• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 13,108 Views, 295 Comments

Unplanned Parenthood - Wintergreen Diaries

Twilight confronts the rigors of pregnancy with mixed emotions... and magic.

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Parental Guidance Neglected

Chapter 11: Parental Guidance Neglected

“I sense a disturbance in Equestria...” Twilight made no motion to move from Cerulean’s embrace, though she did look over her shoulder to see him eyeing the window with suspicion.

“What are you talking about? Is something wrong?”

“Yes, very. Have you ever just had a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, like you know something’s about to happen but have no idea what it is?” Twilight nodded and lay her head back down. “Well, that’s exactly what’s going on now. I just have this terrible sense of foreboding.”

“Shhh, don’t think about it. Come on, focus on me instead.” He couldn’t help but smile as she snuggled up closer to him, which required a great effort on her part and likely some pain. Even though he knew the foal had another three months before being born, looking at her now he’d guess she’d be due any day. He closed his eyes and savored the peace of the early morning, knowing that whatever he was sensing would come soon enough, worry or not.

The ponies piled off the train in haste as it arrived in Ponyville, and a short while after the stampede a thin unicorn mare with a bright red coat stepped off, humming happily to herself. She shot a wink at the pony in the ticket booth before looking around at the city. Her eyes grew wide as she beheld the biggest stallion she had ever seen trot passed her, and she immediately drew up beside his muscular frame and brushed against him, causing him to pause and look down at the mare with suspicion.

“Oh goodness, I’m sorry, did I bump into you? You see, I’m looking for somepony would greatly appreciate your services in helping me to find them.”

“Who are you looking for, miss?”

“Would you happen to know a blue stallion by the name of Cerulean Snowgleam?” Quakehoof looked down at the mare with an increasing sense of unease.

“How exactly do you know, Cerulean? You don’t exactly seem the type of mare he’d spend time with, if you’ll excuse me for saying.” She adopted an alluring grin that Quakehoof found quite unnerving, and as if to prove his statement she began rubbing against his chest and tittering.

“Oh, trust me, I know him quite well, though not nearly as well as I’d like to know you.” Quakehoof reached down and grabbed the mare, bringing her to eye level and giving her a glare that very clearly displayed how unwelcome her advances were. “I’m his sister. Now, tell me, where’s my little stud of a brother?”

Stairs had become quite the nuisance to Twilight, but not wishing to grow any weaker than she already had, refused Cerulean’s repeated offers to magic her down to the floor below. She sat with a gratified sigh, sinking into the cushions of the couch before levitating a mess of books over and beginning her morning’s reading. Cerulean had just finished his first batch of crepes when a knock at the door caused his blood to freeze. Whatever that feeling was, it was back full force, and turning off the stove he rushed to the door before Spike could reach it.

“Spike, stand back. Whatever is on the other side of this door is extremely dangerous, I can feel it.” Cerulean closed his eyes as the voice came through the door, the situation being even more grave than he had imagined.

“My, is that my little brother? It’s been so long since I’ve last heard you speak. I must say, I’m quite surprised at how much more like a proper stallion your voice has become. Come on, let me in so I can see you!” Twilight watched bemused as Cerulean slowly turned and set a trembling hoof on the door. “Hurry it up, Cerulean. You know how much I don’t like waiting.”

“Cerulean, do you know whoever that is?” He opened the door and the red mare gave him a mighty embrace, letting go after an uncomfortably long time and eyeing him up and down while Twilight gave her the same treatment. Her long, wavy hair was a lighter red than her coat with small streaks of pink, and her cutie mark was three hearts inside of each other.

“Hmmm, while you have matured quite a bit since I last laid eyes on you, you’re still not quite my type.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“Oh, now don’t be so hard on yourself. You managed to snag quite a catch, haven’t you?” she teased, turning her attention to Twilight who was growing increasingly peeved. She was about to again pose her question as to who this mare was when she felt a sudden warmth against her flank, caused by the intrusion of an unwanted hoof.

“Seriously, can you not control yourself for two seconds? And leave Twilight alone, she’s in enough pain as it is.”

“Would somepony please explain what’s going on here?” Twilight shouted, her frustration and embarrassment boiling over.

“Twilight, this is my sister, Crimson Glitter. Crimson, Twilight, my fiancé.”

“Sister?” Twilight couldn’t believe she had never asked if he had siblings before, and now his sister was eagerly eyeing everything in the library, herself especially. “Cerulean, do you have any other siblings I should know about?” She immediately noticed Cerulean’s countenance fall, even Crimson adopted a similar expression.

