• Published 8th Jun 2014
  • 17,239 Views, 1,376 Comments

Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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103 The Final Chapter

"Are you up yet?" echoes a tense voice from behind your door.

You open your eyes and look toward the sound. A blurry sheen like Vaseline over your sight leaves you disoriented until you can blink it away.


The voice is sterner this time. Slightly concerned but more annoyed than anything else.

"Yes... I'm awake," you reply.

Grunting and groaning under the strain of sitting up, Moonie enters your room and gingerly helps. There's a tight knot in the core of your back that leaves your whole body feeling strained and pained. Like the old withered oak, on its last leg. You twist. You stretch. You jerk at the knot. None of it works. Even reaching for it to rub ends the same. Moonie notices and firmly presses a hoof then uses her magic to twist your shoulder. Slowly she applies pressure, the tiniest of pain before a satisfying pop. Relief floods your body.


"Oh yes, thank you," you smile at her.

She smiles in return but it's a distant one. Already you can see her getting distracted with her to-do list for the day. Your mind wanders a bit itself, over whether you used to give that far away look when the roles were reversed and you were the one to get her out of bed. The two of you walk into the kitchen and step over to the counter.

"I'll do it today," you tell her.

Moonie opens the pantry door as if on autopilot and reaches for a few things before her ears catch her brain up. She looks you over. Funny how time changes things. When she was younger you could read every expression on her face. Her emotions were a torrent that couldn't be contained by the tiny bundle of mischievous energy that she was. Sure she was over a thousand years old even then but that's always been a truth easily ignored when faced with her bold naivety and child-like temper. Now older, more mature, she can so readily meet your face with a deadpan that is hard to read. Is she concerned? Annoyed? Perhaps this is merely her weighing up whether she wants to assert her independence as all who were once children do? Or just a matter of calculating if she has the time for her doddering father to shuffle about.
Whatever is rooting inside her mind, she makes her decision to close the pantry and take a seat. Wizened hands set about to making breakfast but you can feel Moonie's eyes on you the entire time.

"So, what's the plan for today?"

There is no answer so you turn around to meet a measured glare. It's barely a second when Moonie speaks.

"Keep going. I'm just deciding how much to share with the enemy."

The tone is playful but you can't help but wonder. Even if a little.

"Well, today is the day. Even if we have the results of the count after sundown, I want to get at least one last speech before we get under way," she pauses again, "You should too."

You wave your hand dismissively, "there's no need for me to do that. Everybody knows what to expect from me at this rate."


You set the breakfast down.

"Well, if the enemy is going to give me a helping hand then who am I to refuse."

The remark is intended as playful though looking at Moonie's inward smile you can see this matters to her. You know why. So you take a breath, a mouthful of your breakfast, and begin to plan a speech.

"Where is your walking stick?"

"I can walk just fine," you snap.

Moonie ignores you and opens the front door back up to grab it and shove it into your hand.

"Thank you," she sarcastically remarks when you don't immediately say it to her.

"You're welcome."

Your retort gets an amused scoff from her but little more as you both walk to the town square. There, many ponies are already hanging around waiting for things to get started. Moonie prepped a small stage before she came to get you.

"So, who goes first?" She asks.

"Rock, paper, scissors?"

"Oh, so you can claim no matter that my hoof is always rock? I'm not a filly anymore so no... How about we draw sticks, whoever has the longest goes first."

It takes you a second. You look at her with furrowed brow being a little confused but then you adjust your walking stick from underneath you and catch on.

"Oh, she finally has some bite today?"

She flashes a very wide and pointed tooth grin at you. To anyone who didn't know her, it would seem villainous. But you knew better. This was competitive. So you take the initiative and step up on stage. All the many eyes of Ponyville focus on you and let out a welcoming cheer with polite applause.

"Thank you everyone."

You scan over the crowd to see many familiar faces all fondly smiling. Though there's some who don't care one way or the other and just want to get their vote in so they can get on with their day. It's all so familiar and you feel your body straighten up as you take on the usual tone. Loud, friendly, and formal.

