• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,901 Views, 80 Comments

Chaotic Nightmare - Sam Cole

Rarity been turned into the dreaded Nightmare, and in her efforts to free her friend, Twilight is lost to the evil as well. Ponyville is... in no real danger? What? What do you mean they're in love?! Damn it! Somepony tell em to get a r

  • ...

Chapter 2: Let's Get the Ball Rolling!

Chapter 2: Let’s Get the Ball Rolling!

That evening, two powerful mares stood overlooking their prize, the gleaming city of Fillydelphia.

“Really Darling? Fillydelphia?” Rarity asked as she reviewed her target.

“Large enough to be noticed, far enough away from a guard camp to have a reliable report time,” Twilight smiled. “Let’s get to it! How did your evil lessons go?” Twilight inquired.

“Ah haha, they went, um, swimmingly!” Rarity lied. In all truth, she begged her cat for hours, then just gave up and started modifying her dresses to better fit her new form. “How went your studies?”

“Great!” Twilight smiled. “I learned about business capital mergers!”

“... I don’t think that’s quite right, my love...”

“Oh hush,” Twilight retorted playfully. “Let’s have a challenge then. Who ever reeks the most havok tonight gets to be top.”

“Oh it is on!” Rarity laughed, believing this to be in the bag.

With a blast of epic proportions, Twilight cut her way into the large meeting room. All present sat shocked in fear as the tall Alicorn strode in, a smile gracing her lips. Her tone was smooth and even. She spoke with authority that none could hope to match.

“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, your new ruler. And from now on, things around here will be done by my bidding.”

“Y-y-yes P-Princess! Just please, spare us!” One older mare cowered.

“Have no fear, my subject. Now, for my first order of business... What is our business?”

“We make assorted jams and jellies, your highness!” The mare replied.

The news of her acquisition made the poor tyrant’s eye begin to twitch as she lifted her hoof to her face. “Jams and jellies!? Oh hades... “

“And we were just discussing a major loss in profits this past quarter...” The mare spoke now, a little less afraid.

“A loss in Profits? No pony shall outproduce me!” Twilight bellowed. “You, your new name is Joe. Find me a sample of this jam they have that is out selling ours. You, you’ll be Joe 2. Go find me a sample of our product so I can figure out what's wrong with it. Come on everypony! We got an Empire to run!”

“Yes Ma’am!” The group chanted happily. They finally had a board president that knew what she was doing!

Rarity slammed her hooves down on the cold cobble stone streets of Fillydelphia, rage in her eyes. “I Am Nightmare Rarity! You are now My Subjects! If you so much as try to call for help, I’ll- I- is that a Gucci store?” Rarity sang happily, trotting towards her prize with a smile and a laugh to the confusion and horror of all around.

“Are we under attack?” One citizen finally asked.

“Yes...” Another muttered in fear, shaking hard.

“What should we do?”


“I like it. Riot it is.”

“AAAAHHHH!” The ponies screamed as they bolted away at top speed. “We’re under attack! Everypony, riot!”

“And here we have a sample of our new fall lineup, pumpkin spice spread!” Joe 33 smiled as she placed the tray down for Twilight.

“Mmm, this is excellent. I want five units prepared for immediate sale to me. Poison the rest!”

“Um, that’s a really bad idea Miss,” Joe 117 said. “How would we continue to make a profit if we kill off our customers?”

“Profit? From jams and jellies?” Twilight asked.

“Our company is worth over five hundred million bits Ma’am.”

“F-five. Hundred. Million.” Twilight stammered. “New idea then! This company shall privately fund my new empire! Much better.”

“Except we’re still losing profits,” Joe 35 sighed.

“You, Joe 89! Take this offer over to our competitions headquarters,” Twilight smiled as she wrote out a simple letter. The colt took it and read it over first.

“Dear Jammers Company,

If you don’t merge with my company, I will be forced to kill you... No miss, you can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because... I don’t know, but you can’t! Unless you’re a super villain, then you can. But then we have to register as an evil empire conglomerate, which means a new tax bracket, along with a complete revision of company policy, not to mention we would have to find a new dental provider...”

