• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 13,109 Views, 295 Comments

Unplanned Parenthood - Wintergreen Diaries

Twilight confronts the rigors of pregnancy with mixed emotions... and magic.

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Glee Party

Chapter 12: Glee Party

“Cerulean, please be on your best behavior today, all right?” Twilight warned him for the third time in the space of ten minutes. He didn’t understand why she was so worried about having a stallion participate in the bi-monthly tea party, but it was clear that it was important to her.

“I understand, Twi. I’ll be good, I promise. Now you,” he continued, kissing her horn gently, “need to relax. Tea parties are supposed to be reserved and calm, and you’ve got more nervous energy than Pinkie in a bottle.” She didn’t resist as he sat down behind her on the bed, and soon his nimble hooves went about their work, relaxing the muscles in her back that seemed to be having a contest in tying knots. They were no match for Cerulean, as one of the first things he read in the single book on pregnancy he had finished was that if nothing else, a good massage could work wonders to calm an irate mare. Clearly, the writer had never observed the Element of Magic in full swing, but any help was welcome, and practice was working eagerly toward perfection.

Down on the first floor they could hear the clatter of china as Spike set up the tables and snacks. Twilight, at Cerulean’s urging, had let him be in charge of the refreshment, though he assured her she could augment them to her tastes as long as she was discreet. Twilight had been progressing in leaps and bounds as far as self control was concerned, and save an occasional outburst or two she was almost like her old self. A wave of an overpowering though unidentifiable emotion came over Cerulean as his mind replayed the last eight months in his mind. As if sensing his condition, Twilight rolled over, wrapping her arms around him and drawing him close. Spike ascended the steps to alert them that everything was ready, but chose to say nothing, quietly returning downstairs and thankful that things had normalized, relatively speaking.

“Cerulean, are you ok?” Twilight asked, opening her eyes halfway as his grip tightened a little.

“I was just thinking about my family. Crimson, more than anypony else. I just... I know that this is what she needs, even if she doesn’t know herself.” Twilight sat in silence, mulling over the words. In truth, she really didn’t have enough of a grasp on the situation to be able to make any kind of comforting assertion, but it was clear that Cerulean had absorbed her tension through his hooves somehow.

“I don’t know if I can help, but if there is a way, just let me know, ok?” He nodded but remained silent. At least until a certain teasing mare gave his horn a delicate lick, eliciting a smile as he pulled away.

“Come on, that’s just mean, don’t start that,” he chuckled softly, covering her mouth with a hoof which she mistook for a pacifier. “Really, Twi? You’re askin’ for it.” Cerulean was momentarily starstruck as she grinned around his hoof, looking up at him with innocent eyes before bursting into a fit of giggles.

“Oh, so you can read body language? You are learning, I’m so proud of you!”

“As much as I’d like another lesson, we have guests coming soon, and if Spike is glowing when the guests arrive it’s going to beg questions. Questions I don’t particularly care to answer, if that makes any sense at all.”

“Awww, you’re no fun,” she pouted, half serious. Anypony could see the wisdom in his words, and watched her for a moment before surprising her with a passionate kiss. A little couldn’t hurt, right? It was still twenty minutes before the first guests were to arrive when a knock sounded at the door, causing a slight panic as both unicorns noted their glowing horns with irritation. “Spike, can you grab that?” Twilight called out, rolling away from Cerulean and staring at the wall to calm down. Cerulean gave the opposite wall an equal amount of attention, and as he heard the voices, he felt a little more at ease. Being seen by the other couple in such a state wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as, say, being noticed by Rarity or Fluttershy.

“Hey there Rainbow Dash, Storm Blitz. You’re kinda early,” Cerulean called out over the balcony. They both blushed a little upon noticing the soft blue glow around his horn, likely because they were remembering their own activities, and he chuckled as he descended to the main floor. “Yes, you are interrupting something, thanks for asking. Now, what’s up? The party isn’t for another twenty minutes.”

