• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,887 Views, 80 Comments

Chaotic Nightmare - Sam Cole

Rarity been turned into the dreaded Nightmare, and in her efforts to free her friend, Twilight is lost to the evil as well. Ponyville is... in no real danger? What? What do you mean they're in love?! Damn it! Somepony tell em to get a r

  • ...

The Nightmare's Real

Chaotic Nightmare
By Sam Cole
Chapter 1: The Nightmare’s Real...

The lazy town of Ponyville was a perfect sort of town. Not too loud, nor too quiet. Not too big, but never too small either. No, this town was what it always was, peaceful, easy, and welcoming. On a beautiful spring day like today, it was the perfect town anypony could ever imagine. That must be why, one by one, the townsponies let the warm sun lull them into a nice sleep. The wave of dreams fell on the quiet town like the dew does the leaves. Slowly, so slowly that no one even noticed, everypony got tired. They all settled in where ever they were. Work stopped for a while, play was suspended, for today was just perfect. Perfect for a little nap. So that is exactly what everypony did.

The Princesses were the first to arrive. They were none to happy. They were scared. Not for themselves. Not for their image. But for the ponies that trusted these mighty alicorns to guide and protect them. Their friends. Their... family.

“Twilight!” Celestia called as she stormed the library, looking for the newest princess high and low, and became relieved to find her laying on her bed, a book laying open to her right.

“One down, Lulu. Twilight’s safe.” Celestia spoke to no one really. But these princesses had a few tricks up their sleeves, and this was just a very minor one indeed.

“I’m glad to hear that, sister. But we have a problem, I cannot find Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, or Rarity.”

“Rainbow Dash is pretty lazy sister. She might have been stealing a nap somewhere else before this strange sleep was spread over the town.” Celestia explained as she left to check on Applejack, finding the mare under one of her apple trees with a surprise in tow. “And I just found Pinkie Pie as well. Looks like she was helping Applejack pull carts today.”

“Of course sister. I’ll expand my search to unusual spots to nap. I guess I’m still rather new to this idea...”

“It’s alright, Lulu. We all make mistakes. Just find the others now. We need them ready to use the Elements should they need them.”

“Of course.” Luna nodded as she flew high and began checking clouds around town. But there was nothing to be had of it. So the lunar goddess dropped below the tree line to check there for the prismatic pony. She was running out of ideas when she finally spotted the six colored tail swaying gently from a tree branch. “I’ve found Rainbow Dash. You were right, she has a blanket and book up here, and from the looks of things was already asleep.”

“Good. I can’t seem to find Fluttershy though...” Celestia muttered. “Wait, her calender says spa day, and Rarity should be there as well.”

“Excellent. Let us fetch them.” Luna smiled as she raced to the spa and met with her sister. The two walked in regally, and were delighted to find Fluttershy napping gently on a massage table. but there was one problem now.

“She’s not here...”

“Where could she be?” Luna asked as she checked the rest of the building for the white unicorn.

“Oh bucking hay... Lulu, she’s gone...” Celestia muttered as she poked through a disheveled blanket on the adjacent table, finding a clue most unwelcome.

“What? How do you know this?”

“They left their mark,” Celestia nearly spat as Luna galloped into the room, and laid eyes on the letters cut into the table. SOD.

“The Sons Of Discord. Oh, I should have known!” Luna bellowed.

“Now now, Lulu, calm down. We’re not very much help to her if we can’t think straight.”

“Yes. Of course sister. But why would they want the Element of generosity?” Luna inquired as she calmed and began to explore the conundrum.

“I haven’t the slightest idea...” Celestia admitted as the sounds of roused ponies graced their ears, letting them know their friends were awaking all over town.

“Gah! What Do You Want With Me Villainous Fiends?!” Rarity spat at the nearest robed pony from her spot on the table where she lay, bound in iron. “You’ll be sorry as soon as I’m free!”

“Miss Rarity, please.” An elder for the group said. And though his words were as ice, they did lull the enraged mare a touch. “We simply needed to talk with you is all.”

“Then- Then why am I chained to a stone slab?”

“Because we needed you too be.” The old colt let slip to the mare as she found her strength ebbing away.

“You... It... It was... you?”

“Yes and no little one. Our friend has given this power to me to help ease you through the changes to come, but it was they alone whom set your town to slumber. Don’t worry Rarity, they are all unharmed.”

“That is.. very nice...” Rarity muttered as she fought the sleep again.

The elder nodded to his compatriots, and stood back as the ceiling slid open to the stars above. Each star shown so clearly, so brightly. It was breathtaking to say the least. “Take a look Miss. Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Indeed it is...” Rarity mewed. “I remember watching the stars like this one night at Twilight’s. It was a sleepover with the girls. I had trouble sleeping through Rainbow Dash’s snoring, as did Twilight. So we went to the balcony and watched the stars in the sky. It was very nice... And I wanted so much more from that night... So much that never came...”

“Yes, good Rarity.” The elder smiled as he feed her more power, more dreams. The poor mare could not tell the truth apart from the rest now. All she could see was the stars, and how they seemed to call to her. “Tell me more.”

