• Published 29th Oct 2011
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Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 25: Party Of Pain

Josh had never run so hard before in his life. He had run from half a dozen bullies. He had run from an oncoming car when he had been stupidly playing basketball in the street. He had run from his mother. He had run from his father. But, he had never run like this before. He was scared senseless; completely and utterly confused about what just took place. His heart was beating like a jackhammer inside of his chest, pounding feverishly at its strings and feeling likely to burst at any moment. His body was sweating profusely and his mind was on the fritz as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Okay…uh…did I almost…no, that’s impossible…I don’t do that, Josh thought, short and pained breaths bursting out his mouth as his four legs awkwardly pounded the roads of Ponyville, That stupid white pony…she had to have used some kind of spell on me! She’s a unicorn, right? She totally did something to mess with my head! Of course…this is nothing more than some kind of stupid movie; a type of sissy dream! Naturally she used some kind of spell to…almost…seduce me. Yes, that’s what happened; she had tried to seduce me and I nearly fell for it. Gross. The day I let something like that happens is the day I become emperor of the world.

The stallion grinned nervously as he kept plowing straight ahead, wanting to get as far away from that boutique as possible. That situation had been so new and so strange, and he didn’t like it at all. At least, he didn’t think he liked it. The longer he had stayed with Rarity, the warmer his chest had become and it felt like his heart was morphing into a herd of butterflies anxious to spread through his entire body. But, his heart had only hurt him in the past; he would never listen to it. He would listen to his head, now and forevermore. His brain couldn’t be hurt by some trivial and nonsensical emotions that were just facets of a weak heart too stupid to know the ultimate truth. Josh’s head had allowed him to prosper through life and had allowed him to weather the pain of his many enemies. His heart had done nothing for him.

“OW! DAMMIT!” Josh screeched, his head slamming into yet another wall due to his lack of visibility. Once more staggering backwards and loudly cursing at how he had run into another building, the angry stallion’s thoughts of Rarity and the boutique vanished and were replaced with punching something to relieve his newfound anger at getting a new headache. When he eventually paused to glance up and see the newest building he had run into, he groaned when he observed the colorful design of what he remembered to be Sugarcube Corner.

Great…if I recall correctly, this is where that stupid Pinkie Pie lives, Josh thought, already wishing he had crashed into a jailhouse instead, Why does fate enjoy mocking me? This is bullcrap! Any minute now, that creepy pink horse is gonna come out here and start irritating me, I know it. Alright, bring it on; another notch on the ladder towards committing suicide can’t possibly hurt.

Sitting on the ground in front of Sugarcube Corner, Josh idly rubbed his aching forehead and waiting for Pinkie Pie to burst out and start talking his head off. Five minutes passed, and nothing happened. Almost two dozen ponies ended up passing Josh in the street, most of them whispering and casting weird looks at the alicorn, but nopony emerged from the treats shop. Growing impatient at not getting his usual scolding, Josh frowned and got back up onto his hooves.

“Well, if you’re not gonna come out here and yell at me and thus allow me to hate you even more…then I’ll just come in and initiate it!” he snapped, stomping towards Sugarcube Corner’s door and shoving it open. He was met with darkness.

Raising an eyebrow, Josh muttered to himself and wondered if the shop was closed or something. Since no one was stopping him, and he didn’t really know what else to do, the stallion cautiously stepped through the threshold and into the colorful building. Almost as soon as he did, a mouthwatering aroma met his nose and actually brought a faint smile to his face. Josh normally didn’t eat sweets, since he didn’t wish for his teeth to rot, but he recognized the sweet scents of cupcakes, muffins, bagels, bread, cake, and other bakery foods waffling through the confines of the dark building and stimulating his senses. Josh stepped further inside, and as he did, the smells grew stronger.

Mmm…I will admit that I always did love the smell of a bakery…or whatever the hell this place is, Josh thought, licking his lips as he imagined a beautiful white cake with purple frosting levitating in front of his eyes, Maybe I’ll commit a little crime and see what treats I can steal…it’s not like that stupid pink pony will mind. She…DOES run this place, right?