“Okay! Okay! Sheesh! Joe 89, get me a meeting with the Jammer's president, tell him Miss Sparkle would like to have a word with them. Joe 21, you go out and get me all the paperwork I need to complete in order to run this company as an evil empire.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Everypony else, saddle up. I want a graphic designer in here now to work on a new label. It’s time we show these ponies a new Dandy Spreads!”

“Your highness,” Joe 14 asked hesitantly, “Our label and brand has not changed in 60 years!”

“And that’s why you are suffering losses in sales. No pony wants the same old from their breakfast jam. Joe 18, look up any health benefits these spreads might have. I’m talking antioxidants, low cholesterol, anything!”

“Ma’am, it’s sugar and preservatives. There are no benefits.”

“Augh! Work with me here, Joe! You’re acting like an expendable hostage again.” Twilight said to the horror of the late night board meeting. They hadn’t seen what happened to an expendable hostage yet, but they were not exactly stepping up to find out either.

“Hmm, do these boots say ‘I’m your supreme ruler?’ Or do they just say ‘I’m your ruler?’” Rarity asked the salesmare in the shop as she tried on several different pairs.

“Oh these definitely say supreme ruler,” The salesmare said as she measured Rarity for a quick fitting. “And with a nice shall, every colt in town will be begging you to be their ruler.”

“Oh no, I already have somepony.”

“Lucky colt,” The mare laughed as she tossed aside the tape. “You know what you need? a low neckline. Show off that strong breast.”

“Mmm, yes, that would look dashing. But no, you’re wrong,” Rarity said as she floated over a dress. “It’s not a colt. I have myself a mare.”

“Ah. You’re scandalis!”

“Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled. “Oh Twilight is just going to love this. Tell me though, does this make my flank look big?”

“Big flanks are in. And you have a great flank,” The mare joked as she smacked Rarity on the haunches.

“How dare you lay hoof on the Mare of Darkness, you foal!”


“Only the empress of the Nightmare Regime, Princess Twilight Sparkle, may slap my flank!” Rarity bellowed as the salesmare bolted.

Two mares watching at the counter nodded at this, terror seeping from them. “Just smile and nod.”

“I really hate this job.”

“Me too.”

“I demand another salesmare that is of stronger backbone and brighter mind!” Rarity commanded of those ponies left. “I am still shopping!”

Two mares met high above the city, both looking smug and certain of their victory.

“I don’t know about you my dear, but I feel quite accomplished in my deeds for the night.” Rarity smiled as she held up her bags of goods. “I got some lovely boots here, a new scarf... Oh! And the cutest lace negligee!”

“I took over a fortune 500 company,” Twilight smiled. “But we can still have use of your nighty there.”

“You what?”

“Yeah, I own a company now,” Twilight smiled. “See, it’s right over there!”

Rarity looked over at the building and pouted. “Best two out of three darling?”

Twilight failed to contain her dorky giggle as she watched Rarity frown. “My company makes this wonderful pumpkin spice spread! Oh, yeah, and I got some minions... But the spread! That stuff is delicious!”

Rarity pouted again, “Can I have some minions?”

“Of course, baby.”

“Oh Twilight. You treat me too well.” Rarity laughed. “Here my dear, let me repay you.”

“Let’s forget payback and rewards.” Twilight smiled. “Let’s just enjoy tonight.”

“I love you, Twilight.”

“I love you too, Rarity.”

Down below, cries could be heard floating up to the pair as the riot tore apart the city. “Why isn’t anypony stopping them?” “Help us, Celestia!” “Supervillain insurance! Get yer supervillain insurance now before they blow you up!” Stadiums collapsed, stores were looted, the barcolt finally got his tabs paid up. It was total anarchy tonight in the once great city of Fillydelphia.

“My place darling. Now.”

“Are you gonna wear that new little number?”

“Maybe...” Rarity teased as she nipped Twilight on the ear, then dissipated into smoke, weaving a trail back home the evil mare was all too happy to follow.

“Sister! Fillydelphia has just been destroyed!” Luna cried storming her sister’s chambers. “We must do something!”

“I’m already on it, sister. Twilight is predictable. She’ll run home eventually, and then Spike will alert us.”

“Good, good.” Luna smiled, then deadpanned. “Unless Twilight already got to him...”


The next day was not kind in announcing itself. Lately, Spike would get to sleep in, watch some cartoons, and read from the young adult section of the library to his hearts content. Today though, he was being assailed by a voice pleading him to do the unthinkable.

