• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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29 Jealous of the Moon

You step into Twilight’s library to an empty room. Books line the walls, books are scattered on the floor and the smell of wood and books fills the air. You can’t help but wonder just how Twilight is so obsessed with books but any train of thought is interrupted by a floating filly dropping onto your head, clutching firmly.

“Guess who,” she squeals as her soft little hooves cover your eyes.

“Is that my little queen on the night?”

The hooves move away to reveal Moonie’s face brimming from cheek to cheek as she sits atop your head.

“The very same.”

You lift her up and bring her in for a hug. Not even her screams of disgust are enough to stop you from enjoying the moment.

“How have you been? Good I hope.”

“Of course,” she replies in an offended tone, “what do you take me for?”

You place her on the ground and she takes a defensive stance, turning her head away from you to feign being hurt by your words. But you know better.

“A menace. Where’s Twilight--”

“Here. Here… Heh, sorry, I was up late last night studying and well, yeah.”

“All good. So, how much havoc did she wreak?”

“No more than usual. How was Canterlot? Did you say hi to the princess for me?” She asks with a very knowing smirk.


“About that Anon,” Moonie cautiously perks up, “is everything alright? You’ve been to Canterlot quite a few times recently.”

“Of course. I’ve just been taking care of some personal stuff. I’ll explain later alright, I’ve got to talk to Twilight about something important so if you want to terrorise Spike for a bit then we’ll go home together.”

That devilish cackle echoes through the treebrary as she hunts for the lizard. The poor guy’s yelp can be heard soon after, normally you’d go stop the tyke but you need some advice from Twilight.


“So what did you do at Canterlot?” Moonie asks as she scurries beside you.

Sometimes you forget it’s hard for ponies to keep up with you considering your legs are longer. Other times you just like to watch their little legs rapidly move as they try keep pace with you. You stifle a laugh as you slow down, allowing Moonie to walk rather than nearly run.

“Just the usual. Talk to the princesses, get stuck in a few events held by some the rich folk there--”

“Boring stuff?”

“Yeah. But we’ve got a guest coming to dinner tonight so I want you to be on your best behaviour please.”

“Please? Did you just ask me oh so sweetly to behave?”

Her overly smug attitude grates on your nerves. You don’t need to look at her to know just how large that self-satisfied snigger has grown.

“Moonie I mean it,” you reply sternly.

“Okay,” she answers.


The rest of the day goes by about as well as every other time you’re away for a few days, with Moonie making up for lost mischief. As you try to clean the house and prepare dinner, Moonie runs around causing as much mess, noise and mayhem as she would in three days but condensed into a few hours. Eventually she settles down and with an hour to spare, she actually helps out to your surprise.

“So tired,” you groan to yourself before slumping face first onto the couch.

With near catlike senses, Moonie jumps onto your back and lies there. Then, there’s a knock at the door.

“Dammit… Moonie jump off so I can answer the door.”

“Isn’t it about time to tell me who our guest is?” She asks, unmoving.

“Or I can open the door and you’ll find out.”

She doesn’t answer, instead she continues to lay there so you roll to the side, causing her to slip off. She squeals and laughs as she drops to the floor as you get up and open the door for the Princess.

“Hey Luna, come right in.”

Luna steps in gracefully, her midnight blue mane flows in the non-existent breeze like always and taps your face as she walks by you.

“Hello Moonie--”

“What’s she doing here?” Moonie says in disapproval.

“She’s here for dinner… And she’s staying the night. I thought it was time to tell you that Luna and I are dating.”

Moonie stands upright, shooting a very unwelcoming look to Luna while Luna herself is unflinching. It’s almost as if she can’t see any negativity with that warming smile. The two had worked out their differences some time ago but that doesn’t mean they were going to hug and be bffs like you hoped. You knew there was no chance of that, but you hoped they might try.

“Is that why you’ve been taking off to Canterlot all the time?”

“Yes. I’m sorry to drop this onto you suddenly Moonie but Anon and I hoped this wouldn’t cause any trouble for you.”

At least, one is trying.

“No,” Moonie shouts, stamping her hoof, “This isn’t happening.”