"You all know me for the many years you have continued to elect me as your mayor. And I feel I have honourably held that position as guardian of Ponyville quite well. I can look out over the town and see many of the changes we have made together. The community we have woven amongst ourselves. But there comes a time when there needs to be a changing of the guard."

Moonie stands up abruptly and glares daggers your way. You can see how angry she is without fully looking her way. You recall when she first told you she wanted to run for mayor that you were so proud you immediately told her you would step aside. She was furious then too. More so. Though she never really explained why she wanted you to campaign, you guessed it had to do with her wanting to be chosen. That getting the position wouldn't mean as much to her if the residents of Ponyville did not put her there. Thankfully you barely skip a step in your recovery.

"And that will come one day. A day when all of you decide the time has come for us all to head in a new direction. Because you all know how I run things. I have done it reliably for decades now and nothing I can ever say here and now would be a stronger argument than my track record. Look back on the years gone by, the peaceful days that I have stood stalwart throughout, the weeks I have worked hard for a better Ponyville, and months of dedication that turn into years. A vote for me is a vote for a Ponyville that remains steadfast."

The ponies clap, cheer, and some call out a few things that sound positive but are beyond your ability to hear over the noise of the many. As you step off the stage, Moonie goes to step up. Her face is determined and you have to hold that proud grin down so she feels you're trying. The crowd's cheers and applause dies once Moonie appears.

"Greetings Residents of Ponyville. It is I, Nightmare Moon. Many have seen me work alongside the current Mayor as his assistant. And believe me when I say, he has needed it." The crowd laughs a little, "Not because Mayor Anonymous cannot but because it is hard work that takes many hooves to do. And I have the knowledge necessary for this passing of the torch. Many have seen me grow up or grown up alongside me. I am one of... I am a part of Ponyville who wishes for this town's growth. It is time for the next generation to step forth, prove ourselves, and build."

The crowd's reaction is silent in a strange way. They aren't not reacting. There's a holding of breath. A pause. Perhaps an expectation as Moonie's speech continues.

"So do not vote for me as Mayor of Ponyville," this startles the hell out of you and dart to your feet as she continues in an increasingly louder and more boisterous voice, "BUT AS YOUR QUEEN! And I shall reign in an eternal nightfall over all peasants! For Ponyville will prosper even if I have to drag it kicking and screaming INTO THE NIGHT!"

The crowd absolutely erupts into cheers and screeching laughter. Their clapping gets louder as Moonie stand onto her hind hooves, raising her forehooves into the air, while flying upwards. Using her magic she creates an illusion of the moon behind her that grows until it swallows her up. Inside it she turns around and steps off the stage as the faux moon pops, raining glittering stars down upon the crowd.

"Nice speech and the flair for dramatics is what I expect from you at this point," you say as she sits beside you.

"Thanks," she replies while the two of you watch all the ponies wander off to vote now that the polls are open.

There's a brief pause before you decide to break it. Cutting off any potential awkwardness before it can begin.

"You got me good with that 'don't vote for me' line."

"Had to get you back for that 'changing of the guard' one of yours."

"That wasn't me about to concede, just a bit," you lie.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, that was me asserting that I was the status quo. After all, I know that's what you want to topple."

There's another pause.

"You really should have sold yourself a little more," her tone is cool and distant.

"I don't really need to. That track record line has worked for the past few years."

"You've run unopposed the last few years."

"I meant the past years when I had to give a speech. Actions speak louder than words is how the saying goes and upholding their faith in me for years really speaks for itself."

"True," Moonie voice reaches a sombre tone as she continues to stare at the crowd.

"Play your cards right and that argument will be yours too one day."

"That's if they accept me. As mayor."

And there it is again.

"Want to talk about it?"

She shakes her head.

"It's just one of those things where until those results are announced, there is nothing I can do one way or the other."

You nod and spend the rest of the day anxiously waiting it out with her.

Moonie and you stand up when you notice the pony in charge of the count steps out. It went on a little longer than expected. The sun has already set and the purple and orange gradient of twilight has stretch over the sky while she steps up on the stage. She clears her throat as she prepares to announce the results. You look at Moonie as she looks to you. She's as nervous as you've ever seen her and yet something in you just feels a confident pride in her. How could you not?