“The night is so beautiful... Yet so... so alone... Like me... Beautiful, but alone...” Rarity muttered as the hooded villains watched in awe as the night began to melt almost, dripping over the mare, staining her coat dark ashen gray. They watched as her mane grew and darkened, caught in wonder as a white stripe cut through the beauty. A bold statement, but that was expected. They knew she would not be the same Nightmare they had worshipped before, but she would be a more than fine host. “I don’t want to be alone...”

“Then don’t be Miss.” The elder said as he signaled her irons unbound, her hooves released. The darkness swelled around the mare she lay there, smiling at the cool yet welcoming touch of the sky all over. “Become one with the lonely night. Rise, Nightmare Rarity.”

“The night shall la-” The new Rarity began to cry till a blast rocked the room. With a burst of dust and light, the chamber exploded as several of the Canterlot guard swarmed in, weapons at the ready. Behind this gallant force was an even greater threat though. Princess Twilight Sparkle, in all of her rage.

“Let my friend go, and you will not be injured!” Twilight bellowed.

“What? But- But how did they find us?” The elder squawked as he tripped over his robes, revealing himself to be the elder, Mr Waddles.

“Because Goofy, you are a fool.” Another mare sassed as she stepped forward. Princess Celestia, in all of her glory. “This is the same place you held me captive three years ago. During the first Nightmare Moon’s return.”

“Goofy?” The Nightmare asked, taken aback. “Your first name is Goofy? Are you telling me I was just summoned by somepony named Goofy Waddles?!”

“Oh no...” Twilight whispered as she laid eyes on the mare she once knew. “Rarity?”

“We will help her, Twilight. It won’t be easy, but we will find a way. I have faith in you my student.”

“Thank you, Princess. Guards, take these gentlecolts back to the old ponies home.”

“Awe mare.” The collective groaned.

“Seriously you all. Stop worshiping the bad guys, it’s not funny anymore.” Twilight ordered of the ponies being lead out now.

“Worst secret cult ever...”

“Rarity, I know you’re in there, let me help you.” Twilight pleaded.

“You shall have no such thing as my help. But for the time being, I will be your prisoner. I am smart enough to know I am not yet at full power, and two princesses would prove too much, even for me. But make no mistake, Sparkle. As soon as I am fully adjusted, I will destroy you.”

The student paced around, cursing every tome that dared show it’s binding and yet refused to contain the answers she needed most. Was this to say there was not an answer? No, quite the opposite actually. She had found a solution almost immediately, but refused it. But again and again, it was thrust in her face, burning itself into her eyes that she was only able to find this spell now.

This forbidden spell. The spell that had once turned a noble unicorn king into a monster that sought to enslave all ponies. Shadow Magic. Sombra’s magic. And the more the mare saw this answer, the less she cared about the risks. She was now settled firmly in the belief that if this spell would spare Rarity, then it was worth it. Her mind was now made up, and there would be hell to pay. Besides, if she waited too long, Nightmare Rarity would reach full strength, and who knew if there was any coming back at that point. It was now, or never.

The door to the Nightmare cell opened as guards readied bows and spears, all aimed at the princess’s best friend. But the mare did not bat an eye at them. Twilight could feel the pressure of the magic damping field in here, and was shocked to see the mare it held levitating a tea cup and novel, quietly reading. When she had first come here, Rarity had been too weak to even lift a crumb. And now, she was as strong as a unicorn on the outside. Who knows how strong she is now. Her power and body had grown quite a lot over the past three days.

“Are you here to surrender? I will not accept, but I will grant you a merciful death, Princess.”

“I’m here to cure you, Rarity.” Twilight said with all the authority she could. “But do not think for a second that this means our guard is down. We will kill you where you lay if you move a muscle.”

“Death threats. How quaint.”

“Try me, Rarity.” Twilight argued, though she desperately hoped the villain did not. “I’m an actual Alicorn. You’re just a boosted unicorn. The odds are against you.”

“So you say. But I can smell the fear on you.”

“That fear is for you, Rarity. I’m afraid you may already be lost to me, and... And I don’t know if that’s something I can bare...”

The endarkened mare stopped, placing a bookmark in her novel and setting it down. She looked right at the former unicorn, and for a second, the real Rarity’s soul flashed in those eyes. “You can try then. I’ll grant you the kindness of knowing you tried all you could to save yourself in the end.”

“Guards! Lower the field. One move, Rarity, and I lose my best friend forever.” Twilight growled as she felt her magic surge to full strength. Twilight focused, and summoned the darkness, letting her normal magenta magic turn black and green, as smoke began to pour forth from her eyes.

“You can’t be serious, Darling. Shadow Magic? It’ll swallow your mind whole!”

“Scared?” Twilight chuckled as she let the magic swell in strength.

“You’re mad...”

“No! I’m getting rid of your evil! I will save my Rarity!” Twilight yelled as the strain of her magic took root.

