• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,285 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 16 - Feelings towards Oneself

Chapter 16

Feelings towards One's Self


The train slowed down to a stop.

“Ponyville!” the conductor shouted as the doors opened.

Twilight turned to the small filly next to her, laying into her side, who had fallen asleep during the ride.

Twilight gently nudged Diamond and she stirred.

“Come on, Diamond. We’re home,” the alicorn said, getting up, focusing her magic and levitating all their luggage.

She’d spent at least half the trip looking for Diamond’s luggage that Rich had put on before getting her to actually agree first.

There was a lot of luggage, considering she was only taking Diamond in for a few days until her returned.

The two ponies trotted out onto the platform and headed out, across the town towards the direction of Twilight’s library.

As they walked, small yawns came from the foal carrier as Scootaloo and Sunset woke up, stretching.

“We home?” Sunset asked, looking around as she and her sister bobbed up and down with each of their mother’s steps.

Twilight nodded, then noticed Diamond was looking extremely anxious.

“What’s wrong, Diamond?” she asked, concerned as to why she was so worried.

“Ya know, azide fwom you hawing t’ weaw diapees,” Scootaloo snickered, but a glare from her mother silenced her.

Diamond looked to the ground. “What if somepony from school sees me?”

“Um, dey won’t,” Scootaloo said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Is Toosday. Dey’re aww in schoow wight now.”

“Don’t worry, Diamond,” Twilight said, wrapping a wing around the anxious filly. “You don’t have to tell anypony yet. You can do it in your own time. Or not at all if you want.”

Diamond’s response was a small nod.

When they entered the library, Spike was waiting for them.

He blinked in confusion when he saw Diamond and frowned.

“Why’s Diamond Tiara here?” he asked, clearly trying to act interested, but Twilight noticed the angry growl in his tone.

Diamond apparently noticed it too, because she squeaked and hid behind the purple alicorn, trying to make herself as small as possible.

“It’s good to see you too, Spike,” Twilight said, hoping her tone told him she’d noticed and wasn’t pleased. “Filthy Rich caught up with us at the train station before we left and asked if I’d take care of Diamond for a few days while he finishes some business in Canterlot.”

“And you said “yes”?” Spike asked, clearly not pleased to know the Earth Pony would be staying for a while.

Twilight nodded, her expression firm. “Yes. And before you start on her, Spike, she learned her lesson.” More than I even wanted her to.

Spike glanced at Diamond’s flank and noticed her Cutie Mark.

“Whatever,” he said, turning away and walking further into the library, not noticing the difference between her new Cutie Mark from her old one.

Twilight looked down to Diamond Tiara, her face soft. “Do you want a hoof unpacking?”

Diamond shook her head. “I’ll be fine.”

Twilight led her to the spare room, leaving Diamond’s luggage by the bed as two small foals’ tummies rumbled and headed back to her own room, to give the girls their feeding.


When Twilight had left the room, Diamond Tiara went back out and headed for the bathroom. She could still remember where it was from when she and Silver Spoon had convinced Scootaloo and her friends to bring them along to Twilight Time.

She went to the sink, turned on the water and splashed her face.

After drying her face, she turned around, only to see her reflection in a full-body mirror hanging on one of the walls and saw her Cutie Mark.

Tiara glared at her reflection. “You deserve this, you know,” she said to it, pointing a hoof. “You never stopped, did you? Oh, no, you just had to keep making fun of everypony. You were always so much better than them.”

She snorted.

“You were never better than them,” she said, her face pulled back in a snarl. “They were the ones always better than you. You don’t even remember what your special talent is, do you? No, of course you don’t. When you got your Cutie Mark the only thing that matter was that you had yours, while everypony else didn’t.”

She walked up to her reflection, and looked away, before looking back again.

“You deserve this new Cutie Mark. It shows you’re just daddy’s little princess. Only popular because you’re family’s rich and that makes you oh so much better than everypony else.”

She sniffled, letting her tears fall from her eyes, trail down her cheeks and pool on the floor at her hooves.

“You never deserved any of the good things you got,” she sniffled again. “You did your best to embarrass Apple Bloom at your Cute-ceañera, you insulted Granny Smith on Family Appreciation Day at school, you turned Babs Seed against her own cousin, you made fun of Scootaloo’s not being able to fly just so you could win a stupid competition, tricked the CMC into letting the fact that Twilight teaching them herself go to their heads and made sure it blew up in their faces and then made Scootaloo after she became a baby cry just to have a little fun.”

She stomped her hoof and glared at her reflection.

“You got off easy. You deserve far worse for what you did! The fact that you’re now stuck wearing diapers for the rest of your life in nothing compared to what you should have had happen to you.”

She lay down on her stomach and closed her eyes, her tears streaming down her face.

“You’re nothing, Diamond Tiara. Just a filly lucky enough to be born into a rich family. Nothing more.”


Twilight and the girls looked to the door of the room as they heard Tiara insulting herself.

The girls had stopped suckling when shortly after she started and were looking uncomfortable, no doubt ashamed for how they’d treated Diamond Tiara before in Canterlot and after getting home.

Twilight sighed as she looked to the door.

Oh, Diamond Tiara, she thought, shaking her head. Is that really what you think of yourself now? Nopony is nothing and I think you’ve been through more than enough. Why can’t you see that?

