• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,887 Views, 80 Comments

Chaotic Nightmare - Sam Cole

Rarity been turned into the dreaded Nightmare, and in her efforts to free her friend, Twilight is lost to the evil as well. Ponyville is... in no real danger? What? What do you mean they're in love?! Damn it! Somepony tell em to get a r

  • ...

Chapter 3: Come Together, Right Now, and Conquer Me!

Chapter 3: Come Together, Right now, And Conquer Me!

The next day saw a trickle of friends and family pouring into the boutique as Twilight and Rarity smiled, feeling quite accomplished in their evil deeds for the night. Twilight stood front and center as she drew breath to address them all. A second before she would be knocked over by that blur of mare.

“Damn it Pinkie!” Twilight swore.

“It wasn’t me…”

“Then…?” Twilight questioned as she looked down, meeting eyes with their soft spoken, but not soft landing friend.

“H-Hi Twilight!” Fluttershy smiled, nuzzling the dark mare’s chest.

“Fluttershy, what do you think you’re doing, you foal?” Rarity hissed as the entirety of the Nightmare Regime sat around dumbfounded.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy squeaked, moving over to kiss her hooves and nuzzle her legs. “You two look just like you did in my dreams last night! I knew you would! I knew it!”

Rarity met eyes with her lover as she let the message pass between them. ‘Your plan has had a bit of a set back.’

‘How was I to know Fluttershy would develop a crush on us?’

‘Fix it! Now!’

“M-mistress?” Fluttershy squeaked after Rarity failed to answer.

“Fluttershy, I appreciate your dedication to the regime, but get off my leg.” Rarity growled. If Fluttershy even registered the anger in her friends voice was unknown, but Fluttershy did as told, and happily sat next to the mare with the largest smile of all present. Considering Pinkie was in the room, that was saying quite a lot actually.

“Ahem,” Twilight greeted as she commanded all attention, “Tonight we’re going to hit a new target. We need a show of force, so we’re going after the city of Detrot.”

“Detrot?” Applejack snorted. “What did we do to you?”

“Applejack darling, do kindly shut up.” Rarity hissed.

“Please? It’s rude to interrupt.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Detrot,” Twilight continued with a glare at the three parties responsible, “Is a large hub. They make all of the Equestrian owned Airships there, making it a key military point of attack!”

“Won’t that mean lots of guards?” Rainbow inquired.

“Normally, but we have a secret weapon.” Rarity smiled as she shifted her gaze to Pinkie Pie. “Darling, please be a dear, and throw those hard working ponies a party of Pinkie Pie proportions tonight.”

“A take over by party?” Pinkie questioned. “I’m sold, this regime rocks.”

“So what are the rest of us going to do?” Applejack asked as Pinkie began muttering about how to best pull off this feat.

“Why, destroy Detrot, of course.” Twilight giggled.

“Twilight, use an evil laugh, not a bucking giggle. You sound like a school filly.” Spike groaned as he put his head in his claws.

“But I like my giggle…”

“Our evil overlord, y’all…”

“News out of Detrot today, everypony…” The radio squaked the next morning as two mares sat in bed listening to the recap.

“Turn it off, Twilight.” Rarity whined.

“How? How could we do that? To Detrot of all places!” Twilight moaned. “I didn’t even think something like that was equinally possible!”

“The city has long been plagued by violence and drugs, mobsters and gangs,” The radio continued.

“I can’t bear to relive those memories.” Rarity anguished, throwing her face into Twilight’s chest. “The horror!”

“But not anymore! Somehow, overnight, the city has been turned around. No more is the joke ‘We’re not Detrot.’ Now that saying is one of shame.”

Last night: Detrot

Cries pierced the air as the seven strode down the street. Cries always pierced the air of Detrot, but soon there would be new reason. No pony knew what was coming for them, not yet.

“Pinkie, you know your mission.” Twilight commanded.

“Yepperoni! I’m gonna go make some new friends!” Pinkie sang as she bounced away toward the guard camp.

“We’ll leave her out of the history book, correct?” Rarity asked as she watched the pink mare frolic away.

“Agreed.” Twilight nodded. “You all are the ground assault team. Start causing as much trouble as you can!”

“Um… okay…” Applejack offered with a definite lack of enthusiasm. “We’ll rob a liquor store, ‘er something…”

“Uncreative, but sufficient.” Rarity fussed. “Twilight and I shall destroy the airship factories, while Spike shall go to the tallest building and fly the Regime flag I made!” Rarity squeaked with glee as she magically pulled the flag out of her pack. The Mare in the Moon shone brightly against the dark background of dusk purples and blacks. Spike was unconvinced.

