• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 13,108 Views, 295 Comments

Unplanned Parenthood - Wintergreen Diaries

Twilight confronts the rigors of pregnancy with mixed emotions... and magic.

  • ...


Chapter 13: Applejacked

From what was exposed of her head, Applejack could tell it was a brisk morning. However, the cool on her face was anything but refreshing, as the rest of her body was soaked in cold sweat despite the heavy blankets. She moved to draw the covers over her head and a sharp pain in the base of her skull bid her hesitate before taking any hasty action. Placing a hoof to her cranium, she lay inert as the pounding spread.

“Why the hay do ah have such a ruckus in mah head? An’ why,” she paused, noticing how damp her coat was, “didn’t ah shower before goin’ t’ bed? Ah always make a point o’ showering after a good time workin’. Come t’ think of it, what did ah do yesterday that would leave me so worn out?” The cold sweats resumed as she came to a startling realization; she couldn’t remember. Anything past breakfast the day prior was a gaping hole in her timeline. “C’mon, brain, work!” Her urgings were ignored, and with a sigh she attempted to sit up when her blankets wrapped around her tighter. So tight, in fact, that she was unable to escape their menacing ensnarement. Cracking open a bleary eye, she became further confounded as the found herself covered not by Granny Smith’s patchwork quilt of pink and white, but a mess of black and blue limbs. “Celestia, please tell me ahm dreamin’.” Another glance revealed nothing had changed. “Luna then?” Still nothing.

“Nnngh, ugh, my head.” Applejack froze as Cerulean came awake, having much the same reaction and immediately placing a hoof gently to the side of his tortured temples. “You know, Applejack, as fun as yesterday was, I don’t know that it was worth it if this is the thanks I get in the morning.”

“Fun? What kinda fun lands two stallions in mah bed an... oh, buckin’... you can’t be serious, Cerulean!”

“Hmmm, I could be, but that’s no fun at all. And seeing as how I can’t remember what actually happened, only that it was indeed fun, you’ll excuse me while I try to find the silver lining within the ill trained symphony serenading my brain. That, and the fact me and Storm are likely to be dead stallions either way.”

“Ugh, keep it down, Cerulean, my head’s killing me. Wait, Cerulean?” The blue stallion grinned widely and popped his head over Applejack’s chest and waved. “Somepony, please explain why I am here before I go insane.” Applejack caught Cerulean’s wink and stifled a laugh before turning to the stallion growing increasingly more worried by the moment.

“What’s the matter, sugarcube? You can’t remember?”

“Actually, now that you mention it... I have no bucking clue!” he shouted, wincing as all three of them suffered a temporary increase in their respective headaches. “Cerulean, what the hay are you doing?” The stallion in question stopped the gentle stroking of Storm’s hoof, pausing a moment before turning to him with a serious expression.

“Hmmm, what happened indeed. You have a very soft coat, Storm. No wonder Rainbow Dash likes you.”

“Not anymore I don’t!” The ensuing increase in cranial discomfort became, perhaps, Storm’s lowest priority as his enraged fillyfriend appeared at the window. It was then that the cowering black pegasus realized the his hooves were still draped across Applejack, and with a yelp he withdrew in all haste and landed in a heap of feathers on the floor. Terror the likes of which Storm had never known pumped life into his tired limbs, prompting him to exit the room with all haste. The remaining two ponies listened as the hoof falls proceeded down stairs and towards the main entrance, before suddenly stopping and returning towards them at double the speed they left. There was a black blur followed by the sound of shattering glass as Storm hurled himself through the window and into the sky, followed shortly after by Rainbow Dash who didn’t bother stopping to give Applejack a piece of her mind. Besides, Applejack would be easier to catch after she had put Storm in a casket.

“Ahm gonna ask one more time before ah freak out, do you really not remember?”


“Ah see. Please excuse me, ah have t’ go write mah will. You may want t’ do the same before you head home.”

“Got an extra quill?”

