• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,760 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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Hope Dies Last: Travels

[Blazing's Entry]

I agreed to take place as Chrysalis' guard until we arrive in an abandoned changeling outpost where her real guards will pick her up. She says it should take us about two weeks and I don't have a problem with that.

It's not like I had anything planned.

The funniest thing is that she's suspicious of me all the time thanks to me doing this without any poison, threats or magic. I guess the idea of somepony willingly spending time with her is completely alien to the queen of changelings, even if said somepony is basically considered a thinking meal by her.

I was surprised I actually woke up after our first night but I guess she just kept me around to have somepony to eat. She also apparently knows everything about survival in the forest and has no problem teaching me what plants are edible. Changelings have to keep their prisoners alive somehow after all, don't they?

In all honesty, while I was hoping for some more 'feeding sessions' I didn't want to bother her so now I just enjoy the stories about changeling history. I thought just my presence was enough for her to stay healthy.

I was wrong.

[End Entry]

With a week of travelling behind us, we break camp. The unspoken agreement is that I get the fire started by gathering some wood while protected by a small sphere of light conjured by the queen. She refuses to do menial tasks but at least uses her magic to light the fire. When everything is done, I sit down to warm up.

"Your queen desires something to eat," says Chrysalis with the amount of tact usually associated with ponies with no teeth carrying baseball bats.

"I thought you said you're getting enough just by being with me," I reply.

"That's poor stuff. I wish for something more... filling."

"Such as?" I ask with only a slight worry. My interest in changelings grew massively after our wild night together thanks to me not being used to somepony treating me as if all my interests were normal and during our trip I've been asking Chrysalis as many things as possible, besides it's something to pass time. With me now being the pony (I get the issue) with probably the best knowledge about changelings, I know she isn't talking about finally biting off my legs and eating them with grass seasonings. Still, Chrysalis is unpredictable.

"Such as the sweet taste you gave me during our first meeting when I graced your miserable little existence with my presence."

Week later, I'm still uneasy about sitting near larger rocks. Uneasy but not without pleasant memories so my gaze slides over the queen's slim body revealed by the destruction of her green armor. My saying I wasn't thinking about her a lot would be a lie but I wasn't asking her for anything because I didn't want to offend her. Not for fear of my life, that thing has been gone for too long, but just because she's a mare... sort of.

"Okay, but let me get some more firewood first."

When I get back with what I consider enough for the night, there is male/female Spitfire waiting for me, ready and willing. I stack the wood and then, without apparent use of a horn, Spitfire lights it.

Something is different though. Last time it was my wildest desire which drove me but now I feel like I need something else. It's probably due to me finding out how lighthearted the queen really is when not having to decide the next step for her nation not to die.

I actually LIKE her.

"Is this form not enough for you? I remember you screaming 'harder harder' and later on 'mercy mercy'," taunts Chrysalis and now I'm afraid my cheeks might set the entire forest on fire.

"That was amazing but would I ask too much for you to be in your real form?"

Having no idea whether it's even possible for a changeling and a pony-ish thing to perform the usual gymnastics in their normal forms I wait for her answer.

"What's wrong with you?" the answer comes.

"Evidently everything," I whisper, forgetting our enhanced changeling senses and just keep staring into the fire.

She reverts back to her usual form and circles around me. Then a whisper in my ear tears me away from my grim thoughts and almost makes me jump.

"It is a very unusual request but you are in luck. Your queen demands what's hers."

She gently bites my ear, something I've found out kicks my desire into overdrive and I feed her as much as I can, completely ignoring my own limits.

I wake up in the darkness, not thanks to it being night but thanks to something blocking my one working eye. It's black, hard but yielding and it's slowly going up and down in regular intervals.

Don't freak out but I think something really strange happened last night.

I'm not a morning pony and my conscious part is quite slow compared to my unconscious thoughts so my focus drifts to the strange soft rock holding him down.

Dude, I think we have a problem.

I try to turn around but something from the same material as the rock is tightly coiled around my neck and preventing me from moving.

It would be a REALLY good idea to wake up now.

Moving is difficult not only thanks to the thing wrapped around me but mostly due to every muscle in my body being incredibly weak and pained.

Seriously, cut the bull-. We have a situation here.

My memory kicks in and it takes all my self-control not to scream in horror. I was okay with Spitfire/Chrysalis but the changeling queen herself has features which, while incredibly sexy at the time, are enough to make a pony thinking with his head instead his nether regions freeze even hours later.

Good. Now check if you still have all your important bits.

Discounting the difficulty in moving, all my 'bits' feel in their right places.

Better than a cold shower to wake you up, is it?

