• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,766 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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New Life: Interview

[Blazing's Entry]

I got lucky, if it can be called that. The first step of actually finding something to do is behind me. All I have to do is persuade the pony in charge that I'm the right one for the job, whatever it is.

I'm boned.

[End Entry]

As interesting, even for me, as the streets of Canterlot seemed just over an hour ago the gold and white style became annoying pretty quickly and now I'm just walking without any more interest in my surroundings. Unfortunately, my lack of focus means that I get lost few times despite seeing the castle all the time, the streets are weird. I try to persuade myself that it's because of the difference between the layout of Manehatten and Canterlot but that is pointless and eventually I just blame my lack of concentration. Unfortunately as soon as I get into the circle of thoughts I get lost again and it takes another chunk of precious time to get back on the right track. It is afternoon and there is still enough time before the evening cold becomes unpleasant but there is no reason to waste any more resources. Eventually the castle itself comes into view unobstructed by other buildings leaving me to wonder how I managed to get lost so many times.

I gasp, Manehatten is way bigger than Canterlot and full of tall buildings but the architecture is more functional and everything just looks like a collection of big boxes with windows. In comparison to Canterlot it pales as the decorations everywhere mixed with small family houses create much lighter feel but the main difference is right in front of me - the castle gardens. I'm aware that what I see is just a fraction of what is there but even that is enough to make me stop and look around with eyes wide open. Big is an understatement and I'm at loss of terms to comprehend what makes the gardens so special as the castle itself doesn't grab my attention even in the slightest. I try to make my brain work again and order it to move the legs causing me to stumble a bit and then pick up the pace to the distant castle gate. The nice thing, and I use the term 'nice' only in connection to the complex ecosystem of ponies and the nature and not at all in connection to me, is that while the park is huge, it is not empty. The road to the castle is filled with ponies and carriages causing quite a traffic and the wide lawns host groups of ponies doing their duties. I look at one of the larger groups and see that they are unicorns levitating their weapons and running around in a combat practice with one muscular stallion shouting at them.


I jump back as two voices derail my train of thought and stare at the two gate guards and... everypony around looking at me. I try to look as small as possible. Turns out I was walking through the gate like I was one of the guards and the other guests who had to show their credentials didn't like it and guards noticed me.

"Eh, sorry. I was sent here for a job," I mumble and rummage through my bag for the paper with the Royal Guard seal.

I hear the snickering of diplomats and dignitaries but try to calm down as I present the paper to one of the guards and the other one, assured I'm no threat, goes back to deal with the important ponies. My guard studies the paper for a while and then scratches his head.

"This is a Nightguard seal so I'm not really sure who this Choking Darkness is but Nightguards usually work on the higher floors of the castle so their offices should be there as well, just go upstairs and ask around."

He looks really nervous whenever he mentions Nightguards, whatever they are.

"Thanks. By the way, I thought this was the Royal Guard place? Is Nightguard a term for the guys working night shift or something?"

"You might say that, now go!" he says and smiles to himself.

Am I serving as a joke?

I'm surprised at the security of the place. Once I'm inside, nopony gives me a second look and soon it becomes apparent why. The amount of ponies around is staggering with dignitaries followed by their entourages, politicians talking to their assistants and staff running around organizing and answering questions of the guests, I'm just another face in the crowd and thank Celestia for that. That all changes once I get to the third floor however, the clutter of ponies is gone and the servants are scarce as well. The hall itself seems... darker and it's not thanks to the torches and chandeliers not working. The tone of colors, while keeping the same scheme as on lower floors, seems darker and the decorations around changed from sun themed to stars and moons. I just keep walking around and few times I think I hear hoofsteps behind me but whenever I turn around there is nothing there. Almost passing a heavily moon-star decorated door I stop and look at the carvings. Perhaps this is the headquarters? It certainly looks official enough so I get ready to knock.

I hear hoofsteps again but this time I ignore them. Every single time it was just an echo from lower floors and nopony bothered asking me anything anyway after entering. My mind must be playing tricks on me and this time I can't blame it, my nerves are stretched by my situation enough as it is.

"What are you doing here?" asks me a pleasant, deep voice from behind.

I freeze and slowly turn around which doesn't prove very helpful. The creature standing before me is definitely a pony but one wearing silver armor instead of the Royal Guard gold one. He is taller than me which doesn't say a lot as most stallions are at least a bit over my head and I have to look up to look him in the eyes...

I gulp and lean back as I notice the slit pupils and bat wings on his back. I've never seen somepony like him before and suddenly the term Nightguard makes way more sense. His eyes narrow when I don't say anything and just keep staring, unable to move. It is like a mouse staring at a snake, my mind is blank and I have no control whatsoever. He sighs and knocks on my head with his armored hoof.

"Anypony there?"

As soon as I realize my jaw is dangerously close to hitting the ground and my mouth is completely dry from being open the whole time I try to control myself.

