• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,766 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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Hope Dies Last: Answer

[Choking's Entry]

Alright, that damn book must be fake or the ponies inside are made of rubber.

[End Entry]

"Owowowowowowowow," is my scream muffled by me biting a pillow, this time the real one.

"I told you that one must have been just author's imagination," answers Void, massaging my hindquarters and gasping in pain himself from time to time.

"But it looked so easy in the picture," I whine.

"Paper bends easier than bones. I knew those legs had to be surgically altered."

We didn't get far into the book despite trying really hard and enjoying every step up to the point when even my limber body reached its limit and with a snapping noise sprung backwards and almost knocked out some of Void's teeth.

"Owwwwwww," I groan to the pillow again when Void touches one of my bruised spots.

"I am as gentle as I can. Do you have some cream or pills for the pain?"

"Inside the living room table."

Void's hooves stop kneading my sore... everything and he leaves to get medical help.

"YAAAAAAAAH!" he screams in terror and I gather myself and wobble to the living room unsteadily.

There are three alicorns sitting at the table, drinking.

The purple one is blushing and covering her face with her hooves, the deep-blue one is trying to hide her grin in a cup of tea and the white one's expression is somewhere between worry and amusement.

"Wha-wha-wha gnngh?" is my completely understandable reaction.

"You were taking your time so we had to wait a bit. Tea?" asks Luna, still snorting.


"You were loud enough for an army to come unnoticed," says Celestia. Whatever grudge she holds against Void, the situation is just too tempting.

Void's mouth keeps opening and closing without letting out a coherent noise. Noone can blame it though, the mind behind it isn't sending any coherent thoughts as well.

Mine and Void's gazes cross and he finally manages to talk.

"Yeah, we are boned."

"I wouldn't go that far," says obviously amused Celestia.

"Why are you here then?" Void's deep voice is calm now. There is absolutely nothing he can do in this situation so worrying is pointless.

Luna takes charge.

"Firstly, tell my sister the story you told me and answer truthfully everything she asks. Then we're going to visit Scream."

"I can't get in contact with her," says Void, causing Luna to raise an eyebrow. She apparently expected us working together.

"I will get us there."

"Before we do that, can anypony here perform some healing magic? We may have... overstepped our boundaries."

"And I believe some of the stricter Equestrian laws," interjects Celestia. Seeing Void as a normal pony is something unexpected for her and is making her reevaluate Scream's words.

"I'll do it, I could use some practice," says up to now silent Twilight.

"Practice?" I wince in expected pain.

"You reap what you sow," says Void smugly.

"Don't worry. I think most of your bones will stay inside your body," says Celestia with a mischievous smile.

"Stop scaring the nice girl, she is the reason I am in a decent shape," defends me Void.

"And I have yet to decide what to do with her for that," says Celestia, jokes completely forgotten.

Void narrows his eyes. Celestia notices that and continues.

"But let's leave that for after you tell us everything."

"The airspeed of an unladen swallow i-"

"Playing. With. Fire."

"I could not resist."

Void stops messing around and begins recounting our story. Celestia doesn't interrupt and just looks more and more thoughtful.

"Is it true?" she asks her sister.

"Everything they said is true from their viewpoint."

"Alright then. Void, why are you with this girl?"

"I need her to help me recover my body from Tartarus," says Void. After all, lying is impossible in Luna's presence and we are at the three alicorn's mercy anyway.

"And how were you going to do that knowing I would not grant you the access?"

"I do not really understand it myself but Scream told us to persuade the otherside Twilight Sparkle to take us back with her and help us."


"No idea. Firstly, we do not know how to find her and secondly, we have no clue what she wants."

Celestia rubs her temples and sighs.

"Well, she wanted the Element of Magic and she's got it now."

"That explains a lot," says Void, nodding.

Luna and Celestia exchange glances and Luna nods towards suddenly crestfallen Void. We know his only chance to return is gone. Celestia gives her sister the 'I really hope you know what you're doing' look.

"Against my better judgement, I'm being persuaded to allow you to access Tartarus."

Our shocked silence is more than enough of an answer.

"BUT I will need something to guarantee your good behaviour. I am NOT letting history repeat itself," she continues.

"Such as?"

"A soulstone."

"No. Free will is something I am not willing to sacrifice even for my power. You are not sending me back every time I do something you do not like."

The definite answer is enough for Celestia to know that there will be no negotiation over this.

