• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,760 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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Making Things Right-ish: Promise

Two black figures appear in the sky over what looks like an entire city made shiny, colorful crystals. The rays of sun splitting inside them and covering the area in bright rainbows would make an amazing spectacle if the rainbows weren't cast on hordes of ponies, griffons and other strange creatures fighting each other.

With the two flying ponies not wearing any kind of insignia they immediately have to avoid a barrage of rocks, arrows and spells aimed in their direction.

"Land on my back," commands Void.

The much smaller batpony drops between the alicorn's wings and grabs his neck as tight as she can. Safe from all projectiles which meet their doom when touching the area around Void, Choking examines the battlefield. It isn't a hopeful sight.

While the city underneath them is large, it looks very reliant on magical defenses rather than physical ones and with no fortifications and bridges it's very vulnerable and it shows. All around in the distance is what looks like a shimmering see-through wall from where the attackers are coming and massively overwhelming the defending force with sheer numbers.

Ponies fighting in small skirmishes all over the city aren't what the flying duo is looking for and they keep on going, avoiding and in some case blasting down all other airborne creatures.

"Lower your weapons!" they hear when they get close enough to the heart of the defending forces.

Behind lines of barricades, there are both royal sisters leading the defense and protecting the Crystal Heart.

"I'm glad you made it," says princess Celestia and a deafening boom nearby proves that princess Luna isn't sleeping despite it being day.

"Too late it seems," says Void.

"Not really, the invasion started an hour ago. They began pouring from all around the city and our magical defenses just disappeared as soon as we put them up so we're stuck behind barricades. The thing keeping us alive is that the enemy isn't rushing. Sombra knows that we can't hold him off in a siege."

"What happened then? I thought the Elements, you, Luna and Cadence would be able to mount a decent defense."

"We underestimated Scream's warning. We thought that pulling parts of Equestrian military bases here would be enough but when she said Sombra's got whole world behind him she wasn't kidding. We do have a contingency plan in case everything fails though."


"We'll have to break the Crystal Heart ourselves, risk the happiness of ponies and others everywhere and probably our lives in the process. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in the castle right now, taking care of the civillians and looking for a way to destroy it. Twilight spent some time researching magic capable of linking both worlds and according to her the only places where the enemy can create stable rifts are where there are important artefacts which affect the entire world connected to each other."

"I see. So they are mounting the invasion from their Crystal Empire."


"Can we get to their Crystal Heart?"

"Hardly. That would mean getting through all enemy forces surrounding us to their rift and then back here in their world."

An echoing voice comes from all around them.

"That will not be necessary."

The air shimmers and the dimensional barrier surrounding the Crystal Empire suddenly moves much closer, covering the entire Crystal Heart square and trapping the defenders throughout the city amidst enemy forces.

In front of Celestia and the others, just a short distance away, another shimmering dome appears, giving them a clear look at an armored grey unicorn standing in a mirror image of their own area around the Crystal Heart. The artefact behind the barrier is obsidian black though. A purple unicorn in brown robe is watching the situation from behind the king and the corrupted Heart.

And that's it. In the middle of the defending force there stands the lord of the entire invasion and just one of his bodyguards. The defenders don't hesitate even for a second and rush to end the threat, failing miserably. Grey mist swirls around king Sombra's horn and then bursts outward, covering all without sufficient protection. Princess Celestia just looks sadly at all suddenly petrified soldiers and then realizes that the number advantage is still with her.

Void, Choking Darkness (no matter how little help she might be), Luna and Celestia herself are the only ones standing between Sombra and the dark future of Equestria.

Summoning the scorching heat of the sun, Celestia sends a beam of energy towards Sombra in hope it being enough to pierce through his defenses. Hope though is something Void doesn't believe in and ensures the success of Celestia's attempt by using his power first to destroy any semblance of magical protection in the area. Luna reacts immediately as well but is hit by a beam of purple light in the same second.

"We have some unfinished business, Nightmare Moon," says unicorn Twilight, stepping out from behind the corrupted Heart.

Sombra just laughs when he feels his magic being stripped away and Celestia's beam of fiery death stops when it hits something else.