With thoughts of greed and thievery in his mind, Josh grinned and stepped a good few paces away from the doorway. His first thought was to try and find a light switch, or in the very least use what little light he had and memorize the dimly-illuminated areas of the building. However, since he was now around five feet away from the open Sugarcube Corner doorway, he wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Josh was suddenly thrown into complete darkness when the door unexpectedly slammed shut behind him, a soft click echoing out to indicate he had potentially been locked in. Josh no longer felt hungry.

Oh…crap. Josh began looking around fearfully, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness, but the thought that somepony had intentionally slammed the door shut and locked him wasn’t sitting well with him. Was this a setup? As it stood, it seemed like he was alone in a dark building with another hidden pony, and that didn’t sit well with the former human. Okay…calm down, Josh…you don’t fear the dark anymore…you’ve grown past that. The dark can’t hurt you…what’s hiding INSIDE the darkness can hurt you, but the darkness itself can’t.

Josh’s first thought was to hurry back to the door and try to wrench it open, but when he attempted to do this, he found the door to indeed be locked tight. Since he couldn’t use magic, and his natural strength wasn’t enough to smash the door open, he was trapped. A lump slowly formed in Josh’s throat as he tried to remain calm. He silently scolded himself for being scared. This was just stupid ponies he was dealing with. There was nothing to be scared of. This was probably just some elaborate prank or something. The moment he caught the pony who was playing around with him, Josh knew he would initiate some hefty revenge. Perhaps a wet willy, or a spanking, or a good thrust over the side of a cliff, or having their entire body shaved bald…yes, Josh was prepared to punish whoever was responsible for this annoying little prank.


The lights burst on from overhead as the loud voice rang out to surprise Josh. In reply, Josh’s eyes burst out of his skull and a shriek that was abnormally more high-pitched than it should be rocketed out of his mouth. His heart screamed to be calmed from within in his clenching chest as he collapsed onto his back, blinded from the sudden lighting and shocking turn of events. The inside of the building was decorated with streamers, balloons, confetti, candy, kiddy games, and much more party favors. While he still attempted to catch his breath and pray that his heart attack was only minor, Josh soon found a certain pink pony happily perched upon his chest.

“HI THERE, JOSHY!” Pinkie Pie squealed, pushing her muzzle down right into Josh’s pale face, her tush wiggling back and forth in the air behind her. “My Pinkie Sense told me that you would soon be crashing into the side of Sugarcube Corner, so I thought, ‘oh, I should throw him a party, since I always throw the new pony a party when they first come to Ponyville’, and I quickly threw one together! For some odd reason, no other ponies really wanted to come…that I didn’t really have time to go and invite any…but, with Mr. and Mrs. Cake both visiting Canterlot to try and find a new baby crib, I thought I’d throw you a party right here at Sugarcube Corner! Were you surprised?”

It took Josh an extra few minutes to catch his breath; the added weight to his chest from the bouncy pink earth pony didn’t help matters. Pinkie Pie waited patiently on top of the stallion for an answer, so after the color that had been drained from his face began to leisurely return, Josh took a deep breath and calmed himself down. “Pinkie Pie…I hate you so much…and you’re due for another face-in-butt experience that’ll turn you into a baseball. You very nearly gave me a heart attack, you threw me a party against my wishes, and you’re invading my personal space. Do you want a slow or quick death?”

Pinkie giggled and playfully nuzzled Josh’s head, then bounced off his chest and grasped one of his hooves. “Aww, c’mon, don’t be such a Mister Grumpy-Pants! Everypony loves a party! Besides, it’s just the thing that’ll turn that frown upside-down!” She pulled the angry stallion to his hooves.

“Or, another option…it’s just the thing that’ll piss me off more than you could’ve imagined and will lead to me going on a murderous rampage throughout Ponyville which will result in you being the cause of all the ponies in this stupid world going extinct.”

“This is my pet alligator, Gummy!” Pinkie explained, pulling out a small alligator from behind a table, complete ignoring Josh’s death threats as he fully regained his composure, “He has no teeth, and he’s my cutie little pet! Say hi to Josh, Gummy!” She held the little green gator out to the stallion, who looked at the animal like it was some kind of monster.

“…why do you have a potentially-dangerous pet that looks both retarded and autistic, not to mention not having any teeth?” Josh frowned, wearily poking at the wide-eyed alligator that Pinkie was holding. Gummy made no movement whatsoever, and if it wasn’t for the fact that his chest was gently heaving in and out, Josh would’ve thought he was either dead or a stuffed animal.