"You have to understand it's not for me but for Equestria. Just in case."

"You have to understand that it would be YOU holding me hostage and I do not trust you to stay objective and do what is best. Not after last time."

That irks Celestia.

"Oh really? I think not killing you was the easiest I could have gone on you."

"Is that how you remember it? Let me offer you a different perspective then. You were unable to kill me even with Luna and Scream would not help you so without even trying to talk or reason with me you used her to bait me into a trap."

"There was no reasoning with a mass murderer."

"You are right about that," admits Void, looking at the table.

Celestia is openly surprised. Void scratches his head and continues.

"I mean I probably would not have listened, at least not to you. I am not trying to say my deeds can be forgiven or forgotten but you did not even try to think about a reasonable solution and just left me to rot."

"In hindsight, that is true. I didn't even bother with trying to find a better solution. In my defense, it was an emergency situation."

"I am not denying that, I am just saying that that is the reason for my not trusting your judgement about my freedom. You will just have to take a leap of faith regarding me."

"So you're giving me nothing and want this much?"

Void closes his eyes, this is the breaking point.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am asking for."

"Fine. I have one condition though and that is not negotiable."

"Which is?"

"You will persuade Scream to tell us what we want to know. The price for her knowledge is your body."

"That sounds dirty."

"I'll take that as a yes. What about the girl then?" she points at me.

"I still need her. Firstly, not sleeping in a dumpster has its advantages and secondly, Tartarus has its own rules regarding its residents. I am not allowed to recover my whole soul by myself."

"I didn't know that."

"Your role is more that of a gatekeeper. I have extensive knowledge of that place."

"With that out of the way, can we go visit Scream?"

"You do realize I cannot force her to talk? Her sight and her dimension also have their rules."

"I know but this time we have her answers prepaid. Remember, three questions from everyone."

I interrupt.

"What? Last time we chatted like excited schoolfillies."

"There is no problem if Scream wants to talk to us but everypony who finds their way to her place has got the right to ask any three questions and she must answer if they pay the price," explains Void.

"The bones?"

"Sometimes but it is rare, that comes from her aspect. Her sight comes from her unrivaled magic power."

"Oh... including me?"

"I think we could expand the prepaid questions to include you. It all depends on whether my freedom is enough of a price for her though. Have you got something important to ask?"


"Then are you ready for the trip?"

"Yea, I feel much better after princess Twilight's treatment."

Void looks at the blue princess.

"Then we are ready. Luna, take us away whenever you want."

It doesn't take long for Luna to gather enough energy to cast the spell and after a brief blurriness and a falling feeling we lay our eyes on the familiar piles of bones. On the middle pile there is a heap of golden fur moving up and down.

Twilight looks around and gasps when she looks at Void in his complete form. Much like me, she's probably never seen a male alicorn before.

"Well you've grown up," whistles Luna.

"You are a beautiful young mare yourself, Luna," compliments her Void.

"Young?" asks Twilight.

Celestia looks down to her student.

"Void is the oldest one here. He is the alicorn of Death, Destruction and Order."

"Exactly. When everything began, the alicorn of time was created by somepony or something or whatever. When the first wind began blowing through the emptiness of the world, the alicorn of wind was born. When the first living creature gained awareness of itself and changed the world to its liking, the alicorn of magic came. When that creature acted on instinct and mated, somehow, to have children, Scream appeared and when that creature died, I was there. Luna and Celestia here are very young as their birth came with ponies' realization of the importance of sun and moon as something else than huge balls in space. Finally, when ponies or griffons were able to feel true love, Cadence came to this world. There were others at some points in time and now that you are the aspect of magic it means that Magnus is no longer bound to this world," Void gives us a short history lesson.

A serious echoing voice cuts through the air.


Scream's attempt at sibyllic revelation speech is cut off by a yawn of almost the same volume.

"Buck... what's up, guys?" continues Scream, rubbing her eyes.

"Can you come down here, we're here for some answers?" asks Celestia

A golden flame forms in front of us and turns into Scream.

"As long as you pay the price."

"About that. I'm willing to grant Void safe passage to Tartarus, would that be enough for you?"

Scream knows her way with words. There is something bothering her more than passage into Tartarus.

"And a way out?" she looks at Celestia with suspicion.

"That as well. There will also be no further repercussions for his deeds."

"Voidie, is it true?"