A third enemy figure appears when light from Celestia's spell dies down and all of the combatants can see again. The power of the sun disappeared after hitting a burning, phoenix-like wing sprouting from the back of an armored unicorn with mechanical griffon arm instead of his left foreleg and a glowing red crystal serving as a horn.

"Ooookay, that may have been a bit too much," the unicorn shakes his head and the fiery wings disappear.

"You know, it's been what... three weeks? That's not an amount of time for you to try to go against a freaking alicorn," comes from the silvery see-through longsword flying behind the king's guard.

"Meh. Worst case - I get blown up, no big deal," answers the unicorn carefreely.

"BLAZE?!" yells the black batpony and jumps down from Void's back.

"Hey!" answers Blazing Light, smiling, " I knew I'd somehow meet you here. I asked myself - what's the most annoying thing that could happen and tyadaa - you appear."

"The Element of Betrayal..." breathes out princess Celestia.

"Nice seeing you again, princess," bows Blazing Light.
"Ooo hey, Tia," yells the flying longsword and begins shaking in the air to imitate waving.

"WE ALMOST HAD HIM!" screams Choking at the bronze patchwork standing in front of the king, tears of rage in her eyes.

"You had nopony, dummy. Sombra here bound his soul to the Crystal Heart so you were free to waste as much energy as you wanted but it would have been pointless."

"Then we just have to destroy the Heart!" yells Celestia and sends out another burst of light, this time aimed behind the king. The spell fails as its energy is sucked inside the black crystal.

A sphere of golden glimmer appears next to the king and from it an alicorn of the same color steps out. All male, and some female, creatures inside the Crystal Empire suddenly feel an irresistible urge to cross their hind legs.

"And so we're here... at the, heh, heart of things," giggles Scream.

"You?" asks Celestia.

"Yes me. It took a while, you fat cow, but I'm finally here and what's more important - YOU are here as well," snarls Scream at the solar princess.

Golden chains appear on every single pony defending the Crystal Heart with the exception of Void who is just watching the situation with thoughtful expression.

"What do you mean?" comes from immobilized Celestia.

Blazing Light rolls his eyes, preparing for Scream's inevitable evil monologue. His suspicions were right after all.

"You have no idea, do you? It took me ages to make this happen. After you took Void from me I wanted to kill you but that wouldn't have been enough so I waited and waited for centuries. Then a grey unicorn, possessing enough raw power to bear the Element of Magic appeared in both worlds but that thing was at the time in the hooves of Magnus. With enough guidance the little grey unicorn became powerful enough to transcend physical form try to take over the Crystal Empire where a world-shaping artefact, similar to the Elements was kept. Then you persuaded the other alicorns to borrow you all the Elements to stop him and thwarted my efforts. So I had to keep on waiting and planning because you just wouldn't listen and let Void out of Tartarus. Fortunately, in neither of the twin worlds were you able to kill my apprentice completely so he grew in power and came back. Unfortunately, when Magnus left this world the Element chose a new bearer in your Twilight Sparkle who was able to kill Sombra on your side and I had to focus my efforts elsewhere. And I succeeded. Let me tell you that your breaking down over and over when Sombra raped you and kept killing your foals in front of you was the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. But even then your otherside self didn't let Void out of Tartarus. You were hard as steel in the world which you screwed over by putting all evil Elements in it but eventually your brain melted. Fortunately for me I had one more chance at getting my love out of prison."

"You caused all... this just to get him out? Didn't you care about consequences?"

"YOU TOOK THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED TO ME! I would have destroyed the universe to make you suffer and get Void back."

Void interrupts.

"All this means you succeeded and there is no reason to continue. Let us leave this place and stop causing unnecessary pain."

The glint in Scream's eyes reveals that the pain from losing her lover such a long time ago broke her on more levels than anypony could imagine.

"Oh no, not yet, Voidie. I know you'd stop me if you could but you don't have enough power to be relevant here and so I will have my revenge... again. Sombra!"

An unseen pressure surrounds all defenders but only one of them screams in pain when her legs break in more places than medicine can name.

"I will have you watch as ponies turn their heads away from you, corrupted from within by evil in the Crystal Heart. I will have every single one of them tortured and executed this time. I was stupid last time to just break your foals but with how you feel about all your precious little ponies I will have enough of your children to burn to death in front of your face."