“And when somepony takes it back down to put up the regular flag again, then what?”

“Kill them.” Twilight ordered as she handed a knife over to the drake.

“Umm… This is a butter knife…”

“Well it’s not like I have a great collection to work with here or anything.” Twilight sassed back. “I only just became evil three days ago!”

“Can we get to work?” Rainbow interrupted. “I hate to be in Detrot longer than I have to.”

“Yes, get to work, Nightmare Regime!” Rarity cried out as she and Twilight took to the air.

“How can Rarity fly now, anyways?” Applejack asked as she, Rainbow, Spike, and Fluttershy watched the pair take off.

“Smoke form. She’s less dense than the air around her like that.” Rainbow dismissed to a puzzled look from the three remaining friends. “What? I’m a weather mare. I know a lot about aerodynamics, particulate density, thermodynamics, and slipstream/ jetstream movements.”

“Oh…” The three nodded.

“Well, I got a flag to plant, I guess.” Spike huffed. “See y’all later.”

“I had better go do something too, girls,” Fluttershy smiled. “For the Regime.”

“Knock yerself out, Shy.” Applejack shrugged. But there was one problem, the definite lack of the soft spoken friend’s retreat.

“Um… I’m really bad at this sort of thing girls… What should I even do?”

“Well, obviously you should break something.” Rainbow scoffed.

“But what if somepony really liked what I decided to break?” Fluttershy cowered. “They might get angry. Or be really sad…”

Two friends fell to the ground as all plans, no matter how pointless, were put on hold as they decided to just help Fluttershy.

“Now!” Twilight growled as she spread her wings high above the city of factories and smoke stacks.. “We shall- achoo!”

“Bless you, love.” Rarity giggled. “Shall we exclude that as well?”

“Oh my, the smog up here is unbearable!” Twilight groaned. “How are you unaffected?”

“I’m in a smoky form, my love.” Rarity replied with a roll of the eyes. “Honestly.”

“That doesn’t answer my question…” Twilight muttered angrily. “Forget it. I am not reigning over this city with this- this disgusting cloud over my town!”

“What are you planning?” Rarity asked.

“First, we clear the air!” Twilight bellowed as she charged her horn, letting the smoke and smog and pollution wrap around her horn and disappear entirely.

“You seem to forget that we’re here to rule this city, not clean it!” Rarity hissed.

“I have not forgotten! I just don’t want us to be breathing this crap! It takes years off your life!” Twilight snapped back.

“You’re immortal.” Rarity snorted.

“But you, my love, are not.” Twilight smiled as Rarity gasped. “I wouldn’t want our new city to make you sick, honey.”

“Oh Twilight. That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.” Rarity fawned. “I love you, Twilight.”

“I love you too, Rarity. Now, let’s- whoa!” Twilight stumbled as she lost altitude. “I guess I used too much magic…”

“I would imagine,” Rarity chuckled. “Let’s go down and do this up close and personal.”

“It’s a date!” Twilight giggled as she glided down with Rarity.

With a pop and a shower of paper detritus, a Pink blur injected itself into the main formation of the Detrot guard camp, wearing a huge smile and a top hat, for reasons unknown.

“Hiya everypony! I’m Pinkie Pie! And I’m here to throw you all a Par-Tay!” Pinkie announced to the crowd. But instead of cheers, there was only silence.

Silence, till one mare spoke up. “Oh thank Celestia, I thought the agency was only going to send me in tonight.” The white pegasi smiled as she came up next to Pinkie Pie. “I’m Surprise. And these guys are tough. It’s like they don’t want to even party!”

“Who are- Don’t Want To Party?!” Pinkie began, seconds before she snapped to it. “Oh honey, we’ll get them to party, or my name isn’t Pinkamena Diane Pie!”

“Awesome!” Surprise smiled. “That guy there just got dumped, so make it special. For poor Brian there.”

Pinkie’s eyes shone with new resolve some would say after the fact. “This is everything I have ever lived for. Hey everypony, who wants to dance!?” The pink mare sang as she bounced into the crowd in what would become the first documented case of infectious energy ever witnessed in Detrot.

“Just tip poorly then!” Rainbow yelled as she pitched another idea.

“But food service ponies rely on those tips…” Fluttershy whispered. “I wouldn’t want them to be late on their bills just because of me…”


Across town, one dragon took upon his daring mission now with great resolve. His claws ached as he pulled himself up the scaffolding, trying with all his might to not look down. No, he had come too far to let a silly thing like fear stop him now.