“Any particular reason you ain’t bein’ serious about this? Ah doubt Twilight will be half as amused as you are.”

“You know, maintaining a cheerful facade so one doesn’t wet himself is difficult to upkeep when you keep poking holes in it. Besides, I'm pretty sure that when she kills me, she will end up wiping out half of Equestria as well, so I won't be alone.” They both shared a nervous chuckle before easing into a sitting position and staring at the sweat soaked sheets and callously tossed away quilt lying on the floor.

“That looks pretty bad, don’t it.”

“Eeeyup. Ah reckon nothin’ ‘appened, though.”

“Stop talkin’ like mah brother, it’s makin’ it worse.” Cerulean nodded and eased himself out of bed, standing still for a moment and waiting for his eyes to focus.

“Is it alright if I use the shower quick?”

“You’re gonna return to Twilight drippin’ wet?”

“Better than this,” he shrugged motioning to his damp fur and closing the bathroom door behind him. Not the least bit comfortable with being in the same room while he showered, Applejack stood quickly, narrowly evaded falling over, and made her way downstairs where she came to an abrupt halt.

“Applebloom? What ‘n tarnation are ya doin’ up there?” The filly woke from her slumber, though she assumed she was still dreaming due to the fact that she was drifting in a lazy circle above her sister.

“Ahm just flyin’ sis. What’s it look like?”

“It looks like you’re glued to the ceilin’ fan, that’s what.” What the hay could possibly have happened? Applejack was growing more fearful by the minute. As Applebloom groaned and released the contents of her stomach, it became clear to Applejack that alcohol must have played a part.

“Ah feel right awful, sis. Get me down, ah wanna go die.”

“Just hold on, Applebloom, ah’ll...” she started before Cerulean’s scream echoed down from the second story. “Oh, now what?” Racing back up the steps, she charged into her room and threw open the bathroom door to find Cerulean pressing himself against the wall, backing away from Twilight’s imagined fury. So frightened was he that Applejack’s intrusion didn’t even register as noteworthy in his brain, the fragment of a memory that had come back instilling the same type of fear as when he and Applejack had been caught kissing three days after he had confessed his feelings for Twilight. Well, actually, it was approximately ten times worse.

“Ahm sorry, Cerulean, ah didn’t mean t’ barge in.” Applejack’s apology fell on deaf ears, and she averted her eyes as curiosity required she stay. “What’s got you so worked up?”

“I remembered.”

“What, you mean everything?”

“I remembered enough to know that my life is over.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“You know how I said I don’t think anything happened? I think something happened.”

“What exactly do ya mean by ‘something?’”

“I don’t know what we’re going to name it.”

“Oh sweet Celestia, you can’t be serious! Tell me yer jokin’, or Twilight won’t be the only trouble on our hooves. If Big Macintosh ‘ears about this, neither of us will live to suffer Twilight’s fury!”

“Hmmm, that sure explains the condition of the bed...” Shower or not, Applejack was in no mood to deal with Cerulean’s sarcasm, especially not when the fate of Equestria was at stake. Applejack’s entrance into the shower would have been enough to spur his mind back to working order without being roughly shaken a bit, but as she was losing the capacity for rational thought, he felt her forehead press against his horn, causing another shutdown of the mental facilities.

“Show me.”

“I really don’t think...”

“Show me, dang it!” Heaving a sigh, Cerulean closed his eyes and dug deep, recalling the fuzzy memory as best as he could before sending it over to Applejack’s mind. Now, being that she wasn’t a unicorn, the picture that was conjured within her mind wasn’t the clearest ever, but seeing herself standing over Cerulean before slowly lowering herself atop the blushing stallion was quite enough to elicit a scream piercing enough that, if the window wasn’t already shattered, it would have then and there. Cerulean sat temporarily deafened before adding his own cry to the mix as Big Macintosh walked in, having heard his sister’s exclamation upon his arrival home from Appleloosa.

“Applejack, are you in the shower with Cerulean?”

