• Published 9th Nov 2013
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The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang - RoyalRainbow

Over a year has passed since his arrival, and Ford Mustang is prepared to ask Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. But when an unknown force of darkness emerges, it's up to Ford to save not only his loved ones, but the world as well.

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Chapter 6 – Final Preparations

Chapter 6 – Final Preparations

“Ah yes! Faster! Faster!”

“Rainbow! I don’t think… I can keep this up!”

“Come on, Mustang! Don’t stop now! Keep going!”

“Waitaminute… Rainbow! I can feel it! I’m almost there!”

“Yeah, that’s it, Ford! Just a little more!”

“I’m gonna… I’m gonna…!”

But just before the struggling Ford Mustang can finish his declaration, the vapor cone’s resistance is still way too much for him to push through. Thus, the greater amount of force causes Ford to ricochet across the sky once again. Of course, with every attempt backfired, Rainbow Dash is always there to catch him with a soft, plushy cloud.

This wasn’t a complete surprise to him since he has attempted to pull off the Sonic Rainboom for nearly a hundred times in total whenever Rainbow had a chance to work with him on that legendary stunt. But for every attempt he has made, he can feel how close he is into accomplishing his personal goal. For now, he’s just too exhausted to care about that, especially when he has other plans in mind.

“Oh, so close, Ford!” Rainbow cheerfully embraces her coltfriend as they sit on the cloud she just used to catch him. “I swear, if you just push it a little further, you’ll finally be able to create your very own Sonic Rainboom!”

“Can we… finally… take a break… from this?” Ford asks while heavily gasping for air.

“Oh come on! Just one more try! That’s all I’m asking!” she pleads eagerly.

“Please, no more!” he responds whiningly. “I’ve tried pulling it off a dozen times today! Can’t we just call it a day already? Besides, I want to get ready for tonight’s anniversary!”

“Oh, alright.” she gives in with a grump. “But you better make our first anniversary special tonight! Otherwise, I’m calling the shots for next year’s!”

“Oh, don’t worry!” he says with a confident smirk as he sits himself up. “I’ve got someplace really special in mind this year!”

“Wait… are we going out somewhere?” she inquires with renewed excitement.

“Mmm… more or less, but you don’t need to wear anything formal at the very least.”

“That’s cool. So, where is this place?”

“Can’t tell ya! It’s a surprise!” he teases her with an all-knowing grin.

“Ooooh, why not?!” Rainbow whines exaggeratingly. “Tell me!”

“Trust me, Rainbow. I’ve got it all planned out this evening.” Ford grins reassuringly before getting himself up from his cushiony seat. “Anyway, I better get going to get all that I need. Just wait for me at home until 7 o’clock and leave everything to me!”

“Okay, have it your way!” she says with a smile before giving Ford a nice kiss on the cheek. “I know you won’t disappoint me!”

“Thanks, Rainbow!” he says warmly as he affectionately nuzzles with his marefriend. “I won’t let you down!”

After they finish nuzzling their heads with each other, the two Pegasi share a nice, quick kiss before departing in opposite directions. Rainbow heads back to their home, while Ford is heading towards the town of Ponyville.


It’s passed 5 o’clock this afternoon, and Ford Mustang swiftly arrives at Rarity’s home, the Carousal Boutique. After his last visit with his dragon friend, Hindel, Ford promptly met up with Rarity to discuss his thoughts into asking Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. Once he explained his plan as well as showed Rarity the tiny Prismatic Diamond he had with him, she without a second thought agreed with irrepressible excitement as she knew the best pony to incorporate the rare jewel into an engagement bracelet, or a hoof ring as some ponies would call it.

“Hello? Rarity?” Ford calls out for her as he enters her establishment.

“Ford Mustang! I’ve been expecting you!” Rarity greets her expected friend cheerfully as she makes her appearance.

“So, is it finally ready?” he asked with an eager smile.

“Why of course, darling! I have it right here!” she confirms with glee as she levitates Ford’s precious gift to him with her light-blue magic.

After it is released from Rarity’s magical aura, Ford examines the purple jewelry box as he touches the top lid’s softly velvet, curved surface. With great anticipation, he delicately opens the prize box as he witnesses the jewel’s colorful shine radiating from the inside. Once the lid has been fully opened, both Ford and Rarity gaze with enlarged pupils and gasping smiles at the marvelous piece of jewelry before them!

