• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 13,109 Views, 295 Comments

Unplanned Parenthood - Wintergreen Diaries

Twilight confronts the rigors of pregnancy with mixed emotions... and magic.

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Defending One's Honor

Chapter 3: Defending One’s Honor

Luna gave a start as a strange black box appeared before her, complete with an attached note.

“Dear Princess Luna,

Consider this my apology for the incident with the de-colored rainbow. I hope it makes you laugh as much as it did me!

Rainbow Dash”

The Lunar Princess examined the strange device thoroughly, but finding no way in which to open it she decided to ask her sister, finding nothing amusing about the simple box in the slightest. Celestia had just received hers when Luna entered, and she noted the look of curiosity on her face.

“Celestia? Pray tell, what is this contraption? Is it some kind of new magic?”

“In a sense, Luna. Come, sit with me. Let us see what this one holds,” Celestia replied, opening a closet to reveal a television, something Luna had not seen before.

“What is that strange device, sister?”

“It’s called a television, an earth pony invention. It is quite popular with the rising generation, and there are a variety of thing which you can view. This gift that was sent to us from Rainbow Dash is called a tape, and it holds pictures of the past.”

“Oh my, that is most fascinating! Let us continue, then. I am eager to see what hath transpired!” Celestia popped in the tape Luna had handed her and they sat a moment, watching with curiosity as Twilight made her introduction. From this point, the reactions were split down the center, with Celestia falling over laughing, remembering that particular phase of Twilight’s youth personally and Luna staring open mouthed, unable to comprehend what would possess Twilight to take such inappropriate actions.

“Most fascinating indeed, Luna. It seems Rainbow Dash felt the need to share a laugh with you.” Her sister remained silent, her face contorted with disgust. “Oh come now, Luna, it’s not as bad as it seems.”

“Not as...” she whispered. “Not as bad as it seems? What redeeming quality is there in such filthy actions?” she yelled, glancing at the screen.

“This from the Princess of the Night? I’m quite sure I don’t need to answer that.” Luna blushed lightly as she made the connection and dropped silent.

“Tell me honestly, Celestia, was Rainbow Dash truly trying to make amends with this?”

“I believe so, yes.” Luna stopped for a moment before rewinding the tape and watching it a second time, during which she laughed almost as hard as Celestia had. As she wiped the tears of mirth away she stood and walked towards the door.

“You must excuse me, sister, I have a letter to write.”

“As do I, Luna.”

Cerulean stood rooted in place, unable to tear his eyes off of Fluttershy’s lewd re-enactment of Twilight’s folly. Actually, not seeing a pole just made the motions that much worse, and she whirled around, casting a wink in Cerulean’s direction before noticing that she was actually being watched, and Angel immediately stopped the music. The pair simply stared at each other, and Angel looked back and forth between each face with growing amusement. Ponies were silly creatures, getting embarrassed so easily. She was just practicing her mating dance, what was so wrong about that?

“C... Cer... Wha...” Fluttershy stammered, her face flushing a brilliant pink to match her hair. The bewildered blue stallion scrambled to find a way to reassure the poor mare, knowing that she was likely to hide for all eternity if he didn’t say something to ease the situation.

“You, uh, looked really good at that. Was that your first time?” What the hay? Why in Equestria would that be the first thing to his mind! Fluttershy, even in her numbed state, winced as Cerulean bloodied his forehead with a concussive blow by his own hoof, the sense he knocked in displacing a small trickle of crimson. The sight snapped her out of her petrification enough to respond.

“Ouch, Cerulean, that looked really painful. Come here, let’s get you cleaned up,” she said, trotting over and leading him towards the bathroom. He followed willingly, the headache from his over eager facehoof setting in much faster than he had imagined it would. Fluttershy dabbed at the wound with a damp towel before Cerulean reached up and froze the moisture, sealing the wound and bringing a small amount of relief to the growing lump. “What... what are you doing here, Cerulean? I wasn’t expecting you to come back so soon.”