He was close. So close. His fingers reached for the pole, the cold metal biting him as he grabbed hold. There was no rope, but that was alright. The flag would just be fashioned to the tower as it were. A quick knot, and his mission was done. Spike had succeeded. With a sigh, the drake felt his tired hands slip. Despite his desperate claws for grip, the drake began to tumble out of his tower now, falling, fa-

“Ouff!” Spike grunted as he hit the ground, looking up through the jungle gym to the flag a mere 5 feet above him. With a pant as the dragon regained his breath, Spike chuckled. “I… I did it. I accompli-”

A voice pierced the dark depths of the draconic mind though, calling to him. Spike, someplace important.

“Really Twi? Telepathy now?” Spike groaned. “Fine. I’ll try again.”

“Maybe I could just be loud? A lot of ponies are asleep, and waking them up would be evil?” Fluttershy suggested.

“You know what, sure. Go for it, Shy!” Rainbow smiled, till she felt the vibrations. It felt like an earthquake rolling in, but something was wrong. Everything was getting louder?

“Par-Tay!” Pinkie and the unknown white mare screamed from atop what could only be called a tidal wave of partying ponies as it roared through the intersection, spilling punch and confetti everywhere, and leaving all who saw them to run after, joining in the random celebration. After all, it looked like a lot of fun.

“Oh shoot, Pinkie stole my idea…” Fluttershy pouted as Dash and Applejack turned back to her. “That’s just so rude, stealing somepony’s idea!”

“Buck it, let’s go get a cider.” Rainbow sighed in defeat.

“Second.” Applejack nodded.

“Okay,” Fluttershy pouted, still hurt. But maybe alcohol could spark a few ideas for her. She knew it wouldn’t, but she could just stop hoping now, could she?

Two mares bucked down the large oaken doors as they strut into the office, looking around with smiles laced with malicious intent. Soon, this would all be rubble and their historic reign over this pathetic nation would be claimed.

“I can’t wait to see the pony’s faces as we level the very life blood of the city.” Rarity chuckled.

“Agreed. It will be oh so sweet,” Twilight giggled, till her eyes lingered on the reception desk. Specifically, the catalogue.

“So we should start with the fuel supply inside the factory, then- Twilight?”

“Real walnut inlays in the dash.” Twilight muttered as she flipped through the pages of airships. “And tempurpedic beds? Oh that sounds lovely…”

“Twilight?” Rarity sassed.

“Hmm?” The bookish villain asked as she peeled her eyes up and away from the print.

“We are not here to buy a damned Airship! We can both fly!” Rarity nearly screamed. “Besides, I might have overdrafted the account back in Fillydelphia…”

“Why were you using the- Wait, when did you even set up a joint account?”

“You were studying business models if I recall,” Rarity sheepishly smiled.

“You really have that much faith in our relationship?” Twilight cooed. “Awe baby. I love you!”

“I love you too Twilight, but we’re getting distracted.” Rarity reminded politely.

“Okay, but first, come look at this? They call it the Mile High Special.” Twilight smiled. “It sounds divine.”

“Darling…” Rarity groaned as she walked over, letting her eyes dance to the page. “We don’t… is that a hot tub?”

“Jacuzzi,” Twilight smiled. “With 16 massage jets and 18 scented oils for the water.”

“Oh my, that does sound divine…” Rarity gasped. “And look at that four poster bed!”

“Can we?” Twilight giggled as she bounced.

“Darling, something like this is… it’s just…” Rarity fought to find the words. “The Regime needs this! How could we not get one?”


Claws grappled with the foe as the noble knight of a very unnoble cause fought to complete his mission. But this villainous scourge was not relenting, and the drake was soon to be pushed past his limits as he struggled for honor.

“Let go, you mutt!” Spike whined as the pup held onto the flag stoutly, flinging it’s adorable head from side to side as it played tug of war. “Please! It’s my mission to fly the flag!”

“Grr, arf!” The pup managed with the fabric in it’s maw.

“Quit it!” Spike pleaded. “I will not hit a puppy, I will not hit a puppy!”

Spike, status report! The persistent voice of perfection rang out in the poor drake’s mind.

“I’ve, um…. encountered some resistance!” Spike grunted as he felt the flag begin to tear.

No, Spike! Are you okay? Do you need my help? Twilight panicked.

“You- You still care about me?” Spike awed as he let the flag slip from his grasp.

Of course I do. Twilight mentally assured the young dragon. I still need you for back up plans B through F54!

“How many of those do I die in?” Spike asked, deadpan.


“All of them?!”