“Well, since you get to be here, I thought it’d only be fair if Storm can come too.”

“You mean he wasn’t invited?”

“Nope, apparently stallions aren’t allowed to enjoy tea and baked goods.”

“I see no issue. Twilight? What do you think, can Storm join in too?” A groan and a creaking noise signaled Twilight having left her place of rest upon the cushy mattress, and she trotted over to Cerulean’s side before answering.

“I don’t have any problem with it. I can only think of one pony raising an objection, but fortunately for us, you’re on her good side, Storm.” Cerulean scratched the back of his head and stared at the ground, recalling how his reputation has steadily diminished since Twilight’s conception. Twilight placed a well meaning hoof around his shoulders before turning back to the grinning couple. Idle banter easily passed the remaining time, and soon all the guests were present and the festivities started with a bang, Pinkie still not understanding that the word “party” did not inherently require a cannon and/or streamers, along with copious quantities of confetti. She didn’t seem to mind the paper as a topping on her crumpets, but most everypony else couldn’t agree.

“Twilight, darling, do you have any jam?” A quick scan of the room yielded no results for her inquiry, and Rarity looked to Spike who stood to attention as the mare’s eyes fell on him. “Spike, would you be dear and fetch me some?” Spike raced to the kitchen, reaching for the strawberry when a delightful thought struck him; what about the special jam Twilight had made? As tasty as strawberries were, nothing he had tasted came close to the magicked jam that he had grown strangely fond of. To his dismay, the last remaining jar wasn’t in its usual place in the refrigerator, and Twilight leaned over as he whispered into her ears.

“Twilight, did you move that jam somewhere else? I can’t find it!” Unbeknown to Spike, Cerulean and herself had decided a few days prior to get rid of it, mostly in part to keep something like this from happening.

“I’m sorry, Spike, but it went bad and we had to throw it out. Why don’t you just grab the strawberry preserves instead?”

“Rarity deserves the best, there’s gotta be more somewhere!” Twilight slowly covered her face with a hoof as Spike scrambled around the house, checking cupboards and basically anywhere that a jar could fit, regardless of how illogical it would be.

“Twilight, what’s goin’ on? Ah don’t think you were tellin’ the truth just then,” Applejack pried, shooting her a strange look.

“She was just trying to break it to Spike easy. Twilight’s magic created an immensely tasty treat a while back ago, but Spike has developed a strong affinity for it, perhaps too much so.” It took all of Cerulean’s effort to keep his mind on the present and not let the memories creep in. “So, we removed the temptation.” This seemed to satisfy Applejack, though unfortunately for them, everypony else was brimming with questions. They all began talking at once, and Twilight’s eyes darted from face to face as a growing fear began to rise from the pit of her stomach.

“Cerulean, quick, what do we do?” she whispered out of the corner of her mouth. Pinkie was beyond herself with excitement, trying to figure out what the jam could possibly taste like. Rarity was growing impatient with her still unadorned scone, while Fluttershy and Applejack sipped their tea, watching their friends with growing amusement.

“I suppose telling them the truth while Spike is distracted isn’t an option?” replied in a similarly soft tone, wincing as his mare’s frantic response echoed through his ears.

“Are you kidding?” she exclaimed, instantly garnering all of the attention. “No, Cerulean, that isn’t an option. Just think about that for a moment.”

“Think about what? You’re acting suspicious, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash pressed, pointing an accusing hoof at her.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she replied, the accompanying nervous laughter completely negating any chances she had of the statement being believed. As if on cue, a triumphant cry from Spike drew the attention away from her, allowing her time to breathe. This was a good thing, as the oxygen was necessary for the cry of shock that echoed forth as the dragon returned from the laboratory with a small jar of the fabled “jam.”

“Cerulean, I thought you got rid of it all!” Her worry was infectious, and while he had been calm when Spike had first returned, he was now shaking lightly, partly from fear of embarrassment, and partly from fear of having the mare seated next to him burst into flames.