“I have to get the video back and return it to the library before Twilight finds out, or myself and the rest of Ponyville may be in danger,” he explained, his anxiety returning as his mind restarted.

“Oh dear...” Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with both hooves.

“What, what is it?”

“Um, you may be in a teeny tiny bit of trouble. You see, um, when I woke up the tape was missing. I don’t know where it went.” Cerulean sank to the ground and curled into as tight a ball as he could manage.

“It’s over, it’s all over. It was nice knowing you, Fluttershy.”

“Oh no, don’t say that. I remember Rainbow Dash coming back after you left, why don’t you ask her?” A churning in his stomach alerted him that things had just gone from bad to horrifying. If the tape had simply gone missing, he could have ignored it, biding his time until the event had receded to the back of his mind. But if Rainbow Dash got her hooves on it, there’s no telling what might happen. He was halfway out the door before he turned, casting a curious eye on the pegasus mare waving him off.

“...Did you really do all that dancing out of memory after only one viewing of the tape?” The blush again began to rise as she hid behind her hair, pawing uncomfortably at the floor.

“Um, well you see, I um... Yes. I was very shocked at first, but it looked like fun so I wanted to try it.” If all of Cerulean’s deeds were set on a scale, he was pretty sure that his assistance in showing the mare such a thing would tip the balance to the side of eternal torment, which if he didn’t find the tape soon would be coming much faster than he’d like to think. Still, he couldn’t just leave after she had told him that, so he again encouraged her, apologizing to the powers that be for his transgression.

“You were pretty good at it, Fluttershy. I was impressed.” And slightly aroused, but he wasn’t about to admit to that. Fluttershy smiled to herself as he left, feeling a little more like a lady and a little more confident than she had the day before. Angel again started the music, and she shut the door to continue her “practice.”

“Rainbow Dash! Come out, I know you’re around here somewhere!” Cerulean called out as he shot through the skies, ignoring the strain as his desire to live drove him onwards. Seeing nopony he landed to take a breather and searched on the ground.

“And I was like, this is so Twilightlicious.” Cerulean whirled to see Bon Bon holding up a caramel apple, and he bolted over and inserted himself between her and Lyra.

“What did you say, just then, about that apple. C’mon, what did you say?!?” he pressed, sticking his snout much to close for her comfort.

“I said my apple was delicious, you got a problem with that?” she replied, backing away from the wild eyed stallion. “You’re, like, acting really Twil...” but she never finished saying “suspicious,” as Cerulean blared out her speech with his own frantic yelling as he took off down the road. Unfortunately for him, everypony around seemed to be saying it as his overtaxed mind mistranslated everything he heard. Desperate to escape, he again took to the air, and his eyes narrowed as he spotted his mark. The cyan mare appeared to be sleeping on a cloud though she was, in fact, watching the whole thing unfold, and it took all her effort not to bust up laughing as he landed. “Where is it,” Cerulean growled. “I know you have the tape, so cough it up! I’m not dying today.” Rainbow Dash had to admit that he was pretty shaken, and she decided to take it easy on him.

“Ok, fine, ya got me, here you go, Cerulean,” she said with a sigh, shifting to the side and pulling the tape out of the cloud.

“Whew, thanks for being so understanding, Rainbow Dash. I was expecting you to put up more of a fight,” he admitted, confused but grateful for her cooperation.

“Nah, don’t mention it. Good luck, Cerulean!” she called after him as he took off towards the library. “...Cause I have one more at home.”

Patience is not something given to pregnant mares, and what little Twilight had attempted to salvage was quickly draining away with each tick of the clock, waiting for Cerulean to return. She returned to her studies as Cerulean peeped in from the window, calculating the distance and angle of his desired teleport before taking a breath and collecting his magic.

Twilight gave a start as a thud sounded from the basement, and she cautiously opened the doors, switching on the light’s and descending the steps. Cerulean scrambled to hide the tape and busied himself studying one of the many pieces of electronic equipment laying around the room.

“Cerulean, have you been hiding down here the whole time?”