With Sombra's immobilizing spell, Twilight Sparkle was able to defeat Luna and now she leans down to her ear.

"Do you have enough power to stop anypony from leaving this place?" she whispers.

The heavily bruised princess of the night just nods.

"Good. When I get back, use your magic."

Unicorn Twilight slowly steps away from the blue alicorn and returns to the Crystal Heart.

Sombra laughs.


"DO SOMETHING, VOID!" yells Choking in hope that the pillar of strength she chose would be able to save the situation.

"I cannot. Scream is right and I do not have enough power to defeat all of them and neither can I destroy the Crystal Heart. I have no idea what to do," Void's words spell the end of all hope that was still lingering in the depths.

"I can," is a calm statement from unicorn Twilight who uses both the alicorn amulet and the Neighcronomicon to focus an amount energy which makes all the alicorns shiver and sends it all towards the Corrupted Heart.

It fails. Both artefacts turn into ashes as their energy is spent in one go but the Heart remains untouched and just begins humming.

"You didn't think I'd let you run around with the ability to stop me, right?" Scream tilts her head to the side, grinning.

"Good game well played, everypony. But I win," continues Scream, gloating.

Blazing Light who, after his initial blocking of Celestia's spell, has been mumbling to himself and hiding behind everypony just sighs, coming to the most important decision of his life.

"Alright, time's up. Let's do this!" he grins to himself, unsheathes one of his swords with his arm and slowly, veeeeery slowly levitates the second one.

"Good, start with Celestia and then you can have fun with your batpony. I can even make her better for you by-" commands Scream,

"Nah, even if you gave her four breasts and the sucking ability of an industrial pump I wouldn't take the offer," Blazing Light sticks his tongue out at Choking and then his swords swing at the Corrupted Heart.

Both Sombra and Scream begin to glow but their teleportation is stopped when Luna's horn glows in response to her finishing the blocking spell.


"Good," says Blazing without even slowing his strike.

The Corrupted Heart cracks and the shimmer in the air signaling the overlap between the twin worlds hardens and all sounds are left to their seperate dimensions.

The last thing Choking, Void and both princesses see is an inferno of white flames enveloping the four figures on the other side.

"NO!" screams Void, "I AM NOT WAITING ANOTHER MILLENIUM FOR HER. I'm not wai... ting alone."

He sits down and begins sobbing.

And with it the invasion is over. The princesses fly away, Void teleports somewhere and Choking leaves for the palace, having no idea what to do.

As she walks down the main road, Void reappears next to her and just asks:

"Do you want to go home?"

Choking just nods.

[Blazing's Entry]
So... it's over. The bad guys are dead. Evil Element bearers are gone, at least the three I know of. I can only hope that Spike in his rage will take care of the remaining two sent to deal with him. I regret killing Rarity the most but without it I wouldn't have had a chance at making this work. If it makes her happy, wherever she is, I died very painfully.

So why am I writing this, and when? Well... I have this really bad habit..

I just can't say no to ponies when they give me the puppy-eyed look.

NOTE: The green curtains with yellow carrots sucked.

[End Entry]

The pain culminates to a point where everything just shuts down, unable to cope.

I'm standing somewhere, or maybe not. Senses weren't made for this apparently and just give me the feeling of existing, surrounded by white. A short while after, as much as nonexistent time can be determined here, a black figure appears from nowhere.

"Heya, Death, where's the scythe?" I joke.

The black figure becomes identifiable and in turn is identified as Void.

"Blazing Light."

"Oh... you. Don't tell me I messed up again and the blast caught some of you guys on the other side."

"No. You killed Sombra, Twilight, yourself and Scream."

"Wohoo, four points for Blaze!" I yell out. Things are pretty fun when everything is over.

"I have a request."

My grin freezes, my unreal spine begins sweating and I immediately lean back.

"No. Whatever it is - no. I don't care. I did what I had to and as a bonus I died a bucking hero. I call that a ten out of ten situation."

"You did not want to survive?"

"Nope. Not in the slightest, trust me. My family wants to kill me and I can't blame them. I literally have nothing left."

"You did not want to get another chance with Choking?"

"She turned me down when I asked her out which was a good thing. Without it I would have still held dreams about going back and I wouldn't have been able to finish all this."