“Spike!” The voice called out, piercing the small dragon’s slumber. “Spike wake up! Come on buddy!”

“Huh, Rainbow? What’s going on?” The dragon asked as he crossed over to the window to greet the fast pony.

“Dude, something bad happened last night! I need to find Twi!” Rainbow pleaded.

“Ugh,” Spike groaned, looking over to Twilight’s empty bed. “I think she might have stayed at Rarity’s last night...”

“What?! Rarity’s back?” Rainbow smiled. “That’s awesome. We need all the help we can get.”

“Yeah,” Spike yawned as Rainbow bolted away, leaving the dragon to his sleep once again. “Wait, I forgot to warn her about those two... Oh well, not my problem.” Spike shrugged as he went back to sleep. Maybe there is something to being evil after all, he thought.

“Twi! Rarity! Open up!” Rainbow screamed at the door of the boutique. Inside, two very reluctant mares rolled out of bed as they walked down to greet their friend.

“What?” Twilight groaned as she opened the door. “I was up late, so make it good.”

“Twi, something ha- Are you taller?” Rainbow gawked. “And is that eyeliner? Looks good, girl.”

“Thanks,” Twilight smiled till the reality of it hit her like a ton of bricks. In a flash of hooves, Twilight grabbed Rainbow and drug her inside, slamming the door and locking it three fold.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Rarity demanded.

“She saw us!”

“What the hay? Twilight, what’s going on. Who is this?” Rainbow demanded.


“What are you doing in Rarity’s place with some random ass mare? Is that what they teach you in Canterlot?”


“You should be ashamed. Applejack has a perfectly good barn and gets mad as heck when she catches somepony out there going for a roll. It’s a way better prank.” Rainbow sighed. “I guess you could have done worse though. She is cute.”

“Darling, I think you have this a bit out of context,” Rarity smiled to Rainbow. “I for one am not some ‘Random Ass Mare.’”

“Oh my gosh...” Rainbow gasped. “Rarity? Is this what those guys did to you?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes...” Rarity smiled. “Twilight played her part in the new me as well though.”

“A very important part,” Twilight smiled.

“Yes indeed, my love,” Rarity giggled as she nuzzled Twilight.

“Wait, you two- and now- You’re- Go Twi.”


“So why exactly does Rarity kind of look like Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow finally asked.

“My dear, I look nothing like Nightmare Moon!” Rarity snorted. “I am Nightmare Rarity now!”

“Oh... What?!?” Rainbow shrieked, taking to the air, to only be pinned down by Twilight magically grabbing her tail. “You know, I really hate it when you do that.”

“Sorry,” Twilight smiled awkwardly. “But, well... We kinda can’t let you go now... Since, you know, you saw us and what not...”

“Like buck I can’t!” Rainbow spat at the mares of sin. “I’ll bust out of here, get the others, and put such a hurting on you two that you’ll miss your next birthdays!”

“Oh! I like it,” Rarity giggled. “Can we keep her, love. This one has spunk!”

“Hmm, only if you promise to take care of her, Rares.”

“Oh trust me, I will,” Rarity flashed the fast mare an evil smile. One that chills ponies to the bone.

“I’m not scared of you!”

“You should be,” Twilight giggled. “After what we did in Fillydelphia.”

“Wait, that was you- No!” Rainbow screamed. “I remember that play Pinkie was in! I don’t wanna be a cupcake!”

“Oh calm down,” Twilight chided. “We aren’t going to kill you. Unless we have too.”


“Stop that,” Rarity snorted. “No pony is going to kill you! We can make due with brainwashing.”

“I don’t wanna be brainwashed!” Rainbow screamed out, thrashing about wildly. Rarity sighed and slapped Rainbow, making the mare stop.

“Shut. Up.”

“I’ll leave! I won’t tell a soul! I swear! Just please, don’t take this out on anypony...”

“Twilight, do it,” Rarity sighed, stepping away and taking a seat.

“No! Stop! I’ll join you!” Rainbow pleaded, putting her hooves together.

“Are you actually begging?” Twilight snorted with laughter. “Are you that scared?”

“I’ve seen Filly this morning. It’s horrible. I don’t want that to happen here...” Rainbow muttered to her captors. “Please, I’ll do anything, just spare the town.”