"Uh, the results... The Mayor of Ponyville going forward, with 93% of the vote, Miss Moonie--"

The announcer tries to say congratulations and likely a few more words she was expected to say but is drowned out by the immediate thunderous cheers of Ponyville. Before you're able to say or do anything, Moonie wraps you up in a tight hug. She whispers in your ear, "Thank you." and you tell her congratulations as you hug her back just as tightly.

"Now go celebrate with your people."

You break the hug and push her to the crowd of adoring ponies who immediately swallow her up with their praise and affection. As you stand there alone you notice a few ponies wander over to you to offer conciliatory sentiments. It amuses you mostly because many of them are newer residents to Ponyville.

"I'm not upset," you tell them, "I was hoping she would win. She worked very hard to get here."

One looks at you with complete shock then says "I understand she is your daughter, Mr Anon, but I am still surprised at the outcome. I've heard nothing but good things about you and well... Frankly... With all due respect, she called us peasants. I just don't see how somepony like that could win. Especially by so much."

"Miss Cardia, I believe. You moved here a few months ago, right?" The mare nods, "Have you heard the tale of Nightmare Moon?"

"The old Nightmare Night tale told to scare colts and fillies? Yes, I loved it growing up. Why?"

You chuckle to yourself at how times change so slowly yet so quickly.

"Never mind. Let me say, Moonie has always been this way. A little odd but every word she said up there on that stage, especially the last part, was said with affection in her own way. And her win by such a large margin just goes to show how well she has gotten to know the ponies of this town and how well they have gotten to know her."

It's been a few days since the election and you're sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. Across from you sits Moonie's untouched plate as she steps from her bedroom to the office to grab paper work.

"Moonie... You need to eat."

It takes a few seconds before she steps into the room and shovels a few items into her stomach. As she begins to chew, her eyes meet yours. One unimpressed stare later and Moonie chews a little slower before sitting down at the table.

"Thank you," you mutter behind your mug, "So, what's the plan for today?"

Moonie takes a deep breath to collect herself as she runs through her schedule.

"Uh, well... I have an appointment with Rarity first thing. I heard she wants to expand the boutique so it's probably that, then I'll have to deliver some paperwork to a few ponies around town, put up some posters for a volunteer's charity fundraiser, reports for Canterlot and naturally a formal announcement of results and introductions... though I won't get it all done, I'll need to make a start and... There was something else I'm forgetting..."

"Word of advice from your predecessor." She stares at you with an eerie earnestness, "Hire an assistant, Mayor Moon."

"I recall a certain someone not having one for years," playfully glares Moonie.

"Oh, yes. I used to overwork myself constantly in that job but eventually I had to find a way to keep you out of trouble."

"You mean train a replacement."

You poke your tongue at her. She rolls her eyes dramatically, putting her head into the motion but it's not enough to disguise her grin before she very quickly pokes her tongue back at you. You push Moonie's plate toward her a little to remind her. A warm smile finds its way to your face which causes Moonie to raise a brow in question. The two of you set to eating and once you're both done, Moonie notices your smile hasn't left.

"What's got you so happy?"

"It's nothing," you dismiss it with a wave but then add, "I'm just proud of you."

"Don't be gross," she mocks before taking her last bite.

You laugh then go to take the empty plates but Moonie snatches them both and gives them a rinse.

"Alright, I need to go to work. Are you going to be alright for the day?"

"Of course! I'm not that old," you bark back in a jovial tone to hide the slight affrontment you actually feel.

Moonie steps away to continue collecting her things as you walk out the front door. There, by your small garden, you take a seat and wait. You find yourself feeling pretty clear headed. Though, perhaps from your wizened age, contemplative thoughts rattle around you. Namely you find yourself wondering about Moonie.
She has grown up now. And much of the childish mischief the princesses were worried would blossom back into the evil she once was, is still there. In a way you could say that behaviour is gone. Perhaps better to say it's moulded into something new. Over the years Moonie became less impetuous, self-centred, devilish, and rebellious. None of that meant she stopped being a troublesome trickster, a mischief maker, or the showboat she's always been. You can look back on her past and, with some exceptions, see the clear path into someone compassionate from the cold hearted devil. Sometimes she still is, in small ways, but she has matured well.