She had small claws inside her... her... hnngh.

You didn't seem to mind at the time.

You know what the weird thing is?

Besides your habit of talking to yourself?

It was actually better than with mutant Spitfire.

Perhaps you could ask her next time to be in her real form but conjure a little extra between her hind legs. Or a big extra, changeling shaped.


It's a strange feeling, getting shocked while being in shock. For a second I ponder the possibility of sneezing out a small bolt of lightning.

Alright, now that you are awake, we have a problem.

My crotch hurts and I can't feel most of my muscles but that doesn't seem too bad.

Shut up and think, you horny moron. Feeling different?


Brain to southern parts - release the blood you hold hostage so we can do something productive.

Fine, fine. What seems to be the problem, officer?

Firstly, you can't make a decent guard joke. Secondly, you feel weak after overfeeding a changeling queen. Thirdly, see any purple glow around?

Can't see a thing with one eye and only Chrysalis' chest with the other.

Ironic self-criticism aside, the dim purple glow would have been reflected by the black chitin if there was any.

My magical body. Am I dead?

If you were, I wouldn't have to sit here and listen to your dizzy morning nonsense.

Are you an angel, voice inside my head?

Very funny.

While making fun of my second self is mildly amusing, I have something else to do. Mustering enough strength to leave Chrysalis' embrace I check my body for the glowing purple runes but while the scratches are still there, the glow is gone.

Almost dying twice, fighting a hydra and taking a hit from an alicorn wasn't enough to break this body but all it means is that the amount of energy I fed to the queen last night must have been overwhelming.

She's waking up. Her green belly armor is back. She's at full power. I can't defend myself. We're in the middle of the forest.

She doesn't need me anymore.

With her first glance I know she's well aware of all that.

"Come, slave! We have long distance to cover," she commands.

We continue our trip as if nothing happened. For some reason she decides to keep me and spends most of her time chirping happily and flying around from time to time as well.

When we camp I try to go to sleep as soon as possible but I can't do it because she wraps her legs around me from behind. Despite the situation being incredibly tempting it's really bad.

"I don't think I can serve you tonight, my queen."

"Silence, pet!" she whispers to me from behind but doesn't make any further moves.

With the fire warming me from the front and Chrysalis from behind I drift off quickly.

Finally our last evening together comes. The ancient pony city with a small changeling outpost underneath it is close but she decided not to rush and camp one more time.

"You have been a decent servant and your queen wants to reward you for your service," says Chrysalis when we eventually find a place where we are protected from wind.

"Eh?" is the only thing I'm able to say because while I've seen a side of the changeling queen I'm still not sure is real, all her rewards, while absolutely amazing, were pretty dangerous for me.

"Is there any other fantasy I can fulfill for you?" she asks, knowing there has to be something.

I wasn't really thinking about the future because there is nothing to think of. My life in Canterlot is over, Chokey is safe with Void and my family wants to see me dead. The being closest to me is now sitting next to me asking about unfulfilled wishes.

"I think nothing comes even close to just being with you," I say, illiciting a triumphant smile in Chrysalis, "but do you remember our first time?"

It clicks to her pretty fast and in a flash of green fire, she grows an attachment.

"Huh, so that's how a real changeling one looks like?" I ask after careful observation.

She winks at me.

"It's usually smaller but a queen deserves something king-sized."

Damn. That's the funniest looking root vegetable I've ever seen. Definitely interesting though.

I wonder how it would feel.

What are you hesitating for then?

If I let myself get mounted by her again I'm dead.

Never bothered you before.

It's difficult to explain why, for somepony in my situation, this time is different but just seeing happy Chrysalis made me think I actually have it in me to make somepony's life a bit better and that there's somepony who might enjoy my company no matter how bad I am.

Just like every time I've heard Chokey's voice.

Worth it?

Worth it!

"Can you tone in down a little though? I don't think my behind can take that."

Chrysalis grins.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Just consider this a BIG reward for your service."

The next morning I have to admit that she either knew my limits well or she just didn't care about causing damage but I'm not hurting THAT bad and my queen's happy snoring shows I made the right choice.

Looking at her, I suddenly want to do something I've never done spontaneously before. I lean down and kiss the nose of a being the rest of the world hates knowing I would give my life for her.

Hiding all signs of our presence, I jump when she sneaks up on me but we begin our final stretch.

"The outpost is nearby," she says.

"It's been a pleasure serving you, my queen."

"I can imagine," she grins, "What are you going to do when we part ways?"

"I was kinda thinking about staying for a while, maybe to learn more about changelings."

"Or about me?"

