• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,262 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Epilogue- Family Ties Far and Wide


Family Ties Far and Wide


“Gonna getcha!”

“No yoo won’!”

Twilight shook her head, a warm smile on her face as she watched Sunset chasing after Scootaloo through the air.

“Are they always this… rambunctious?” Starlight asked as she walked into the room.

Twilight chuckled. “Yep. Scootaloo getting her Cutie Mark probably has helped with her mood, though, admittedly.”

She looked up as the foals shoot past her, the three coloured shield with a feather within a lightning bold obvious on the little foal’s flank.

“Never thought foals Scootaloo’s age could get Cutie Marks, but I guess there’s a first time for everything,” Spike glanced up from the comic his was reading in his cushion on the other side of the library.

The last couple months had been eventful to say the least.

After Twilight and Spike had returned with the foals from Sunset’s world, a map had sprung up from the floor in the room with their thrones. It had led them to Starlight Glimmer’s village, where she’d been forcing ponies to give up their Cutie Marks under the guise it was for their own good and had done the same to Twilight and her friends… until Twilight brought up the fact she was a mother and, by forcing her to stay in the village, Starlight would’ve been forcing her to give up her own children, which would not only be cruel, but it would not make Twilight equal to the other mother’s in town, all of whom had spoken up on the princess’s behalf at the idea.

Starlight had faltered, but while she’d agreed Twilight shouldn’t be separated from her children, didn’t want to give her her Cutie Mark back and let her go get them.

The townsponies had risen up and helped the princess and her friends, Starlight fleeing in anger.

When she returned, invading Twilight’s castle, she almost cast a spell that would’ve allowed her to go back in time and stop Twilight and the others from gaining their Cutie Mark connection.

However, it was the quick actions of Twilight’s daughters, distracting Starlight by flying around her head, that gave Twilight the time to get the spell away from the mare and give her a very solid reason why it was cruel to do what she was about to do.

Had time been altered, Twilight would never have become Scootlaoo and Sunset’s mother, meaning Scootaloo would’ve been left in the cruel care of Firm Hoof and Sunset might very well have died in the Everfree, being a foal unable to defend herself.

That had been an eye opener for the unicorn and her will crumbled at the idea of ruining other foals live just because of her own past.

Twilight, in light of learning Starlight’s reasons for her village and trying to get revenge in such a dangerous way, offered to take her own as her pupil to teach her about friendship.

Starlight had definitely had some bumps along the way, but now things were going places and seemed to be working out for her. She had rekindled her friendship with Sunburst and made friends with Maud Pie and, surprisingly, of all ponies, Trixie.

“So, how’re things going with Sunburst’s duties as a Crystaler?” Twilight asked as the unicorn mare sat down at the table opposite her.

Shortly after taking Starlight on as her pupil, Twilight had become an aunt, Cadance and Shining Armour having given birth to their own daughter, an Alicorn, of all things.

Thankfully, though things started disastrously for everypony due to Flurry Heart not realizing her power levels, Sunset and Scootaloo, being babies themselves, had been able to talk with their new cousin… though not before Flurry Heart unintentionally destroyed the Crystal Heart.

Thankfully, Sunburst had figured out how to repair the heart using the very ceremony the ponies had intended to perform anyway, Shining and Cadance making him Flurry’s Crystaler as thanks.

Starlight chuckled. “It was a bit tricky for him at first, your niece is more rambunctious than your own daughters, but, thanks to Thorax, he’s been able to keep her in check.”

The Changeling in the empire had been quite the surprise, but after Spike had vouched for him, the Crystal Ponies had been willing to give him a chance and he was living up to it.

Their reminiscing of recent events was cut short by a loud knocking at the front doors.

The group of five paused in all they were doing, looking to each other with confusion.

“Girls?” Twilight looked up to her daughters. “Were either of you expecting company?”

The foals shook their heads.

“Diamond Tiawa was gonna come owew wid da Cwusadews an’ Swiwew Poon, but dat’s not tiw watew,” the little Pegasus shrugged.

“An’ Fwuwwy wa’n’ ’upposed to come tiw ness week,” Sunset frowned, rubbing her chin. “Wight?”

“Why is that pink filly living with you again?” Starlight asked as they all headed out of the library and into the main hall.

“Her father is away on business and he left her in my care,” Twilight said, sighing. “I’m glad Discord was kind enough to cure her. I’ve never seen her so happy.”

Discord had recently come over and cured Diamond Tiara of her little problem, so she no longer needed diapers… well, mostly. He’d cured her, but she was still having to retrain her body. Only at night, though.

They reached the double doors and Twilight opened them with her magic… revealing an Earth Pony and Pegasus who looked oddly familiar.

It was Scootaloo’s words that stunned everypony.

“Mommy?! Daddy?!”

The two ponies looked up, their eyes widening at the foal hovering in the air.

“Well I’ll be a three tailed bandicoot,” the Earth Pony said in an Austnieghlian accent. “That Zebra wasn’t lying. Scoots really is still a foal and there really is another princess.”

“Scootaloo!” the mare cried and the foal shot into her hooves, the two embracing each other.

