• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 20,760 Views, 1,122 Comments

Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 22: Premonition

“Just calm down and let me try to…”


“Shut your mouth and I’ll explain…”


“That’s debatable, but would you please let me get a word in so I can…”


“You’re an idiot, you know that?”


Twilight sighed, slapping her forehead with her hoof as she glanced at her enraged number one assistant glaring down the annoyed stallion sitting next to her. After the intrusion by the stunned little dragon, Josh had quickly removed himself from atop Twilight and had tried to explain what happened, all to no avail. Twilight was now sitting next to Josh, looking exasperated that she would have to sort out this mess that never should’ve happened in the first place.

Seeing Spike posing in an attack position and getting ready to strike Josh, while at the same time try and “protect” Twilight, the unicorn couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of appreciation; knowing that Spike cared for her so much really touched her. However, since the last thing she wanted was for Josh and Spike to have a fight, let alone inside of her library, she knew she had to think fast; both boys weren’t exactly the best at controlling their tempers, after all.

“Spike, please listen to me,” Twilight said carefully, speaking in a soft and relaxed tone in an attempt to make Spike calm down, “Josh used his horn to tip a book over from this shelf over here, and he couldn’t get it back up, since he doesn’t know how to use magic yet. He was using me as a prop, and his weight was a bit much for me, so I ended up collapsing and having him fall on top of me. You just arrived here at the wrong time, that’s all.”

“Hmm…so, he WASN’T trying to…um…hurt you?” Spike asked, narrowing his eyes as he cast Josh a very suspicious look.

“Believe me, dragon boy, if I wanted to hurt a girl, I wouldn’t do it in THAT way,” Josh sniffed, looking offended at the thought, “I may be a jerk, but one thing I’m not is a boy who takes joy in hurting girls for his own selfish pleasure. It was just an accident and nothing more. Besides, this fool of a librarian isn’t even worth punishing.”

Since it was Josh talking, Spike didn’t look very convinced. In fact, he almost looked more inclined to hurt Josh than ever before, possibly due to him insulting Twilight. The purple unicorn, however, thought of a plan to get Spike to drop his anger without another passing moment. “Hey, Spike! I heard that Rarity was looking for you this morning!”

“She…she was? R-really?!?! W-w-what about?”

“Um…well, I think she said something about needing a model for some of her new outfits and how she was gonna give you a big kiss if you helped her out and…” Twilight didn’t even finish her sentence before Spike zoomed out of the library in two seconds flat, leaving a slamming door and two amused ponies in his wake.

“So…he has a crush on that stupid white unicorn, eh?” Josh snickered, “Somehow, I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s an arrogant, annoying little brat…and SHE’S an arrogant, annoying little brat. They just work so perfectly together.”

“Josh, Rarity isn’t stupid, nor is she arrogant and annoying,” Twilight said coolly, before giving a playful smirk herself, “A brat…maybe. But, please refrain from calling her stupid, arrogant or annoying. My friends mean a lot to me and I don’t want to hear you saying such things about them.”

“Very well, I’ll say them when you’re NOT in my presence.”

“Ugh, WHAT am I gonna do with you?”

“Bow down and worship me for being the amazingly-awesome person that I am?”

“How about I instead teach you a bit of magic before I turn you into a frog out of irritation?”

“Grumpy nag…fine, whatever; just hurry up before I get mad and use you for target practice.”

Giving a satisfied smile, Twilight ushered for Josh to follow her over to her desk where she had been studying the book on poison joke. Josh followed, already excited about using magic to do whatever he desired. Inside of his mind, he was already thinking about turning Twilight and her five friends into little dolls and playing with them, or in the very least giving them to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. A million other evil little thoughts kept racking through his brain as well; the more he thought, the better his ideas on how to torture the ponies with the possible magic he could learn.

“Okay, Josh, since the evil grin on your face is telling it all, I’m only gonna teach you some elementary magic spells that can help you deal with everyday life on Equestria,” Twilight said, watching as the happy expression on Josh’s face immediately vanished, “You didn’t REALLY think I’d teach you powerful spells that could easily be turned against me and my friends, did you?”

