• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,262 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 19 - Foalsittin' Can’t be any harder than Farmin’, right?

Chapter 19

Foalsittin' Can’t be any harder than Farmin’, right?


“Tink it’s gowing otay at schoow?” Sunset asked Twilight as she levitated a few scrolls she’d been reading back onto a shelf.

The two foals were sitting in their playpen, watching as their mother went about her task of keeping the library in perfect order.

It had been two days since they’d retuned to Ponyville with their new house guest, Diamond Tiara.

Tiara hadn’t wanted to go back to school, knowing the other children were likely to hate her and ostracize her because of what she did in the past, not to mention she was petrified her wearing diapers would be found out.

Twilight had reminded her that, even if that was the case, Diamond had Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom to back her up and protect her should anything go wrong.

This boasted her confidence, as well as a spell from Twilight that ensured only Diamond would be able to take off her tiara, so it wouldn’t fall off randomly and reveal her diaper unless she wanted to.

Twilight finished organizing the library and turned to her daughters, smiling. “I’m sure everything’s fine. Now, how about we enjoy some nice quiet reading while—”


The three ponies turned as Spike ran into the room, panting.

“Wat’z up, Spike?” Scootaloo asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You got a—” Spike’s explanation was cut off as he belched and a scroll appear into a flicker of green fire.

“It’s from the princess,” Twilight said, removing Celestia’s seal and opening the scroll. “I wonder what...” she trialed off as she read.

“Um... Mommy?” Sunset asked, noting as her mother’s right eyebrow started to twitch. “Is somefing wong?”

“ARGH!” Twilight shouted, throwing her head up, startling the others. “I cannot believe him. Urg, that good-for-nothing, self centered, colt of a stallion! It’s been over a year, why won’t he just let this go already?”

“Uh, who you tawking bout, Mama?” Scootaloo asked, feeling a little confused.

“Prince Bloodblue!” Twilight shouted the name like it was a curse word. “That idiot is still, after all this time, trying to get Celestia to agree to invaded and destroy Ponyville!”

Both foals’ eyes went wide.

“Why does he wan’ dat?” Scootaloo demanded angrily. “Dis’s our home! Why’s he wanna destwoy it?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Oh, because some horrible law breakers destroyed the Grand Galloping Gala and his honor demands that all six be brought to justice.”

“Those six would be you mother and the others,” Spike answered the question on the foals’ minds before they could ask.

“But, why’s he wanna destwoy Ponywiwwe?” Sunset looked very cross. “Wha’s ouw town ewer done ta him?”

Twilight rolled her eyes again. “Because Ponyville is harboring the evil ponies that ruined his honor and the only way to make up for that is for the whole town to be banished.”

“Banished?” both foals squeaked, their eyes wide.

Twilight’s angry subsided and she smiled warmly. “Don’t worry. I’ll go to Canterlot and help Celestia stop Blueblood. At the very least, we can prevent him from trying this in the future. He’s yet to learn how hard it is to debate with Twilight Sparkle.”

“But, you can’t take the girls with you,” Spike said, turning to her. “And I’m coming with you, so I can’t look after them while you’re gone.”

Twilight blinked and her eye twitch returned. “I— I gotta find somepony to foalsit the girls and Diamond while I’m gone.”


“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted as she flew towards the cloud mansion.

As she landed outside on the balcony, she heard the sound of talking.

“You’ll come and watch whenever you can, right?” Rainbow’s muffled voice said from the inside.

“Oh, of course I will,” the unmistakably quiet voice of Fluttershy said shortly after. “I just hope I’ll finish up with Barry Bear’s cubs before it starts.”

Twilight knocked and silence fell.

“C-come on in,” Rainbow’s voice called, sounding nervous.

Twilight opened the door and saw the two pegasi standing in the middle of the hall, both of them supporting blushes.

Twilight noticed Rainbow was wearing a Wonderbolt uniform. if she weren't so frantic right now, her brain would be able to process why that was, but at present, not so much.