At that moment there was a knock from the door.

Twilight looked to her foals. “I’ll be back in a little, okay?”

They nodded, not really hungry anymore as Twilight got up and went door stairs.

She got downstairs to see Spike waving goodbye to a brown Earth Pony stallion and closing the door, holding a letter in his left claw.

“Who’s the letter from, Spike?” she asked as he got came over to her and noticed his was frown in confusion.

“Filthy Rich,” he said, giving the letter to her.

Twilight frowned. “Odd. It hasn’t even been half a day yet,” she said as she opened it and started reading. “Why would he...?”

She trailed off, her eyes widening at what she read.

Dear Princess Twilight,

If I’m right you should be receiving this letter hours after we met in Canterlot Station.

I am afraid I have run into trouble with one of my business partners and have in a way lost control of my company.

I will be able to get it back, eventually, but I have to go around to several different cities, including Manehatten, Fillydelphia and even Trottingham to regain back control of the company.

However, this means I cannot take my daughter with me. I have no idea how long this will take me and that is no way for a filly to live.

So, until my return I have given you legal guardianship of my daughter until further notice.

I also cannot afford to pay for any of Diamond’s expenses, so I do hope you will be able to manage on your own.

I will try to ensure I handle this as swiftly as possible, but even at my best, and that is if I am extremely lucky and celestia is watching over me, it will most likely take me at least six months, maybe seven.

Hope things are going well, please give my love to Diamond,

Filthy Rich

“Uh, Twilight? Twilight?”

Spike was nervous. Twilight was staring at the letter, her left eye twitching erratically.

Twilight teleported out of the library, reappearing on the top of the mountain where Fluttershy had stopped that dragon from blanketing Ponyville in smoke while it was sleeping.

“DAMN YOU, FILTHY RICH, YOU UNDER HOOFED SNAKE!” she shouted, using the Royal Canterlot Voice, her shouts echoing across the sky all the way to Canterlot.

After she’d calmed down she teleported back to the same place in the libaray she’d been before, to find Spike standing there, waiting, the letter in his right claw.

He nodded. “Totally understand why you did that.”

Twilight sighed. At least it explained why Diamond had so much luggage. She was going to be here for a long time.

“Um... Y-your Majesty?”

Twilight and Spike looked up to see Diamond standing at the top of the stairs from the bathroom, tears in her eyes.

“I-if you don’t want me here, I... I understand,” she looked down as she started walking down the stairs. “I’ll just find somewhere else to stay until my daddy gets back. Maybe somewhere in the Everfree will be okay.”

Just as she was about to reach the door, Twilight extended a wing, blocking her path.

Diamond looked up at her fearfully, thinking she’d done something to upset Twilight even further.

Twilight sighed, then gently wrapped her wings around the shivering filly, and held her in her hooves.

“Diamond, while the way you father got me to foalsit you until his return was... It could have been handle better, don’t think that means I’ll not keep my word.”

Diamond looked up at Twilight, her eyes begging for forgiveness that she still didn’t seem to know she didn’t need.

“I promise I’ll look after you until he returns,” the alicorn told her softly, moving a strand of Tiara’s mane from her eyes.

Tiara sniffed. “Pinkie Promise?”

Twilight smiled, let go of Tiara and started the motions, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Tiara lunged into Twilight, catching her off-guard. The force knocked Tiara’s tiara off her head as she held onto the purple mare, sobbing into her fur.

“Y-you— You really mean it?” she managed to make out.

Twilight smiled and put her hooves around her, closing her eyes. “Of course, Diamond. I am one of your princesses after all. I couldn’t just abandon one of my subjects when they need me, could I?”

Tiara sniffled. “Thank you.”

Spike picked up Diamond’s tiara. “Why do you even wear this thing? What kind of pony needs to...?”

He trailed off as he looked at Tiara holding onto Twilight, sobbing into her fur, her diaper now visible without her tiara’s illusionary spell once more.


After a while, Twilight pulled away from Diamond and looked to the stairs.

"Diamond, I need to finish feeding the girls," she said, stroking Diamond's mane once. "Will you be okay unpacking? Spike can help you?"

Spike was about to protest, but a look from Twilight shut him up before he even spoke.

Tiara hadn't noticed Twilight's look at Spike, she'd been rubbing her eyes at the time.

"No. I'll be okay," she said, looking up at the older mare and gave a small smile, the first Twilight had seen since meeting up with her and her father. "I'll be okay on my own."

"Okay," Twilight said, getting up and heading back towards her own room. "I'll leave you to it."

Spike and Tiara stood in the living room in silence for a few minutes, niether moving or saying anything.

"Um... here," Spike said, breaking the silence as he passed Tiara's tiara back to her.

She took it, placing it on her head and her diaper disappeared.

"Thanks," she said in a small voice.

"Yeah, whatever," Spike said, folding his arms as he looked away. "And I'll help you unpack, okay?"

Tiara said nothing but slowly made her way to the room Twilight had given her, Spike following behind.

Author's Note:

I know everypony's gonna say i made this chapter too much about Diamond Tiara, but this was how i saw the chapter play out in my mind.

it shows just how much diamond realizes what she did and it leads to the confrontation between her and the CMC.

It also sets things up for much later on.

i won't say why, just know Tiara learns you don't need a lot of money to have a happy life.

As always, please read, comment and enjoy.