"I certainly hope so."

This messing around is slowly annoying Luna.

"It is true and it would serve you right to remember what started all this and leave mistrust and paranoia out of this for once."

"It wasn't MY failure to trust anypony else," hisses Scream back at her.

"I know, so trust us. Void will be completely free unless he does something stupid again."

Scream looks as if she couldn't be happier even if they offered her a cute kitten.

"Okay. I will answer what I can."

"That's three questions from each of us."

"Fiiiiine," she sighs.

Celestia is the first one to ask. There is something she was dying to know for a while.

"Is otherworld Twilight our enemy?"

A groan from Scream confirms that she hit the mark.

"Not exactly. She's Twilight Sparkle born in the world you screwed over by stealing all the good Elements so if she finds that out you may be in trouble."

"How does she intend to use the Element of Magic?"

"She needs every little bit of power she can get to stay herself on the other side and not become another one of Sombra's mindless minions."

"What is your goal in this?"

"Sort out the twin worlds, get Void into bed and generally correct your mistakes."

There really isn't much to argue about. Even with the friendly atmosphere I can physically feel Scream's enmity towards the sun princess.

Luna is the next one to ask. She probably wanted to get some answers for herself but decides to sacrifice them for greater good.

"What is the conflict you were talking about last time?"

"The other side is under control of king Sombra who wants the Crystal Heart on this side and they are getting ready for an invasion."

"How much time do we have?"

"I have no idea but I guess at least a month before minor skirmishes begin. A full-scale invasion would require creating a stable rift between worlds which they still can't do."

"In case this invasion happens, what chance do we have of stopping them?"



"I think you don't understand your position. The otherworld Luna is dead, the otherworld Celestia is Sombra's broken buckslave and he also has got the entire world behind him with the power of corrupted Crystal Heart. Your Elements of Harmony are a bunch of kids who would faint at the sight of blood and can hardly control their power. There is literally nothing you can do at the moment."

Luna begins trembling but tries to hide it by nudging Twilight who is hesitating and I can't blame her. Every alicorn has got a unique aura and she's used to the princesses I guess. Being close to princess Celestia is like being slightly drunk, surrounded by your best friends or your family during Heart's Warming Eve and reminiscing about all the good things which happened during the year. Princess Luna's is a bit more chaotic but still lively with undertones of overwhelming wisdom. Princess Cadence just felt like somepony you can't hate, no matter the rift between you but I didn't have a chance to think about it during our only meeting. Princess Twilight is unremarkable but the air around her feels dusty, much like visiting the Canterlot royal library. Void's symbol is peace. After being with him for a while I understand it now. It's not fear of pain or pain itself which is the mark of death. It is the peace and calm of every bad thing being behind you, unable to touch you in the safety of final sanctuary. Much like when I was a little filly and my dad seemed to me like an all powerful monument keeping the entire family safe.

Scream is different. The first time I saw her I almost died of desire. Then she proved she can be caring and now she's terrifying with her unsurpassed knowledge. Something about her feels wrong though... fake.

Then it hits me. She's a liar. Despite her dimension forcing her to answer the questions I remember the stories about genies and their wordplay.

"Don't worry, ask anything you want," smiles Scream at Twilight, seeing her hesitation.

"Ehm alright. Why is the other Twilight so powerful? I mean me and princess Luna weren't even able to touch her during the festival."

"Don't take my next words personally, Twilight Sparkle. You have been trained by Celestia in a world where all negative divine forces are either gone or greatly diminished. Your world hosts five good Elements which bend it towards their nature. Discord, while petrified by them was still able to wreak havoc on the other side and had to be stopped by ones ready to deal with him without the Elements. The final old god, Nightmare, only manifested itself in a form of possessing Luna and your friend Rarity, who were protected by the good Elements. Nightmare's power was much greater in the other world where the Element bearers had to kill Nightmare Moon and thus seal their fate connected to evil. In short, she was very similar to you but when the Element of Magic manifested here, her life became much harder than you can imagine - no more friends, no free magic power from the Element, only studies, practice and fighting for her life. With the difference between you two, I took her under my wing, taught her magic and that's why she's so strong."

"She said some terrible things about Trixie and the alicorn amulet, are they true? Am I that twisted inside?"