“No, I, uh, just got back. Just now.” There it was again, those pauses and extra words. While he may have an affinity for sticking his hoof in his mouth, she knew Cerulean enough to know his speech habits, and stammering wasn’t part of it.

“Any particular reason you didn’t use the front door?” she inquired, eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the squirming stallion.

“...Practice?” Her glare told him she wasn’t buying it. “Ok, ok, I was trying to protect a secret. I don’t want anypony to get hurt, and coming in the way I did was part of it. I’m sorry if I startled you.” She heaved a sigh and returned upstairs, her frustration lingering as she fought to control herself. She ignored the slight shuffling she heard downstairs and greeted Spike as he ran towards her.

“Whoa, Spike, what’s the rush?”

“A letter just came for Rainbow Dash from Princess Luna, I was gonna have Cerulean deliver it.” She pointed a hoof at the laboratory entrance and continued to bed, where a stack of books had been conveniently stacked around so she could continue her studies.

“Twilight? I’ve got to leave for a little while, I should be back soon.” She gave no response as he left, and she was just getting into the zone when Spike tapped her on the shoulder, holding out a letter. Recognizing Celestia’s seal, she immediately opened it. Spike took a step back as her eyes grew wide before she tore out the door and after Cerulean. Spike picked it up and read the contents, curious as to what had gotten her so upset.

“To My Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle,

I’m glad to see you’ve finally come to accept your feminine side, and have even become comfortable enough to show your friends that you are, indeed, Twilight-licious. I’m sure Cerulean would love to see this as well, if he hasn’t already.

Princess Celestia”

“Pinkie Pie, you got a second? I have something really funny to show you!” Pinkie turned from the sweets she was baking to find Rainbow Dash bouncing towards her, an uncommon behavior for the mare obsessed with being cool.

“Sure, I always have time for something fun! Is it a funny picture? Oh, how about a cool new trick? Come on, tell me!” Pinkie stared blankly as Rainbow Dash held up the last copy of the tape she had made, and the pink mare had to wonder how it was that something as bland tasting as plastic had excited Dash so much. “That doesn’t look very fun.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes a moment before seeking out Mrs. Cake.

“Hey, do you have a vcr?”

“Oh, sure, Rainbow Dash. Just up the hall in our room, are you two going to watch a movie?”

“Yeah, it’s short but super funny, it will only take a second. Thanks, Mrs. Cake!” she called over her shoulder, dashing up the stairs with Pinkie Pie in hot pursuit. Rainbow Dash slipped in the tape and soon both of them were in a heap, laughing hysterically.

“I didn’t know Twilight liked dancing so much! She should have said something, I’m a master at all kinds of dancing!”

“Uh, Pinkie, are you telling me you’ve danced like that before?”

“Yup! Follow me!” she said excitedly, rushing to her room and throwing open the closet door only to drag out a long metal pole and a base. Rainbow Dash would have been really embarrassed at that moment were it not for the fact that it quickly became clear Pinkie had no idea what she was talking about, swinging around the pole like it was made for acrobatics and not overly suggestive dancing. In fact, Rainbow Dash was pretty sure at that moment that Pinkie Pie didn’t even know what the pole was for, let alone making the connection as to why Twilight’s dance was so funny in the first place. Still, it was good to have a laugh, and Rainbow Dash bid her farewell before grabbing the tape and stepping out of the store.

“Rainbow Dash, there you are!” Cerulean called out, landing and trotting over. “Here, Princess Luna sent this for you. I didn’t read it, don’t worry.” Rainbow Dash grew visibly pale, expecting her apology hadn’t gone over well. However, the color soon returned to her face as she doubled over, the hilarity of Luna enjoying her apology combined with the fact that Cerulean stood clueless beside her combining to cause merriment to stream from her eyes.

The bewildered stallion picked up the letter and scanned it a moment before dropping it in horror. Rainbow Dash immediately quieted as Cerulean stood over her, looking anything but amused. “Have you lost your mind, Rainbow Dash? Do you have any idea how unstable Twilight is right now? If she finds out about this, there won’t be enough of me left to identify!” He hadn’t meant for it to come out as angry as it did, and he immediately sought to calm himself as Rainbow Dash attempted to melt into the snow.

