadly blows that Angel had given it via his strong rabbit legs. He really did need some pain relief to soothe the stinging sensations that were rippling through his body with every passing second.

“Give me that bottle, Fluttershy. I’m not gonna ask again.” Josh took a step towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy giggled softly and gently set the bottle down in front of her. “Right here, Josh. Come a little closer and it’s all yours. I’ll even turn my head so you don’t think I’m trying to trick you.” The Pegasus indeed shifted aside and turned her head in the opposite direction, giving Josh a free path to the bottle of ointment. However, this only proved to drive Josh crazy with suspicion as he halted in his tracks and glared at the back of the mare’s head.

What the hell is she doing? Is she for real? I mean, she’s seriously acting weird! I can just rush forward and grab that ointment…but, will she do anything to me? She’s just a meek little pony; nothing more than a cowardly lion. What is she thinking? She can’t use magic on me, since she has no horn. I don’t think she’s the type to tackle a guy, like Rainbow Dash. She doesn’t seem to have temper issues like Applejack. So…UGH…WHY IS SHE TOYING WITH ME?!?!

Josh was forced to freeze up in his quest to get the bottle of ointment for his bum as his head tried to give him a logical answer of what Fluttershy was attempting to do. If she wasn’t planning to do something to him, she would just hand over the bottle and not bait him into coming and getting it. But, all the same, what could such a weak and frail mare possibly do to him? She no way had the power of her little rabbit pet, and she certainly didn’t scare him at all. The stare or whatever it was that she had given him kept coming back to him, however. This was leading Josh to start thinking frightful thoughts about the seemingly-innocent yellow mare in front of him.

Oh my God…is she really a demon?!?! That’s it, isn’t it! That stare she gave me that chilled me to the bone and made me scared…that was a demon’s stare! It all adds up now; why didn’t I see it before? It’s ALWAYS the innocent, sweet ones! That’s how it always works in the movies, and it’s obvious that it’s what’s going on right here! On the outside, Fluttershy is an animal caretaker with a heart of gold and is seemingly the weakest, most pathetic pony in all of Equestria. But, on the inside, there’s actually a dormant demon just waiting to rip my head off and bathe in my blood! Oh dear God, what have I gotten myself into? I’m alone in a room with a psychotic devil!

Giving a slight tilt to her head, Fluttershy glanced back at Josh to see what was taking him so long. All she was trying to do was lure Josh over to her so she could surprise him with a big hug and teach him a lesson that he didn’t need to distant himself so much from those who cared about him. Instead of seeing Josh attempting to play her nonexistent game of cat and mouse, the mare saw the stallion desperately looking around and seemingly trying to see the closest exit. Fluttershy felt her heart about to sink when she saw Josh’s hind legs starting to pull him away from her.

“Um, Josh, what are you doing?” Fluttershy asked, finally turning back around and taking a little step towards the boy. “Is everything alright? Aren’t you going to try and take the ointment? I’m sure your poor little butt must really hurt and sting. You really shouldn’t just leave those bruises unattended for too long. Angel has been known to leave scars.”

“Y-you shut up! I-I know your game!” Josh slinked away even further, his scared eyes locked on the confused pupils of Fluttershy. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before! I can see right through you. You’re nothing but a demon Pegasus! A devil!”

“W-w-w-what?!?! A d-d-d-devil?!?! How horrible! What a terrible thing to say!” Fluttershy cried, tears beginning to swell within the sockets of the mare’s glistening eyelids. “Josh, w-w-what would make you say such an awful thing about m-m-me?”

“That’s how these things with cartoon characters always work,” Josh snapped, refusing to back down, even though he was still trying to ease away, “It’s always the nice ones who turn out to be the evilest. You may act like an angel on the outside, Fluttershy, but on the inside…you’re evil! Well, personally, I think all you weirdo ponies are evil…but, you especially!” Now completely forgetting about the promise he made to Rainbow Dash, all he wanted to do was let the so-called evil Fluttershy have it. “That stare of yours made me so cold I felt like I was being frozen in a block of ice. Your playful and innocent nature only belies that which you try to hide within you. All of these animals you take care of are obviously your minions who cater to your every beck and call. Did you know that one of the most horrifying murderers of all-time in the movies lives on a campground? So, your little cottage also doesn’t help your cause. You are an evil devil, and that’s all there is to it.”