“I really love him, and he really loves me!” Pinkie went on, once again either choosing to ignore Josh’s insults or simply being built so that she never heard anything overly negative and rude. “Do you think he’s cute, Joshy?” Before Josh could respond, he let out another shriek as Gummy unexpectedly leaped out of Pinkie’s hooves and opened his maw. As Josh fell onto his back for the second time, Gummy latched his toothless mouth onto the stallion’s horn and seemed to try and nibble. “Aww, he likes you!”

“GET THIS FREAKING THING OFF ME THIS INSTANT, YOU PSYCHOTIC PINK NIGHTMARE!” Josh screamed, shaking his head violently back and forth to try and throw the attached alligator off, but despite having no teeth, Gummy seemed firmly attached to his horn and wasn’t about to be thrown off. With each violent shake of Josh’s head, Gummy’s tiny body almost seemed to levitate in the air from the power of the thrusts, but he continued to hold on.

“Gummy must really like the taste of your horn, Joshy!” Pinkie gasped, eagerly bouncing around the frantic stallion as he continued to try and throw the gator off, “I don’t have a horn, so I wouldn’t know, but do horns taste like grapes? Or cherries? Or bananas? Or oatmeal? Ooh, perhaps cumquats? Or maybe pickles? I SOOOOO love pickles and cumquats! Did I ever mention how I enjoy saying them, too? Well, I enjoy saying pickle barrel more than just pickle by itself, but BOTH are really fun to say, don’t you think? Say, Joshy, wanna play some party games when you’re done playing with Gummy?”

“Dear God, please grant me the strength to not kill this pony and her creepy autistic pet gator,” Josh whispered, bowing down and awkwardly placing his front hooves together in a prayer, “Please give me the patience I need to not commit murder when I have a clean track record, and please stop me from harming an innocent yet stupid animal, since I usually like animals a lot…these irritating ponies aside. I will do whatever you command of me, my lord. Also, if you would be so kind as to get me back to planet Earth before I throw myself off a cliff to get away from these stupid horses, I would greatly appreciate it. In your name I pray, amen.”

“Ooh, this looks fun! Is this a type of meditation? Ooh, wait, is this a new way to contact Princess Celestia? Super-duper awesome! Let me try, let me try!” Pinkie grinned, mimicking Josh and sitting down in front of him. She stuck her tongue out and tried to copy his bowed head and his pressed hooves, then attempted to do a little prayer of her own.

“Dear Princess Celestia. Today, I threw my newest best friend Joshy a surprise party to make him feel more welcome here in Ponyville while you worked on a way to send him back to his own home. I’ll miss him when he goes, but he seems to be so very sad and full of pain, so I want to make his days here on Equestria as happy as possible! I know he doesn’t really like me or my friends, but I will do whatever it takes to make him smile and, if nothing else, like me just a LITTLE bit. Maybe if I let him crush me into a ball again, that’ll make him happy? Ooh, and while you’re at it, could you please check and see if you have any of my favorite purple sugar in the castle? Mr. and Mrs. Cake won’t buy anymore after the little ‘incident’ I had a few weeks ago…tee-hee. Have a great day, Princess! Your friend, Pinkie Pie!”

Slowly, Josh lifted his head and glared at Pinkie, who ironically lifted her head at exactly the same time to smile back at the angry stallion. At first, Josh was thinking of simply ripping Gummy off his horn and stuffing him into Pinkie’s mouth…or possibly up another certain orifice of her body…but, the malicious thought began to fade away as he began to fully comprehend exactly what Pinkie Pie had said in her little prayer. Since the pink pony wasn’t talking for once, it allowed Josh to gather his thoughts in his often-stressed brain yet again. He was starting to learn that thinking things through before performing violent actions might be the best course of action to avoid getting whipped by a female pony.

I’m her…new best friend? Is she even more mentally disturbed than I first thought? Josh thought, his face scrunching up in annoyance as he tried to comprehend Pinkie’s unusual words, She’ll actually MISS me when I leave? She WANTS me to be happy? What the hell is this girl’s problem? Has she completely forgotten what I did to her friends…and to HER? She has to be lying; just mocking my prayer, that’s all. This dingbat is no smarter than a rock…no, that’s giving her too much credit and insulting the rock. This stupid pink nuisance sitting across from me is no smarter than…uh…man, what can I think of that WON’T be insulted? Um…um…you know what? I’ll save that for later.