"Where is your walking stick?"

At mention of that cursed reminder, you find your pleasant reflection torn asunder.

"Don't need it."

Moonie rolls her eyes then steps back inside. Like she always does. You can hear her hoofsteps hastening as the search continues.

"Where did you put it?" She shouts.

"Oh, I don't know. Somewhere," you answer with a smug grin, "I must be getting forgetful at my age."

You can hear the thumping of the couch being placed back down onto the floor and click your tongue in irritation. Then Moonie appears once more. She places the stick beside your chair then lifts her workload into the air behind her with magic.


She sighs in mild annoyance and you put on your best feigned innocence, knowing full well she can see through it.


"Sometimes I wonder whether I used to give you this much grief over whatever I disliked."

"Absolutely, you were very childishly stubborn about it."

"If it was so childish then why do you do it?"

"Privilege of the witheringly old," you laugh.

Moonie pauses then states, "I am older than you."

"Then what was your excuse, Mayor Moon?"

She opens her mouth to reply until you remind her of her mayoral duties. Then she shuts it. Moonie then leans over and gives you a light kiss on the forehead before taking off without anything more than "take care." You watch her go and smile. Part of you wishes she would stay so you could do the old back and forth but you know what she's like.

"Too much like her father, I suppose."

The cold air of the early morning and the spreading warmth of the slowly rising sun have makes the atmosphere a lovely chill day. Dew on the plant life, birds chirping away, fillies and colts eagerly playing with their friends in a nearby park, and the rolling of carts into town as the trade life of Ponyville begins. It's a day just like any other. You smack your lips in a pleasant grin and slide more into your chair.

"I feel like a bit of an early nap, I think."

You close your eyes and think of Moonie going about her day. In your mind you wish her well and give yourself a pat on the back. You've done a good job with her. Your mind wanders to old memories.
To the day you first met, her constant evasion of baths, giving her the stuffed bear that she would lovingly carry around for far longer than you would have ever imagined, siege weapons on Hearth's Warming Eve, teaching her to fish, all the late nights you two would chat under the stars and moon, the times she saved the town, and her declaring herself queen tyrant over and over again.
The memories, even the bad ones, make you so happy that a tear nearly comes to your eye. Nearly. Instead you feel fatigued and then quietly fade away.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading all this time.

Comments ( 17 )

Holy shit, I can't believe it's over. I liked it a lot while it lasted, thanks for the story. Seemed like kind of an abrupt ending to what seemed like it would continue a lot longer, but it has been almost 2 years.

So ends an era. Farewell old friend.

Sweet conclusion to this fun tale of reform and chicanery.

I will believe that Anon took a nap on his porch and welcomed Moony back from work once she returned.

Thanks for all the words. :twilightsmile:

Beautiful. Thank you 8th <3

That was an enjoyable journey :heart:

Been an enjoyable ride. Thanks.

Gonna miss Moonie's shenanigans. Still though, much appreciated for completing this story instead of leaving it in hiatus.

This was, is, and forever will be awesome.


Nine years. That's got to be some kind of record for this site.

*looks at Diaries of a Madman*

I feel we should get an Epilogue chapter, Moonie coming home then the resulting funeral, where she shares with Celestia and Luna what she had learned

Such a fun story to read. Pity it had to end. Thanks for the amazing work!

This was and will alway be one of my favorite fics. Thank you very much for writing it and evengiving it an amazing ending after so long :heart:

Awww it’s over! It was a very good ending, but it’s sad it’s over.
Maybe a sequel: Mayor Nightmare 🌙!?
Thanks for the ride! It was a great one.

For those of you that were wondering about Anon's fate, he just had himself a lil' nap. He ain't a goner. Eighth confirmed it in the AIE thread on /mlp/.
Thanks for the read Eighth, God bless and Godspeed.

What a perfect ending to a story I always thought would be a series of one-shots.

This have been a wonderful story! Thanks for making this.

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