“Well, you ponies don’t really strike me as smart, so…” Josh muttered, wanting nothing more than to wipe that victorious smirk off the female unicorn’s face.

“You know, Josh, I have a philosophy that I think you should know about,” Twilight explained, her expression showing that she was once again teasing the angry stallion, “It goes: Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s actually quite a rather common philosophy; you ever hear of it?”

“I prefer a philosophy from my own world that goes a little something like this: If you deny something exists, then it doesn’t exist. Sorry, Twilight, but you do not exist.”

“Josh, that philosophy makes no sense, since you just can’t deny something that very clearly exists. That would be like me denying Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense. I tried denying that it didn’t exist, and all I got out of it was a trip to the hospital and a very painful lesson.”

“You take the fun out of everything, you know that? Typical nerd.”

“And YOU set yourself up for being disappointed, Josh. Typical uneducated boy.”

“What did you call me?”

“You heard me.”

Both proud and cocky ponies got into each other’s faces, Josh and Twilight both glaring at each other and daring the other to make the next move. Twilight wasn’t usually so upfront and personal with ponies, like when she had dealt with a certain blue show-mare before, but when she was challenged to an indirect battle of wits, she wasn’t about to back down to someone who considered themselves just as smart as her. Josh felt the same exact way, and he was never gonna let a pony get the last word in.

The two ponies shoved their faces within inches of each other, the tips of their noses gently scraping against one another as emerald eyes glared into violet eyes. Josh’s athletic, lengthy body overshadowed Twilight’s slim, fragile form, but the latter’s eyes and stance were equally, if not more powerful than Josh’s. No matter how badly Josh tried to intimidate and make Twilight back down, the unicorn seemed intent at calling Josh’s bluff and holding her ground. The former human was slightly intrigued by this.

I can’t believe a puny little purple unicorn continues to dare get in my face and not back down, Josh thought, admiring the strong fortitude displayed in Twilight’s visage, She’s not like the typical nerd back from my world. On earth, the geeks always usually cower and run like babies when they’re yelled at, or in the very least make themselves look stupid trying to defend themselves. What’s your game, Twilight Sparkle?

“Um…Josh? Are you just gonna keep staring at me all day, or are we gonna teach you some magic?” Twilight asked, breaking the uneasy moment of awkward silence and staring. Another slight blush of redness streaked across her muzzle the longer Josh pressed his face close to hers. Much like when he had landed on top of her, she felt so odd when next to the rude stallion. She had no idea why.

“Humph…you started it,” Josh said immaturely, quickly backing away and sitting down on one of the cushions that Twilight kept at her studying desk, not aware of the own heat generating from his cheeks. Giving another content smile of victory and not noticing Josh’s blushing, Twilight decided to leave well enough alone and finally get to the little magic lesson.

“Okay, Josh, the first thing we need to do is get you to realize you actually have magic inside of your body,” Twilight explained, “Alicorns are incredibly powerful ponies, which is why they have all three forms of unicorn, Pegasus and earth pony making up their bodies. You are indeed a unique case, being one without a cutie mark and formally being a human, but we’ll see if the standard magic proceedings apply to you. Please close your eyes.”

“Do I have to? I’d rather not be alone with you while my eyes are closed. That’s a surefire way to have something bad happen.”


“What, I’m serious! Back on my world, if I was all alone in a house with a devious female and she asked me to close my eyes, you would know what I’m talking about.”


“Alright, alright, keep your horn on!” Josh frowned and muttered something incoherent under his breath before finally clenching his eyes shut and plunging into darkness.

“Okay, good. Josh, can you feel the magic inside of your body?” Twilight’s voice streamed into Josh’s ears, softly and almost melodiously. “You must stay calmed and soothed; magic can be unpredictable and very dangerous if misused or abused. Do not be stressed. Let yourself relax in the darkness and allow your body to find the magic that lies within.”

Josh, despite hating being told what to do, really wanted to get this right, so he gave a quick nod and obeyed Twilight’s words. He tried to focus on something happy, or in the very least something that could calm him and not stress his heart and mind, but there was nothing. No matter what he imagined or what he thought about, all Josh found was hatred and rage. Thinking about his family, his life on earth, his school years, his one day on Equestria so far…all of it only brought Josh anger. So, he did the one thing that he knew he could do. He blanked his mind and thought of nothing at all.