“You’re giving that look that Twilight usually gives when she’s thinking about something reaaaaaaaaly hard and complicated and confusing,” Pinkie commented, tilting her head to the side as she giggled at Josh’s frowning, “Tee-hee, it’s kinda cute, really. Aww, now you’re blushing! Pinkie made Joshy blush!”

“I AM NOT BLUSHING, YOU HALFWIT!” Josh screamed, feeling blood rush to his cheeks to add to his blush that he had sustained from Pinkie’s playful compliment, “AND I’M NOT CUTE! WHY DO YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE SUCH A FREAKING RETARD? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY MENTALLY INSANE? GET SOME HELP, GIRL! THIS ISN’T NORMAL!”

“Um…but, Joshy…this is how I always am,” Pinkie whispered, starting to shrink back a little bit at Josh’s harsh and loud words, “I’m just…trying to be nice and…”

“Well, stop it! You’re creeping me out and it’s not natural. You say things that don’t make any sense, you ramble on and on about random things that don’t make any sense, your smile doesn’t make any sense due to how big it is, your hair and tail don’t make any sense, your pet doesn’t make any sense…YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE! GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU STUPID…STUPID…IDIOT!” Josh’s eyes flashed with anger as he ducked his head and shoved his horn towards the now-cowering Pinkie. “AND TAKE YOUR STUPID REPTILE BEFORE I CLEAN HIS CLOCK!”

“Gummy…doesn’t own a clock, Joshy…”


Since Josh was looking down at the floor, due to his bowed head, he failed to see Pinkie’s facial expression. There was a pause, and the seething stallion finally felt Gummy be gently removed from his horn. However, as soon as he did, he heard an odd popping sound, almost like a balloon having popped and had quickly begun deflating. Upon lifting his head, he was stunned to find that Pinkie Pie no longer looked like Pinkie Pie. Now, her mane and tail were both flat and limp, her rosy blue eyes were now misty blue, and her wide smile was now nothing more than a tiny spec on her face. She looked ready to go jump off the cliff that Josh was always talking about.

“Whoa…what the hell happened to YOU?” Josh asked, raising an eyebrow as he admired the ‘new’ Pinkie Pie, “You…actually look a lot better that way, to be honest. You’re calm, you look a lot more serious, and your hair is actually rather pretty. How did you do that?”

Pinkie didn’t answer at first. With Gummy gently clutched in her right hoof, her rump placed on the floor behind her, she looked akin to a toddler having been caught out of bed with her teddy bear clutched to her heart. The pony’s shimmering eyes just stared at Josh, and for the first time, Josh realized that this wasn’t a look of rage or anger. Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity had all gotten upset with Josh’s honest, insulting comments to the point of giving him stares that he could easily read. Unlike with all three mares, Pinkie’s expression read pure sadness and pain. She didn’t hold any malice towards Josh.

Why doesn’t she say anything? Man, this is…creepy. It’s like she’s a totally different pony…did I break her or something? Josh hesitantly waved a hoof in front of Pinkie’s face, but quickly retracted it when the pony sniffed loudly and rubbed her nose with her free foreleg that wasn’t clutching Gummy. Oddly enough, Gummy wasn’t struggling to get free nor was he trying to latch onto something new. The same blank expression stayed plastered to his face, but the way he was looking at the confused stallion almost had a message within itself.

“I’m…I’m glad you…like me…at least like this,” Pinkie whispered, finally finding her voice after another minute of silence had passed, “I don’t know…what I did to upset you, but…I’m sorry for that. I’m very sorry, Joshy. I just wanted…to make you smile. You’re not like Gilda…who went out of her way to make other ponies feel scared and sad…I know that you’re hurt on the inside. All I wanted…was to try and warm you up…and make you see that you have a friend in Pinkie. If…having my hair down…and just sitting here and doing nothing…really makes you happy…then, okay, Pinkie will be this way for you.”

