• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 17,280 Views, 1,002 Comments

The Princess and the Foals - Autum Breeze

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria, but not the Sunset Shimmer we know

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Finalities

Chapter 10


Spike was awoken by a knocking downstairs.

He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, stretching.

He looked around the room and noticed Twilight was not there.

Glancing down, he saw a note lying by his basket with his name on it.

Spike picked up the letter, unfolded it and read:


Went to get some more supplies. I’ve decided we should go see my parents the day after tomorrow. I have also sent word to Cadence and Shining to let them know we’ll be there so they can see their nieces.

While I’m out you’re in charge. I’ve left a bottle of milk for Sunset in the fridge, just heat it up a little before feeding her (this is if she wakes up before I get back).

Scootaloo will be an easier matter, since she drinks formula. Follow the directions on the back of the can and thing’s should be fine.

Will be back soon,


Spike put the letter down and gulped. He wasn’t ready for this. He’d never had to watch both fillies before, only Sunset. Could he handle this?

The knocking from downstairs got louder and Spike headed down, so whoever was knocking would stop and not wake up the girls.

They were almost always cranky if you woke them up, which he understood. Sleep was a wonderful thing. Having it interpreted was very unpleasant.

Spike opened the door just as another set of knocks, even louder than the others, started.

Standing outside was an Earth Pony stallion with a grey coat, with a brown mane and green eyes. His cutie mark was a form of some kind.

“Can I help you?” Spike asked, being polite as one suddenly woken up less than a minute ago can be.

“Is Twilight Sparkle here?” the stallion asked gruffly.

The way he spoke triggered something in Spike’s mind he didn’t quite understand, but put him the slightest bit on edge.

“Yes,” he nodded slowly. “She’s out right now, by I’m her assistant. How can I help you?”

Didn’t I ask that as soon as I opened the door?

The stallion glared at Spike for some reason. “I am Firm Hoof. I run the orphanage just outside of town.”

Spike nodded. He didn’t quite understand what was going on, or why somepony form the orphanage was making a house call, but it had to be important, right?

“It has come to my attention that Twilight Sparkle found one of our runaways several days ago and has yet to return her.”

Something clicked in Spike’s mind. Scootaloo. This pony was asking about Scootaloo.

“Well, yeah,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “She’s been taking care of Scoots since then. Does that really matter?”

Firm’s nostrils flared. “Does it matter? Does it matter? I don’t care that she is a princess. She has to follow the rules, just like the rest of us.”

Spike’s confusion grew at this response, but Firm Hoof went on.

“While I do not have any wish to bring a filly who obviously will never be adopted back into my care, she is in my care and the law states she is my responsibility!”

Spike’s confusion skyrocketed. “What in the hay are you talking about? Twi adopted Scoots days ago. She sure hasn’t said anything about sending her back and never would. She loves Scoots.”

“Forgive me if I find that hard to believe, dragon,” Firm gave Spike a “I So Do Not Believe You” look, saying “dragon” as if it was an insult, “but I would know if one of the brats in my care was adopted that long ago. Especially one as worthless as that filly.”

Spike felt a small burst of rage at hearing somepony call his niece/little sister worthless.

“Well, she has been adopted, so you can go,” Spike said through clenched teeth, beginning to close the door.

Firm pushed it open, knocking Spike back. “Out of my way, dragon. I’m getting what I came for.”

Spike felt a little dizzy from his scrape. When Firm had forced the door open he’d tumbled and hit his head on one of the bookshelves.

He shook his head when he heard hoofsteps going upstairs.

Getting up he hurried after Firm, grabbing his right-hind leg when he reach him, trying to pull him back.

“You’re breaking an’ entering! Stop!”

“Pike?” two small voices called from the door just a few metres in front of them.

They entered the room and Firm looked around, trying to find Scootaloo. When his eyes fell on the crib, he kicked Spike off of his leg, making him smack into the wall and walked over to the crib and looked in.

Sunset was sitting in front of Scootaloo, glaring, while Scootaloo was cowering behind her little sister from the stallion looking down sternly at them.

Firm turned to Spike, who shook his dizziness away and glared at him. “Why is Scootaloo a foal? How did that happen?” His voice was angry.

“Long story short, Discord,” Spike said, trying to run, but wobbling from his internal balance still not back to normal from two smacks to the head in a period of two minutes.

Firm grunted. “Great. Another foal to feed. Like I enjoy changing diapers.”

He leaned into the crib, gently pushing Sunset out of the way and picking up Scootaloo by the scruff of her neck and lifted her up.

Both fillies screamed, Sunset reaching through the bars of the crib, her eyes brimming with tears, Scootaloo flailing, trying to break free of her captor's grip.

Firm walked out before Spike got a hold of his balance.