“Y- Your Rarity?” Rarity asked, raising a hoof to her mouth as she gasped. “Twilight?”

But the princess was gone already as what was left laughed mirthlessly. A cold laugh that chilled everypony to the bone. A laugh that pierced stone. A laugh that called for help. A laugh heard by a ruler in her chambers, where said mare was powerless to aid her lost friend.

“Twilight! Stop this now!” Celestia screamed as she felt the power surge through her castle. She was too far away though, and she could never have gotten there in time.

“I. Will. Not. Fail!” Twilight screamed as she let the bolt of darkness loose, striking the petrified Rarity dead on. The shadows swam around the mare, and her screams were now the loudest of them all. Screams of fear. Of agony. Of loss.

With a anticlimactic pop, the spell cut off, and two mares fell to the floor, steam beginning to roll off their coats. It was fitting then that the next move was made by the teacher. The one who had inadvertently set this path in motion by teaching that dangerous magic to Twilight in the first place. She looked to her fallen friends with sorrow, and bowed her head for their loss. And all too soon of course.

A shrill whistle cut the air. The report of a rocket sounded out as two streaks shot into the sky. One was a dark foreboding purple. The other, a slice of the night itself. Celestia watched in horror as they bounced off the walls and out finally shot through the roof into the Canterlot night. “H-How? Tw-Twilight f-failed?”

“My my my. Canterlot is such a beautiful city.” The Nightmare chuckled as she stood overlooking the city, smirking to herself. She heard the faint sound of wings, and four hooves meeting stone behind her. It was almost amusing. “Only one? You are either very brave or very foalish. I am at full power now, so do not trifle with me, cur.”

“Hmm. The new look suits you, Rares.” The one behind her chuckled.

“Twilight. I should have known. Hmm, I actually must thank you, Darling. You freed me after all. You eliminated the Nightmare’s presence in my mind, but you left me her rage and sorrow and longing in my heart. You have just created evil, my dear. How does it feel?”

“Don’t move, Rarity,” The Princess of Magic ordered. “Just stand still for a minute.”

“Striking me in the back?” Rarity asked. “Now this is-”

“Who said anything about attacking?” Twilight cut in. “I’m just enjoying the damned fine view.”

“What?!” Rarity shrieked as she spun around, facing a now noticeably more evil and taller Twilight Sparkle as she tried to cover herself, despite a blush that persisted over her still delicate features. This was unheard of from the lavender mare, but then again this was a new Twilight. One with a now black mana aura and... eyeliner? “Twilight?”

“You’re cute when you don’t know what’s going on.” Twilight chuckled.

“S-So I guess you want to challenge me then? For the right to rule Equestria?”

“Eh, not really. I mean if you want to...” Twilight dismissed, throwing Rarity off completely. “The way I see it, I’m immortal. With my brains and power, I can take over this country in 20 minutes, and that’s if I stop to get a bite to eat.”

“So you’re not going to stop me?” Rarity asked.

“No. I had no plans of that. If you want to destroy Canterlot later, I’d be down for that, but in the meantime...”

“W-What do you want?” Rarity stammered.

“I just want a bit of Fun is all.” Twilight dutifully informed as she sauntered over to Rarity. The lavender mare let her legs hang on the gray villains shoulders as she leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Please say your nickname is Fun.”

“Tw-Twi-Twilight?” Rarity stammered as she shook underneath her friend.

“We could have soooo much fun together, Rarity. What do you say, baby?” Twilight teased, nipping the other’s ear lightly.

“When did you get so...?”

“Naughty?” Twilight finished. “I feel like a new mare. I have untold power now, and I just want to do something that feels as good as this. And you’re just like me. We’re two of a kind now. We’re perfect for each other.”

“In that case,” Rarity shuddered as she steadied her breath. “Do that thing with my ear again, Love. I like that.”

“Ouh lala!” Twilight teased as she complied.

“Luna! Prepare a search party!” Celestia ordered as she stormed into her sister’s chamber. “Those two will not get away!”

“Who will not get away, Tia?” Luna asked as she failed to glance up from her comic book. It was Batmane, and like Tartarus Luna would miss a second of this.

“Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. Those two have escaped!”

“How? And why would Twilight escape? She’s free to come and go as she pleases.”

“Not anymore. Twilight tried to use Dark Magic to free Rarity from the Nightmare.” Celestia explained, and finally succeeded in getting her sister to drop the comic.

“Was she...?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I believe so.” Celestia frowned. “If she’s really turned, she will no longer be bound by my magical mental blocks that kept her power in check.”

“That’s bad.”

“Very. She will not have any mental blocks whatsoever. She’ll be violent. Emotional. She will be a danger to every pony in Equestria!” Celestia anguished.

“She’ll be a full grown mare with new hormones and thoughts that she never got to exercise responsibly throughout her life.” Luna muttered. “Did she ever, you know, learn about the birds and the bees?”

“Oh mother help us.” Celestia gasped. “Twilight now has the mind of a horny teenager with limitless power...”

“We’re all doomed!” Luna and Celestia cried.