• Published 29th Oct 2011
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Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 10: Vengeance & Karma

“Come on, Joshy boy, use those wings!” Rainbow Dash called out, giving a mock cheer to the angry stallion who had just face-planted into the nearest tree thanks to his clumsy flying, “How much do you wanna bet that you’re gonna ruin your wings and become a laughingstock among Pegasi? I’m willing to wager a good hundred bits on that.”

“Shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you!” Josh roared, glaring up at Rainbow Dash as his anger fueled his flying power, “I was actually TRYING to be nice and do what your yellow girlfriend down there said, but you’ve just got to keep pushing my buttons, don’t you?”

“G-G-G-GIRLFRIEND?!?!” Rainbow Dash screeched, looking down at Fluttershy and hacking, “First you pair me with Twilight, and now…FLUTTERSHY?!?! Er, no offense, Fluttershy.”

“None taken, Dash,” Fluttershy sighed.

“Ooh, and you have buttons on you?” Pinkie gasped, eagerly bouncing up and attaching herself onto Josh’s back, “Where are they, where are they? I wanna push them!” Thanks to the pink pony’s randomness, Josh yelped and very nearly crashed down. Somehow, he managed to continue flapping his wings after all this time, despite still smarting from his face smacking into the tree and from an annoying pony now on his back.

“Listen, you stupid, idiotic party pony!” Josh snapped, craning his head around and glaring at the pony riding his back and currently looking for buttons, “If you do not stop acting like a random ditz, I’m gonna turn you into those damned cupcakes that you love so much! For God’s sake, you’re not even blonde!”

“Who’s God?” Twilight spoke up, very curious as to what being Josh was speaking of, “Here on Equestria, Princess Celestia is our ruler. Is ‘God’ the ruler of your world, too?”

“…that’s a touchy subject that I’d rather not discuss,” Josh sniffed, “In my own opinion, yes, God is the ruler of my world…but, all the same, I’m the ruler of my own PERSONAL world. God is just the guy upstairs who watches over everyone and makes sure the world doesn’t blow up.”

“That…sounds…scary,” Rarity gulped, “I don’t know about this…God…of yours.”

“Ooh, and how does he live upstairs?” Pinkie asked, obviously not caring about Josh’s previous threat of turning her into cupcakes, “Does he live in a tree house? Does he live in your attic? Does he live inside of your head? Or does he live on a cloud, like Dashie?”

“He lives in a place called heaven, okay?” Josh sighed, “When we die, on my world, it’s said that while our bodies are laid to rest in the ground, our souls either go to heaven or to hell, depending on how we lived our life. God is the ruler of heaven, while Satan is the ruler of hell. Not everyone in my world believes this…in fact, I’d be willing to guess that less than half of my world’s population does. But, I myself believe this, so don’t judge me.” Forgetting that he was in a completely different world and thus wouldn’t be judged on what he believed, Josh was instead tortured by more stupidity instead.

“Satan doesn’t sound like that bad of a guy…is hell really such a bad place?”

“How can your soul leave your body? That sounds incredible! I must study that!”

“So, heaven is basically just like Cloudsdale, right?”

“I want to throw God and Satan a big surprise party; they sound like awesome friends!”

“Um, so, do animals go to heaven and hell as well? I wonder which place Angel would go…”

“Do ya’ll think God would go for mah apple pies? They’re the best in the land, ya know.”

“SHUT UP!” Josh screamed, holding both of his hooves over his ears and grinding his teeth together, “YOU ARE ALL DRIVING ME BATTY! CAN WE JUST GET BACK TO WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE THIS RANDOM CONVERSATION HAPPENED?”

“YOU brought it up,” Rarity accused.

“And I’M ending it!” Josh countered, turning back to look at the smiling Pinkie Pie on his back, “Okay, Pinkie, so here’s the deal. You get off my back, nice and quick now, and I WON’T have to hurt you. I said I don’t hit girls, and I don’t…but, there are OTHER ways to skin a cat.” Yet again, he realized that he had said the wrong thing when Rarity and Fluttershy both screamed from below.

“Y-Y-YOU WOULD S-S-SKIN A POOR K-K-KITTY CAT?!?!” Fluttershy shrieked, before having her eyes roll up into her head and faint.


“Is this what it’s like to be married?” Josh whispered to himself, sighing and hanging his head, “Or is this what it’s like to have a girlfriend? I’ve never had one…and I never WANT one. Girls are nothing but creatures with big mouths that inflict migraines on a guy when they take something the wrong way. You can’t live with ‘em and you can’t live without ‘em…stupid law of the world.”