“Oh, c’mon, really?” Josh groaned, slapping his face with his hoof, “You’re gonna play THAT card on me? Well, it’s not gonna work. There’s no way I’m falling for your tricks. I see your game, little pony. You’re such an amazing little actress. You’re attempting to make me feel sorry for you so that I see what a jerk I am, and then we hug like two weirdoes while sharing in a fake little laugh before we become close friends and we go on our merry way. Trust me, I’ve seen those clichés in the movies, and real life doesn’t work like that, sweetheart. It’s gonna take more than that to make me…”

“Would you like me to go away?” Pinkie interrupted, her voice stained with hesitance at upsetting Josh again, although a weak smile was just begging to return to her face, “I…I can leave you to your party, if you like. If you’d rather party by yourself, that’s okay. I…I can go up to my room…and lock myself in there…while you do what you like down here.”

“For the last time, I don’t DO parties! They’re for little kids and for those with mental problems who think that having a party thrown for them will somehow improve their self-esteem when what they really need is a good counselor.”

“I…I understand…I think.” Pinkie shifted uncomfortably, clutching Gummy even closer to her, as though using him as a shield to block herself from Josh. “But…all the same…you can at least enjoy some of the food…if you’re hungry. And there’s music you can listen to…if you felt like it. I’m sorry…whatever makes you happy will make Pinkie happy. What do you want for me to do, Joshy?”

Josh stared at Pinkie for a long time, refusing to fall for her tricks that he was confident she was using on him. Finally deciding to call her bluff, the stallion smirked and crossed his forelegs in satisfaction. “Okay, let’s do that. I can go for a little food; I DO love pastries. So, why don’t you go ahead and get out of my sight, and take that stupid little pet of yours with you? I’m more than capable of handling things myself down here, thank you. If you have nothing else to say, you can take your leave, pickle girl.”

Slowly, Pinkie rose to her hooves and gently deposited Gummy on her back. She hesitated, then weakly trotted up to Josh so she was within two feet of him, just out of his reach. The pink pony gave one, final, forced smile before she closed her eyes. “Okay, Joshy…if that’s what’ll make you happy, okay. I will go away and leave you alone. Enjoy the party that I set up for you; I hope it doesn’t anger you any more than I already have. Once again, I’m sorry for hurting you. I don’t know what I did, but I’m sure it was terrible. I’ll…I’ll just go now…so you don’t have to deal with me.”

“Good, thank you. Make it quick, would you? I didn’t have a proper breakfast, thanks to some stupid thugs trying to take over a restaurant. Speaking of which, you might want to check your cupcakes.”

“Yes, Joshy…whatever you say.” With Gummy still being unnaturally behaved on her back, Pinkie pivoted and slowly began to trot towards the back room which would lead up to her loft of a home. Josh sat and watched, still refusing to play games with the pony. Still, her flat mane and tail looked so lifeless, unlike her usual puffy mane and tail. Her body sagged as she walked, and her head was hung low instead of being raised high in such a fun and proud stance. Her light blue eyes were what mystified Josh the most. Rarity also had blue eyes, but they were so vastly different. Rarity’s dark blue sapphire eyes were full of lust, yearning, wanting, valiance, power, and generosity. Pinkie’s light blue cyan eyes were full of warmth, playfulness, spunk, vigilance, joy, and laughter. Seeing them marred by strained tears made Josh’s heart start to act up again.

Just before Pinkie reached the back doorway of the main room, she turned back around and gave the former human one more sad smile. “Joshy…if you need anything…anything at all…you can come and see me. My door may be locked, as you wished, but…my heart will always be open.” Giving a little nod, Pinkie big a silent farewell to the stallion, then vanished into the darkness of the back room and proceeded towards the stairs.

Josh stayed seated in the same place when Pinkie had removed Gummy from his horn. His eyes were locked onto the spot where he had last seen the teary-eyed Pinkie Pie. He didn’t really understand what had happened. Pinkie threw him a surprise party, then did a strange prayer with him, then he blew up at her for being stupid and nonsensical, and finally she actually listened to him and left. She had been the first one to actually do exactly what he had asked, even though it had taken him to raise his voice and make some harsh insults to do it. But, he didn’t care…at least he was pretty sure he didn’t care. Pinkie’s creepy and random attitude made no sense to him, and all it did was make him mad. Still, he felt like his body was fighting itself; his mind seemed proud of his actions, but his heart was ready to rip it to shreds.

“Damn that Pinkie…did she have to sell that so freaking well? Stupid pony.”