Fluttershy may as well have just been told that she was going to die within 24 hours. Hearing what Josh thought she was tore her heart to pieces. As tears began to stream down from her eyes, the yellow pony sobbed loudly and flew away from Josh. Much to the stallion’s amusement, he watched as his counterpart fluttered over to a small broom closet and quickly locked herself inside almost instantly upon flying through the tight doorway. Josh was left alone in Fluttershy’s living room, the bottle of pain relief ointment now sitting by itself and nobody around to bother him. It was almost too perfect.

“Ha! That’s right, you evil harpy, you better hide!” Josh smirked, trotting back over and grinning as his greedy eyes fell upon his target on the floor, “I bet you were trying to make me fall for you this entire time. Perhaps you’re really a succubus? Well, a demon or a succubus, whatever you are, I’m not falling into your deadly clutches. There just ain’t no way that you’re THAT timid and sweet and nice and caring without having some kind of drawback. Good riddance to you; now I can soothe that pain in my ass without the humiliation of having a female pony do it!”

Making sure the closet door stayed shut, Josh snatched up the small bottle of ointment on the floor and squeezed it in his hoof. Just as he was about to flip open the tab and start applying the soothing relief to his backside, the same feelings and emotions began to start a war inside of his body once more. His heart was angrily scolding him for what he had just said to Fluttershy, even after promising Rainbow Dash that he wouldn’t. His all-powerful brain tried to keep his heart at bay by informing him that he was surely right with his assumptions and he shouldn’t feel guilty in the least. All the same, the former human couldn’t help but throw guilty looks over in the direction of the wooden door that led to the locked closet and the sad pony within its dark confines.

Dammit…I DID promise that I wouldn’t insult her, right? Great…oh well, not like I ever keep promises that I never INTENDED to keep in the first place. Besides, she is CLEARLY evil! What kind of person, or pony for that matter, could be such an angel without any real flaws? The longer he thought about it, however, the more Josh began to realize his conclusion wasn’t all that correct after all. Actually, come to think of it…she is FAR from perfect…and she has a TON of flaws. Her flying seemed almost erratic compared to Dash’s, so that possibly means she’s not a good flyer. She has social issues, which means despite her kindness, she is hard to deal with in conversations. She lets a stupid little rabbit push her around, her timid personality lets OTHERS push her around, she has a knack for squeaking and cowering and trying to look small…damn, she’s the most flawed pony out of all of Twilight’s friends! But…wait, what exactly does that prove?


“Can you believe that poor old lady that lives across from the school finally died?” Jessica shook her head, sitting on her bed with her stepbrother, Josh, at her side. Reading the obituaries always made the little girl sad. For Josh, however, it was just another typical day in the life of the world. He never usually showed emotion for anyone who died, since it was bound to happen one day or another. “They say that she died alone. No kids, no husband, no pets, no nothing. It was like no one even cared about her.”

“Why does it matter? She’s gone now, and no amount of crying or weeping will bring her back,” Josh shrugged, “Besides, that old lady was crazy. All she did was give money away like it was water. Just look at the list of all the things she did! Helping out at the Cancer Awareness Center, volunteering down at the homeless shelters, working in the kitchens at the Salvation Armies, serving her local church, allowing the local kids to play in her yard and do what they wanted inside her garage…what a fool! And she never asked for anything in return. Dear God.”

“Isn’t that sweet? She really was an angel, and all people did was walk all over her.” Jessica whimpered and hung her head, casually inserting a piece of her long, brown hair into her mouth and chewing on it as she wallowed over the death of a magnificent human being. “Why can’t the world have more people like her? The world is so evil.”

“That’s called human nature, Jessie.” Josh ruffled his stepsister’s head and rolled his eyes. “I think that lady was just a fool. Doing all that stuff for nothing. What’s one person gonna do? How is one person gonna change someone’s life? She got nothing, she always got taken advantage of, and she died alone. No one is THAT nice without having skeletons in their closet. She was probably HOPING we’d all feel sorry for her once she died. She was probably evil!”

Spitting out the lock of hair she had been nervously chewing upon, Jessica angrily slapped Josh upside the head with the newspaper and stormed out of the room. “Josh, you’re terrible! You think EVERYONE is evil, even when they don’t do anything wrong!”

“Everyone IS evil, you idiot! The world is tainted and corrupt with evil minds and evil hearts wherever you go. Those who overwork to try and show just how precious they are most of the time turn out to just be fakers!” Josh’s callouts fell on death ears, as his stepsister had already long vanished out of the room. A second later, a loud slam and a small tremor indicated that she had exited the house as well. Josh was left with a tattered newspaper and an empty bedroom.