“I didn’t mean to make you mad, Cerulean... I’m sorry.” The normally spunky mare looked like she was on the verge of tears, and he immediately raised her to her hooves drew her into an easy embrace.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you like that, it’s just... really? You had to send it to Luna?” he asked, pulling away.

“Actually... I kinda sent one to Celestia as well.”

“Oh no... then that means...”

“Cerulean Snowgleam, what is the meaning of this?!?” He turned slowly to find Twilight racing towards them both. Attempting to fly away would be useless, so he decided to try the opposite, running towards her and wrapping her in a deep embrace. Her anger was momentarily derailed as he stroked her mane, the soothing motion draining her head of the many magical punishments that had been floating around a moment before.

“Twilight... it was wrong of me to show that tape to anypony else without your permission, and I’m sorry. But it was only your close friends, ponies I feel I can trust to protect your privacy. Well, all save one,” he muttered, casting a glance at Rainbow Dash. “And while I will say it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, it also made me realize that there is so much more about you that I want to learn.” Twilight had come expecting excuses and cries for mercy, not something so... affectionate, and touching. “Can you forgive me?” His answer came in the form of a deep kiss, and they held each other for a short while before Twilight continued.

“I’m sorry for being so upset, Cerulean. That was just one of my more embarrassing secrets that I had forgotten about until you discovered that video. And when I thought of other ponies finding out, well, I may have freaked out a little bit.” She paused and looked at the ground. “Who all has seen it?”

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.”

“You showed... is she all right?”

“Um... yes. Yes she is, though I think it took her a few hours to start breathing again.” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. Rainbow Dash, assuming that the danger had passed for the time, trotted over and joined.

“Just so you are aware, I also showed Pinkie Pie, though she didn’t quite understand what was going on.”

“Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie understands a lot more than you’d think.”

“Yeah! I totally knew she was doing her mating dance!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, popping her head out of the snow. “Show us again, Twilight!” she yelled, yanking the pole out of the snow and slamming it into the ground right outside of Sugarcube Corner.

“Pinkie, stop! I’m not like that anymore...” Twilight begged, backing away as ponies began to turn and stare. Cerulean heaved a sigh and did what any loving, concerned fiancé would do to defend the honor of the one he loved; he immediately mounted the pole, mimicking the motions Twilight had used in the video and blushing deeply as the cries of disgust arose from the ponies that immediately returned to their business. Cerulean’s twirling came to an end, and he dismounted and sat glaring daggers at it for a time before an outraged white unicorn assailed him with a verbal beat down.

“Cerulean! I had you figured for a gentlecolt but after that shameful display, I hardly think I shall ever see you the same! Why, that was the most foul, must unrespectable, most uncouth behavior I can ever imagine a pony engaging in, and here you are in the middle of the streets... grinding on a pole? Whatever possessed you to cast aside your dignity?” she demanded, torn between displaying anger or disappointment on her face. Cerulean simply smiled and looked over at Twilight who was slowly realizing why he had engaged in the shameful display.

“A good knight will always defend the honor of his mare.” Rarity’s anger drained away to confusion, but it was clear enough to her that he meant what he had said.

“I hardly see how such provocative dancing could defend anypony’s honor, but if that is what you say, I shall try to accept it. Just find a more acceptable way next time, all right?”

“I shall, Rarity. Thank you for your understanding.” She gave him a nod and continued on her way. Cerulean ignored the gasping Rainbow Dash and gaping Pinkie Pie heading towards his mare and stopping just short, setting the tape down in front of her.

“Cerulean, thank you for saving me from... whatever would have happened back there,” Twilight said gratefully, touching her horn to his and sending some of her feelings through to him. He smiled a little before whispering into her ear, and the emotions coming through shifted from gratitude to infuriation.

“You were pretty cute in the video.”

“Cerulean, I was thirteen, you pervert!”