Rather than continue her tantrum out here, she scampers to her room and leaves the two of you alone. Once the door is slammed shut, you notice Luna let out a very long and wounded breath.

“I told you keeping it a secret from her wouldn’t go over well,” she sighs.

“Yeah, well telling her sooner would have just given her prep-time to cause trouble for the two of us.”

“At least then she’d have it out of her system.”

“You should know better than anyone else that she doesn’t get it out of her system. There’s always more.”

A silence fills the room. Luna takes a seat on the couch while you try and think of something to say. Somehow, small talk like, “how was your day,” just doesn’t feel appropriate.

“What smells so good?”

“Uh, portobello caprese and bucatini alla lipari.”

“You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

“It wasn’t. That and I want to treat my girlfriend like a princess sometimes.”

She chuckles then smiles at you which soothes you a little.

“Besides, did you think Moonie would really eat commoner food?”

You’re still worried about Moonie and how this night will go. No matter how much you try, that panicky little voice won’t leave your head so you try to place all your focus on one thing. Luna.

The two of you eat dinner together, talking about all different things from ponyville and canterlot to ponies and past experiences. You tried to get Moonie to leave her room before you ate, to join you and Luna but she didn’t even answer you. Perhaps surprising her wasn’t the way to go after all.

“What do you normally do when she’s like this?”

“Throw her into an ice cold bath.”

Luna looks at you in horror and so you find yourself laughing at her.

“I don’t really do that. Moonie hasn’t been in a mood like this in a long while, usually I just let her cool off then go talk to her.”

“Then perhaps it’s time you two speak.”

With an uneasy sigh, you nod before knocking in entering Moonie’s room. You find her playing with Sir Bearington but upon noticing you in her room, she crosses her forehooves and turns away with a humph.

“So, want to tell me exactly why you’re mad at me?”

Moonie sits there silently for a time before turning to see you sitting on the floor behind her.


“What about her?”

“Of all the ponies?”




“I would have preferred you date Twilight before her.”

“What? You’d rather I date Twilight?”

She doesn’t answer.

“Do you remember the time we went over to Twilight’s when she had a cold and we found her passed out on a book. Remember those long tendrils of boogers going between her face and the pages.”

You notice her lips purse as she tries to suppress her laughter.

“Then she closed the book when we woke her and later on she couldn’t open the book to the page she was up to.”

“She was so distraught over that,” she roars, her sides unable to hold back any longer.

The two of you laugh heartily together before Moonie quickly regains her composure.

“I’m still mad at you,” she states defiantly, a hint of a giggle still in her voice.

“I figured. I bet you’re also hungry.”

“... A little.”

“Alright, come out and eat some dinner then.”

“What? Not going to ask me oh so sweetly this time?”

You sigh before pleading, “Please?”

“Very well. But only because you’re concern for me is clearly so desperate,” she replies with her nose proudly pointing into the air.

You open the door for Moonie who makes her way straight to the kitchen. Luna, who was sitting at the door, stands up and looks at you curiously.

“I think… It’s okay.”

A relieved smile appears on her face as she goes to the kitchen too so you follow suit.

You serve dinner for Moonie and a little extra for Luna who asked for seconds then there’s that awkward silence again. As the two eat you’re unsure if you should speak, leave the room or just wait. You replay the choices over and over in your head, thinking about whichever is best. It really doesn’t help that you have no experience for this kind of situation. Honestly, what is the right thing to do when your adopted filly child who once possessed your girlfriend and got them both banished for 1,000 years for trying to take the throne are in the same room together, eating dinner?

“Moonie,” Luna speaks uneasily, “I know we’ve had our differences and… history but I was hoping we could be friends. If not for me, but for Anon’s sake.”

Her words cause a pang of guilt but you try to remain silent as the two talk it out.

“I’m willing to be your friend on the condition you let me take your place as princess of Equestria.”

“This is really good Anon, did I mention that?” Luna nervously stammers, completely ignoring what was just said.


“Brown noser,” Moonie declares as she launches a spoonful of pasta at Luna’s face.

Luna freezes, shocked and dumbfounded as she goes cross-eyed trying to look at the food resting on her face.