It’s like a standard golden bracelet except with one distinctive feature: a pair of golden wings that encases the gemstone. Of course, the real crown jewel is the actual jewel itself: the Prismatic Diamond! Even when it’s inside somepony’s home, the uniquely colorful gem still shines just as beautiful as ever!

“Rarity, it’s… it’s perfect!” Ford glees ecstatically with a very wide smile. “I know she’s gonna love it! Thank you so much for getting this for me!”

“Oh, there’s no need to thank me, darling!” she beams in return. “I’m always happy to lend a helping hoof to my dear friends! Besides, the real credit goes to a good friend of mine, who helped crafted this marvelous jewelry for me!”

“And I must say, Mustang…” Rarity continues as she admires the shimmering diamond ring. “I’m still amazed by this marvelous piece of gemstone you’ve picked up for yourself! I’ve seen many jewels in my lifetime, but this is one of most beautiful gems I have ever gazed at! I must know! Where ever did you get such a precious stone like this?”

“A… dragon gave it to me.” He answers with slight hesistation.

“Which dragon?” Rarity inquires with curiousity as she slightly tilts her head.


“…Him?!” she gasps in surprise.

“Yes?” he answers puzzlingly with a raised eyebrow.

Suddenly, Rarity steps uncomfortably close to a startled Ford Mustang as she bats her fluttering eyelashes while displaying a persuasive grin before saying to him, “You know darling, if you happen to see Hindel again, do you think your dragon friend might be willing to spare some of his treasure for me? If he does, I’ll consider that as payment for my services.”

“I… don’t think it’s wise to take an advantage of a dragon like that.” he responds uneasily.

“Oh come now, Mustang!” she continues to coax him with her winning smile. “I’m sure Hindel won’t mind sharing me some of his treasure that he’ll no longer be missing!”

“Now Rarity, don’t be greedy!” he playfully scolds her.

“Don’t be silly, Ford!” she retorts with a sheepish smile. “Think of it as… charity! Just wanting to find a better home for them, that’s all!

“Rrright… But seriously though, how much do I owe you, Rarity?”

With a defeated sigh, Rarity gives up her material pursuit as she composes herself before she refocuses on what’s important now. “We’ll discuss about payments for another time. For now, all I ask in return is that I be the first pony to hear the wonderful news once you and Rainbow Dash are engaged!”

“Well… if it all goes according to plan tonight, we’ll be sure to set something up real quick to tell you and the rest of our friends!”

“Splendid!” she responds contentedly. “Well, you better get going! You don’t want to keep Rainbow Dash waiting!”

“Right!” Ford says with determination as he leaves the well-known establishment. “I just got a couple stops left! Wish me luck, Rarity!”

With a chuckling smile, she waves goodbye to Ford as she says to him, “Good luck, darling!”


For his next stop, Ford Mustang enters another familiar establishment, Sugarcube Corner. At the counter table, he rings the bell, which promptly brings Pinkie Pie from the entrance of the bakeshop’s kitchen.

“Oh hi, Musty-Wusty!” the pink mare greets cheerfully as always. “You’re just in time to see the unveiling of your cake for tonight!”

“Please don’t make it a habit of calling me that name.” Ford groans slightly.

“No promises!” she responds with a giggle.

“Not even a Pinkie Promise?” he asks with a hint of hope.

“Nope!” she answers flat out with her usual cheerful grin.

“Eh, it was worth a shot at least.” he shrugs to himself. “Anyway, may I see the cake now?”

“Certainly, Ford! Just follow me!” she says happily before leading him into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Pinkie points out the special dessert to Ford before he marvels at it with wide, hungry eyes. In front of them is a medium-sized, light-colored cake that’s dotted with splashes of deep, bluish purple and sprinkled with confectionary sugar. With his equestrian nose, he takes a whiff of the cake’s lovely, complimentary scent of blueberries and lemons.

“Here it is!” Pinkie Pie announces with extreme glee. “Just like you have requested: my Blueberry Lemon Mascarpone Cake! It may not be as grand as the Marizpan Mascarpone Meringue Madness, but with its plump, juicy blueberries, its extremely creamy mascarpone filling, and its softly sweet white cake mixed with a zest of lemon, this latest confectionery creation will still have the same ‘Mmmm’ factor as its predecessor! Won’t you agree?”

“Mmmm…” is all Ford can respond at that point as he continues to gaze at the lovely cake in front of him.