“Eeeyup?” Cerulean offered, before being roughly tossed out of the shower as a traumatized Applejack lay staring intently into nothing, the scene replaying over and over in her mind.

“Ahm sorry, Twilight. Ahm afraid ah have t’ kill yer special somepony.”

As Cerulean took a moment to catch his breath, he let his wings melt and picked a few shards of glass from his coat, mentally thanking Storm for taking the brunt of it and giving him the idea for his escape. Unfortunately, he doubted he’d ever get to thank Storm again in this life, as a black streak shot through the sky with a rainbow trail following just behind. Driven by the will to live, the black pegasus was managing to outrun his enraged fillyfriend by just enough.

“We’re back in town for two days and I find you in bed with one of my best friends? You have no idea how dead you are, Storm!” Cerulean watched in amazement as Storm proved that proper motivation is all one needs to achieve impossible results. In this case, that translated into breaking the speed of sound, sending out a dark shockwave that crackled with electricity and causing a brilliant display of sparks. Temporarily stunned by the feat and the static tracing her wings, Rainbow Dash ground to a halt and stared as the dark trail receded into the distance. “You’re still gonna get it, I’m telling dad!” she called out after him before sullenly heading towards Quakehoof’s house. Cerulean swallowed hard and continued towards the library, whereupon he found Twilight waiting in the open doorway, impatiently tapping a hoof. He had hoped to have at least some time to gather his courage, but alas, it was not to be.

“I thought you said you were going to be gone for the afternoon, not the whole day. Where were you last night?"

"I may or may not have spent most or all of the evening at the Sweet Apple Acres estate, where I may or may not have engaged in activities pertaining to reproduction with a mare by the name of Applejack. And possibly Storm, but the jury is still out on that." Twilight stared for a moment before letting slip a sigh, doing her best to maintain a calm demeanor.

"Cerulean, I was being serious." Why does he keep glancing over his shoulder like that? “Cerulean?”

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Now, again, where were you?"

"Sweet Apple Acres."

"Get in the house... now." He nodded and trotted inside, sitting in the center of the main floor and awaiting further orders. "You're lucky I'm the Element of Magic, because Storm has to deal with a mare that is all about loyalty." She noted the faint look of hope that lit his face. “Don’t get any ideas, it’s every bit as important to me. Now, what happened?”

“I... don’t remember. None of us did when we woke up.”

“Us? Who all was there, exactly?”

“Me, Storm, and Applejack.”

“Wait, you woke up in the same bed? Well, that explains the angry Rainbow in the sky.” Honestly, this stallion of mine... “Come here, I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” He sat in front of her and hung his head, ready to accept whatever came. Twilight pressed her horn to his and plunged deep into his memories, searching for the truth. Finding the start of the previous day, she started there and watched the tale unfold.

“Twilight?” She looked up from her book as Cerulean sat down beside her on the couch. “Yesterday, Applejack invited me to spend this afternoon hanging out with her.” Twilight met the information with mixed emotions. “I don’t really know what to expect, but have you noticed how depressed she’s been recently?”

“I have. We’ve all tried talking to her about it, but she just shrugs it off. I think... you should go.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Cerulean. I can’t say it doesn’t worry me a little. I know you really have a strong desire for her to be happy, and I want to see her back to her old self too. Just promise me you won’t do anything you’ll regret, ok?” She smiled as he wrapped his hooves around her, placing one gently on her stomach and one loosely draped across her shoulders.

“Thank you, Twilight. Don’t worry too much, I’d like to be alive to meet our child.” A tiny thump against the stomach wall caused them both to grin.

“See that? The foal is already keeping you in check, must be a girl.”

“Must be. I will try to be back by nine this evening, just to be safe.” Twilight waved him off as he closed the door and made towards Sweet Apple Acres, wondering what exactly Applejack wanted from him. He found her working in the fields, the last of the season’s apples scattered amongst the now mostly barren trees. “Hey there, Applejack. How’re you doing?”