"Erm," I choke. Is she really saying what I'm thinking?

"I was joking."

"For a second I was hoping you weren't."

She sighs and her horn glows weakly.

"I don't think you belong by my side."

"I know, I know. You are a queen and I'm just a guard."

"That means nothing here. I just feel that you are drawn to someone else."


"How should I know? I can't read minds, only feelings. I mean I can, but let's not get technical."

We walk in silence and she doesn't press the issue. Is she just trying to let me down gently?

You should know that 'gently' probably doesn't figure in her dictionary.

Too true. What does she mean then?

How many mares or stallions you've ever thought about romantically are there in your life?

Most of the time I was trying to avoid those thoughts. They didn't bring much.

Things just happen without your control, that's not a fault.

Goddamn Void, I can actually see him being right.

Pfff. And you wanted to kill him.

Well, maybe for a bit. Is Chokey happy with him?

What makes you think they are involved that way?

I don't think she would have asked him to protect her parents from me if they weren't at least friends.

Friends doesn't mean lovers.

You don't have to tell me. So... should I ask her out?

What's the worst that can happen? What's the worst that could have happened before?

Ruining the entire relationship.

Well... do you have anything else left?

Nothing to lose, everything to gain?

Seems so. Death is a doorway to-

Shut up, Void 2.0.

I'm just your own head.

"Yea, there is this really annoying batpony but I actually enjoy her company," I admit finally, to her and to myself.

"Is it requited?"

"I doubt it, but gotta try anyway."

"Then no matter what happens you will be welcome in my hive."

"Thank you, my queen," I say, meaning every word and bowing down deeply.

A group of changelings appears from the shadows in front of us, apparently the sneakiness is a racial trait. Their leader is wearing a rusty set of armor, mostly just to look official as I know that changelings can regulate the hardness of their/our chitin. Seeing their queen, the changelings bow down as well and their leader speaks.

"Welcome back, your Highness. We were afraid we lost you."

"I am well, let us return to the matters of state."

"And the slave?" asks the armored changeling looking me.

Chrysalis' horn glows green and a small spark leaves it and connects with my horn upon which the changelings look at me surprisedly.

"Consider him an honorary hive member."

We enter the ruins of an ancient city with crumbling buildings, some of them repaired by barely noticeable veins of green goo. What catches my attention immediately though is a golden statue, untarnished by time, in the middle of square in front of what looks like it used to be a town hall. It seems way out of place. Did changelings move it here at some point from their hidden main hive during better times? Why?

It depicts an alicorn with what looks like changeling plates instead of a pony coat.

"Who is that?" I point at the statue and ask Chrysalis. I'm pretty sure I know though.

"That's the statue of Scream, she is the patron of changelings."

"Is there any way to contact her?"

"Why do you ask?" asks Chrysalis suspiciously.

"She's the one who resurrected me and gave me this body."

"What?" yells Chrysalis in utter amazement.

"That's a long story, so is there a way?"

"Just bow before the statue and focus on Scream herself," answers Chrysalis, curious about the attempt.

I do so and focus on the only memory of Scream I have. It's a pleasant one.

A blast of orange light illuminates the area around the statue and standing in it is a half-real image of Scream.

"Hi Chryssie! What's up?" she asks cheerfully.

Chrysalis' jaw drops and she just points at me. Then Scream's jaw suffers the same fate.

"I thought you were dead when I lost track of you," Scream speaks to me.

I think for a second and find the answer.

"That's probably thanks to these babies," I point at the two swords sheathed on my sides.

Scream smiles as if everything since my summoning went exactly as planned.

"Will you do what I asked you to do now?"

"You didn't ask for anything, but yeah. I have one conditon though - I need to visit a friend first."

Chrysalis and Scream both look at me.

"Tha batpony girl, have you finally found the courage?"

"More like I have nothing to lose."

"Even that's something."

Scream turns to Chrysalis.

"Sorry Chryssie, I have no time to talk, there are things I need to take care of with this guy."

"Just don't eat him, I might have some use for him later," says Chrysalis grinning evilly.

Scream's attention switches back to me.

"When this is over, you are telling me EVERYTHING."

I look at the changeling who changed me more than her own form.

"Goodbye, my queen."

"Goodbye, my faithful pet."

With a falling feeling, I appear in front of Choking's apartment and knock without hesitation. The redmane batpony opens the door and her eyes almost fall out of their sockets.


"Uhh, hi. I know this isn't the best time but," I pause and start again, looking apprehensively at the floor instead of her.

"I mean I'm probably not the best you could do, ehh, maybe I'm even close to the worst you could do but... will you go out with me?"

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