Tucking a fold of his black hair behind his left ear, Josh sighed and laid back on his bed to stare up at the ceiling. The glow-in-the-dark plastic stars he hung with sticky tack glowed weakly in the dark, making his eyes shimmer as he locked onto the patterns he had created. Looking at his amateur constellation always soothed the troubled teen. With his father having moved away a few years ago and wanting nothing to do with him, and his mother dating on and off with random different abusive males, Josh really didn’t know WHAT to believe anymore. Sometimes, he just wanted to leave the life he had.

“Evil is all I know. Why be good when it gets you nothing? Being good gets you nothing and gets you hurt. Being evil gets you nothing and gets you hurt. May as well be evil and have fun with life.” Josh closed his eyes and began to relax his body, trying to drift off into a nap. “No matter how good someone looks on the outside, you can never know their heart. Words are spoken lies formulated by a talented tongue and a scheming brain. Nothing more.”


A sigh escaped Josh’s lips as he thought about his past and how he had come to early conclusions about anything and everything. He really wanted to try and live happy and treat others around him with the love and respect that his heart told him they should be treated with, but his mind just wouldn’t allow it. Every thought of joy that Josh ever attempted to show was always questioned by his mind. Why are you thinking such a thing? What do you have to gain from showing such feelings? Why waste your time when it won’t make a difference ten minutes from now? The questions always lingered and outweighed his heart’s desires, leading to Josh always turning the cold shoulder whenever he was faced with such a decision or outcome.

Very slowly, Josh moved his pony body over to the locked closet that housed the scared Fluttershy. He really didn’t want to give in to her, but just leaving another person, or rather pony’s house without saying goodbye and after calling them a monster was very rude. Even Josh knew this. He still didn’t trust Fluttershy, since her behavior was just so unnerving and different to him, but since she was hiding behind a thick slab of wood that was finely crafted into a door, surely she couldn’t do anything to him. Josh kept telling himself this as he made his way up to the locked door.

“Uh…hey, Fluttershy?” he called out, trying to speak in a soft, yet loud voice so that the Pegasus could hear him, “Can you hear me?” When no response came, Josh decided to continue on anyway. “Look, I’m sorry for calling you a devil and a demon and all that stuff. Can you come out here already?” Josh was met with silence, and after waiting impatiently for two whole minutes, he tried again. “Fluttershy, come on, I said I was sorry! Just come out here, would you? Leaving a crying girl locked in a closet is not a good look for my résumé. What more do you want from me besides an apology?”

Time ticked away, and still nothing could be heard on the other side of the closet. Josh irritably paced back and forth in front of the locked door, grumbling under his breath about how his butt was still hurting from the painful kicks he had received via Fluttershy’s evil pet rabbit. The bottle of soothing pain relief ointment sat next to the sofa in the same place that Josh had left it before attempting to coax Fluttershy out of the closet. He could always just go and apply it before returning to try and remove the yellow mare from her hiding place, but something was telling the former human that his rump wasn’t as important was Fluttershy was. He didn’t understand that logic, but at the moment, it was what he was focusing on.

What the hell am I supposed to do here? I said I was sorry and I’m TRYING to speak in a soft voice, since I think that’s what she likes. What more do you need to make someone forgive you? Good grief, all I did was call her a few names; it’s not like I hit her or anything! Panic started to sink in when Josh pictured an angry Rainbow Dash discovering that he had broken his Pinkie Promise. Sure, he was good at humiliating the ponies, but so far he had gotten beat up by three of them, plus a rabbit. He couldn’t use magic, his wings were practically useless, and he didn’t hit females. Facing an enraged Pegasus who reminded Josh a lot of Applejack didn’t sit well with him. He had to get Fluttershy out of her closet.

“Fluttershy…er…please?” Josh’s desperate voice escaped his throat in a high-pitched squeak, making him want to choke himself for sounding so pathetic. After coughing loudly and mentally swearing for sounding like a girl, Josh tried again. “Please come out, Fluttershy. I’m really, really sorry for saying such mean things about you. Rainbow Dash warned me not to…but I did anyway…and I feel…” Josh grit his teeth and forced himself to speak the next lines. “…really bad about what I said…and I was wrong.”

Wrong? WRONG? You idiot, how do you know you were wrong? This could be one of her tricks! She could be luring you into a false sense of security and sending you on a guilt trip just to leech onto you and rip your head off! All women do this; you can’t be fooled by their cries and lies!