“Actually, my mouth isn’t THAT big,” Pinkie smiled, having listened in on Josh’s private conversation with himself, “I mean, the last time I tried to fit some watermelons inside, I only could fit in five! I mean, just five? If I had a big mouth, I could fit in SO many more, don’t you think? So, all females don’t have big mouths at all. If you ask me, they have more moderate-sized mouths that…”

“DAMMIT, THAT DOES IT!” Josh snarled, awkwardly bucking his hips and tossing Pinkie into the air, “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! TIME FOR SOME PAYBACK!” After the squealing Pinkie was forced off his back, Josh quickly turned in midair and grabbed the pink earth pony with his front hooves before she could fall back down to the ground. Holding the pony under her armpits, Josh glared daggers into Pinkie’s eyes as the pink mare giggled and playfully tilted her head.

“That was fun! What are you gonna do to me now?” she asked, not seeming at all scared, despite the fact that a pissed off former human was holding her and had just recently threatened to turn her into cupcakes. Josh continued to glare at Pinkie, and since Rainbow Dash was still flying nearby, he knew just what to do to get some much-needed vengeance.

“Oh, we’re gonna two games, sweetie,” Josh said coldly, pulling Pinkie right up close to his face so that he could smell her sugary breath, “The first game is done to figure out just how flexible you are. The second game is some target practice. Are you ready to play?”

“Ooh, I LOVE games!” Pinkie cheered, screaming right into Josh’s face, “What do I get if I win?” Slowly, an evil smirk broke out on Josh’s face to replace his angry sneer a moment ago. He clenched his hooves tighter around Pinkie’s arms.

“Sorry…but when I play a game…I don’t lose,” Josh whispered. Then, the first game commenced.

While still flapping his wings to remain airborne, Josh put one of his hooves on the back of Pinkie’s head and forced her to bend her neck downwards towards her hind legs. Using his powerful strength, Josh used his other hoof to lift up Pinkie’s lower torso to meet her head halfway. The stallion then kept both of his hooves moving, one forcing Pinkie’s head further downwards while the other forced her lower body upwards. The form he was forcing her to take looked like a pink ball of fluff.

Since Pinkie was very flexible, Josh was thrilled when he managed to complete the final part of his first little game of vengeance. He managed to eventually shove Pinkie’s entire head right between her hind legs before cramming her face into her own plushy butt. As soon as he did, he quickly wrapped both of Pinkie’s forelegs around her head to keep her face smushed into her own tushy. Then, using his good knot-tying skills, Josh grunted and clenched Pinkie even tighter into her ball form while he used all four of her legs to tie her into a knot.

Wrapping Pinkie’s four legs around her curled-up body and stretching them out, Josh managed to tie them together in a particular way than made it look like Pinkie was hugging her face into her own rump. When Josh finished off tying Pinkie together, he gave a grin of victory and held the result out with his left hoof for all to admire. He had stretched and mashed Pinkie Pie together to form what looked like a basketball or really any kind of ball for that matter. The part that Josh loved most was that Pinkie now had her face trapped in her own butt and could do nothing about it, due to her own legs being the cause of what kept her painfully tied up.

“And, THAT is how you turn a pony into a dodgeball,” Josh smirked, glancing down at the three horrified ponies and their fainted yellow comrade, “Any questions? I’m more than willing to demonstrate this again on any of you. Hey, for all I know, it could very well work out any kinks you might have in your neck or upper back! And it could let you know that you might need to wash your butt more often.”

“Y-Y-YOU MONSTER!” Twilight gasped, “T-t-t-that is NOT possible! Y-y-you could break her bones! Is she alright? She’s still alive, right?!?!” Rolling his eyes, Josh reached down and shoved a hoof in-between Pinkie’s trapped face and her tush. He grunted and, without untying her, managed to move her mouth away from her tush a few centimeters so she could let out a few muffled words.

“Twilight…my tushy…smells like muffins…but it should smell like cupcakes!” Pinkie cried, “How is…that even…possible? I mean…I totally…” However, since he did not want to hear another stupid and random speech about nonsense, Josh removed his hoof and Pinkie’s face was subsequently smushed right back into her tush and was silenced.

“There, happy? She’s just fine…for now,” Josh snickered, slowly turning around and finding the angry Rainbow Dash remaining in the same place as before, “Now, that was the first game…onto the second game. Rainbow Dash, can you guess what I had in mind with my target practice?” He had been expecting Rainbow Dash to quickly fly away or grab some kind of weapon, but she did the exact opposite. She flew down right into Josh’s face, leaving herself only a foot or so away from him.