"Eh... I'm here about a job?"

I levitate the paper from my bag again and fail to keep the magic up as I turn my head back and notice the tip of a spear aimed straight at my neck. The paper begins floating down slowly before being grabbed by the Nightguard who mumbles as he reads it. I don't even dare to breathe loudly despite the spear not aiming at me anymore, it's just the presence of the pony that keeps me in check, not the armor or the weapon. He gives the paper back when he's done.

"Seems all in order. What are you doing here, though?"

"T-this door looked official so I thought I'd ask for directions. I haven't seen anypony around for a while."

He grins at me and nods further into the hall.

"I wouldn't do that, waking princess Luna up might not be good for your health. The office you're looking for is room 326, that way. Nevermind... it seems you're lucky."

A cheerful female voice behind me makes me just frown this time, seems that Nightguards have a very annoying habit of being really sneaky.

"Heya, Sharp! Stop scaring lost recruits, I've heard some of the poor guys can't sleep for days after wandering here by mistake."

Sharp retorts in an absolutely calm manner.

"Yes, mostly because YOU won't let them."

"Pfff, can't help myself if they are so tasty and eager."

I feel a nudge to my side and face the newcomer. A female of the same species of pony is looking curiously at me. Looking eye to eye with a mare without the need to look down is always embarrassing but somepony of my size should be used to that by now. She leans towards me and I get a clear look into her red eyes which almost glow underlined by her pitch black coat. She blows away a streak of her red mane and slowly licks a pair of fangs. The display, however, is lost on me mostly because after facing Sharp anything she's doing seems more like theatrics than the real thing. The show ends when Sharp quickly closes her mouth mid-lick with his hoof.

"Owwwwwwww," she mumbles and spits around after biting her tongue.

"This guy is here to see you, Darky. Something about a job?"

She stops sulking and smile returns to her face somehow causing her enthusiasm to cheer even me up a bit and dispelling all bad feelings from the entire situation. That allows me to notice the details of the pair. I had a good look at Sharp before but now the sinewy Nightguard doesn't look that much older than me despite emiting an aura of absolute calm and the ability to deal with anything which only serves to make me feel way worse about myself. What could these guys want from me? Seeing them makes me wonder whether I'm actually good enough to even clean carpets for them. The mare, on the other hoof, shows the signs of carefree and cheery approach which still doesn't lift my spirits but at least the closeness of mare probably younger than me makes me feel nervous enough to stop my mind from forming coherent thoughts aimed at keeping me down. She waves Sharp away and then gestures to me.

"Come with me, chubby."

I'm not fat but it makes sense for her to see things that way. In comparison to sinewy and muscular Sharp, the bulky gate guards and her slim, athletic frame I'm definitely out of shape. I don't take it as an insult and just try to prepare for the inevitable attempt at persuading her to hire me.

We move to her office and for the second time today I'm asked to sit down by a mare holding my life in her hooves, not a comfortable position to be in. I had enough time to admire her, well, everything while walking behind her and this would otherwise be a perfect moment of me talking to a mare I find incredibly attractive... in any situation other than me asking for employment.

"Never seen a batpony before?" she asks and I realize I'm staring again. Fortunately she looks more amused then insulted.

"Uh, yeah, totally," I lie, kick myself mentally and then correct myself. I have to be straight if I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror... maybe in the future if I stop screwing everything up constantly. I correct my previous statement.

"I mean no. The other guard was the first one I've ever seen," I admit, daring her to laugh.

"Yea that's Sharp Biscuit, princess Luna's personal bodyguard and leader of the Nightguard. Don't let his looks fool you, he's a total softie."

"So you are Choking Darkness, I assume?"

She makes a throwing up notion.

"Darky is enough. What's your name then?"

"Blazing Light."

"Nice name. So you're here to be my assistant, Blaze?" she asks and I try not to choke.

"I-I've been sent here by this lady at the town hall but she didn't tell me what exactly I'm supposed to do. Wait... YOUR assistant?"

"Well we renamed the position cause Luna wouldn't give us the budget for a lunchlady so my personal assistant basically means everypony's."

"So I'm supposed to bring food to ponies?" I ask, still trying to wrap my head around the idea.

"Not exactly, you'll just do what I tell you to do at whatever time but it may be anything that helps around the castle. So are you in?"

I'm not too happy about the arrangement but the prospect of shelter and some money on top of it is tempting despite the horrible pain that will inevitably follow. Well, it's not like I have a choice and being a whipping toy for a sexy mare for whatever short time before she finds out I'm completely useless is good enough for me.

"I'm in. Just tell me where to sign and where to put my stuff."

"PERFECT!" she smiles and jumps when I finish signing the contract.

"So do you want anything right now?" I ask half-jokingly.

"A coffee but I can get that myself."

She then gives me the key, directions to my new home and explains my first duty. After I see the room I'm supposed to live in I know I should have thought that through a bit more.

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