Reaching up and physically slapping his forehead, trying to shut his thoughts up, Josh clenched his eyes shut and lowered his head to the ground. The longer Fluttershy alienated herself from him, the more he was reminded of the way he hurt Pinkie Pie and just how lonely he felt. When he thought of Pinkie, another hypothesis entered his mind. While Josh strongly felt that Pinkie had ADD, maybe she acted the way she did just because that’s who she was. Was it possible that Fluttershy, despite her unusual and different behavior, was the same as Pinkie? Josh had never encountered so many different personalities, so he didn’t know what to think.

You know what? Screw it. If Fluttershy really IS an evil demon ready to suck out my blood and use my dead carcass as a cesspool for all her animals, I don’t care. Yeah, that’s right, I don’t care! So what if I die at the hands…ugh, HOOVES…of a yellow pony? At least it’ll be a fun way to go, and I’ll be the only human ever to be killed by a cartoon pony who turned out to be a demon! That wouldn’t be a bad way to die. Cracking a weak smile, Josh kept his eyes closed, and finally spoke from the heart as he addressed Fluttershy one last time.

“Fluttershy, I repeat, I was wrong about you, and I’m truly sorry. I know I don’t deserve to be given another chance by you, but all I wanted to say was that I apologize for the hateful words I spoke and I’d do anything it took to make it up to you.” Since his eyes were still closed, Josh failed to see the closet door slowly start to reopen in front of him. “Maybe…I’ve been wrong about all you ponies. Hell, maybe I’ve been wrong by a lot of things. Who knows? But, until I go back home to Earth, I may as well get used to Equestria. Hating you all would be easy. Making you all hate me would be easy. But…I’ve been living my life on easy. I play video games on the easy level. I think I’m ready for a challenge. I’m ready to actually…try.”

“You…you are?”

Josh gasped and opened his eyes in shock, lifting his head to find Fluttershy standing in front of him. She wore the same soft smile as before, but her timid eyes and her nervous stance made Josh realize that she wasn’t 100% assured of Josh’s sincerity just yet. He had to seal the deal, and even though his mind was screaming at him to reconsider and just run away, Josh had finally made up his mind. He didn’t want to keep hurting others for no good reason. He didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to keep living life on the easy level. He wanted a challenge and he was going to force himself into one.

This is MY life, and I don’t care when or how it ends. If I die from one of these ponies, so be it. If I die in this hideous body, so be it. If I never go home again, so be it. If I go crazy and lose my mind and go on a killing spree and get blown into a million pieces from that princess pony, so be it. I’m not gonna keep running away; what’s the point? I have nowhere left to run. I’ll put my life in the hands of fate. These ponies suck, but then again, so do human beings back on earth. So, you know what? I’m no longer a human being. I am Joshua Schwartz…a pony. My home is Equestria, not Earth. I’ll just keep telling myself that…for as long as I must.

“Yes, Fluttershy, I mean that.” Josh nodded his head, reaching out and very carefully patting Fluttershy’s mane. Even though she flinched and drew back just a hair, she giggled softly at the feeling of being petted and playfully butted her head against his hoof a second later.

“You know, Josh…there is a way for you to make it up to me…” Fluttershy closed her eyes and cocked her head slightly to the right. Josh followed her hint and glanced over at the ointment bottle. The pain in his posterior was slowly reentering his mind, and his body once more began screaming at him to get some more medical attention, stat.

Groaning, the stallion slapped a hoof over his face. “I take back one thing I said, Fluttershy. You are a very evil pony.” Very slowly, he turned and very slowly trotted back over to the sofa, his tail and ears hanging limp as his eyes gazed down at the floor. Behind him, he heard Fluttershy humming contently to herself as she stretched her wings and carefully flew her way back over to the bottle of ointment. Obviously, she had not taken Josh’s comment about her being evil seriously this time, due to the change of tone in his voice. Fluttershy recognized it at once as being nothing more than a whiny patient who didn’t want to get his medicine. She had dealt with animals the same way.

“Lay down, please, and lift back your tail.” Fluttershy pointed a hoof at the sofa, going back to her stern and caring expression. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt, and I won’t tell anypony about this.”

“Let’s just get this over with before I’m forced to become gay.” Josh leaped onto the couch and laid down quickly on his stomach. Tucking his head into his forelegs and whimpering to himself, his tail eventually lifted back to expose his dark purple rump with the dark red marks scattered across it. His body was almost turning a darker red just from being in such a position.

“Good boy, Joshy,” Fluttershy cooed, her voice singing out in a gentle tone as she squirted out some of the healing white gel onto her hooves. “Please hold still, okay? I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

And I’ll let YOU know when my heart attack kicks in.