“He hasn’t come home yet, has he...” Crimson shook her head at Cerulean’s inquiry. “I had a younger brother, but we got separated from him when he was just six. Nopony has heard or seen anything of him since.”

“Cerulean, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up something so painful.”

“Don’t worry about it, Miss Delicious,” Crimson replied, reverting to her prior state and cupping Twilight’s face in her hooves, moving in for a kiss before Cerulean tackled her to the floor as she devolved into a none-too-innocent fit of giggles. “You always did put a damper on my fun.”

“Sorry, but I’d rather not watch you violate my mare, thank you.”

“Somepony is quite possessive. Fine then, be a downer. I’ll find somepony else to play with.”

“Oh no you don’t, there’s no way I’m letting you taint this town with your ‘pass time.’”

“Do you really think you can stop me?” Cerulean growled at this, but it was true that as many times as he had tried to keep her in check, it didn’t normally turn out well.

“Crimson, do you have a reason to be here? Actually, come to think of it, how did you find me?”

“A very shy mare by the name of Bangles filled me in when I explained I was your sister. I must say, she was very cute once things got going.”

“You didn’t!” Cerulean muttered, narrowing his eyes and slamming his hoof down.

“Easy there, I jest. Even I can tell that that would be highly inappropriate, given the circumstances.”

“I’m impressed such a word exists in your vocabulary.” Twilight watched the two argue back and forth for the better part of half an hour, with Crimson constantly flustering Cerulean to no end. To label her as lewd wouldn’t do her justice, as her over the top sensuality was on clear display with not an ounce of shame to balance the scales, leaving her with little doubt that the kiss would have been followed through to the end. “Crimson, why did you come here in the first place? You wouldn’t make a journey like this for nothing.” Her face fell for a moment before lighting up again, and she trotted towards the door.

“You’d like to know? Well then, walk with me. Twilight, it was sweet while it lasted, but I’m afraid I must go now,” Crimson sighed, shooting her a wink before walking out the door.

“Twi, I’m sorry, but if somepony doesn’t keep an eye on her, nopony is going to be safe from harassment of the worst kind. I’ll answer any questions you may have when I return, ok?” She nodded and gave him a quick kiss before he walked out the door. Twilight heard his sigh from outside the house. Crimson Glitter was nowhere to be seen.

“I wonder what they eat here to get their stallions so big?” Crimson muttered as she watched Big Mac pass through town. “Oh, I cannot wait to get a taste of that apple,” she said, licking her lips as she mentally traced a path around it in her mind.

“Uh, are you talkin’ about me, or mah brother? And I ain’t seen you around here before.” Crimson gave a small squeal of surprise to find Applejack standing behind her giving her a dark scowl. She recoiled as the red mare made a quick circle around her and turned her shining eyes to from her brother to herself.

“Tee hee! My, good looks must run in the family. You say that fine stallion is your brother?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“He any good at wrestling?”

“You’d be hard pressed t’ find anypony who could match ‘im. Why?” Applejack suddenly blushed as she felt something small, warm, and slightly wet take an inquisitive taste of her cutie mark. “N-now wait just a minute, here!” she yelled, jumping back and glaring at the mare.

“Oh, but it’s rude to make a lady wait. And if I do say so, red becomes you,” Crimson teased, pointing a hoof at the hapless mare’s cheeks. “I could add a whole lot more flavor to your day, if you’d like.” Applejack’s mind couldn’t process such openly provocative behavior, and as her mouth slowly dropped open, Crimson took it as an invitation for her own. Who was she to refuse? Big Mac looked over right as the two made connection, and he immediately ran over to break it up, knowing there was no way Applejack would willingly submit to such a thing.

“Now wait just a minute, miss. Mah sister ain’t...” he started, pulling her back only to have her switch mouths and wrap herself around his neck.

“Mmm, now don’t you both taste delicious,” she murmured as Big Mac frantically attempted to get his limbs to move. They ignored his pleas and stayed rooted to the ground.

“Crimson, get off of him!” She turned to see Cerulean barreling towards her and instantly teleported out of sight, off to find other prey. Her brother slowed to a stop as he stood before the two members of the Apple family. “Are you two ok? I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

“Cerulean, do you know that mare?”