“Um, right,” she shook her head and focused. “Rainbow, I need to go to Canterlot to deal with something that could affect the future of Ponyville. Can you look after the girls while I’m gone? Knowing Blueblood, it'll be a week at the most.”

Rainbow shuffled her hooves. “Sorry, Twilight,” she said apologetically. “Spitefire and Soarin got sick and me and some guy name Swift Strike have to fill in for them.”

“Oh,” Twilight said, realizing why Rainbow was wearing the uniform now.

Since she’d become a member of the Wonderbolts Reserves, now that two Wonderbolts were out of commission for a while, she’d be filling in.

“I’m really sorry, Twi,” Rainbow said, putting a hoof on her shoulder, then winking at Scootaloo, who giggled. “Trust me, if not for this, I’d be more than happy to look after Squirt and Sunset here.”

“I’m sorry too, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, stepping forward. “Barry the Bear’s wife is giving birth to her cubs in a few days and I’ve gotta make sure she's comfortable enough and that the birth goes well.”

Twilight sighed. “That’s okay, Fluttershy,” she said, turning around. “Thanks anyway, girls. I’ll see you later.”

She flew off again her mind wandering.

They couldn’t either. She’d spent the last half hour looking of somepony to look after the girls while she was in Canterlot.

Rarity had a massive dress order to fill and Pinkie Pie was off in Trottingham for... well, the Cakes hadn’t been able to tell her too much about the why, but, considering this was Pinkie, that wasn’t much of surprise.

Twilight landed and sighed.

How was she going do this? She couldn’t leave the girls alone, but she couldn’t take them with her and she needed to go to ensure Ponyville continued to exist.

“Uh, Twilight?” an unmistakably accented voice said from behind her.

Twilight turned to see Applejack standing there, an empty basket on each side of her saddlebag. She was looking at Twilight, her head cocked to one side.

“You okay, sugarcube?” the farm pony asked, stepping closer. “Something’s wrong, ain’t it?”

Twilight sighed. “Yes, something is wrong, Applejack. First I get tricked in looking after Diamond Tiara until her father can get back by her father, not that I’ve any problem with looking after her, since she learned her lesson, it just would've been nice if he'd been straight forward about it, but now I’ve got to go to Canterlot and deal with a stuck-up prince who wants to destroy our town just because he feels his honor was offended at the Gala and is too self-centered to think passed that or just let it go, but I can’t take the girls with me, but I can’t leave them alone, but nopony seems free to look after them while I’m gone so I don’t know what to do!” she finished as a shouted.

She took in a huge breath and face-hoofed. “I just wish I knew what to do.”

Applejack thought for a moment, then smiled. “Ah’ll look after ’em.”

Twilight looked at her, blinking. “You...? You would?”

Applejack became nervous at the look on Twilight’s face.

Before she could do anything, Twilight leaped forward and pulled the farm pony into the more powerful bone-crashing hug she’d ever felt.

“Oh, Applejack!” she cried, spinning the poor mare around. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Twilight!” Applejack gasped, her face turning the slightest shade of blue. “Ah can’t... breath!”

Twilight let go off the earth mare, chuckling sheepishly. “Sorry, AJ. Um, are you sure you can handle looking after them for a week?”

Applejack, after regaining her breath, smiled. “Ah’m sure, Twilight. How hard can it be? Foalsitting can’t be any harder than farmin’, right?”


“Sunset, Scootalo, get yer flanks down from there this instant!” AJ shouted, trying in vain to grab either of the foals as they zipped through the air.

It had been less than two hours and she was struggling already to keep the foals under control.

How had it gotten to this?

Twilight left, leaving more lists than the farm pony had through she’d needed to, explaining how to look after the girls while she was away.

“Not to worry, Twi. I got this handled.”

She couldn’t believe she’d said that. It sounded so stupid to her now.

For reasons she couldn’t understand, Scootaloo had, for whatever reason, suddenly become able to fly and Sunset’s magic had started working.

Now both foals were flying, by wings and magic, around the library while the poor earth pony tried her hardest to get them down.

“How does Pinkie do this with Pound an’ Pumpkin?” she wheezed as the foals flew over her head again. “I was wrong. Farmin’ ain’t got nothin’ on this.”