“I may have kept a little extra,” he replied quietly, swallowing hard. Recalling that Twilight had said the previous batch had gone bad, Spike unscrewed the top and took a tentative taste, nodding his approval and making his way towards Rarity.

“Is that the stuff?” Storm asked, regarding the sparkling purple substance with suspicion, much like everypony else, Rarity included.

“Oh yeah, it’s the greatest. Come on, Rarity, I found this just for you.”

“Spike, sweetie, I’m flattered, really. But it looks a little, I don’t know how to say, odd? I mean, the color is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not entirely sure glitter is fit for consumption.” She watched as disappointment attacked his adorable smile, and with a sigh she prepared to scoop some onto her scone when Pinkie Pie snatched the jar away and took a taste.

“Wow, Twilight! This is like the best thing ever!” she squealed, immediately devouring the contents of the jar in just a few seconds time. How she had managed to completely clean every last smidgeon of the substance from the jar was just one of many mysteries, and seeing Pinkie’s approval, everypony began to voice a desire for a taste.

“Now, Pinkie, it’s rude t’ just eat everythin’ without sharin,’ remember? We talked ‘bout this after cider season last year.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault it was so tasty! I know, Twilight, can you make some more?”

“Uh, I don’t think that I,” she started, turning an increasingly bright shade of red.

“Oh, come now, Twilight. You’ve finally stumbled upon something tasty in your culinary endeavours, and now you refuse to share? Where is your generosity?”

“She’s plenty giving, Rarity, it’s just that...”

“Cerulean, I was not speaking to you.”

“Rarity’s right, Twilight. Come on, hook us up!” Rainbow pressed, bidding Storm to join in. He had, however, noticed the increasing discomfort that was clouding Cerulean’s face, and he whispered something into Rainbow Dash’s ear that caused her to sit back down, notably less enthusiastic than she was moments before.

“More, Twilight!” Pinkie howled, thrusting the jar in front of her face.

“Perhaps we should just give them what they want, Twilight. I don’t think they’re gonna let it go,” Cerulean whispered. He was again deafened as Twilight’s patience snapped.

“You all wanna try it so bad? Fine, you can have it! Cerulean, come down to the lab and help me. All of you, stay up here and wait."

“Woohoo!” Pinkie began bouncing excitedly around the room, as the others pondered why Cerulean’s participation was necessary if the spell was of Twilight’s design. Storm was exceptionally quiet, as he didn’t have a thorough understanding of unicorn physiology, but Cerulean’s expressive eyes had screamed “Somepony help me” loud and clear. Shaking his head, he pushed the thoughts from his mind and prepared to join in on the conversation, only to find that the subject at hand was the one he was attempting to suppress.

Twilight threw open the door to the laboratory and stalked down the steps, grumbling to herself as she went. Cerulean closed the door gently and followed, flipping on the light and sealing the door shut with a thick layer of ice to forbid any prying eyes. He found Twilight staring at the wall with her back to him as he approached.

“Twilight, I...”

“This is all you’re fault, you know.” It was true, he couldn’t deny it. She had specifically told him to get rid of everything, and he hadn’t listened.

“You’re right.” No sarcasm? No witty remark?

“You’re making it difficult to find reason to vent, you know.” Cerulean cantered over and slipped his hooves around her shoulders, drawing them across her chest and holding her close. “I’m sorry, it’s not fair to place all of the blame on you. If it weren’t for the fact that Spike is so thoroughly obsessed with... that, then we wouldn’t be here right now.” It was heartening to hear her giving him the benefit of the doubt, even as frustrated as she was.

“Twilight, thank you,” he murmured, pulling gently and easing her onto her back. “Just a thought, how are we going to return upstairs? You have this wonderful tendency to be a touch messy.”

“Now that’s no way to sweet talk your mare,” she laughed softly. “Why don’t you teleport upstairs and grab some towels.” Cerulean nodded and returned a few minutes later, towels in hoof.

“Is this going to be enough?”

“Well, I think I know a spell that can help with that. Any other questions?”