“Why… That’s it--”

With the aid of magic, the pasta flies back at Moonie who was quick enough to get out the way but not fast enough to notice the second bit of food that collides with her flank. A growl can be heard from Moonie before food starts flying back and forth between the two. You duck under the table to avoid all the flying food and wait. It takes sometime but eventually Luna lets out a cry.

“Stop! I yield!”


You take that as your cue to leave your bunker but only to get a mix of food hurled at you.

“What was that for?”

“It’s not fair that you get to just hide away like a coward,” Moonie beams.

“Fine. Fine. But you can go take a bath now. You’re a mess.”

Without arguing, she trots off to the bathroom. Which isn’t too surprising, she’s easy to win over once she’s triumphed at something.

“Are you alright?” You ask Luna as you help her off the floor.

“Yes, I’m quite fine. That was a lot of fun actually.”

You flick some of the larger bits of food off her coat.

“I’m sorry about all this. I know it’s been difficult for you.”

As you make eye contact, her lips are pressed against yours. You can feel the warmth of her mouth and the emotion behind it as you return it, then she pushes back and smiles once again.

“I have a feeling it’s all worth it. Now come on, we best clean this up.”


Once Moonie is finished washing herself, Luna goes into the bathroom and you go to tuck Moonie into bed.

“You seemed to enjoy yourself out there.”

“It’s always fun when I win.”

“I’m sure, anyway, up into bed.”

She then leaps into bed and lies on her back as you pull the covers up and over her head.

“Anon,” she protests with a shriek.

You then fix the blanket and take a seat on the side of the bed.

“I know you may not want to get along with Luna, but I’m asking you to.”

“Are you serious about her?”

“I think so, yeah,” you say thoughtfully after a pause.

“Then if you tell me a story AND make me pancakes for breakfast, I’ll think about being nicer.”


“Yeah, I’m still going to cause trouble, just I’ll think about causing less of it.”

“Heh, of course… What kind of story?”

“One with a warrior girl and her bear take on a dragon,” she says excitedly.

“Okay… Uh, let’s see… Once upon a time there were a little warrior girl who heard about these dangerous lands where all manner of demons, venomous critters and dragons roam the harsh land. Being a warrior, she was constantly looking for new challenges so she thought this would be perfect test for herself. She braved the unforgiving seas and punishing lands before coming across a fierce dragon slumbering in its cave.”

“What did it look like?”

“It was a deep ruby red with fine scales layered over one another to form a natural armour as strong as any steel.”


“Razor sharp,” you answer, flaring up your fingers as if they were claws.


“Pearly white with the bones of its food stuck in between them,” you flash your teeth as you respond.

“And its tail?”

“Swatting about, ready to crush any who entered its cave of treasures.”

Then you tickle the filly who howls in laughter and swats you away.

“Okay. Enough, enough, what happens next?” She asks, hopping in her bed with excitement.

“The girl leaped onto her valiant bear steed and charged into battle. The dragons roared, spewing fire from it’s mouth but the bear was too quick. It got in close allowing the girl to leap onto the dragons head and then…”

You don’t finish the sentence. You wait as Moonie looks around, confused.

“Well? And then what?”

“I don’t know, what do you think she should do?”

“Offer the dragon a pile of treasure that dwarfs his current one if he joins my conquest of the world obviously.”

“Of course you do,” you chuckle as your fix her blanket, “Goodnight Moonie.”

“Goodnight Anon.”

You quietly step out of the room and find Luna stepping out of the bathroom herself. Using her magic to dry her mane. You take the towel and begin to gently pat down her wet mane for her. She stays quiet as a small blush forms over her cheeks.

“Is everything alright?” She finally says.

“Yeah. Give her time, she’ll find something else to cause trouble over.”

With her mane dry, you place the towel back on the rack and lead Luna to the bedroom where she curls up into your arms, her head resting on your chest. You watch it rise and fall with your breathing as you drift to sleep. You have the feeling something else will go wrong, that things won’t end well. It’s hard to be positive given quite a few things but right now, things are pretty good and that’s enough to let you sleep with a smile.

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