Once his balance was back, Spike got up and scurried down the stairs to find Firm several hooves away from the door, which must have closed in the wind while they’d been upstairs.

Spike latched onto the same hind leg as before, trying to hold Firm back a bit longer. He’d use his fire, but now he might hit Scootaloo and he couldn’t risk her getting hurt.

“Let go, you fiwfy dragon!” Firm shouted, his words muffled by the filly flailing around in his teeth’s grip.

The door opened on its own. “Spike, what’s all the nose—?”

Twilight stopped, her eyes wide at the scene before her.

Spike could imagine how this looked. A strange stallion in her house, Scootaloo in his mouth and Spike holding onto one of his hind legs.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “Just what are you doing with my daughter?”

Firm blinked. “Yer daher?”

“Told you,” Spike said, keeping a grin of satisfaction off his face due to the atmosphere of the situation.

“Yes,” Twilight nodded, her tone firm. “My daughter. Who are you and why are you here?”

“He says his name is Firm Hoof,” Spike stated, since he knew Firm wouldn’t be able to pronounce properly with Scoots in his mouth and he had to make Twi see exactly what was going on before Firm Hoof tried to leave again. “He says he’s from the orphanage Scoots came from and is here to take her back.”

Twilight’s attention snapped so fast to Firm, Spike felt him flinch.

“Put my daughter down, now, Mr. Hoof,” Twilight said, her voice even, but her tone menacing.

Before Firm could respond, Twilight’s horn glowed. Scootaloo vanished in a flash of purple light and reappeared on Twilight’s back, where she clung tightly to her mother’s neck.

“Hold it right there!” Firm shouted, taking a step forward. “I don’t care if you’re a princess; you can’t just go taking a filly out of my care and get away with it!”

“I legally adopted Scootaloo several days ago, Firm Hoof,” Twilight glowered at the stallion, her eyes narrowed to slits. "She is my daughter."

Firm scoffed. “Your slave tried to fool me with that same lie. Do you think I came down in the last rain shower?”

Spike bit down on Firm’s leg, creating a loud scream from the bitten pony, but was then kicked off. He managed to stay upright this time and glared at Firm, his fangs bared.

How dare he call him Twilight’s slave? How dare he?

“Spike is my assistant and practically my own son, Firm,” Twilight’s voice was full of rage. Her horn glowed and a piece of parchment appeared in front of the stallion’s face. “And, as you can see from this legal document, Scootaloo is indeed my daughter and if you try to take her away I will charge you with kidnapping a member of the royal family and have you arrested!”

Firm Hoof spent several seconds going over the parchment, the glared at Twilight. “I still don’t believe you about this being a legal document and what in tartarus do you mean a member of the royal family? That brat’s an orphan we took in several years ago and has proved to be nothing but a waste of space all her stay.”

Twilight’s mane almost ignited like it had the first day she’d been in Ponyville. Spike could just see the ends of the hairs sizzle.

There was a flash of purple light and Twilight teleported right in front of Firm Hoof, their muzzles up against each other.

“First of all, don’t curse in from of my daughter!” she snapped, her eyes boaring into his. “Second, since I am a princess, as my daughter, Scootaloo in turn becomes a princess herself! Leave now, Firm Hoof, before I have you arrested from breaking and entering, disturbing the peace and attempting to kidnap my daughter and a member of the royal family!”

Any and all toughness Firm Hoof had had before vanished in the close glare of Twilight and he ran out as fast as his hooves could carry him.

Spike stomped over to the door and slammed it shut.

He turned back to see Twilight comforting Scootaloo, who’d peed herself in fright, no doubt thinking she was going to be taken from her family forever.

Before the dragon could say anything however, the sound of wailing from upstairs reminded him; Sunset was still up there and, as far as she knew, her big sister had just been taken away from her.

Twilight seemed to read Spike’s mind, because she flapped her wings and flew upstairs, Scootaloo held in her forehooves.

When Spike got upstairs and into Twilight’s room, she was still comforting Sunset, who was in an embrace with Scootaloo, both with tears streaming down their muzzles.

Spike sighed and hoped Twilight wouldn’t leave him alone to look after the two for a long while. This first time had been an absolute disasters and sure as Celestia didn’t want to ever repeat it again.

Author's Note:

chapter 10! double digits, people/ponies!

this chapter is a little off-track, but i felt it would give more of a sense as to why scoots left the orphanage in the first place and just how bad it was there in somepony like Firm Hoof was in charge of the place.

plus, i realize i kind made Spike seem reluctant to take on responsibility, but that's because he's never cared for the two foals on his own. plus, him knowing scootloo from before makes it a little awkward for him, even though he sees her as his sister/niece.

will try to get the next chapter out today. and for those wondering, yes, the meeting with twi's family will be soon. but I've one more chapter before that, so please bare with me.

please read, comment and enjoy