“Uh, not at the moment. Oh, right, the jars.” He closed his eyes and concentrating, sculpting ten jars made of ice and enchanting them so they wouldn’t melt for several hours. After arranging them in a circle around Twilight, he cantered over and sat beside her. She waited for the pleasure to come, but after a minute of unrequited anticipation, she opened her eyes to see him staring at the floor. “Twilight, I don’t want to do this, not because we feel like we have to.” Twilight was a little shocked to hear her stallion affirm a lack of desire for one of the more enjoyable sides of love, but she soon realized exactly why. For somepony who had been forced against their will, any feelings of obligation would essentially invoke the same emotions, and she wasn’t going to do that to him.

“Cerulean, I understand. Let’s just lie low here for a bit, and then we can go explain everything. We can face them together.” He accepted her outstretched hoof and lay down beside her, allowing himself to take comfort in her embrace. It seemed strange, being the one to be giving out comfort, but as he nuzzled closer and gave a contented sigh she came to the realization that the giving of herself was every bit as sweet as receiving his love. Affection suffused her mind, moving her to gently press her lips to his. Her warmth, her taste, everything that he had come to desire over the last nine months had given him a choice, with no strings attached and no pressure one way or another. A hoof stroked his cheek, causing him to meet the luminous violet pools shining before him with his own. “I don’t expect anything from you, but, if you’ll accept it, I would like to give something to you.”

“Things sure are quiet down there,” Applejack murmured to herself as the rest of the ponies continued chatting.

“Well, they are making something special. It probably takes a lot of focus,” Fluttershy offered, having heard the statement.

“I wish I could be down there, that way if there was any extra, I could have that too!” Pinkie chortled, recalling the joy of licking a spatula clean after finishing the last batch of any number of treats. Rainbow Dash was being driven mad with curiosity, and as the chatter continued she attempted to pry open the doors to no avail. Placing an ear to the door, she could faintly make out something, but it was too faint to identify the voice or what was being said. Really, it just sounded like distant screaming, but that wouldn’t make any sense. Heaving a sigh she returned to Storm’s side to sulk.

“Spike, do you know how Twilight makes that stuff?” Rainbow Dash asked, but his answer hadn’t changed at all in the last ten minutes.

“All I know is there is magic and noise involved, but nothing else. She’s only made it once.” So then, they were in the middle of making it. Taking their sweet time about it, though.

Ten jars. Eight were now filled with purple, two with blue, both due to the industrious effort of the two panting unicorns in the center of the circle. Using a spell to create a bubble around their horns, the mess had been minimal, and having had more time to recover than the still breathless mare beside him, Cerulean wiped away what he couldn’t lick up with a towel, planted a kiss on Twilight’s still pulsing horn, and levitated a couple of the jars to the eagerly waiting ponies, leaving Twilight to catch her breath.

“All right, thanks for being patient everypony. Here it is,” he stated with a grin, setting the jars down on the table in the center.

“Whoa, a new flavor! Dibs on the blue one!” Spike called out, a dribble of drool running out of the corners of his mouth. Everypony but Storm fell upon the creation with gusto, and exclamations of praise sounded between the greedy munching of Scones a la Twilight.

“Oh my, this is really good,” Fluttershy said, staring at the scone with wonder.

“See? I told you all it was good!” Pinkie Pie said happily, foregoing a scone altogether and commandeering a whole jar for herself. Applejack ignored the purple jar and went straight for the blue, and found it much more enjoyable than she was expecting it would be.

“Wow, Cerulean, you an’ Twilight sure ‘ave made somethin’ good together. If we could sell this, we’d make tons o’ bits fer mah family!”

“Sorry, Applejack. It really takes it out of us, making that... treat. Burns a lot of cal... it uses a lot of magic.” Had she not been enjoying her third helping, Applejack may have commented on his self corrections. Rainbow Dash had immediately gravitated towards the blue jar, as it more closely matched her coat, and Storm cast a wary eye towards Cerulean. Now, Storm wasn’t the best lip reader in existence, but whatever it was Cerulean had said, he was under no circumstances to partake. Unfortunately for him, his fillyfriend had other ideas, and he was soon quite curious as to why Cerulean was making such an effort to keep him from such a tasty snack.

