• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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84 Dream a Little Dream of Me

"What do you mean?" Barks Moonie, puzzlement etched on her face.

You shrug.

"I dunno. I don't remember any of them, but Luna said they were weird."

"She never told you about them?"

"I asked a few times but she would just tell me to go away," you shrug once more.

"So, I can't then?"

"I'm not saying that, only giving you some kind of forewarning. Luna said she never went into my dreams again after the a few times."

In the surprise, Moonie scampers a little on the spot that reminds you of an over excited puppy.

"Tonight?" She beams.

"You're eager."

"Come on," she pleads in the trademark manner that only kids seem to do to get their way.

"It seems unlike you to ask so nicely."

"Tonight," she corrects herself into an authoritative bellow, "Your queen orders it."

"Hmm, I think I prefer the manners."

"Tonight," she repeats more sternly.

It's late and you find yourself struggling to sleep for a while. It didn't help that twice Moonie stomped in to demand you fall asleep that instant, which led to a small argument on how easy it is to fall asleep with a filly screaming at you. Obviously you won, even if Moonie disagrees. Eventually sleep claims you.

It's cold. The harsh air blows its winter gale with a force that could only be described as the anger of some winter deity. It feels as if you were to stretch yourself outwards, the wind could scoop you up and blow you to who knows where. Then the wind dies down as if said deity had the wind knocked out of them. You look up and see that the wind hasn't stopped at all. It's more like you're now in some sort of snowglobe. All the snow is blowing around you now, and even the sound of the wind is deafened. At your feet beams a little filly.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a dream," she scoffs and gives you a look as if you were the town fool, "You can do just about anything if you've got the imagination."

"Oh, I thought it was magic."

"I'm here, that's kind of where the magic ends."

"Right," you say as you rub your hands to get a little feeling back into them.

"Then again, it's always a little harder for the dreamer. It's got something to do with the subconscious being like another mind at this point. I don't really know, this was Luna's thing."

"Has she been teaching you this or anything?"

Moonie shakes her head, "No. I only know a bit of it because of the time we shared a body."


There's a moment of silence as you try to think of what to say next. Somehow, something like "Welcome to the deeper recesses of my mind that I don't really understand" doesn't feel appropriate. You also feel like you should have asked why she wanted to do this and what she was hoping to get out of it when you were awake. Those questions feel too late right about now.

"This is oddly vivid," comments Moonie as she lifts some snow and shakes it as all the individual bits flutter to the ground.


"Yeah, well... For most, everything is blocky, hazy, and incomplete. The mind if supposed to be resting after all, and there's no point dreaming something you're not heading to in a dream. It doesn't work that way."

"The mountains over there are blurry."

"Yeah, but there's a blizzard. It's supposed to be blurry. This though," she shows up another hoof of snows that trickles down just like real snow, "Is far too realistic. Who dreams all the individual bits of snow up?"

"I do, I guess. My dreams are usually pretty vivid, at least the ones I recall."

Moonie's fascination with the snow ends just as she notices a big shadowy figure off in the blizzard approaches you two in the bubble.

"We can't get hurt in dreams, can we?"

"No. But you'll think you do."

"I don't follow."

With your attention focused on the approaching figure, Moonie balances on her forelegs so she can lift her hindlegs and kick you like you were some kind of apple tree. With a sharp and pained yelp, you tumble to the floor as your legs gives out in surprise.

"Relax. It didn't hurt your body. But in here, you think you got hurt. Make sense now?" She smiles a smile that shows she enjoyed that much more than any normal pony would.

"You better hope I don't remember this dream," you grumble while getting back to your feet.

It's at that moment the two of you notice the figure is now standing in the bubble with you. It's tall. Very tall. And hairy. As well as grinning.

"A yeti?" a confused Moonie mutters through clenched teeth.

The yeti looks from you to Moonie, still smiling widely.

"Uh, hello... Miss Yeti." You finally say.

"Miss? How can you tell?"

You're about to point out how, but looking at the yeti you find no clear features. The big ball of fur is so big and furry that it's impossible to discern any shape that could possibly be going on underneath.