“Listen to my voice, Josh. With your body and your mind calmed and relaxed, it’s time to channel your magic. You don’t have a cutie mark, so I cannot say what type of magic you own, but since you are an alicorn, you should be able to use a magnitude of magic. Therefore, your power should come close to my own. Try to find the fire in your heart that will ignite your mind with the joy and power of magic. Can you feel that fire burning within you, Josh? Can you feel it?”

With his mind blanked, Josh heard Twilight’s words enter the darkness. Deep down, the stallion wanted to hack and make a rude comment at the corniness of Twilight’s speech, but since he didn’t want to kill himself or blow up this entire world with his as-of-yet-unknown magic, Josh attempted to channel his magic that Twilight claimed he had inside of him. Clenching his eyes shut even tighter, Josh took a deep breath and held it, then tried to locate his inner magic. Nothing was happening, except the pressure of holding his breath and hurting his chest.

“When you feel that fire, you’ll know that it’s your magic. You’ll know that it’ll beg you to be released. When I took my magic test when I was just a filly, my inner magic was only unleashed after a lot of strain and hard work…and Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom. When you feel that spark, Josh, you’ll know. Your mind will know. Your horn will know. Your heart will know. Unleash your magic, Josh! Focus it into your horn! You are one of us…for right now…so prove it! Where is your magic, Josh?”

Magic…such utter nonsense…all of this is nonsense! Josh growled to himself, still not feeling anything other than his usual chest pain from holding his breath, Why am I even wasting my time with this? I still haven’t ruled out the possibility of this all just being a dream while I’m in a coma back in my own world. For what logical reason am I doing this? I don’t HAVE any magic because I’m not a freaking pony! This is just the effects of a dumbass flower! That does it, this is seriously lame; I’m just gonna open my eyes and stop this bullcrap. Fire in my heart? Where is my magic? Newsflash, Twilight Sparkle, I DON’T HAVE ANY…

Josh froze, his angry thoughts vanishing as a sudden numbing sensation began slithering down his body. It was an unusual feeling that Josh hadn’t felt before…at least not while he was awake. Did he feel this way during that strange nightmare he had at Applejack’s? But, that was just a nightmare; who cared what happened in dreams? Dreams weren’t real; they were just figments of imagination sewed together within one’s mind during the body’s rest period. But, this feeling was new and unorthodox, and Josh didn’t like it. He began to feel cold.

What…the hell? I…I can’t open my eyes…what IS this? Josh wheezed, trying to pry apart his eyelids, but finding them glued together by an invisible force, Is this…magic? What the hell kind of magic is this? Did I…take away my own motor skills? No…Twilight did this…she had to! My body…feeling numb…so cold and numb…make it stop…

Beginning at the back of his head, the unnerving numbing had crept its way down Josh’s spine, towards his rear and tail. It was akin to the feeling of having a sponge soaked with water that had been chilled past the point of freezing dribbled down the back of one’s neck. Josh couldn’t move an inch of his body. His breaths came out in short, quick wisps through a slit in his mouth. His eyes continued to be hemmed shut; the muscles in his head weren’t working to even attempt to lift his eyelids, regardless. Josh was scared. He hated to admit it; he would NEVER admit it. But, he was scared. If this was magic, he wanted no part of it. He wouldn’t wish such torture on anything, pony or human.

Let me go…dammit, let me go! Josh’s mind continued to scream, attempting to command his body to move and reject the numbing and paralyzing feelings, I’m not a slave to magic…or whatever the hell this is! LET ME GO!

The numbing began moving over onto Josh’s front, fully casing the scared stallion into full paralysis. His body was frozen, his legs were frozen, his organs seemed to be on ice, and his head felt like it was beginning to feel light. Only his mind hadn’t shut down, allowing him to continue to scream to the darkness. Twilight was no longer talking, or if she was, he couldn’t hear her. The stallion was going mentally crazy. Was this what death felt like? Was it your entire body shutting down before the final part, your mind, finally went kaput? Josh couldn’t feel his heart beating. He couldn’t hear or see or smell anything. His voice wasn’t working. He could feel nothing from the horn on his head.

