• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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32 No Bully Pls

“Anonymous,” Cheerilee calls, “Sorry, but can I speak to you for a moment?”

She doesn’t wait for a response, instead she walks inside while you asked to be excused from the circle of parents who talk while their children get a little after school playtime. You glance over to Moonie who is sitting atop the slide watching over the playground like a lifeguard or rather someone who owns the place.

“Is everything alright?” You ask cautiously.

Cheerilee seemed concerned as you sat in front of her desk. It was written all over her face, from the slightly pursed lips to the furrowed brows.

“Unfortunately,” she pauses for a sharp breath, “No.”

“So which is it, did Moonie picked on someone or are her grades slipping?”

Your tone is flat, unsurprised. And nobody could blame you. You’re already letting out a sigh as you try to rethink your approach to Moonie, she just never gets it. But then you notice Cheerilee’s mood falter even further and so you cut off your train of thought, sit up and listen.

“It’s quite the opposite actually, and it’s been going on for some time it seems. Her grades are great, she one of the more studious of the children at the moment.”

“So, someone is bullying her?”

Naturally, it’s a shock. You always figured if Moonie was ever picked on, you’d be talking about the fight where some poor filly was left traumatised.

“Yes, a majority of the fillies are.”

“Who’s the pack leader then?”

Your tone is cold as you enter parent mode.

“Silver Spoon instigated it, only as the light teasing her and Diamond Tiara cause but it has since out of her control now. Anyone who isn’t involved, stays far away from it. I will deal with the students here but I think it’s best you speak to Moonie about this. Try and help her through it.”

“Of course,” you stammer as you attempt to sound reassuring.

“Excellent,” she replies with a warm smile.

Without any more of a word, you leave the class to find Moonie waiting nearby the door.

“Didn’t keep you waiting too long did I?”

“Am I in trouble again?”

She gives a characteristic whine, rolling her eyes with a huff.

“Not today it seems. I was just catching up in your school work, seems your grades have improved.”

“Yeah, I’ve been spending more time inside during break to learn,” Moonie states, hiding the stress by avoiding eye contact.

“How about your favourite human carries you home… For doing so well.”

She hesitates.

“Is it alright if I go to Sugarcube Corner? Some friends are waiting for me.”


And before you can tell her what time to be home by or even say goodbye, she darts off. You decide, at least for now, to leave her be. You’ll speak to her when she gets home.

You taste the broth, finding its flavour lacking. There’s a few random spices and herbs in arms reach so you throw in a few pinches as you stir. The vegetables bob up and down as they swirl around each other in a sea of caramel coloured stew, absorbing the new flavours and giving off a richer, more natural scent.

“It’s me,” Moonie calls out as she returns home.

“Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Okay,” she replies, sounding dejected.

“What’s wrong?”


“Don’t. Don’t give me that. Cheerilee has already told me you’re getting picked on at school. Did they also cause you trouble at Sugarcube Corner?”

“I didn’t go there.”

“Moonie,” you gruffly bellow, “how many times have I told you, don’t lie about where you’re going. I need to know where you are at all times.”

“I was going to but changed my mind along the way. I didn’t think I needed to walk back to tell you I’d rather go to the lake,” she defensively barks back, “Don’t worry, I already know to go to my room.”

“No. You’ll stand there while I lecture you because I know that’s a worse punishment for you.”

You spend the next few minutes reminding her about safety and all the trouble it’ll cause if something happens. It’s a lecture you’ve repeated what feels like a thousand times by now. Even you are sick of hearing yourself repeat it but it’s important she be reminded. More because you’re the parent here than any other reason. Moonie stands there, as instructed, listening to each word. Usually she would argue or roll her eyes but today she sits there. Watching you. Maintaining eye contact even.

“Now, about school.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You need to-”

The sound of bubbling and smell of burning catches your attention. Quickly spinning around, you see your stew overflowing to the point where it’s getting on the floor. As you dart to clean the mess, Moonie leaves. The slamming of her door can be heard at the same time as your heart hits the floor.

Once the mess is cleaned and dinner is served, the two of you eat quietly. Neither of you speak, Moonie even left her room the moment dinner was plated. You sit there, eating is silent discomfort, trying to work out just what to say or do. Everything Moonie does, just seems out of place for her. She’s timid, withdrawn and depressed. None one of those qualities have ever suited Moonie and you’re clueless on how to break her out of it.