“You let Pinkie Pie go RIGHT NOW!” she demanded, “You can’t just go tying up our friends into balls and using their legs like that, not to mention shoving their faces into their butts! Let her go or else I’m gonna give you a knuckle sandwich!”

“…are you seriously this stupid?” Josh asked, sighing and shaking his head, “I mean, really? I thought I made my ideas pretty clear, and I’m pretty sure that your friends on the ground know what I’m about to do with my Pinkie dodgeball. Are you so stupid that you don’t see it? Don’t you wanna…oh, I don’t know…try to fly away from me?”

“I DON’T RUN FROM ANYPONY!” Rainbow Dash bellowed, hitting herself on her chest and proudly flexing her muscles in front of Josh, “AND I’M NOT STUPID! I AM RAINBOW DASH, THE GREATEST FLYER IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA! YOU WILL PAY FOR HURTING PINKIE!”

“…well, I tried to make it a fair fight,” Josh shrugged, sticking his tongue out the corner of his mouth as he slowly reared back while holding the Pinkie ball in his right hoof, “Okay, Dash, are you ready to take a fastball? I warn you, I’m no baseball player, but I have clocked at around 60 mph.”

“Uh…fastball? Baseball player? Clocked? What are you talking about?” Dash asked, staring right at Josh and still not moving, “Wait, what are you doing with Pinkie?” Suddenly, her face fell and her eyes slowly rose up as big as saucers. A horrified expression broke out on her face as she gulped and realized that she indeed was in trouble.

“And Josh Schwartz goes back for the windup…and here’s the pitch!” Josh screamed, thrusting his right foreleg forward and releasing the Pinkie dodgeball at the last possible moment. His timing and aim were perfect and Dash didn’t stand a chance.

Letting out a half-second squeak, Dash tried to raise her arms up to defend her face, but she was well too late. The Pinkie Pie dodgeball, ironically used as both that AND a baseball, smashed her right in the face at around 40 mph. Since Josh wasn’t in his human form and combine that with the fact that he was flying and he wasn’t used to his body, he didn’t throw as hard as he could’ve. However, the impact and the result was enough to bring a smile to his face anyway.

As soon as Pinkie smashed Rainbow Dash in the face, the Pegasus’s head snapped back and she was blasted backwards. Since they were all still in the Everfree Forest while this was happening, Dash was sent sailing down the remaining pathway that had yet to be trodden upon by the returning group. The Pegasus felt like her face was numb and thus couldn’t use her wings to brace herself. It was almost as if her life flashed before her eyes…that or she was just seeing stars. Either way, being bashed back by something at a blinding speed, in the face no less, caused quite a landing for the azure mare.

Rainbow Dash, after flying a good 20-30 yards away, was eventually pushed down by gravity. However, since she was still being thrown back at such a harsh velocity, the ground didn’t exactly break her fall; it enhanced it. Smashing down onto the ground, on her backside, momentum roughly dragged Dash along the ground another 10 or so yards before she finally came to a rest. When she did, she was halfway buried into a muddy hole, her mane and tail were both caked with dirt and were sticking up in all directions, her face was numb, her body ached, and she was now left staring up at the clouds in the sky as she tried to recover from what just happened in her new mini crater resting place.

To add extra enjoyment to Josh’s vengeance, Pinkie Pie herself had ricocheted off Rainbow Dash’s face after striking her and had headed downwards…straight towards the other four ponies. Twilight had managed to foresee this coming and had quickly leapt to safety. Fluttershy was still twitching while fainted on the ground, so she was as safe as she was gonna get. Unfortunately for Rarity, she had failed to react in time, and since Applejack was in a defensive position, she failed to save her in time.

Pinkie smacked Rarity in the face a second later, causing the unicorn to let out a squeak of shock and stagger backwards. She then stumbled over Fluttershy’s downed body, and when the Pinkie Pie ball bounced down on top of them a second later, it completed the pile of three ponies. There was now the fainted Fluttershy, the twitching Rarity who was now scared to death that her makeup was ruined, and the Pinkie Pie ball. Josh’s vengeance had gone better than anticipated.

