• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,901 Views, 80 Comments

Chaotic Nightmare - Sam Cole

Rarity been turned into the dreaded Nightmare, and in her efforts to free her friend, Twilight is lost to the evil as well. Ponyville is... in no real danger? What? What do you mean they're in love?! Damn it! Somepony tell em to get a r

  • ...

Chapter 1.5

Hey everyone. Instead of doing this down in the Author notes section, I feel the need to headline this. Originally, I had split this part into Chapter 2, and was intent on leaving it there, but another read through has confirmed that I did sort of jump the gun a little with my segmentation earlier. So the original Chapter 2 will now be split into Chapter 1.5 and the new Chapter 2. Enjoy.

The small dragon yawned away the sleep as he rolled out of his bed and onto the floor. Last night had been rough on the little guy. He kept having weird dreams and woke up with two extra pillows on top of him. A morning pony would have found this odd, but not the baby dragon. To him, it had failed to even register. As he walked through to the bathroom, a restful grunt caught his ear, and made the little guy smile.

“Hey Twilight!”

“Mmph.” The reply he received. It was definitely Twilight, and she had been up late again it seems.

“I'm really glad you’re finally back. So is Rarity cured now?”


“That’s great! I can’t wait to see her again! I’m gonna make you breakfast, Twilight. For being such a great friend and never giving up on her! Whaddya want?”


“Clover and pepper jack omelet coming right up!” Spike sang as he bounded down stairs to the kitchen.

“I hate him, Twilight.” A sleepy voice next to the lavender mare grunted.

“He’s just happy to see me Rares.”

“He didn’t even offer me an omelet though...”

“He didn’t know you were here.” Twilight sassed as she got out of bed and stretched her wings out.

“How? We were not quiet last night by any means.”

“He could sleep through a freight train, Rarity. Don’t worry about it.” Twilight dismissed as she let her hooves find purchase on the floor. “Come on. It’s time for breakfast.”

“Breakfast for you...” Rarity pouted.

“You’re right, let me fix that." Twilight nodded before she called to her oldest friend, even if he was the youngest of her friends. "Spike! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but Rarity stayed here last night!”

“What?! Rarity’s here!?” Spike shrieked as he dropped the skillet.

“Yes dear, I am! I wanted to repay Twilight for getting that horrible thing out of my mind!” Rarity smiled to Twilight, before adding in a whisper. “And I think I will be repaying you again, and again, and again, my Love. My own little Twilight Princess.”

“Hmm. The Twilight Princess, has a good ring to it.” Twilight smirked. “Ponies will flock to my regime by the thousands.”

“Our regime, my dear.” Rarity cooed softly as she let her smoky mane twist around Twilight’s neck to a tightness not many would find welcoming.

“Ooohh, I like that!” Twilight giggled in reply, unfazed by her lover's attempt to kill her.

“Call it positive reinforcement then darling.” Rarity giggled as the pair walked down the steps to the lower landing, and more importantly to an unaware dragon assistant.

“I’m super excited to see ya, Rarity.” Spike smiled as he cracked two more eggs for the mare’s meal. “I can’t tell ya how glad I am that you’re all better now.”

“Yes my dear. I feel like a brand new mare.” Rarity smiled.

“I’m glad!” Spike said as he turned to face the pair, and froze, his smile still on his face, but quickly fading. “N-N-N-Nightmare Moon!”

“No Spike.” Twilight snorted. “The Nightmare Moon is dead. This is Nightmare Rarity.”

“I-I-I thought you cured her! Twilight? What happened? You’re taller! You- Are you wearing eyeliner?” Spike stammered till he noticed his older sister’s appearance. “Looks good on ya...”

“Thank you, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“But what the hay is she doing here!? And evil?!”

“I’m right here, Spike.” Rarity snorted. “And last night, Twilight and I were reborn.”

“Re- reborn? Oh no. T-Twilight?”

“Yes Spike. I’ve gotten a taste of true power now, and I like it. No more rules. No more blocks. I’m me at last, and I feel fantastic.” Twilight smiled as she levitated a coffee cup over to herself.

“Your mana! It’s black!”

“That’s what happens to those that embrace the shadows. I’ve been endarkened, my number one assistant.” Twilight smiled, before she looked to the small drake giddily. “Say, I still need my assistant. Would you like to be the first follower of the Nightmare Regime?”

“The what now?” Spike stuttered in fear.

“Hold on, Love.” Rarity cut in. “Spike, you’re burning my omelet.”

“Oh, sorry!” Spike stated as he spun around to fix the meal. “Hold it! Why am I cooking for super villains? And why did you just call Twilight 'love?'”

“Well, first, because we’ll kill you if you don’t cook for us.” Rarity stated as a matter of fact.

“Should have seen that one coming...” Spike muttered as he fixed the meal and began to garnish it.

“And second, Rarity and I are teaming up now. We’re the two most powerful beings on Equis together. So we took a page out of history.” Twilight smirked. “We made love, not war. Only instead of a philosophy, it was just with each other...”

“I’m being held hostage by two crazy super villains...” Spike muttered in horror as he watched the two share a quick kiss. “And they’re my best friends too...”

“So Spike, would you care to join our empire?” Rarity asked politely.

“If I say no?”

“Then I’ll brainwash you silly,” Twilight giggled as she floated a knife over for her meal. “Or maybe I’ll torture you a bit...”

“GAH! Waaaaaah! I don’t wanna be cut up!” Spike began to ball sinking to the floor with a loud display of waterworks.