“Ahm... all right.” Her hesitation was visible, but what was she hiding? As the Element of Honesty, he would have thought that she’d come right out with it, though upon a second thought that was unrealistic of him. It had only been a month since Quakehoof and Flying Grace’s wedding, when Applejack’s friends started to notice a change. She did a fairly good job at hiding it, but it isn’t possible to know somepony for years and not see the signs, especially when they have nearly no experience in hiding their emotions.

“So, what did you want to do today?”

“Ah haven’t really thought about it, much. Ah just wanted t’ see you, ah guess.” Refusing to let the approaching awkward silence have it’s way, Cerulean plucked an apple from one of the many buckets littered around and bit into it thoughtfully, speaking around the sweet flesh of the fruit.

“Well, I’m game for whatever you’d like. I can help in the fields, we can go someplace; anything you want, really.” She began collecting the baskets around the trees, allowing a faint smile as Cerulean immediately joined in to help, dumping the baskets into the pull cart and stacking them neatly in the back.

“Ahm a touch thirsty. Ah don’t normally drink ‘round other ponies, but will ya be offended if ah indulge a bit?”

“Only if you don’t offer me some. I haven’t had some cider in years.”

“Ah didn’t know you ‘ad a taste fer alcohol.”

“Eh, on occasion. Still, everything I’ve had from Sweet Apple Acres has been of unsurpassed quality, so count me in,” he chuckled, hopping into the cart and laying on the bed of apples. Applejack grinned a little more and affixed the harness, easily pulling the cart back towards the cellar. After unloading down to the last apple, Cerulean set the cart with the rest, waving as he saw a black pegasus soaring towards the farmhouse.

“Cerulean, what’re you doing here?” Storm asked, bumping hooves with his friend of a much shorter stature.

“I could ask you the same thing, Storm Blitz. You only got back into town yesterday, I would assume you’d be taking some time to hang with your fillyfriend.”

“She had something she wanted to talk to my parents about, which apparently is grounds for expulsion. Big Mac offered to help me pass the time, have you seen him?”

“He ain’t here, Storm. Sorry, he got called out to Appleoosa t’ help Braeburn, but he’ll be back tomorrow mornin’.”

“Hey, Applejack, can he hang with us for a bit?” While the rest of her mind screamed out her opposition, she adopted a gracious smile and nodded, motioning both stallions to follow. Honestly, the one day she might actually have the time t’ spend some time alone with Cerulean, an’ her brother has t’ go an’ skip town. Life just ain’t fair.

“So what’re you two up to?”

“Applejack was gonna let us taste some hard apple cider she brewed. Do you drink, Storm?”

“I haven’t really had the chance to try any, since I spent most of my time in seclusion before coming here.”

“You’ve got earth pony in yer blood, you’ll like it.” Grabbing three cups, she cantered towards a large oaken cask and filled the first to the brim, handing it to Cerulean before filling another and giving it to Storm.

“Are you sure you didn’t use any magic on this? Haven’t had better cider in my life. Did you brew this yourself?”

“Of course ah did. Apple family tradition. Ahm glad you like it, though. Ah don’t share it with many ponies, not the good stuff.”

“I’ll count myself lucky then,” Storm explained, holding the cup in front of him in disbelief. Applejack couldn’t help but blush a little at the high praise, and she busied herself with a cup of her own, heaving a grateful sigh as the golden cider soothed her parched throat. She cracked an eye open to find the two stallions eagerly holding out their glasses.

“Fer ponies who don’t drink too much, ya sure polished that off fast.”

“Not our fault it tastes amazing. Come on, just one more?” Alcohol has a habit of relaxing a pony and letting them feel at ease with their surroundings, and thus it was that Applejack soon lost count of the number of times she heard said words. Had she retained the count, her own consumption would have been equivocal, not about to be out-drank by such rookies. After a simple twenty mugs each, such worries were no longer present in the minds of the three rosy cheeked ponies.