“AND…IT’S A STRIKE!” Josh yelled out, laughing his head off after watching what happened to Dash, Pinkie and Rarity, “OH, BUT WHAT’S THIS? A STRIKE AND A HOMERUN ON THE VERY SAME PLAY? UNHEARD OF! THIS IS GOING DOWN IN THE RECORD BOOKS, FOLKS! I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE! WHAT A GREAT DAY FOR BASEBALL AND VENGEANCE FROM JOSH SCHWARTZ!” Eventually stopping his fluttering wings, Josh continued to laugh his head off as he collapsed back down onto the ground. He was hoping to extra some revenge, but wasn’t expecting THIS. He had seriously outdone himself this time.

“Josh…you are…beyond a doubt…the evilest, cruelest, rottenest, most despicable creature I have ever known,” Twilight said calmly, stepping out from behind the tree she had ducked behind and immediately trotting over to her three downed friends.

“Plus, ah hope yer vengeance was good, since yer about to be gettin’ some home-cookin’ from a rather angry farmer pony,” Applejack growled, pawing at the ground and glaring down the laughing stallion, “Any last words before ah teach ya’ll some manners?”

“Yeah…do you think we could round up some more of you pathetic ponies when we get back to town?” Josh asked, sitting up and smirking at Applejack, “I’m anxious to start this as the newest craze in this stupid world. Tying up ponies and then hurling them into the faces of others and then seeing how many onlookers can get struck! Ah, doesn’t it sound like a lot of fun?”

“No, it does not, and yer about to suffer the consequences of even THINKIN’ SUCH A THING!” Applejack yelled, charging straight at Josh after lowering her head. It was then that Josh finally stopped laughing and realized that he was in big trouble. He still didn’t really know how to use his wings that well, he couldn’t use his magic, and he didn’t have anything to defend himself from what was basically a train charging right at him. He was a sitting duck.


“SORRY, AH DON’T LISTEN TO THOSE WHO HURT MAH FRIENDS!” Applejack bellowed, beginning to do a 180 degree turn during her charge, “NOW…TAKE THIS! YA’LL THINK YER SO STRONG? YA AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET, BOY!” Using surprising speed, agility, and dexterity, Applejack turned at the last moment before trampling Josh and instead reared up on her forelegs, at the same time lifting back her hind legs. Josh’s blood ran cold as he didn’t even have a chance to react, much like Rainbow Dash earlier. Plus, just like Josh, Applejack was a hotshot; she nailed her target perfectly.

Applejack’s hind legs met Josh’s face like a freight train would meet a little red wagon left on its tracks. Josh was now the one seeing stars as he was bucked right in the face and sent sailing in the same direction that he had previously just sent Rainbow Dash. Both of Applejack’s hind legs had connected with Josh’s face, but thankfully not his nose or his eyes. He was mainly kicked right in the cheeks, but regardless, it was like being hit with a sledgehammer. Applejack was indeed insanely powerful, and Josh was beginning to realize just how powerful he really was in this new world, and his new body wasn’t really helping matters.

The face-bucking sent Josh flying the same distance that Dash had flown, including when the Pegasus had been pushed along the ground during the end of the assault. Ironically, Dash was still lying in her little pit in slight pain while looking up at the sky, so when the very same stallion that had just assaulted her came crashing down right on top of her a second later, it was clear to see that she was surprised. Nevertheless, when Josh crashed down on Rainbow Dash and was met with those same rosy eyes, he moaned and cursed karma.

“…AJ is scary when she’s mad, ya know,” Rainbow Dash smirked, staring back into Josh’s emerald eyes with the same mockery as before.

“I think…I see that now…” Josh moaned, leaning his forehead down as it touched Dash’s, since he felt nauseated and dizzy after the blow to the face, “Damn…I didn’t know…she was THAT strong…geez…”

“Kinda serves you right…” Dash muttered, for some reason not bothering to push Josh off her, “Now you know how it feels to take a little face-pain.”

“Oh, shut up,” Josh sighed, closing his eyes as he rested on top of the Pegasus. Rainbow Dash just snickered a bit, but didn’t say another word. The alicorn stallion and the blue Pegasus both laid there in the little crater for a while longer, both of them allowing the other to recover before they would get off each other. Despite the fact that Dash was still mad at Josh for his sneak attack, deep down she kinda enjoyed it. It was almost like how she and Applejack got rough with each other sometimes. If only Josh wasn’t such a jerk, maybe they could actually be friends.

“Oh…by the way…Josh?” Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“Yeah, what is it?” Josh responded, his lips barely moving as it seemed he just wanted to take a nap.

“…your flying needs serious work, dude,” Rainbow finished, the same grin stretching out across her face. When Josh said nothing and just remained lifeless on top of the Pegasus, Dash felt proud of herself. She always did love getting the last laugh.