"I don't know, just a guess."

"Well, you should know your own mind. Hello Miss Yeti."

The yeti's grin widens. Then it gestures for the two of you to follow before turning around and walking away.

"Should we?" You ask.

Moonie shrugs, "What else would we do?"

And so, the two of you follow.

Miss yeti leads you both higher into the mountain and into a cave where you're safe from the blizzard outside. But after only a few steps, it gets far too dark for you to see.

"I can't see a thing."

"Then imagine some light," scolds Moonie.

A small flicker of light hums not too far away in the cave. Then it glows again, its dim light barely illuminating the yeti's face as she blows on it gently. A few more puffs and the fire begins to grow, crackling a couple times as more of the tinder burns. Miss yeti watches over the fire, adding a couple pieces of kindling to get the flame big enough to light her own torch.

"See, this is what I mean," an annoyed Moonie gripes.

"What?" You reply defensively, already knowing where this will go.

"Who dreams up this much detail? Why can't she just produce a light, maybe the cave has magical torches, or glow worms, or maybe even we could just see in the dark. It's a dream. We should have to stand here while a yeti lights a torch."

You shrug. Which annoys Moonie even more. She grumbles and mutters under her breath as the two of you wander deeper into the caves. There's some twists and turns that means you have no idea where you're going or even how deep you've gone. But then, just as it seems the cave's network would run on forever, a chill breeze begins to flow down the cave and getting colder slowly as you walk on. Then you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Stepping out, the bright light takes a minute to adjust to. You're inside a valley. Up above the blizzard can be seen raging on but the intense wind blows most of the snow over it. The yeti makes a few grunts to grab your attention and gestures for you to follow.

You've clearly been lead to a yeti village. Little igloos dot the strip. A few yeti can be seen going about their business, stealing a few glances at the newcomers but otherwise not paying too much attention. They've got little stalls, you notice. And one yeti can be seen hanging out some fur suits on a line. Small yeti children run around and play some unknowable game that involves snowball throwing. Then you notice a few humans around the place too. One, a human female wanders over to follow you.

Then you walk into the back of the yeti. First you apologise, then look around and see the shoes poking out from the ground as if people had been planted like crops. There's a lot.

"This is the future of yeti-kind," Miss yeti explains in a rather posh and well-spoken accent.

"Uh," you stammer for a few seconds from the surprise then without any idea of what to say, you just ask the first question that comes to mind, "And what future is that exactly?"

"Well, you see, it's nearly impossible to live up here. With all the snow we can't grow anything, and human kind wont accept us. They call us monsters."

"Is this something that actually happened where you come from?" Moonie suddenly asks with a clear readiness for gullible belief.

While you do want to mess with her a little, you're a little too focused on the situation to go for it.

"Nope. No idea where this comes from."

Moonie looks a little dejected but the yeti continues.

"So, what we are doing is capturing humans and using yeti magic to plant out minds in theirs," the human female from before states as she steps forward to stand beside Miss yeti, "This way we can immigrate in peace."

"This is weird," Moonie groans.

"So... You're stealing human bodies? With magic?"

"Yes," the yeti inside the human girl nods, "but don't worry, the human mind is still safe and sound. They just aren't in control."

"No," says Moonie flatly, "I am out."

"What are you worried about? I thought you couldn't get hurt in dreams?"

"Yes, but I'm not going through that experience. I'll see you in the morning."

And with that, Moonie fades away. Leaving you alone in the yeti camp.

The following morning you wake up and try to recall your dream. Nothing but a haze comes to mind. There's the feeling of cold and confusion that remains but remnants of what you might have felt are no help. So groggily, you get up and wander into Moonie's room.

"You don't look so good," you remark once you see the weary filly in bed.

She just grunts her reply. It's the kind of grunt that says ''I'm too tired to open my mouth so this is all I'll say.''

"How was the dream? What was it?"

Moonie sits up and stares at you in irritation.

"You don't remember?" She croaks."

You shake your head.

"Go away," she adds as she slams her head back into her pillow.

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