“She is, unfortunately, my sister. And yes, she’s always like that.” He stopped and turned to look at Big Mac, whose withering gaze made it quite clear he was less than enthused about his sister’s advance. “Something tells me I better get her under control real fast or my life may be forfeit.”


A bell on the door signaled a new customer, and Rarity turned to find the most charming little mare she had seen in quite some time beholding her with what she thought was awe.

“Well, aren’t you just the cutest little thing! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, are you here for a custom tailored piece? Or, if you’d like, I have plenty of marvelous dresses already made over here,” she said, motioning to a burdened rack off to her left. Crimson continued to absorb the glamorous pony with her eyes, making a point not to drool as her salivation increased in accordance with the speed of her heart.

“It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen something so beautiful, I can hardly stand it.” Rarity blushed lightly at the compliment before continuing to try and make a sale.

“Why, thank you! All of the dresses were designed and made by me, Rarity. Now then, which one is it that has caught your eye?” The mare slowly approached the rack and, with as much self restraint as she could muster, forced herself to eye the dresses which, to be sure, were extremely well made. This white unicorn could certainly be great fun, her refined speech like warm honey to her ears.

“I... I think... oh, I just don’t know, they are all so wonderful. What would you suggest, Rarity?” The unicorn broke into a knowing grin and instantly selected a rather flashy piece, made of warmer colors and set with rubies along the trim, which would be sure to turn any stallion’s eye. “Um, if you don’t mind, could you help me get changed?” Rarity nodded and led her into the dressing room, where the last of her self control snapped.

“Have you seen a crimson mare of ill repute pass through here?” Cerulean heaved a sigh as he quickly found nopony had seen any signs of his sister. This only worried him more, fearing that she had already made her way into somepony’s bed, and he doubled his efforts, desperate not to let his already tattered reputation get any worse. He used to be well respected, but one thing after another had led to a steady increase of trepidation from other ponies he came into contact with, especially after the charm spell incident.

A piercing scream echoed through the town, and Cerulean hastily summoned his wings and took flight towards the origin. From the air he saw his sister backing away from a livid Rarity, whose face was about the same color as his sister’s coat. Crimson dodged to the side as another bolt of fabric flew towards her, and she didn’t notice her brother’s swift approach until he tumbled atop her in a heap.

“Well now, I thought you said before that you weren’t interested, Cerulean?” Crimson seized his moment of hesitation to again teleport away, leaving Cerulean to pick up the pieces. He shivered as Rarity’s enraged howls sounded behind him.

“Get back here, you irreputable floozy! I’ve half a mind to rip you to pieces for violating me in such a way!” After this her anger soon turned to depression, and she grabbed her couch from inside and flung herself upon it, giving full vent to her despair.

“Rarity, I’m so sorry about that. What... what did she do?”

“She kissed me on the cheek, Cerulean! Well, it was more like suckling, but that’s even worse!” That was it? Rarity had no idea she’d been let off so easily, and he was glad that, for whatever reason, his sister had decided to approach Rarity much slower than she had with the Apple family.

“Rarity, that’s a relief, I was...”

“Relief? Relief, indeed! I don’t know why expected any sympathy from anypony as eager as you, as you clearly cannot appreciate my delicate condition!”

Delicate? Is that really how she sees herself? That mare is like a steel rose with extra thorns and serrated petals. Ok, that may be a bit harsh, but still.

“Come to think of it, why would you even keep company with somepony like that?”

“She’s my sister, it’s not like I...”

“Oh, well now, doesn’t that just explain everything! No wonder you felt the need to bed with Twilight so quickly! The more I learn of you, the more I see what a beast you really are, Cerulean! Just go, before you’re overcome with your primal desires!” she shouted, throwing the couch back inside and slamming the door to the shop. He would take the time to apologize later, as the crimson mare-do-everypony was still tearing around unchecked, and with a small growl he again took to the skies.

Depression came to take the red mare sitting by herself on a grassy hill on the outskirts of town, and she felt little strength to fight it. She knew she was likely making Cerulean’s life miserable, but she just wanted an escape from the confines of her mind, even if only for a time. The passing of a cream colored pegasus snapped her out of her sulk, and she followed from a distance until a small cottage came into view. Steeling herself, she decided to make one last pass before giving up and returning to the library.