Rarity watched this little show, and whether it was nostalgia or deviousness, the mare formed an idea. “You know what Twilight, I think we can use her. Our little Rainbow here has proven to have quite the capacity for evil before.”

“Buck you, Rarity. I’m not evil,” Rainbow snorted.

“Really? You’re egotistical, scheming, and no matter how much you claim to be out there to aid others, it’s all just a chance to show off, my dear.”

“I- alright, so some of that is true, but I’m not evil!”

“Pfft,” Twilight snorted. “You may be on the good guys side, but you’re an outcast. You love the limelight.”

“So? I’m awesome, and everypony should know this fact,” Rainbow smiled, letting her chest swell with pride.

“And what better way to show them than by leading our air corps into war against your corrupt Princesses?” Rarity asked, though the small amount of magic she was feeding Rainbow was not helping matters. “Think about it. They use Cloudsdale, but never give the city it’s just rewards.”

“Canterlot, their city, is full of unicorns, not pegasi.” Twilight added, knowing what Rarity was trying to do. “They claim loyalty, but they promote only those they feel are equal. Not us. We want to start a new empire where this old decaying model once stood.”

“Join us Rainbow. We need you,” Rarity finished with a whisper.

“A new order...” Rainbow whispered.

“Are you in, Commander Dash?” Rarity asked. Rainbow had to this point held a determined expression of defiance, but now she snapped too.

“Commander? Me?” Rainbow muttered. Rarity and Twilight sat by smirking as their friend willing left the light. “And Ponyville will be safe?”

“Completely, as long as you play nice, Miss Dash,” Twilight smiled kindly. The smile of the master before the whip is brought down.

“Alright. I’m in.” Rainbow nodded.

“Excellent!” Rarity cheered, clapping her hooves together. “We’ll let you go for now then my dear. Ta-ta.” Rarity smiled as Twilight released the cyan mare. Rainbow wasted no time in heading out.

“I gotta warn the others,” Rainbow muttered once far enough away from the house. “Stupid mares, trying temptation magic. I’ve beaten that stuff before, and I’ll do it again.”

Back in the boutique, the two evil ones were celebrating the doubling of their regime and a personal save for Rarity. “Oh this is wonderful!” Rarity smiled. “I really didn’t want to kill her, my love. New carpets.”

“Not to mention I hate to kill on an empty stomach,” Twilight groaned.

“What about fooling around?” Rarity asked devilishly. “Care to partake a little before we dine?”

“Oh, if that’s where this is going, forget the breakfast. Come here, you saucy mare you!”

Five friends, bound by adventures and labors of love, sat in a barn on the edge of an orchard. Word had spread fast Rainbow wanted to see them, but why? She seemed scared, and constantly checking over her shoulder.

“What’s this about RD? Ah got work ta be doin.” Applejack snorted.

“Yeah, it’s grocery day over at the Corner, Dashie,” Pinkie nodded.

“And I was sleeping,” Spike huffed.

“I was free. Thank you for inviting me, Rainbow,” Fluttershy offered in a supportive manner. She honestly didn’t feel it was right for everyone to gang up on her like that.

“Thanks Shy. But girls, Spike, we have a major problem. Fillydelphia was attacked last night.”

“What?” Four voices called out.

“Yeah. I just found out that Twi and Rares were behind it too, and-” Rainbow started till a snort of laughter cut her off.

“Twilight and Rarity? Oh gosh, ya had me goin fer a second there, Dash,” Applejack chortled. “Good one.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie snorted as she laughed hard enough to knock herself off of her hay bale. “Twilight and Rarity, evil! It’s preposterous!”

“Good joke, Dashie,” Fluttershy chuckled as she got up and opened the door for her and the two earth ponies. “You got us good, Dashie. I’ll see you again soon.”

“Bye Dashie!” Applejack and Pinkie cried back in laughter to the mare left sitting there with her jaw wide open. Surely they didn’t just...

“Are you sure?” A voice asked. The last one Rainbow expected.

“Yeah Spike. I’m sure.”

“What are we gonna do?” Spike asked.

“We need to alert the Princess. Spike, take a letter,” Rainbow ordered as Spike took down a note a whisked it away in his green flames.