The next two minutes that passed by were ones that Josh would never forget. At first, they started out with him having to forcibly restrain himself from squirming and just bolting from the sofa, not to mention letting out soft moans from just how cold the ointment was and just how soft Fluttershy’s hooves were. He had never experienced such treatment before, and the longer it went on, the more Josh began to wonder exactly why Fluttershy wanted to do this in the first place. Did she want Josh to just have faith in her and to learn to not do everything yourself? Did she want to become closer to Josh by showing him just how far she was willing to go to prove her friendship? Was she a closet pervert?

I just don’t get it. I could’ve easily done this myself! This is…so freaking embarrassing! I’m having a girl rub my…with her…UGH! Most males back on my world would KILL to have this happen to them, and knowing just how sick-minded they are, they’d be…well, I won’t say the rest, but I know enough to understand just how perverted a lot of male humans are. Josh winced and let out a soft gasp as Fluttershy gently pressed some gel into one of the deeper wounds on his tush. Ah! Man that feels nice! I don’t know why, but…my waist feels weird. What the hell is going on? I don’t know what this sensation is! Oh dear lord, I’m not getting turned on by a pony rubbing my rear-end, am I?


Still not lifting his head, Josh poked his mouth out the side of his forelegs to speak. He was too nervous to look back at Fluttershy with her hooves on his tush. “Er…yes, Fluttershy?”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for what? For apologizing to you?”

“Well, yes…but, for also trusting me and making the first step towards friendship.” Josh felt Fluttershy softly stroke his tail, and the same weird sensations that befuddled him returned. “Um…I didn’t want to make you mad or anything…all I wanted was to show you that I want to be your friend, and you don’t have to do everything yourself. Sometimes, we all need a little help, no matter who we are. I only hope that, while you continue to stay here on Equestria, that you keep letting yourself open up to us.”

Grumbling slightly, Josh cracked a little smile and just shook his head. “Don’t push your luck, sweetie. I’m not that easy to read like a Playboy magazine. I said that I would try to fit in better around here; I didn’t say to expect miracles to happen and to have the clouds start raining chocolate milk.”

“Oh, actually, that has happened before around here! You see, a while ago, a big meanie named Discord…”

“Fluttershy, I really don’t care. Could you please just finish up back there so this madness can be over and done with?”

“Oh…right, sorry.” A second later, Fluttershy continued to gently work her hooves on Josh’s rear, smiling as the dark redness in all his wounds began to dim to a light pink. Josh continued to let out soft moans, and the strange and new feeling continued to haunt him. It wasn’t until another minute later that he finally learned just what it was. “Oh…oh my!”

“Huh? What is it, Fluttershy?”

There was a pause, followed by a soft squeak and giggle via Fluttershy. “I…I don’t…oh dear. Josh, I think you…you might want to see this.”

Baring his teeth and growing irritated at his treatment not getting over with just yet, Josh whipped his head up and angrily looked back at the stuttering Pegasus. “Look at WHAT, Fluttershy? What is so gosh darn important that you insist I…look?” He suddenly realized that both of his wings were standing erect from his body. “Uh…what the hell?”

“Yeah…um…that can happen…sometimes…with us Pegasi…”

Blinking a few times, Josh reached back and nimbly poked at one of his wings, finding them each to be rock-hard and fully outstretched to their maximum width. “But, I wasn’t even preparing for a flight or anything! What the hell is going on here?” He looked around his left outstretched wing and looked at Fluttershy. A deep and mortified blush was stained across her muzzle. “Fluttershy, what does this mean? Is this just my new body acting up again? Wait…what exactly do these outstretched wings mean with Pegasi? Tell me!”

Another pause. Then, Fluttershy dropped the bottle of ointment onto the nearby nightstand and held her hooves over her mouth. Suppressing fits of giggles, Fluttershy stretched her own wings and quickly flew out of the room, leaving a very confused Josh alone on the sofa. She had thankfully finished up healing the kick marks on his rear-end, but the stallion was left with a new problem that was already eating at his patience.

Great…another new problem with this stupid body, Josh thought, sitting up and smiling a bit at how good he felt, Ah, nice, my butt feels better now! Man, Fluttershy sure knows what she’s doing. But, still…what the heck do these outstretched wings mean? Does it mean I’m evolving, like a Pokemon? Does it mean my mind wants me to go for a fly? Does it mean I sense a tornado? WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN?!?! DAMN YOU, FLUTTERSHY!