“Exactly!” Pinkie adds with a happy smile. But then, she stares at the distracted stallion, whose gaping mouth is still unhinged as a trail of saliva drips from his lower jaw.

“Uhh, Ford?” she points out with a repressed chuckle. “You’ve got a little something on your lip there.”

Snapped out of his hungry trance, Ford blushingly notices the dripping saliva before wiping it off quickly and apologizing, “Oh! Sorry you have to see that, Pinkie Pie! I guess I couldn’t control myself!”

“No problem-o, Musty-Wusty! That only shows just how mouth-watering this cake’s going to be!” she chimes as she carefully packs up the cake into a white box.

“Well, considered that it was created by you, I’m certain that this cake will be truly delicious! Thanks again for baking this delectable masterpiece for us! I’m sure Rainbow Dash will indulge this as much as I will!” He then reaches for the cake box and grasps it between his fore hooves.

“If you think this was my masterpiece, wait until you see what I have in store for the engagement party! Ooo! And of course, let’s not forget the WEDDING!” she enunciates that last part in a high-pitched, sing-song voice.

“He-heh! Okay, Pinkie Pie! One step at a time!” he says with a chuckling smile. “Well, I better get going! I just got one more stop left to go, and then I’m off to woo the mare of my life!”

“WOO-HOO! Go get her, Ford!” Pinkie Pie cheers for Ford before he leaves the bakeshop.


It’s roughly 6:30pm at Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack and Fluttershy are putting on the finishing touches for all of the food they have cooked up this evening. Considering that they has made enough for the rest of the family, Applejack splits some of the cooked food into individual ceramic pans. Then, Fluttershy stacks the covered dishes carefully inside a large picnic basket while also packing up the boxed cake, plates, utensils, and cups. Lastly, they cover up the basket’s surface with a large, folded, red-and-white checkered sheet before placing it on a table where Ford Mustang is waiting patiently for the last item on his list for tonight's event.

“Order up!” Applejack announces with pride.

“Thanks you so much, girls!” Ford says gratefully. “I really appreciate the time you put into this for me!”

“Well ya definitely came to the right ponies when it comes to preparin’ meals for special occasions! I certainly couldn't have done all of this without my new sister-in-law here!" Applejack says as she hugs a briefly surprised Fluttershy closely.

"Oh, thank you, Applejack!" Fluttershy blushes with a humble smile on her face. "It was nothing, really. I was just happy to help out Ford and Dashie in anyway I can."

“So, what on tonight’s menu?” Ford asks as he looks at the rest of the food, which will be served to Apple family momentarily.

“Well for our anniversary couple’s special this evening..." AJ answers for him. "...we have apple, spinach, and walnut salad, applesauce blueberry muffins, red cabbages with apples, and our main dish this evening, roasted root vegetables!”

“What, no apples in the root vegetables?” he jokingly smirks. “I am very disappointed in you, Applejack!”

"Wait, were there so supposed to be apples in that one?" Fluttershy gasped before she begins to apologize instinctively. "I'm so sorry, Ford! I should have double-checked the recipe beforehand!"

"Don't let him fool ya, Fluttershy!" Applejack assures her considerate friend with a chuckling grin. "Ford here is just tryin' to get our goat, that's all!"

Quickly, AJ pulls the picnic basket away from Ford as she mockingly glares at him with a smirk of her own. “Besides, if that’s how he truly feels, we can just take all of this back, and he can cook his own dang dinner next time!”

Frantically, Ford Mustang quickly pulls the basket back towards him as he apologizes sheepishly, “Just kidding, Applejack! Just kidding!”

After sharing a laugh between the three ponies, Applejack helps strap the twin saddlebags onto Ford’s back while Fluttershy stuffs a beverage thermos into his left side-pocket.

As the two mares secured the large basket on his back, Ford says to them gratefully, “Seriously though, thanks again for the wonderful food you’ve made for both of us tonight!”

“You’re quite welcome, Ford!" Fluttershy says with a endearing smile while AJ nods in agreement.

"Say sugarcube..." Applejack asks Ford. "Mind if we take a look at that bracelet for a sec?”

“Sure!” he answers with a nice smile as he hands the jewelry box to Applejack. With the box in hoof, AJ delicately opens the velvet box before she and Fluttershy marvels at the shimmering Prismatic Diamond ring.

"Oh my! This is just so pretty!" Fluttershy awes gleefully. "Rainbow Dash will surely love this!"