“The Princesses will want some proof first. We should see if we can find something that links them to the city,” Spike offered.

“Great plan. Come on Spike, they’re at Rare’s place!” Rainbow cried as she grabbed Spike and placed him on her back, taking off for the boutique at break neck speeds.

Silently, two figures slipped into the back door of the boutique, treading lightly as they tried to find their evidence.

“Look everywhere Spike... Spike?” Rainbow asked as she turned back to find Spike was no longer behind her, but two rather displeased mares were.

“Looks like we were a bit hasty in letting you go,” Rarity sighed.

“You really had us fooled though,” Twilight chuckled. “Thank you for the heads up, Spike.”

“No problem!” Spike called out as he helped himself to some gems and a loaf of bread, making his famous ruby melt sandwich.

“What? Spike betrayed me?!” Rainbow cried out, turning around to face the guilty party. “How? When did he even get the chance?”

“Well, I have been in Spike’s mind and keep the back door open,” Twilight mused, “And he did send us a note first. But really, we heard Spike screaming for you too stop from a mile away,” Twilight sighed as Rainbow’s hoof met her face.

“So we’ll have to keep closer eyes on you,” Rarity huffed. “Do you have any idea what you interrupted? You owe Twilight and I some private time so we can finish!”

“... Ewwww...” Rainbow and Spike muttered at the same time. “Too much information...”

“Twilight, take care of her. I need to wash up, since it looks like we don’t get to finish now,” Rarity snorted as she pushed past Rainbow.

“Yeah, I got this,” Twilight sighed, “Rainbow, I like you. So I’ll let this one slide. But if you betray us again, I’ll... I don’t know, burn down your house.”

“I live in a cloud, egghead.”

“Then I’ll burn down Fluttershy’s!” Twilight snorted.

“Fine. Just don’t mess with Shy. Please.” Rainbow sighed as she left of her own free will. Rainbow stayed true to her word though as she refused to tell anypony. Besides, who would believe her?

With a satisfied smile at her evil deeds, Twilight turned around and bumped snout first into a new problem. A rather pink problem. “Twilight!”


“I thought maybe you were back cause Rainbow was joking about you and Rarity, but you weren’t home, so I came here and here you were and now here I am and we’re here together!”

“Pinkie?!” Twilight stammered again.

“Hi Twilight. Love the eyeliner.”

“...How long have you been there?” Twilight finally decided to ask.

“I came in when Rainbow opened the door,” Pinkie scoffed as if it was obvious.

Twilight racked her brain to think of something to say before Rarity came back. But what to say? Pinkie was so nonsensical that she was completely unpredictable! Or was she? “Pinkie? Would you like to join Rarity’s and mine evil regime?”

“Evil regime?” Pinkie recoiled. “Do I get a tee shirt?”

“... Sure? And I’ll even throw in a jar of pumpkin spice spread.”

“Ooooh! Okie Dokie Loki!

“Great!” Twilight smiled. “Pinkie promise.”

“Duh. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Did you just recrute Pinkie?” Spike called from the other room.

“I think so?” Twilight replied, still unsure exactly how this had actually worked. Pinkie only shrugged though as she continued into the next room with a giggle and a bounce. “She is so- Rarity!” Twilight screamed as she remembered the bouncy mare was heading straight for her lover.

But alas, it was too late for the tyrant. “Hiya Rarity! Oooo! You look amazing! Did you do something with your mane?”

“Pinkie?!” Rarity screamed as she reared back. “What are you doing here?”

Twilight bolted into the room to see a very wide eyed Pinkie as the mare examined the new Rarity. “You look so… so… Awesome!”

“Oh thank Dark Lord Smooze,” Twilight sighed with a wipe of her brow.

“Pinkie? Why are you here?” Rarity repeated as she calmed down from the intrusive colored assault of her abode.

“I wanted to see you again! Welcome back!” Pinkie smiled. “Oh! That reminds me! Twilight asked me to join your regime!”

“Did you?” The mare of darkness pondered.

“Yepperoni!” Pinkie smiled. “She said I’d get a tee shirt!”

“Hmm. And I expect I am to be making this shirt then, my love?” Rarity chided to Twilight, and thus for once stalled the bouncy mare. “Next time, ask me, don’t volunteer me.”