“I will admit, I was sceptical when you offered me that jar, Spike, but now I see you were quite correct. This is the... best... possible... thing!” Rarity squealed, admiring the way it shone in the light before taking a massive bite in a thoroughly undignified manner, the jam smearing all over her face.

“Well, on that, Rarity, you and I most certainly agree,” Cerulean chuckled softly as he reached in a hoof and brought the glittering lavender sap to his mouth to see Twilight emerge. An immediate silence descended upon the room as the two unicorns stared at each other, the sight of Cerulean enjoying her gift spurring the pulsing in her horn to resume, as it had only finished just moments before she exited the laboratory. Oh no, no no no, not here! I thought I was done! She closed her eyes to focus on keeping her body under control, but the absence of sight only caused her mind to compensate, flooding her mind with some of the saucier moments she and Cerulean had shared. She opened her eyes as she felt the fluid run from her horn down her muzzle, tickling her chin before dripping to the floor. It was all over.

“Oh, Twilight, are you going to make some more for us so we can see how you do it?” Fluttershy’s innocence only compounded the gut wrenching embarrassment that was quite contentedly tying her stomach into knots that even her back couldn’t hope to match.

Pinkie Pie was crestfallen. How could Twilight just let it drip to the floor like that? I mean, duh! Why was everypony so shocked that it came from Twilight’s horn? It tasted just like her, only sweeter! Determined not to let anything tasty come to waste, Pinkie immediately traced her tongue from Twilight’s chin up to her horn, where she began to suckle it eagerly. Too eagerly, in fact, as a combination of tongue and teeth prompted a second, although lesser, release. Fluttershy, while slightly shocked that Pinkie had licked Twilight, still had no idea what was going on, even as Twilight was in the midst of her climax. Pinkie’s cheeks swelled as she refused to let a single drop go, and it took her a full minute to swallow the payload. Upon finishing, she gave a contented sigh and lay down fully stretched out, oblivious to her glowing stomach and the remainder around the corners of her mouth. Ever the martyr, Cerulean scooped another hoofful into his mouth before standing and making his declaration, shifting the focus to himself.

“Well, everypony, I think you all learned a valuable lesson today; don’t nag a hormonal mare.” Contained fury has a way of instilling more fear than the most primal of cries ever could, and it was with such a tone that a now red in the face Rarity responded to Cerulean. It was also quite clear that the red was not from embarrassment, and Cerulean felt his blood chill as she spoke.

“What has happened in these seven months that has turned you into such a perverse, crazed, and thoroughly detestable stallion, hmmm Cerulean? I wouldn’t expect anything like this coming from Twilight, but you? Oh yes, it makes perfect sense.” Cerulean raised a hoof before immediately yanking it back as the contained fury broke the cage doors. “Set one hoof near me and I’ll rip it to pieces!”

“My tail’s twitching, my tail’s!” Pinkie started before a rather oversized frypan silenced the fuming unicorn with a clang. “Oopsy, too late, sorry Rarity! Where did that even come from?”

I’ve had just about enough of this, so listen up everypony!” As scary as Rarity could be, she had a lot of practicing to do before she could match Twilight’s intimidation factor, at least while pregnant. “We all warned you, and you wouldn’t listen. This isn’t anypony’s fault but your own, and if I hear anypony, and I mean anypony, speaking ill of Cerulean on account of your own greed, we’re going to have some serious problems, got it?!?” They all nodded their agreement, smelling the scent of burning wood as Twilight’s anger threatened to give a demonstration in pyrotechnics. Faint wisps of smoke could be seen winding up from her hooves, but they soon stopped as she shifted back to normal. “Good, glad that’s taken care of. Now, as for you, Spike...”