No! Of course not! I don’t want you to get hurt, ever. I still love you little brother… That said, all those plans hinge on us pinning the crimes on you and bailing.

“Twilight, I take it all back. You are pretty evil.” Spike huffed.

Hey, I let you escape in plan A. Be grateful!

“I feel so much better now, thanks.”

Good! Twilight sang as Spike could clearly picture her smile forming. Glad I could cheer you up!

The factories had never been the colt’s specialty. He had never really like being there to be honest, but that was what he got for being the best sales pony ever. Too sell fleets, and oversee production. But alas, somepony had to. Though in truth, he would soon be back to some dealership. Equestrian Airliners newest model, The Mile High Special, was a complete disaster. The company had sunk everything into the one they had right now, and if they could get rid of it, would watch as it pulled their entire company under with it. But that was no easy feat. No pony who wanted one could afford it, and those that could didn’t want the damned thing. It was a glorified-

“Ah, there you are, Monsieur!” A voice called out. The voice that had called him out of bed and to the damned factory at two am.

“Hello?” The colt hazarded.

“My lady and I would like to purchase an airliner.” The mysterious voice replied.

“I’m sorry, but business hours are from-”

“This one, the Mile High Special!” A second voice rang out, full of glee.

“- Now till you soar off with your new ship, ladies!” The colt smiled, perking up. Today, I eat!

“Hurray!” The two voices cheered.

“Tell me, does it have a mini bar?” One voice asked, the one the sales pony would later learn as Rarity.


“Because we can pay extra if we need too.” The second, a Miss Twilight, added.

“Hmm, I don’t know…” The colt smiled. “I’ll see what I can work out for you girls!”



“Ugh!” Twilight grunted as she threw her pillow at the radio. “We saved that damn company from going under? Of all the lousy luck…”

“We didn’t even haggle on the interest rate…” Rarity groaned. “Ten percent. Ten! What were we thinking?”

The radio continued it’s track about the turn about, and every second it made the pair of evil mares snarl. “A random party incited at the guard camp soon overtook the city, leaving everypony happy and in just fantastic spirits.

“That’s right, Tom. Physiologists are talking about how all the city needed was a good pick me up. But it also helped boost the economy when four thousand jobless ponies were employed overnight to aid in cleanup efforts and to plan a similar City Party Palooza for next month, turning these good times into a regular staple of Detrot!”

The pair would have stayed in bed all day, lamenting over their failures, if it had not been for the knock on the door hailing their attention. Their visitor? A very cranky Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know, I don’t wanna know. I’m nursing a hangover right now. But somehow, we saved Detrot, improved the city, and I’m not sure, but we might have left Pinkie in Detrot.” The cyan mare grumbled to the pair.

“Shoot, I knew we forgot something…” Twilight muttered.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Rainbow growled. “Just get this giant air yacht out of my bucking yard! Do you have any idea how long it took to cloudscape this place? Do you?!”

“We had to park it somewhere,” Rarity dismissed. “Here, how about if we let you use the jacuzzi today? A way to refresh and recharge!”

“You took out one of my walls parking this thing!” Rainbow scoffed. Twilight and Rarity huddled together for a second before turning back to the homeowner they had wronged.

“Two days and you can invite Fluttershy.” Rarity counter offered.

“No deal.” Rainbow snorted.

“Three days, Shy and Aj welcome.” Twilight ventured.

“Getting better…” Rainbow grumbled.

“And you may feel free to use the mini bar to your hearts content over those days.” Rarity added.

“Sold to the tyrant with smoky powers!” Rainbow smiled. “Pleasure talking to ya!”

“So where are we all goin again?” The young filly with the red bow asked as she wandered about with her friends.

“I think my sister’s back in town now.” Sweetie Belle sang as she bounced with joy. “Her place has been used recently!”

“How do you know that?” Scootaloo asked as they rounded the corner to the Carousel Boutique.

“Button and I were using it for a lan hotspot.” Sweetie reply as if it was obvious. “But now I have my sister-” The filly paused as she heard voices inside, one clearly her sister’s. “She’s here! Rarity!” The small unicorn shouted, bursting into the house and making the now five inhabitants scream.

“Nightmare Moon!” Three fillies cried.

“It’s not what it looks like! We were wrestling!” The others cried out. Today was set to be a long day.

“Why do you look so different sis?” Sweetie Belle asked slowly after everything was settled. Or at least locked in the house so to prevent escape… It was hard to tell for the fillies right now.

“I’ve, um… Twilight?”

“Rarity discovered some new powers, girls. It’s made her into a new mare.” Twilight smiled as she explained.