“Y-Y-Your Love?!” Pinkie exclaimed, looking between them rapidly. “Oh no! No no no no no no no! I will not let you two destroy our group friendship dynamic with a romantic excursion!”

“You care that much about the group dynamic?” Rarity recoiled.

“You know how to use excursion in a sentence?” Twilight exclaimed unheeded.

“If you two are dating, that means you both a favorite among the group. If you two have a favorite, you’ll spend less time with the rest of us. If you spend less time with the rest of us, I’ll feel left out and sad. If I feel left out and sad, I’ll binge eat again. Do you two want me to weigh 190 pounds again?!” Pinkie screamed, levitating all the while as she was prone to do.

“Eww, no more leg warmers. No more leg warmers,” Rarity cringed, thoughts of lime green stretchy wear forefront in her mind. “Oh, how about if Twilight and I find you over eating again, we’ll kill you?”

“Second!” Twilight smiled.

“What?!” Pinkie recoiled. “You would never… Would you?”

“Well I don’t want to eliminate one third of our regime like that, but if it’s what it takes,” Rarity sighed.

“Hey, what about my minions?” Twilight argued.

“They’re cannon fodder, love. They don’t count.”

“...Fair enough.”

“Oh my gosh, you two are evil…” Pinkie muttered at last. “I thought you were just playing a game of some kind, but- but you’re for realsies, aren't you?”

“Yep. We ravaged Fillydelphia last night,” Twilight smiled.

“And each other,” Rarity joked to a blush from Twilight.

“... I made a Pinkie promise, so I’ll stick by it, no matter what,” Pinkie frowned till one bright thought entered her mind. “Wait! Twilight had snu-snu?!”

“Snu-snu?” Twilight recoiled.

“Yes she did, Pinkie,” Rarity smiled as she watched her confused lover and tyrant frown.

“Is that what we were doing with the-” Twilight began til Rarity closed her mouth magically.

“Twilight! A lady would never kiss and tell!” Rarity exclaimed.

“But you were teasing her about it,” Pinkie noted.

“Yes, but I am allowed. I’m her mistress, you see,” Rarity smiled.

“Excuse me! I’m the all powerful immortal!”

“Sit down, Twilight.”

“Yes Mistress. Wait, what?”

“Oh my gosh,” Pinkie muttered. “I’m so happy for you, Twilight!” The pink mare punctuated with a rib crushing hug. “I’m gonna go throw together a congrats Twilight-and-Rarity-on-your-new-relationship party!” The pink machine of a mare declared as she bolted from the studio.

“Wait? Wasn’t she upset about the evil deeds?” Twilight finally asked.

“Don’t question it. It’s working,” Rarity retorted.

“Good plan… Hey, we’re all alone aga-” Twilight began till the sound of the sink turning on rang out.

“Spike, get out!” Both mares screamed.

“Oh that dragon probably ate all my gems again!” Rarity whined as they heard the boy grumble and storm into the room.

“So you got Pinkie and Rainbow. What about AJ and Fluttershy? It’s only a matter of time till they figure it out that you’re back in town too,” Spike snorted. “If you want the public face of the heroines of Equestria, of the elements, being used for you, you had better round them all up so the Princess can’t use them to split the nation against you!”

“... When did you get so tactically proficient?” Rarity asked slowly.

“Rarity, who among us always wins at Risk?”

“Damn my favor of Equestria…”

“Hmm, Fluttershy will give us a day to recharge thinking we just got back, but Applejack is a serious concern,” Twilight conceded. “I don’t think we can turn her as easily as the others…”

“Hey!” Spike hollered as Twilight basically insulted him.

“You’re right, my love. She’s rather stubborn, but humble. Her character is unshakable,” Rarity frowned.

“Maybe that could work for us,” Twilight smiled. “Let’s go pay her a visit.”

“Looking as we do? We’ll draw the guard right to us!” Rarity pleaded.

“Hmm, oh I know! An illusion spell!” Twilight smiled as she charged her horn. “Let’s make you look like old Rarity.”

“I happen to like the New Rarity better,” The mare of deceit chuckled as she let the magic wrap around her.

“Me too, but this is just for going out on the town.”

“Twilight, everypony is staring!” Rarity chided as the pair trotted over to the apple farm.

“I couldn’t make you look shorter, alright?”