She had just raised a hoof to knock on the door when a heavy scraping noise stalled her, and with caution she made her way to the window to see the innocent flower of a pegasus erecting a metal pole in the center of her house. She felt her hooves soon bobbing in time with some of her favorite dance music as she watched the mare begin to dance. Finally, somepony who was open with her desire! Crimson couldn’t control herself and burst into the room, and Fluttershy let out a small scream and backed away, mortified that she’d been seen, and by a stranger no less! Crimson commandeered the pole for her own pleasure, and it took her awhile to notice the other pegasus was no longer dancing. The music suddenly stopped and Crimson ceased her twirling. She attempted to approach the mare but she backed away, hiding behind her flowing pink hair.

“Are you alright, miss? I didn’t mean to startle you, you just looked so alluring the way you were dancing that I had to join in,” she said cheerfully, hoping to ease the her discomfort but instead only worsening it. Crimson wasn’t dumb, and she soon realized that whoever this pegasus was, she wasn’t what Crimson had thought when she arrived. This mare was innocent to the core, something that she hadn’t felt herself in many years, and seeing it be threatened only reminded her of her own tragedy. “I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to intrude. I’ll leave you alone now.”

A red streak shot from the cottage as Cerulean approached, and fearing the worst, he dove and caught his sister as she tried to run. He raised a hoof to paralyze her before she could break away when he noticed she put up no resistance, her small body quaking as she cried softly. Cerulean lowered his hoof down around her shoulders and drew her close.

“Seeing Fluttershy brought it all back, didn’t it.” His sister said nothing as she buried her face into the side of his neck, and he closed his eyes as the tears trickled down. Fluttershy chanced a glance out the window upon hearing Cerulean’s voice, and was shocked to see the mare held tightly in his arms. She never would have thought Cerulean would hold anypony but Twilight like that, and her annoyance prompted her to act, throwing open the door and hovering over to give the stallion a piece of her mind. Her commitment to her planned tirade crumbled as she drew close to the pair, as it became obvious that there was something deeper going on.

“Um, Cerulean? Is everything ok? Who is she?”

“Fluttershy, this is my sister, Crimson Glitter. She’s... had it pretty rough, and seeing you brought back some painful memories is all.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”

“It’s nothing that could have been helped, so don’t worry yourself over it. I’m gonna get her back to the library. Don’t worry, she’s not angry with you, nor am I.” With that he lifted her into the sky, a hoof looped under each foreleg as she hung limp in his grasp. He was glad the library wasn’t very far away, since the trip was quite draining both magically and physically. The change in Crimson’s behavior was apparent as soon as they entered, and Cerulean sat her down gently on a chair.

“Cerulean, what happened? Is that even the same mare that was here this morning?” Twilight whispered as he returned from the kitchen with a glass of water.

“Yeah, what you’re seeing right now is simply the real condition of her heart. She carries a heavy burden, and it drives her to such openly lewd conduct.”

“Nice to see I’m so easily figured out,” Crimson muttered, sniffing a little. She looked up and noticed Twilight looking at her, and breaking her gaze she stared at the floor. “I can tell you’re curious, but it’s really simple. I was, how shall we say, taken advantage of, when I was eleven. It’s pretty hard to maintain the illusion of innocence after that, so I’ve stopped trying.” She spoke nonchalantly, but Twilight could see a fresh wave of tears threatening to breach the corners of her eyes, and with a groan she rose and gave the mare a firm embrace. “You tease...” she whispered, a small laugh escaping as a cough while she yielded to the motion. Cerulean joined in, and they sat that way until Crimson was again breathing normally. “Now, as to why I came. Cerulean, our parents want to see you.”

“What, really? They all but disowned me after the trial, even while I was declared innocent. What makes you think I’d go see them?” Twilight cringed at his harsh words, shocked to see such vehemence in her chronically patient and smiley stallion’s voice.

“They’re holding a memorial for Jade.” Cerulean’s countenance only darkened at this.

“I’m not going.”


“He’s not dead!”

“What makes you so sure? Nopony has seen him for nearly fifteen years.”

“Because I can still hear his voice.” Crimson sighed as she realized that Cerulean wasn’t going to budge.

“Well then, my job here is done. It was good to see you again, brother.” She had just stepped out the door when she felt a hoof descend on her shoulder. “You really hate them, don’t you.”

“Maybe a little.” In truth, his mind wasn’t even on his parents, but his sister. He whispered something into her ear, and she immediately perked up. “Uh huh. Yeah, got it. Lyra and Bon Bon, thanks!” Even if it was temporary, it was still a way to ease her suffering.

“Don’t give up, Crimson. You’ll find somepony to fill the void, someday. Just as I have.”