"Your nature is similar but guided by opposite Elements. Deep inside she is you but her upbringing may have been a bit stricter here and there and her inhibitions are much less puritanical. Just trust me when I say that considering what's been happening since Sombra's return, she is as good as one can get. Also, she really did kill Trixie during the magic duel to get the alicorn amulet."

Seeing how Twilight took her answer, Scream adds.

"It's not really about what you think or feel inside. In the end it's about what you choose to do."

"Is there really no chance of winning against them?"

"Your Elements require cooperation and the ability to use them repeatedly at will while being in group. Their Elements are at their best when wielded by one pony and are much easier to use. You would need years of practice but yes, you would eventually be stronger than them by a lot. Unfortunately time is our greatest enemy at the moment."

Void is the next one to speak.

"Come on. You would not engage in this without having a backup plan, so... Blazing Light?"

"That's why I love you, baby. He was the one I wanted to send to the other side to try and get enemy Element bearers one by one but I have no idea where he is. The resurrection spell left me kinda tired and now I can't see him anymore. In his artificial body, he doesn't belong to either of the twin worlds so transporting him permanently is possible. Now I really have nothing on the board aside from Twilight and I don't want to reveal her. So... I'm just waiting and watching."

"Is there any way I can help?"

"Get your body and as much power as possible back, then we'll talk."

"Am I right about Celestia?"

This one takes a bit of searching and the focused gazes of the sisters aren't helping.

"I... don't think so but maybe it will be fine if you just are where you're needed."

Void smiles at his love and Scream returns the favor, then she looks at me.

"It's your turn, kiddo."

"Eeeh. Is it too much to ask for my things to stay private?"

"No, two questions remain. Just kidding," Scream's horn glows and there are only the two of us left. Luna may be very skilled but she still has very little on Scream.

I blush, I'm not really concerned about the future and big things like kingdoms falling but that only means my questions are personal.

"I think I'm falling for Void, do you mind if I borrow him for some time?"

"That's up to him but didn't you have a thing for Blazing Light?"

"I don't know, I was a real mess at the time because he died mostly thanks to me but now... Void just seems like everything I could want from a stallion."

"Yes, he is. I really advise you to talk to him about this. If you are worried about my blessing or whatever then have fun and invite me from time to time. I think you may be thinking about this the wrong way though. Damn, Voidie would explain this better than me."

"The second question... in case Blaze is alive. Do you think we would work together?"

"I can't see the future... much, so the best thing would be to just try and see. I don't understand why you ponies are so scared of trying something new when it doesn't have any lasting consequences, especially when your lives are so short. He is fairly similar to when Void was young though albeit for very different reasons so if I had to hazard a guess then I'd say your relationship would be either really good or absolutely awful."

"Eh and the last one. I have this book at home and some of the positions seem impossible to do, is there a way to stretch more and is it worth it?"

"Heh. I was the inspiration for some of the poses myself and they are all possible and DEFINITELY worth the time."

"You? Why did Void have problems with even the basic ones then?"

"The book isn't more than few hundred years old and I don't think Tartarus was a good place to stretch and practice."

Then it clicks to her.

"You've tried already?"


"Oh when I lay my hooves on both of you in private, you're gonna get it."


"Fast and furious."

"But you said-"

"I mean we're going to have a calm and civilized tea party with some innovative tea drinking techniques."

I close my eyes and burst out laughing and when I open them again I'm standing back in my apartment.

"What is the plan, then?" asks Void.

Celestia takes charge.

"Twilight, take Spike and go to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible. You must warn Shining Armor and Cadence."

"What about my friends?"

"I'll leave that up to you. They are safe now and taking them with you might put them in danger but they might prove necessary. This is a decision you will have to make as a princess as much as as their friend. Me and Luna-"

Luna interrupts.

"-will take care about rounding up the military forces from various cities. I think Scream might be underestimating us a little but she's got a point in the experience difference."

"What about us?" I ask.

Princess Celestia continues.

"I was getting to you. I will arrange your passage after warning the main military bases. In the meantime just rest and get to the best shape you can."

"Any timeframe?" adds the deep voice of Void.

"If I had to make up an arbitrary, meaningless number I would say about two weeks."


With everything on the table, the princesses leave us alone.

The two weeks full of rest, relaxation and unbridled gymnastics are enough to show me what I've always really wanted from a coltfriend so when one morning a knocking at the door of my apartment wakes me up I have only one answer.

I shake my head and answer the broken unicorn-changeling.

"I'm really sorry, Blaze."

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