“Wait, that’s what happens during puberty?” Scootaloo asked. “Awe yeah!”

“No, that’s not it!” Twilight snapped. “It’s the magic of the Nightmare Moon! Now it belongs to Rarity!”

“So you are Nightmare Moon…” Apple Bloom hazarded.

“No deary. I am Nightmare Rarity now.” Rarity said as softly as she could. “We are now the heads of the Nightmare Regime. We will… We are the new ruling class to Equestria, dear.”

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked slowly.

“Because we have the power.” Twilight smiled. “I know it’s hard to understand, but we want to rule Equestria. Please, will you-”

“Twilight, a word.” Rarity hissed as she wheeled her lover around to talk more privately. “We are not going to recruit my sister!”

“Why not? We recruited Spike, and he’s like a brother to me!”

“Spike is a dragon! Sweetie Belle is just a sweet little filly that wrecks everything.”

“Now that’s just being mean.” Twilight snorted. “They don’t have to be cabinet members. They just need to run around, flying our colors. Use them to recruit others.”

“Really darling? Fly our colors? Just how long did you spend in Detrot?”

“Oh stop it.” Twilight played.

“Are you ‘In tha hood, G?’” Rarity asked as she tickled Twilight a little.

“Stop!” Twilight snorted with laughter.

“Um… I need an adult…” Sweetie Belle said slowly.

“Technically, they are adults…” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Ew. They’re acting like those high schoolers in Canterlot on that field trip!” Scootaloo wretched.

“If we agree to join y’all, will ya stop?” Apple Bloom pleaded. The pleas succeeded in tearing the two love birds from their flights of fancy.

“Sorry! Ahem, yes. Welcome to the Nightmare Regime!” Twilight smiled as she spread her wings out far. “Tell your friends! We will bring a new age to Equestria with children like you. Remember, our future is in you.”

“... Right…” Scootaloo nodded as the three foals back away slowly. “We got um… Homework!”

“Yeah, loads!” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“We do?” Apple Bloom asked till Sweetie’s elbow met her ribs. “Ow! Ah mean, Yeah, we do! Gotta go, school calls!”

“Homework? Well, get to it! Do well! Study hard!” Twilight called after the retreating fillies as they galloped away from the shop.

“We’re all alone now, Twilight.” Rarity smiled. “We could-”

“Where are Twilight and Rarity?!” The pair heard float through the open door.

“Oh, Pinkie’s back…” Twilight muttered.

“Hide. I think I broke a Pinkie Promise about giving her a ride back!”

“Luna, I have an idea!” Celestia announced as s he barged into her sister’s room, making the nightly goddess look up from some rather extensive paperwork. “Shining Armor.”

“Hmm, it would look good on you sis, but I don’t care for the heroine look myself.”

“What? No! Prince Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother!” Celestia raged at her playful sister’s joke. “Sorry… I-”

“It’s alright Tia. I am just enjoying the good news from last night is all.” Luna smiled, tossing over a military report about the late night block party in Detrot that had turned the city around. “Too think, we owe the salvation of the city to the party planning agency sending two mares instead of just the one for the ESO show last night.”

“Yes. After the week we’ve had, some good news is quite appreciated. And what better news than the safety and joy of over a million citizens.” Celestia sighed happily, till her eyes danced over the accompanying photographs in proper, stopping her cold. “Lulu, what’s that?”

“What is what?” Luna asked as she followed her sister’s hoof to look at a small piece of trash found during the clean up, a tattered and torn flag that definitely held… “The Mare in the Moon…”

“Nightmare Rarity…” Celestia whispered. “They where there.”

“You don’t think they were responsible, do you?” Luna asked in a hushed tone, but Celestia’s eyes told all. "For those two to have pulled this off, they would have to have converted their closest friends to darkness as well..."

“Twilight is brilliant. Of course she would realize a brute force attack was foolish against Detrot, so she decided to subvert the city. By being their savior, she has set herself up to lead the city against us, all through a con…”

“...Or, I’m just noting, the city was so far gone into it’s own despair, it had no where else to go but up?” Luna offered. “They have not made any appearances. No show of force. Nothing.”

“No, we are counting this as the spread of their evil.”

“What had those Fillydelphia ponies called it?” Luna asked quietly. “The Nightmare Regime?”

“We won’t let them hurt another pony Luna, so help us Mother. Send word to the Crystal Empire, I want Shining Armor on the next train to Ponyville.”

“Why Ponyville?”

“There just might be a clue there, Lulu. It’s a slim chance, but it's the best we’ve got…”