“I look like I had a 2 foot growth spurt!”

“Well, technically you did…”

“You’re not helping.” Rarity snorted.

“Oh whatever,” Twilight giggled. “Just remember, Applejack’s family is rather… offput, we’ll say, by fillyfoolers. If we want to convince her to join us, we need to appear strictly platonic.

“If you say so, Twilight.” Rarity nodded. “It’s five minutes. How hard can it be to act like these loveless husks of pony for five minutes?” As the pair strode onto the beautiful Sweet Apple Acres, their resolve set in steel, that question would be put to the test.

Instantly the mares found their target, the ever dedicated Applejack. “Sweet Mother of Celestia, look at y’all now!” Applejack gasped as she laid eyes on the pair. “Them magics sure did you two a world of good! Yer both taller! Ah have to admit, ya look so much more refined with eyeliner, Twi.”

“Oh, thank you.” Twilight smiled.

“And just look at you, Rares. Them boys may have been evil, but you sure filled out nicely.”

“Why thank you, Applejack deary!” Rarity smiled.

Before letting the complements go completely to their heads, Twilight made her move. “Applejack, we need you to help us out with an important task.”

“Well shoot girls, name it,” Applejack frowned as she became serious.

“I’m afraid this is a bad place for it, dear. How about inside?” Rarity asked as she looked around, almost scanning for trouble.

Once in the Apple Family barn, Applejack had a bad feeling. She was sure they had been followed. What else could make these two so nervous. But now was not the time for speculation, it was a time for answers. “Applejack darling, we have changed, much more than physically too,” Rarity frowned.

“What’s going on?”

“When I used an ancient magic to free Rarity from the Nightmare Moon’s control, Celestia became angry,” Twilight muttered in defeat. “She is scared of this power I discovered. She’s- She’s- Oh I can’t say it Rarity!”

“There there, darling,” Rarity muttered as she hugged the mare close. “Celestia decided to name us as enemies of Equestria for this knowledge.”

“She did what?” Applejack balked.

“Yes. She even went so far as to blame some random attack on Fillydelphia last night on us. I’ve done my best to keep that much out of the news here, but it won’t be long till her agents get the word out, even if it is a complete shamble.” Twilight managed through ragged breaths. Her acting was improving.

“Why is she trying to frame ya?” Applejack stammered.

“Because our power could very well make her obsolete. She’s a tyrant,” Rarity cried.

“How can Ah trust ya? Celestia has never led us wrong before,” Applejack snorted.

“Lemmings never know they’re being lead to a cliff till it’s too late,” Twilight sniffed. “AJ, could we lie to you? You’re like our best friend.”

“Naw, y’all would never lie to me,” Applejack nodded. “How can I help?”

“We’ve started a movement, a new regime to challenge Celestia’s decayed old model of government. Join us Applejack!” Rarity pleaded.

“O’ course! Anything to save Equestria!” Applejack frowned.

“Thanks,” Twilight smiled as Rarity began to nuzzle her, making the mare freeze. “Damn it, Rarity. You couldn’t do it for five minutes?”

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I know you wanted to keep this between us, but I just… couldn’t help myself.” Rarity blushed as Applejack began to snicker, throwing off the unicorn lovers. “And what, pray tell, is so damned funny?”

“It’s great y’all are something special now. Ah’m happy fer ya, really. But y’all are actin as though that’s somethin to be ashamed of.” Applejack stated in her perfect honesty. “Ah don’t see why love is anything to be embarrassed about. If y’all are happy, Ah’m happy. No need to be bashful around me!”

“I thought your family hated fillyfoolers though?” Twilight asked the orange mare.

“Eh, that’s them. Ah don’t see the harm in just being who yer supposed to be. Live and let live, ya know?”

“Thank you, dear,” Rarity smiled. “Oh how I wish Celestia was a kind and forgiving as you!”

“Wait, Ah thought she was mad about the magic stuff?” Applejack questioned.

“She is… It’s an ancient love magic we found that could topple her empire,” Twilight lied, cursing Rarity for saying anything.

“How could love topple an empire?”

“Love can move mountains, Applejack! It can turn back the sands of time! Never question the power of love!” Rarity demanded.

“Okay, okay, sorry!” Applejack muttered. “So how did love magic make y’all taller?”