Killed…I’m being killed? Death has come…but why now? Josh thought, the confusion and horror mixing together to form an odd serenity within Josh’s mind, Is Twilight doing this to me? Is my…is my own magic…the magic of death? Am I…the Angel of Death? No…utter nonsense…this is…this is…a dream? Another nightmare? Answer me…ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! DARKNESS, ANSWER ME NOW!

Josh thought he saw red. Glowing red eyes, or maybe dots, protruding from the darkness that his mind and closed eyes had created. The numbing continued to linger, coating his body with the essence of helplessness and despair, but Josh’s third eye could see clearly into the darkness. Something crimson and foreboding was staring back at him, creating another layer of the chilling numbness that already occupied his body. His mind wasn’t alone. His heart wasn’t alone. Something was watching him.

You…again? Who…WHAT are you? Josh’s mind screamed out, trying to replace his fright with anger as he stared down the red creature invading his innermost darkness, Yes…yes, I remember you. You’re the one who gave me that nightmare back at Applejack’s. Let me guess…you’re a dumbass pony, right? You’re a pony who likes to freak others out by invading their personal space, right? Get out of my head, before I drive you out myself!

The creature stayed hidden in the darkness, straying from Josh’s third eye, but its presence kept Josh immobilized and unable to do a thing. Like with his dream at Applejack’s, the creature began moving silently towards the frozen Josh. Was he sleeping? Had he simply fallen into a trance from his own magic and that was why this was happening? He couldn’t understand why, but Josh didn’t want that creature from the darkness to get near him. Something told him that he was in deep trouble if that creature managed to get ahold of him. Josh was growing more scared by the minute.

Get AWAY from me! Leave me alone! TWILIGHT, WAKE ME UP! Josh tried yelling, he tried moving, but he was frozen in time and space itself. The creature kept drawing nearer, and Josh could begin to make out more of its limited features.

The “redness” seemed to be the creature’s eye sockets, which were hollow and empty. The red color was nothing more than some kind of ectoplasm or energy, and despite Josh being unable to identity it, he could feel a deep foreboding hatred emanating from its hollowed depths. The outline of the creature was unidentifiable, with Josh only being able to make out the faint hints of an even darker blackness compiling the creature than what made up the vastness of his mind. It was almost like this strange creature wasn’t a being at all, but a part of Josh himself that he didn’t understand. The creature kept moving closer.

I’m not scared of you…I’m NOT scared of you…this is nonsense! Josh’s silent thoughts continued to escalate within an even deeper quandary of his head, Wake up…wake up…wake up…WAKE UP! Josh felt the heat of the red eye sockets of the black creature reach him and a new tingling sensation spread throughout his body, but then he opened his eyes. He saw Twilight Sparkle staring back at him.

“Ugh, FINALLY!” Josh sighed, quickly turning away from Twilight and angrily stomping away, “Screw that freaking magic, Twilight; I had no idea what I was doing. This stupid black thing was inside my head and I was numb and…” He halted dead in his tracks when he noticed the state of the library around him. Things were wrong. Things were VERY wrong. The library was now fuzzy and gray, like the background of an old black and white movie. The air was cold and stale, and Josh couldn’t hear Twilight. He whipped his head around to see if this was another magic trick, and nearly had a heart attack. Josh hadn’t moved from his spot. He was still sitting in front of Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle seemed to be locked in a trance herself as she stared blankly at the Josh in front of her. The stallion looked just like Josh, but the real Josh was standing to Twilight’s right in a panic. Did he somehow leave his body? Was he a ghost? Did his magic allow him to project his soul from his body when he concentrated enough? Numerous questions rushed through Josh’s brain as he tried to understand just what was going on, until he noticed that his real body was staring right at him. Its eyes were a blazing red and a wide grin was very, very slowly creeping up the corners of his cheeks.

“What…what the hell…okay, NOT cool…this is seriously creeping me out now!” Josh gulped, slowly backing away in a panic as he watched the horrifying grin continue to widen on his body’s face, “What took over my body? Give me back my body! Leave…leave Twilight alone! She’s MY pony to torture, not yours! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BODY!”