Being supportive and kind causes her to reel back yet anything stern causes her to be timid and flat. Even now she’s staring off into oblivion as she eats. Then once her bowl is empty, she puts her dishes in the sink and retreats to her room once more. You let out a breath you weren’t even aware you were holding as your spoon falls back into the bowl. Then you sit back as you bury your face into your hands. You’re at a loss here.

It’s late and you can’t sleep. Seeing her upset has rocked you quite heavily. You want the mischievous but happy Moonie back, this doesn’t suit her at all. Determined to give the parenting role another shot, you climb out of bed and walk down the hallway to Moonie’s room. Being a responsible adult is what you signed up for after all.

You push her door open slowly, and look around the dark room. Everything seems in order and in its place, right down to the tiny filly whose soft breathing can be heard from the other side of the room. As you step in you notice some red tape is on the floor in a circle, adorned with various symbols and text that seems almost demonic in nature. It gives you a little smile, a worried smile but a smile all the same. It’s nice knowing even while she’s down, she’s still doing the same thing. Carefully, you take a seat on the edge of the bed but despite your care, the shift in weight is enough to cause Moonie to stir.


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Tell me you don’t watch me sleep,” she grunts from behind eyes that are too tired to open.

“No. I’m just worried about you.”

“I can take care of myself,” she replies, clearly irritated.

Whether her tone is directed at being woken or what you said, you’re not sure. To be safe, you’d assume both.



“What are the other kids picking on you for?”

“Because they can. Why does any body?”

“I could ask you the same--I’m just… I’d like to help.”

“I couldn’t finish the text on my ritual circle, you can help with that. I’d like it done by morning.”

You flick her blanket over her head as she gives a faint chuckle.

“What kind of things do they say then?”

“All sorts.”


She gives a sigh, before shifting out from under the blanket to sit up. You feel a little bad about waking her up to do this but she’s talking, which is much more than you’ve had all day.

“Like how I lost to the elements, becoming a filly again, my family, any about being different like my mane… You know, the usual.”


“My dad is a hairless monkey, yes family,” she states in a matter of fact way.

You let out a huff of both amusement and irritation at that.

“Have you ever been picked on?” Moonie speaks up.

“Yeah... Who hasn’t really.”

“What did you do?”

“I tried a lot of things at first and then after a while, I stopped worrying over it. They still kept at it even if I ignored them but not as much, then, I joined a sports team and it stopped altogether.”

She ponders what you said for a moment before curling back into bed.

“I’ve got school tomorrow so…”

“Alright,” you reply as you climb into the bed with her.

“Ugh, quit it,” she squirms with a laugh, “Why can’t you sleep in your bed?”

“Let’s see… My house, I’m the adult, I want to, I can’t sleep and most importantly, I’m ten times your size.”

“But your big fat but is taking up all the space,” she announces as she tries to push you.

It’s clear she’s tired, her little hooves barely nudge you but you retaliate anyway. You lift the little menace and tickle her a little. The bundle of fuzz in your hands roars into a fit, uncontrollably thrashing to try and free herself from your grip.

“S-Stop it. I ne-need to sleep.”

She’s right, so you immediately stop. Moonie’s tired breathing is all that can be heard along with the occasional chuckle as she tries to calm down. As one last taunt, you flash her a grin which earns you a soft boop on the nose.

“Heh, fine. You win Goodnight Anon.”

“Goodnight Moonie.”

Morning comes as you decide to drop Moonie off at school. You want to talk to Cheerilee first thing in the morning and you always enjoy some quality time with Moonie. She seems less withdrawn and a little happier to be out of her shell today, which obviously plants a firm grin on your face.

“Okay, I’ll see you this afternoon,” she calls as she darts off to the playground.

Cheerilee notices you enter the class and approaches you with a friendly smile.

“Good morning Anonymous,” she gleefully announces, “How are things going?”

“A little better, I think.”


You tell her you somewhat managed to cheer Moonie up and that the best approach might be to just to be there like normal. Cheerilee agrees with you but has an idea, the two of you work out a guide to try and help Moonie overcome this.

As the two of you discuss more of a plan, you hear a shout from outside so you move to the window. Looking out, you can see that beside Moonie is Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they seemingly are telling off the other children.

“Hm, maybe we don’t need to do anything after all,” Cheerilee expresses.

“Yeah, seems she really can take care of herself,” you add.

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