"I thought you would give everything for her."

"I did. I could have had a good life on the other side - fame, money, mares, everything. I literally gave EVERYTHING I had for somepony who didn't give a spit about me."

"Then you know how I felt all this time."


"When I was locked in Tartarus where I believed for the longest time Scream baited me I thought the only pony I have ever cared about was gone out of my life and that she did not care anymore. As it turned out, she was slowly going insane without me by her side."

Somehow, I can relate.

"Please don't ask me THAT. You know I won't refuse so please just don't ask me to somehow go back and redo all this without making Scream die."

"I cannot ask you that because it is impossible. What happened stays happened but I am the alicorn of Death which is an everlasting force so I can feel a little of what my selves in other strong realities feel and there is none where I am happy right now."

"So what are you going to do?" I try to derail the inevitable end. Void wouldn't have mentioned it if there wasn't something to do, he's not the type.

"Choking seems to love me so I will spend some time with her."

"Aaaand that's supposed to make me feel more agreeable how?"

"I can make her happy for the rest of her life. I can show her the sights of Equestria and the entire world nopony else can and I can make every moment of her life be as joyful as the moment she saw you back among the living."

"Oh... you mean the moment I killed my mother. Great."

I will never get over that. I really just want to die to forget what I did. That's all there is to say about my worst failure.

"Some things cannot be undone but that does not mean they cannot be made right."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not bound to this world in any way anymore. There is a spell which I designed with the alicorns of time and magic which could take you through dimensions and gradually through time into a reality where you can have a second chance. It will not change anything here other than me feeling better about doing everything in my power to achieve the best possible outcome."

"So if I do this for you you'll make Chokey the happiest pony who's ever lived. What if I refuse?"

"I will do exactly the same. I would be lying if I said I do not like her myself."

I sigh. Why do I feel this is never going to end?

Are we taking the easy way out for once?

Of course not. Me and a happy and peaceful ending?

Well, it might happen. One in a million chance and so on.

Only one in a million? I guess I'm just an incurable optimist.

"That's what I wanted to hear but here's something you won't. I can't use such magic. I can steal power for myself and do little tricks like the wings with it but that's it. Something crazy like the project of three alicorns is completely beyond me," I get ready to break the alicorn's illusions.

"We solved that at the time. We knew we would never be even able to use such spell thanks to being bound to this world but as an exercise we simplified it enough for any decent magic-user to be able to use it. It does not even require that much power, just time and skill. It helped us pass few centuries."

And in turn he breaks mine. I'll just get thrown through time and space.

"Eh... I hate Chokey. Just mentioning her makes me do all these things without getting anything in return over and over."

"That is a special kind of hate, young one. It is called love."

"That was pretty cheap."

"True though."

"Ah well. Can you do the spell here?"

"Yes. Any last words?"

"Got an idea HOW I should stop your insane marefriend from destroying the world?"

When Void frowns I know I got through his armor but when I grin he collects his wits and calm.

"Help me get my powers faster. If I'm strong enough I'll be able to stop both Scream and Sombra and then me and my insane marefriend will have a long talk."

"Any chance of making you cooperate from step one?"

"Hmmm... just tell my other incarnation that the green curtains with yellow carrots sucked."

I write that down. It's interesting how even as a soul I have all the things I'm so used to having.

"Alright. Pop the spell. Wait... I'm dead or not?"

"Not... exactly. Scream was an almost unsurpassed mage and the body she made, from what I saw, kept you alive. Your senses shut down though. I suspect there is an empty chitin husk in the real world."

"Does that mean I really can't die?"

"You can die, it is the body which is very hard to destroy. There is a big difference."

"If I stop trying to understand will you stop trying to explain? I'm pretty sure my knowledge of magic isn't nowhere close to get what you're saying."

"Alright. Do you want me to tell Choking anything?"

"Not really. It'll be best for her to forget about seeing me as soon as possible and focus on having fun with you instead of pointlessly moping."

Void just shakes his head.

"I really wish you two could have stayed together."

"So do I, but I've always known she could do better. And she did! Blaze - one, everypony else - zero."

The glow of his horn tells me it's time to move on.

One last thing to do... one last duty to fulfill.

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