“It unlocked our true powers,” Twilight smiled as she dropped the illusion on her lover. “Behold, Rarity’s true form!”

“What the buck!?” Applejack screamed as she fell over backwards. “Ya look all evil, Rares!”

“No my dear. Celestia has hidden the truth from us for too long. The power of the Nightmare Moon was pure! She wanted ponies to embrace the sweet night, where dreams ruled the land. Where there was no suffering!” Rarity lied. “We are reclaiming the power now.”

“Think about it AJ, every threat to Equestria has been banished, right?”


“It’s because they all sought to bring forward the truth. Well, besides Chrysalis. She was looking to feed her people…” Twilight conceded. “But Sombra was not evil. He sought to stop the weaponization of the Crystal Empire, and he was killed. Nightmare Moon wanted to erase all pain and suffering, and she was banished. Discord wanted to bring order like the god he is, and he was turned insane, then to stone because she cannot kill another immortal.”

“So y’all are sayin that Celestia has secretly controlled Equestria for over a thousand years after knocking off all of her opposition?” Applejack muttered. “That can’t be right. Celestia would never…”

“I’m so sorry Applejack. But it's all true,” Rarity lied. “And we are here to right this wrong.”

“Ah’m in. Ah wanna right all that’s wrong!” Applejack snorted.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity smiled kindly as Twilight reformed her image, “We’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Yeah,” Applejack nodded as the two slipped out of her barn again, letting the mare sigh. “Just how stupid do they think Ah am? Ah’ll stop ya two no matter what. As soon as y’all drop yer guard…”

That night, two evil mares slipped silently into their last target’s home while she slumbered peacefully. This was it. They would soon have the last Element of Harmony under their control! It was now or never!

“Twilight, I can’t do it,” Rarity eventually whispered after ten minutes of trying to invade Fluttershy’s dream. “I can’t figure it out.”

“What?” Twilight snorted as quietly as she could. “Oh forget it, plan B.” Twilight sighed as she sat down on Fluttershy’s bed, waking the poor mare.

“Twilight?! Why are you here? Are you wearing eyeliner?”

“Hey Fluttershy, calm down. This is just a dream,” Twilight smiled.

“How can my dream tell me its a dream?”

“You’ve been spending too much time with Pinkie lately,” Twilight nodded sagely.

“Oh, I knew it!”

“Rarity! You’re here!” Twilight smiled, faking the mare just appearing.

“Hello dear.” Rarity smiled awkwardly while she tried to figure out Twilight’s plan.

“Hello Rari-” Fluttershy began til she laid eyes on the mare. “Oh no… I’m having a nightmare…”

“No my dear. We’re here to protect you,” Rarity lied, seeing what Twilight was doing at last. “We know how badly you want to fit in. How badly you want to be secure under the wing of True Leadership.”

“I do?”

“Oh yes. You’re sick of being left alone. But not in the Nightmare Regime. We come to offer you peace, security, love.” Rarity smiled.

“Security? Love? H-How? You two look evil…” Fluttershy squeaked out in fear.

“Evil? Does Power always look evil? Or does it just look new?” Twilight gently asked.


“We have true power, Fluttershy. Come join us, and we will protect you from all you fear,” Rarity smiled lovingly, a smile that could sell coal as diamonds.

The butter colored mare turned slowly to Twilight and took in all she was seeing. The eyeliner was bold, but confident. Her height was welcoming, comforting. She looked so strong now, so regal. “I will!”

“Good,” Twilight smiled as she levitated over a book and bashed Fluttershy on the head, knocking her out cold again.

“What was that for?” Rarity stammered.

“The ruse is useless if she figures out it wasn’t a dream,” Twilight chided. “Besides, now we can go back home and enjoy each others… company, if you will?”

“Oh, I do love the sound of that,” Rarity smiled. “I’ll get the massage oils.”

“You kinky mare,” Twilight giggled as she and Rarity departed, leaving the soft spoken mare in her bed, but now with new information bouncing around her ears.

Twilight’s kinky? Rarity’s saucy? They want to protect me? No I want them to protect me. I want them to dominate me with that power from my dream... Oh my gosh! “I’m falling for Twilight and Rarity!” Fluttershy screamed as she bolted awake, then fell back to her bed giggling like a school filly.