“Oh now look what you did, Twilight!” Rarity sassed as she stepped around to hug Spike. “There there little guy. Just come along willingly, and there will be no slicing and dicing.”

“Ah- I- You can’t... Okay...” Spike muttered in defeat. “I’ll join you two...” And I’ll bring you down as soon as I can.

“Thank you Spike. And I like the thoughts about betrayal.” Twilight smiled, making the dragon freeze. “That shows promise, my knight.”

“I’m so-” Spike began, till the thought registered with him. “Knight?”

“Captain Spike of the Draco Knights. Has a nice ring to it, huh?” Twilight smiled.

“I’m a knight...” Spike muttered as he began to smile. “Oh buck yes!”

“Oh I love it!” Rarity sang. “Our first follower!”

“See, we got this evil business do-” Twilight began, but froze as she caught on to the truth of her words. “We don’t know how to be evil!”

“What’s there to know?” Spike asked. “Don’t you just have to be bad?”

“But what level of badness? Is there a quantifiable limit for bad? Who judges if it’s bad? How much do we have to pay henchponies? Do they get dental?...” Twilight rambled off, now caught up in her own questions.

“Well dear, why not read up on how to run a large corporation?” Rarity suggested.

“Because I want to be evil, not run a food mart.” Twilight shot back.

“Darling, being evil and running a company are the same thing.” Rarity dismissed. “Look at the Flim Flam brothers. They are rather successful, and fairly evil too.”

“What about Fancypants? He’s very successful, and not remotely evil?”

“Darling, he’s an exception to the rule.” Rarity dismissed. “Come now, how hard can this be for the smartest mare in Ponyville?”

“Hey yeah. I’ll organize us a plan of action to die for!” Twilight smiled as Spike groaned.

“Twilight, no more evil puns.”

“What evil pun?”

“A ‘plan to die for.’ Really?” Spike protested.

“That’s a bad mare pun?” Twilight asked, genuinely perplexed.

“Ya know what, forget it. Knock yourself out, Twi!” Spike smiled.

“You do that dear, I’m going to go study true evil, as only as master can attain.” Rarity nodded, looking set in her ways as she ate her omelet with grace. Evil or not, it was no excuse for poor table manners.

“What’s that? Who’s a master?” Twilight and Spike asked, clearly interested.

“Hmm. That shall be my secret darling. After all, you have forever to do as you wish with Equestria. I, on the other hoof, have my life, and my life alone.” Rarity nodded as she finished her meal. “I shall be off now. I’ll see you tonight, Love.”

“See ya tonight.” Twilight smiled. “Oh, and stay out of sight. We may be strong, but alerting the guards is still unwise. I don’t think we’re ready to fight a war here...”

“Seriously darling? We’re all powerful. What is there to fear?” Rarity asked as she headed for the door.

“All powerful goddess that have a tendency to trap nightmares in the moon.”

“Celestia. Yes, I forgot about her. In a straight fight, she might be able to overpower me... I must say that my style lies more in misdirection and subterfuge than outright fighting. It’s just so... uncouth.”

“Agreed. And I’m more of a mentalist than a combat specialist.” Twilight supplied. “I have the power, but I would feel much better getting somepony else to do my dirty work for me.”

“That’s the spirit, Love. We’ll rule these ruffians with iron hooves.”

Rarity’s smoky form slipped silently into the room, curling around this way and that as the mare herself tried desperately to remember how to reform from the smoke. She cursed and spat as she tumbled and twisted, till eventually she slipped out again, muttering insults about that being much too silly to ever attempt in front of anypony. But quickly the mare felt eyes upon her, as the mare turned to see the one she had sought. The master of true evil. The one that knew no limits.

“Please, I have come to learn all I can from you about evil. Please, teach me, I am putty in your-”

Rarity was cut off as the master mewed and stretched, turning away from Rarity to begin napping.

“Augh! Really Opal?! Is that how you’re going to treat me? After all these years of dedicated care and attention?!” Rarity shot at the cat. But her anger was quick to recede, to say the least. “I’m so sorry, Opal-Wopal. Mommy loves you. I’m sorry I said mean things to you before. Please, I beg of you, let me learn from my mistakes! Please Opal! Teach me!” Rarity cried as she threw herself at the cat’s paws, weeping large, showy tears. The cat remained asleep.

“Stupid cat...” Rarity muttered. “I wish Fluttershy had let you starve during my imprisonment... Oh Please Opal! Teach Me Your Ways!”

“Alright, here ya go, Twilight!” Spike smiled as he set down the stack of books for the evil mare.

“Thanks Spike. Say, who was running the library while I was away?”

“I was. Though it didn’t really matter. No ponies really came by.” Spike supplied with a shrug. “Only Time Turner did, and that was to check out a book about computer repair.”

“Really?” Twilight snorted. “I’ll teach these ponies to disrespect my library! To disrespect knowledge!”

“Twilight?” Spike muttered as he backed away. But it was already too late. The mare was headlong into another rage fit, and who knows what this new Twilight would do in that situation. Thankfully for one dragon, she was still Twilight in some ways. He walked over to her and grabbed a book at random from her pile, one she had yet to read. He opened it up and then shoved the random page into Twilight’s line of sight, marveling at the wonders it produced.

“Spike! Not yet! I’ve still got to read the table of contents, make a list about which chapters would be the most informative, cross reference those topics in all the books for repeated information. Cross reference that cross reference to see if any of the other authors had insight the others- Spike?” Twilight asked as she realized she was holding the book and the dragon was gone. Twilight shrugged as she began to lift books magically one by one, and began her arduous task of crossing them all off the list.