It was at this point that Josh finally took a gander at his momentary form, and was shocked to see that he wasn’t invisible, nor was he gray like the background. He looked the same as he always did, in his stallion form at least. Now more confused than ever, Josh lifted his eyes back up to observe what his body was doing, only to discover that his body was now sitting only inches away from him. Its glowing red eyes were staring into Josh’s emerald pupils, while the eerie grin stayed plastered on its face. If Josh had ever felt goose bumps and chills run down his body before, nothing had prepared him for this.

“Look, buddy…or, me, or whoever you are…this isn’t funny,” Josh said calmly, trying to ignore how cold he was feeling as he glared down his own body, “Whoever…no, whatever you are, you’d better get the hell out of my body right now, or I’m decking you right in the face. It’ll hurt to hit myself, but this isn’t cool. I’ll give you to the count of three. One…”

The chills were continuing to ripple through his spine, and his body just kept continuing to grin at him with its toothy, spooky smile. Its eyes kept blazing away with its fiery red gaze. Josh started to feel numb again, but this was different than before. Last time, the numbness led to paralysis. This time, it was leading to lightheadedness and even dizziness. When Josh managed to pull his eyes away from the locked glare on his own body, he peered down at his flanks and a silent scream locked itself in his throat. His body was beginning to vanish.

“T-t-t-two!” Josh managed to choke out, watching in horror as the fabric of his being was slowly eaten away by an unseen force. His hind legs were gone, as was his tail, his butt, and now his groin. It didn’t hurt, but…it didn’t feel good, either. Josh was disappearing from existence; it was a feeling he couldn’t explain. A feeling of emptiness and hollowness of no longer living that one could not phantom to understand without being in such a situation. He had no idea what was happening, but a dark realization was beginning to form inside his head. There were two of him, and only one could exist.

“W-w-whoever you are…w-w-whatever you are…YOU’RE NOT STEALING ME!” Josh shrieked, lifting up his hoof and making a fist, “THAT’S MY BODY AND MY LIFE! MISERABLE OR NOT, IT’S STILL MY FREAKING LIFE! THREE!” As his torso vanished, Josh pulled his clenched hoof back behind his head, locked in on the mock grin on his own body’s face, and brought his fist around with everything he could. The strike was perfect, and the last thing he heard was an angry snarl as his body was blasted backwards towards Twilight’s own body. Josh fainted.

“…Josh…Josh…JOSH…JOSH, WAKE UP!”

Twilight’s voice echoed through the library, and Josh felt her soft hooves gently pushing on his shoulders. Coughing and uttering a low moan, Josh’s lips pushed together as he wearily lifted his eyelids. He saw color. He felt warmth. He saw a scared and alert Twilight Sparkle standing over him with her eyes full of fright. He could feel his body and could move every inch of it. Like when he was at Applejack’s house, Josh did find himself drenched with cold sweat again, but the heat of the library was slowly warming him. He saw no sign of the dark creature, and for some reason, his nose hurt.

“Josh…oh Celestia…Josh, you’re awake!” Twilight sighed in relief, instantly pulling the stallion up and hugging him tightly, “I…I was so scared. When you closed your eyes to concentrate, you…you stopped breathing. Your whole body looked rigid and numb. Then…then you…then you seemed to open your eyes for a split-second, but…but…all I saw was fire. I saw fire, Josh. I…I don’t think…that didn’t seem like you…at all! But, then…you collapsed onto your back and started to breathe again…oh Celestia, I was so scared! What happened?”

Mountains of questions and comments racked Josh’s brain, begging to be asked and said. He wanted to push Twilight away. He wanted to tell her he was alright. He wanted to yell at her and blame her for this. He wanted to ask why his nose was hurting. He wanted to run away and never look back upon these crazy horses. He wanted to ask her about the experience he just went through. He wanted to ask Twilight why she was so scared for him when he didn’t like her at all. But, as his labored breaths continued to wisp their way out of his cold lips and his sweaty body began to dry, Josh could only manage one sentence.

“For once…I’m actually happy to see you, Twilight Sparkle.”