“Storm Blitz, you have ten minutes to get your flank home and explain yourself before Rainbow Dash is bereaved of her coltfriend! Do you hear me?” Twilight yanked her head away as Quakehoof’s voice resounded throughout the town, shaking the windows and causing them both to share a very frightened glance.

“Twilight, hurry. Go faster, maybe there’s something that can spare the poor stallion.”

“If I were you, I’d worry more about yourself. I can’t believe you drank twenty mugs apiece.”

“Have you ever tried that stuff?”

“Just be quiet,” she demanded, yanking him close and restoring the memory connection. “Hmmm, talking, more talking. More drinking? I fear for him somepony opens a bar, here.” Cerulean wisely remained quiet as Twilight muttered to herself, skipping anything that didn’t seem important. “You’re kidding me... you three let Applebloom drink with you?”

“In my defense, that was Applejack’s call.” Twilight redoubled her efforts to find out something that could spare Storm, and save Cerulean from prompt mutilation upon the completion of her impromptu interrogation.

“Woohoo, you go, filly! Five mugs ain’t bad fer a child yer age, ya make yer sis proud!”

“Thanksh, Applejacks!” she replied with a heavy slur, nodding to each of her three sisters in turn. Even though the cellar was nice and cool, it was having trouble compensating for the inebriated ponies within, and Applejack wiped her brow as the stifling air became thick enough to register.

“Anypony else hot in ‘ere, or is it just me?”

“It’s you,” Cerulean chuckled, sitting contentedly on a pile of snow.

“Hey now, ah gave you cider, the least you could do is help a pony cool off.” She was immediately buried under a pile of snow, which she made no effort to move from for a time. Snow was difficult to glean oxygen from, and with this in mind she leapt from the pile and tackled the still grinning stallion, tumbling mane over hoof into a rather large pile of apples. Clawing his way to the top, Cerulean attempted to restrain his giggles while searching for only the choicest of apples present as he had one earlier. Out of the hundreds of apples present, a single one out shined the rest. He opened wide and was surprised to hear the apple give out a half hearted yelp as he sank his teeth into it. Still, it was delicious, so ignored the noise and tried again. “Does it taste good?”

“Mmmhmm,” Cerulean asserted before coming to the realization of what exactly he was biting. “Hey Storm Blitz, you have to try this apple. It’s the best I’ve ever tasted!” Storm shifted his unfocused eyes towards the stallion who, much like the rest of the room, was swimming on his vision.

“Now that does look ripe.”

“Y’all are just shameless flirts, ya hear?” Applejack muttered, pulling herself out of the pile and blushing as she looked at her flank, where the faint imprint of Cerulean’s teeth could still be seen.

“Ah wanna tashte!” Applebloom wailed, reaching out her head and falling through the imaginary Applejack. She chewed thoughtfully on the earthen floor, contemplating the complexity of the taste and gritty texture. “Applejacksh, you taste funny.”

Cerulean’s faint blush did little to calm Twilight’s less than amused glare as she broke the connection.

“Any particular reason why Applejack’s flank registered in your brain as the choicest apple? Because you know how I get curious.”

“Only have five minutes left, Twilight.”

“Yes, you’re right, you do.”

Somepony, though the next morning nopony could recall who, had decided that it would be a swell idea to engage in an apple fight. Applejack, who had worked hard to harvest the ammunition, joined in for a couple minutes before realizing that not only did they hurt, but it was a colossal waste of food, and angrily shooed the two stallions up and out, carrying Applebloom on her back after several failed attempts to make it up the stairs. There was precious little daylight left, but the two stallions contented themselves continuing with the mushy apples that lay neglected around the trees.

“Ah don’t know why stallions feel the need t’ be so messy.”

“We can’t help it, it’s just the way we are.”

“Well, ya ain’t comin’ in the house like that. Find a way t’ get clean or ya ain’t gettin’ any dinner.”