“I… but… huh?!” Spike looked between everypony while Twilight’s eyes were widening in recognition.

“It’s true then?”

Behind the two ponies were another Earth Pony and Pegasus, these two both mares.

“I don’t understand,” Twilight shook her head, looking between the first two. “Caring Heart’s files said the four of you died a long time ago.”

A scoffing from behind drew everypony’s attention to the second Pegasus mare. “Yeah. Had we known what an asshole he was, we never would’ve left Scootaloo in his care. Not surprised he didn’t give her the proper information.”

“I… think we all could use some context here,” Starlight said, feeling very confused and out of the loop.


“It’s still so strange,” Mane Goodall said, watching the orange foal flying around the room with the unicorn foal. “She looks only a bit younger than when I last saw her.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Starlight said, rubbing her forehead. “You both have been alive this whole time, all these years, but were trees?”

Holiday nodded as she sat on her brother’s right. “After my brother and his wife stopped sending letters, I went looking for them m’self. I thought I could handle it.”

“And when my wife didn’t come back, I panicked,” Lofty shook her head, angry with herself. “If I hadn’t been, I might not have rushed Scootaloo’s care. I should’ve sent her to one of my relatives.”

“And that bastard clearly didn’t bother to contact them when you didn’t come back yourself,” Starlight frowned. “Talk about disgusting.”

“He was getting more bits if Scoots was an orphan,” Spike gritted his teeth. “Creatures like him only care about money, they don’t care who gets hurt.”

“So, you got this strange disease called Swamp Fever and it turned you all into trees?” Twilight looked worried. “How’d you return to normal?”

“Well, to be honest, ya majesty,” Snap Shutter said, rubbing the back of his neck. “We don’t rightly know. One moment Mane an’ I were holding out hooves out to each other, trying to hold hooves before the transformation was complete, next thing we know, we’re flopping to the ground, perfectly healthy, with m’sister an’ her wife only a couple yards away.”

“And we would’ve come back sooner, but we had to help this baby sphinx who’d been nearby,” Mane said, glancing up at her foal. “She’d been cursed by Swamp Fever as well while out looking for her mother. We knew her mother was likely gone, so we helped her get back to her home in Somnambula. Poor thing.”

“So… what happens now?” Spike asked, looking between the ponies, then up to his little sisters, who’d stopped in mid-air and were listening in, looking worried. “Are you going to take Scootaloo away from us?”

Mane and Snap looked at each other, before shaking their heads.

“Your majesty,” Mane said, smiling at her with the look of an understanding mother, “we were hoping you wouldn’t mind keeping Scootaloo in your family.”

Twilight blinked, before shaking her head. “Of course she can. I think of her as my daughter. Why wouldn’t I let her stay in the family? But… what about you two?”

Lofty chuckled. “Who’d have ever thought our family could be so big and confusing? And now we’re connected to royalty.” She gave a loud laugh.

“You see, our job requires us to be away for a very long time,” Mane said, looking to the princess. “If Scootaloo had a home for when we’re away, it would mean so much. And, you are her mother now as much as I am, Princess Twilight. I couldn’t take her away from you now.”

Twilight smiled warmly and nodded. “I’ll handle the paperwork. I’m sure the princesses won’t mind.”

“So, Scootaloo has two mothers now,” Spike said, blinking, before grinning. “Cool.”

“Um, what was that about a baby sphinx again?” Everypony looked to Starlight, who had a very puzzled look on her face.

The four newcomers blinked, before all laughing.

“If not for those farmer parents, I don’t think we could’ve kept her calm throughout the whole trip,” Lofty laughed, shaking her head.

Twilight blinked, cocking an eyebrow. “Farmer parents?”


“Thanks fer understandin’, Granny,” Applejack said, smiling as she watched her foals working in the orchard.

Having had a bit of training from Twilight and Starlight, Sweet Dreams had learned how to use her magic despite her broken horn and was using said magic to pick apples.

Gentle Skies had learned how to use his one good wing to propel himself at an angle when bucking tries, making up for the lack of Earth Pony strength due to him being a Pegasus by increasing his speed with the air drag.

Granny huffed. “When Ah said Ah expect them ta honour the Apple Family traditions, I never meant they couldn’t use their traits, ya dang fool.” She chuckled. “Honestly never expected ya ta give me mah great grandfoals afore yer brother.”

The two chuckled, before a bell rang from the house.

“Soup’s on, everypony!” a mare’s voice called.

The four walked back to the barn, where the unicorn mare was waiting for them.

“Glad I’m not the only unicorn in the family now,” Dreams smiled, causing the mare to blush.

“Sweet Dreams, Big Mac and I have barely been dating for a few months,” Sugar Belle chuckled. “I think it’s a bit soon be thinking of marriage.”

They all laughed, heading into the kitchen, when a knock at the door caused them all to pause.

“Dang nabbit,” Granny frowned, walking over to the open the door. “What in tarnation do ya want at this time o’ the—?”

Her sudden halting of words caused them all to come out to see what was wrong, only for several of the ponies’ jaws to drop.

Standing in the doorway were two Earth Ponies.