She just noticed Sunset float into the kitchen. Her green magical aura surrounded the front of the fridge, which opened, revealing multiple bottle of milk.

“I left enough milk in the fridge for the girls while I’m gone. It should be just enough to tied them over until I get back,” Twilight’s words echoed in her mind.

Maybe they’ll be hungry and settle down after this? she thought desperately. Oh, please, Celestia, let them settle down after they’ve eaten.

An orange blur shot passed the farmer’s head, followed by a crashing and several screams.

Applejack ran into the kitchen and her eyes bugged out.

Scootaloo and Sunset were sitting on the floor, covered in milk.

Around them, on the floor, were all the bottles Twilight had left for the girls spread across the kitchen floor.

Oh, sweet Celestia! she started shifting from one hoof to the other, her mind panicking. What am Ah gonna do now? Twilight said Sunset still can’t drink formula yet. How can I feed them if there’s no more...?

Her eyes widened. “Zecora!”

She ran into the living room, strapped the foal carrier onto her back, ran back in to the kitchen, put both foals into it, strapping them in securely and ran out, headed for the Everfree Forest.


“Zecora!” Applejack shouted, banging her hoof on the door to Zecora’s hut.

From within the hut came, “Come on in, Applejack, my friend. What is this situation you need my help to amend?”

Applejack pushed open the door, panting from running all the way from Twilight’s library.

“Zecora, Ah need yer help,” she said, looking around worriedly. “Ah told Twilight Ah’d look after her foals while she’s dealin’ with some hoity toity prince in Canterlot, but now all the milk she left for the girls is spilt and Ah don’t know how Ah’m gonna feed ’em.”

Zecora paused, putting a hoof to her muzzle, thinking.

“To my knowledge, there is nopony like that you can ask. However, there is a way, if you are up to the task.”

“What is it?” Applejack asked, her eyes wide with hope. “Whatever it is, Ah’ll do it! I prmosed Twi Ah’d look after ’em. Ah’ll do whatever Ah need to keep that promise.”

Zecora smiled. “You need the foals to drink? Do not worry. I have a way to bring you away from this disaster’s brink.” She walked over to a shelf and pulled down a small vile of a green liquid, walked back over and hoofed it to Applejack. “Drink this potion and you will have no need for fright. You will be able to nurse the same as Twilight.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Ya mean... Ah gotta nurse ’em?”

Zecora nodded. “You said you would do anything, did you not? Or is that something you have already forgot?”

Applejack gulped.

Well, Ah did promise to do whatever Ah had to ta take care of them. Her eyes softened. ’Sides, at least it’ll feel a little like I’ve got my own foals.

Applejack drank the liquid, gagging a little at the taste and at once felt her body changing, preparing her to feed foals.

“Thank ya, Zecora,” Applejack smiled, reaching into her bag for some bits. “How much do Ah owe ya?”

“Do not think of it, Applejack, my friend,” the zebra said, waving a hoof. “I was happy to help this situation amend.”

Applejack smirked. “Ya’ll just repeated what ya said before Ah came in, didn’cha?”

Zecora just shrugged and gave a sly smile. “Maybe I did, maybe I did not. But are there two here whom you have forgot?”

Applejack gasped and looked to the foals at her sides. Both were still covered in milk, sound asleep.

She chuckled. “Guess Ah’d better head back ta the libarary for when these two wake up. They’re gonna be mighty hungry. Thanks again, Zecora. Yer a lifesaver.”

As she walked out, Zecora called, “Farwell and have a good day, dear Applejack. I hope the foals enjoy their snack.”

Applejack chuckled. If Ah remember how Ma’s milk tasted when Ah was a youngin, Ah’m sure they will.

Author's Note:

Finally got to this chapter. you have NO idea how hard it was for me to have to wait to get to this. it's been spinning around in my head for months!

Now, for any wondering, this is an Applejack after the comic An Apple Without Seeds which you can find here or you can find a comic dub for here.

i'll try to get another chapter out soon, we'll see where we go from here.

til next time, please read, comment and enjoy