“I got this!” Storm exclaimed, stretching out his wings and making a none too straight path towards a low flying cloud. After a few seconds boasting to the white tuft, he grabbed it and made back towards the ground with all haste. Depth perception, another facet negatively affected by copious quantities of alcohol, decided that it was as good a time as any to bail, and Cerulean cringed as Storm crashed face first into the ground. A small burst of water splashed both ponies, cleaning Cerulean and leaving the unfortunate pegasus covered in mud.

“Storm Blitz, this is your final warning! Get your sorry flank down here!”

“Hurry it up, Twilight, he doesn’t have long left to live unless we find something soon! Skip dinner, I doubt anything is going to happen then. Try an hour afterwards.”

“And why do you suggest that time, huh? Do you know something I don’t?” Cerulean said nothing at first, confirming that he knew more than he was letting on.

“Just do it.” The change in his voice was disconcerting, shifting from concerned to pained at a moments notice. She nodded, and dived into his subconscious once more.

Cerulean was barely managing to stay conscious as the combination of far too much to eat combined with the alcohol in his system to induce a state of contented bliss. Trotting up the stairs, he made for the one room he remembered and flopped gratefully in the bed. He couldn’t recall how long he was out, or even if he had fallen asleep at all, but night had fallen when he noticed another presence in bed with him. A familiar scent of apples brushed across his face, and before he could react the smell was soon joined by taste. Out of respect he kept his eyes closed until he felt something wet drop onto his cheek, and in the dim light he could just make out Applejack’s tearstained face.

“Applejack? What’s...”

“Ahm sorry, Cerulean.” Even as flooded with alcohol as his brain was, anypony could have sensed the weight in the pained whisper that shocked him into wakefulness. “Ah know that ahm puttin’ you in a horrible position right now, but ah just... wanted t’ feel it, one more time before ah let you go.” As she leaned in once more, Cerulean was confronted with the same choice that he had struggled with numerous times, having his desire to help somepony pitted against what he knew to be right. And yet, could he really think that indulging this request would be better for her in the long run? Time seemed to freeze as a single thought loomed over all the rest; he had promised Twilight. Applejack opened her eyes to find her lips connected not with Cerulean’s muzzle, but his cheek as he turned his head away at the last minute.

“Let it go, Applejack. I can’t be your special somepony.” Speaking those words, looking into the eyes of a broken mare; it was the hardest thing Cerulean had ever had to do. But, if he left any doubts, then it would be impossible for her to let go. She prepared to run before Cerulean grabbed a firm hold of her forehoof, pulling her into a deep embrace as the small flow of tears became a flood as the last of her hope spilled forth. An overwhelming fatigue took them both, and Cerulean lay back, refusing to let go of the quaking mare. Eventually, she fell asleep without another word, and Cerulean looked towards the window and into the star filled sky, wishing for Applejack’s special somepony to hurry up and get to Ponyville.

The universe wouldn’t allow him sleep just yet, as a creaking of the door alerted him of a third presence entering the room. Seeing Storm stagger over, he quickly adjusted his position to make room for the stallion who was clearly not of a mind to care about who all was in the bed. “I promise you, Applejack. It won’t always hurt like this.” Drawing the mare closer, he savored the last moments he would be able to spend with her in such a way. Nopony knew just how dear Applejack had become to him, and he didn’t bother trying to stop his own tears as he longed for sleep to bring the night to an end.

Twilight sighed as the last bit of the memory played through her mind before breaking her horn’s connection with Cerulean’s.

“You really know how to scare me, Cerulean. That was mean.”

“How was I supposed to know that nothing actually happened? Well, nothing much.”

“I guess that’s true. That certainly explains why Applejack has been so sad. Maybe she’ll cheer up a little more now?”

“I can only hope. I’m sorry, Twilight. I know it can’t be easy, feeling what I felt then.”

“I will speak to you about that after I save Storm from your guys’ drunken antics."

"So... am I forgiven?"

"Not a chance. Go to your corner."