“Woo-wee!” AJ exclaims with delight. “That’s one fancy-lookin’ sparkler you’ve got there! Wish Ah got something like that for myself!”

“Why? Got anything special in mind regarding with Rarity?” Ford teases with a wide grin.

This is enough to cause Applejack to blush intensely as she stares blankly at Ford while fumbling over her answer, “I… well… I don’t know… maybe!”

“Perhaps Sweet Apple Acres will have another member in the family, hmm?” he continues to tease without mercy while cocking his eyebrow. Fluttershy couldn't help but repress her giggling smile as she observes the sudden redness on AJ's face.

As Applejack continues to fluster, she makes a deadpan expression after realizing the irony from Ford’s joking. “This is for all those times Ah’ve used to tease you about Rainbow Dash, isn’t it?”

“Eeyup!” Ford confirms with an all-knowing grin.

“Just… just take your picnic basket and get out!” she snaps with a continuous blush as she hands the hoof ring back to the snickering stallion, who places it inside the right side-pocket of his saddlebag.

“Okay, I’m going!” he finishes his chuckling before leaving the house. But as he opens the door, he stops briefly before turning around and calling out to the farmpony, “AJ!”

“Ye-yeah?” she stutters in responds while still maintaining her blush.

“Despite my teasing, I really do think that you and Rarity would make a great, married couple someday. You know that, right?” he says with a sincere smile.

Applejack gradually shows a warm smile for Ford’s considerate support, but the blush she was trying to diminish comes back in full force. With renewed discomfort, she tries to dismiss Ford with an uncontrollable, giggling smile. “J-j-just get outta here before Ah buck ya outta here myself!”

“Alright, alright!” Ford chuckles greatly before he finally leaves the farmhouse.

Outside, on the front porch, Ford Mustang takes a moment to gather his thoughts as he goes over the plans one last time. With his mouth, he gently grabs the velvet box from the saddlebag’s right side-pocket. Using his left fore hoof, he opens it up to take on last look at the engagement bracelet before he gives it to Rainbow Dash tonight. He smiles tenderly on how the hoof ring's gemstone is still as sparkly a one of Luna’s stars on her most beautiful nights. Once he closes the jewelry box and places it back in its respective pocket, he breathes in deeply before letting out a steady sigh of relief and self-assurance.

With renewed confidence, Ford mutters to himself with a hopeful smile on his face, “It’s time!”


Meanwhile, countless of feet beneath the earth’s surface…

Inside an undiscovered cavern, there would be nothing but absolute darkness if it wasn’t for the fact that there is already a source of unnatural light illuminating within the uncharted labyrinth. In the center of one of these grim chambers, a demonic ray of light radiates from two sources that originate from a tall, shadowy stallion standing in the middle: one source comes from a wildly flaring, large mane made of blue fire, while the other source comes from a long tail sharing the same characteristics as his mane.

As he stands completely still in his mediating spot, hunks of polished barding enter the fray through the use of levitation that’s made up of his blue, blazing magic. The pieces of the enchanted armor slowly encircle the concentrating pony as each of them begins to approach the menacing shadow.

One by one, the equestrian armor forms an intimidating suit for him. First, the greaves for each of his hooves. Then, the croupiere for his hindquarters. Next, the peytral to protect his chest, which is connected to the croupiere. And finally, the crowned helmet is gently placed over his fiery head.

Lastly, one final piece that will serve as the key to his ultimate plan: a dark metallic amulet featuring three, glowing orbs in a triangular arrangement. Each gleaming orb bears a primary color: red, yellow, and blue. Soon, the floating amulet wraps around the stallion’s thick neck before a binding snap echoes in the vacant chambers to confirm the amulet’s absolute security on him.

With everything in place, the mysterious pony of shadow and fire lets out a steady, calm breath before he snaps his blue, burning eyes open while he contemplates gleefully over what’s to come next.

“It’s time!”

Author's Note:

So, on the day before releasing this chapter, I realized that Fluttershy could have also helped out in this chapter by assisting Applejack when they were preparing the special meal for Ford Mustang & Rainbow Dash's anniversary. It's only because I believe that Fluttershy is just as good when it comes to cooking as Applejack is. So, I quickly added and changed some things within that scene. So if you detect something was off regarding with Fluttershy's character and such, all I can say is that I'm sorry for the last minute touch-up.

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