The newest Apples blinked in surprise, looking to a nearby picture, then back to the door.

“B-Bright Mac?” Granny asked, her voice quivering. “B-Buttercup?”

The two embraced the old mare, tears falling down their muzzles.

“Those are our grandparents?!”

The two looked over Granny’s shoulders to the two non-Earth Pony foals, their eyes widening to make the looks of their three own foals.

That night, not an eye was dry in the Apple Family Farm.


“I dunno, Auntie,” the Spike coloured child said as he walked with the adult Pegasus. “I still…”

“Listen, Emerald Breeze,” Scootaloo said, smiling down at her nephew. “You need to stop doubting yourself. You are the first dragon/griffon hybrid ever. You’re the embodiment of your parents’ separate cultures.”

“Two cultures that started out really bad when it comes to friendship,” the little hybrid grumbled.

Scootaloo frowned, stopping and shaking her head. “That’s not what I meant. Yeah, your parents’ people didn’t have the best start, even after mother became the ruler of Equestria and brought all the races together, but you were and still are the bridge that solidified the griffons and dragons becoming true friends. You helped those who wanted cross species relationships to work out to pluck up the courage to give it a go.”

Emerald remained silent for a moment. “I…” he gave a small smile. “You’re right. Can’t believe I let Knuckle Head’s words get to me.”

“Oh, his mother’s gonna have some words with him, trust me,” the two looked up as Sunset walked down the hall, her hair slung to the side and a barrette the shape of her Cutie Mark in her hair. “Diamond is hardly one to let her foal get away with something like that. I just got a message from Gentle Skies.”

“Really?!” Emerald was shining with excitement now. “What’s Uncle Skies up to?”

Sunset smirked. “That artificial wing is doing him well. Gallus says he’ll be second in command in no time.”

And Eve should be over around dinner time. She’s visiting her mother today, so might be a little late.

The two waved to Councillor Trixie as she led a little griffon past them, before waving as they noticed their mother showing her personal student the school.

Equestria had entered its new age and it was glorious. They had a family that grew more everyday and they all loved each so much.

Author's Note:

:raritycry: Why can't i do this right?

After the finale, i just don't see how i can continue this story, so tried to wrap it up with an epilogue, but i feel like it's not good enough.

i had more planned for it before, but it was like i could barely remember the plans and dialogue as i was writing it and this is the best i could do.

i'm so sorry this story ended on such a lesser note.

it didn't deserve it and i feel like i've done you all a serious disservice, especially Princess Glitzy, who provided the coverart.

I wanted to do more, but i just can't see myself going anywhere else now with this one and i'm so sorry.

i hope this was at least somewhat enjoyable for you all.

til next time, later all.

Comments ( 22 )

Autum Breeze now that this story is complete, are you going to mark this story as complete

9908257 Autum Breeze nvm I saw you just did it

I loved the ending. Do I wish it continued? Yes, but I love how you ended it

If I may I don't know if this helps but just because friendship is Magic finished up doesn't mean you have to cut their you can add in a little bit of twist if you wanted to I mean l never said that Princess Twilight got rid of the mirror now did it for all we know you could twist it up a bit and put the Equestria Girls Back in Action

The ending is warm and fuzzy, just what this story needed to wrap it up on a high note. I would like to see a family tree to see how everyone is connected at some point though.

Still a great chapter! :)

I was attached to this story from the first day that it was posted...
Thanks for letting it go as a complete story

From the view of a metaversist
It means a lot

*WolfSmile* don't worry. things like that happen to an author. give it time and you can either come back and add to it, or do a sequel.

Man, I remember when this story first started. It's good to see it have a proper ending. Glad I kept up with it all this time.

Hey, you can only do what you can do. As far as I'm concerned, you ended it pretty well. Bravo, friend. Bravo.

A good conclusion. Endings don't have to be long winded, and you wrapped things up nicely. :heart:

. . . Except for Evening Tide that is. How are she and Luna doing?

how did the apple parents return?

While this was a good way to wrap up the ending. I find my Self once again saying. You don’t have to stop or rush things like this. While the show is a guide line, this is your story. And your world. It only ends how and when You want it to. Some may like how you do it. Others won’t. We are but passengers on train heading to unknowns. While I don’t hate how you ended it, I would have liked to see much more. Even this ending made me want to read more of what happened. I will say wether or not you continue or make a sequel. I Loved following your writing, and wish to read more stories by you in the future.

Thank you for finishing, it ended will for what you were working with so...
Still, I like it a lot and I am glad it had a fitting ending.

To Autumn Breeze. Do a side arch for flurry, eve, scoots and sunset growing up. The show may be over, but the fandom art, and stories will still go strong.
I agree lets see a side arch ith Luna and Eve, and scoots and sunny growing up.

Comment posted by Zerocool7785 deleted Jun 29th, 2020

I am a guy so therefore I am right.

Great story! Checking out some of your others.:twilightsmile:

Wow. I have vague memories of reading this. Let's see if it lives up to my nostalgia.

The story is really good..
But yaa the the ending could have used a little more 😊

this was a fantastic story, I do say so old chap, bravo!

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