• Published 9th Nov 2013
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The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang - RoyalRainbow

Over a year has passed since his arrival, and Ford Mustang is prepared to ask Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. But when an unknown force of darkness emerges, it's up to Ford to save not only his loved ones, but the world as well.

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Chapter 33 – The Wedding Reception

Chapter 33 – The Wedding Reception

“Alright everypony!” Vinyl Scratch announces gleefully from her DJ station. “You all have been waiting for this! Without further ado, may I introduce the hottest couple in all of Equestria! So please, help me make some noise as I proudly present to you, Mr. Ford Mustang & Mrs. Rainbow Dash!”

Within Canterlot’s grand ballroom, the countless guests rise from their seats as they applaud wildly over the arrival of the newlyweds. Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang smile blissfully over the DJ’s announcement before they share a simple peck with each other, with just enough time for some of the ponies to capture this on their cameras.

“And now that the bride and groom have finally arrived…” Vinyl continues over her microphone. “…let’s have them come on down towards the center of the dance floor so that they can share their first dance together as husband and wife!”

Side by side, the two Pegasi walk to the vast dance floor with warm smiles on their faces as they silently reminisce over their first slow dance together since the last time they were here. The dozens of occupied tables surrounding the dance floor continue to cheer in anticipation for the couple as Ford and Rainbow take their place in the middle of the room. Once they take center stage, Vinyl begins to play the perfect track from her turntable as Rainbow Dash is surprised by its familiarly soothing tune.

“This song… it’s just like the first time we danced like this, isn’t it?” she smiles brightly after she recognizes its melody. “Ford, did you pick this one out yourself?”

“I may have made a small suggestion to Vinyl Scratch earlier.” he answers slyly with an all-knowing grin.

Eagerly, they each place a hoof on the other pony’s shoulder as they begin their graceful waltz. Their equine choreography syncs perfectly with the piece of music. Most of the observers sigh and awe lovingly at the newlyweds’ elegant dance routine. In the midst of their sequence, Rainbow grins over an idea that comes to mind.

“Hey, Mustang… why don’t we give these ponies a real showstopper?”

Knowing what she is emphasizing, Ford concurs with a smirk matching that with hers, “I think I already know on what you have in mind, Dashie.”

“You don’t mind if I take the lead on this one, do you?”

“Lead the way, angel.”

With a mighty flap of her wings, the leading dance partner lifts her stallion high in the air as the awestricken crowd gasps wondrously over this new development. From this change of pace, the Pegasi snuggly wrap their forelegs around each other as they carry on with their unique sky-dancing. Without a care from the onlookers down below, they keep their affectionate eyes on each other and no one else.

“I like what you did with your eyes, Rainbow.” Ford comments warmly.

“Thanks, Rarity helped me out with that. You don’t… think it’s a bit too much?”

“Are you kidding me?” he chuckles lightly. “I could get myself lost in those gorgeous, magenta eyes of yours!”

“Well, don’t get too attached to them, Ford!” she smirks in response. “These take too much of my free time, so I better not hear you gripe about them if I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis!”

“In that case, I’m gonna have to make every second count to capture this moment. And besides, with our without makeup, your eyes are just as stunning as the day I first met you.”

As the touching song comes to an end, the Pegasus couple finishes it off with a very lengthy kiss as they slowly descend towards the floor. Upon their landing, the guests clap and stomp ecstatically for the bride and groom as Ford and Rainbow’s tender lips gradually separate from one and another.


Afterwards, they move on to their main meals, which is orchestrated by Applejack’s family and catered by the castle’s royal staff members. The banquet consists of a colorful variety, including roasted squashes and root vegetables, delicious soups, homemade bread, fresh salads, and platters of ripe and juicy fruits. And as promised, they did provide plenty of glittering jewels for the dragons attending this event. Even from taking the form of a pony, Wagner especially is certainly pleased by the vast assortments of these tasty gems. As guests line up in order at the extensive buffet, Ford, Rainbow and their ushers and bridesmaids did not need to get up from their head table as their prepared meals are already served to them. Once everyone has taken part of the buffet line at least once, they enjoy their meals with great content as they talk and laugh over the course of their extravagant feast.

Near the end of their dinner, Fluttershy finishes taking her delicate sip of iced water before standing up from her seat and preparing her big speech towards the preoccupied crowd. Despite how nervous she was, the Pegasus mare is ready to do her duty as Rainbow Dash’s maid of honor.

“Excuse. Umm… everypony.” she timidly asks to the best of her abilities. “If I could have your attention for just a minute… if that’s not too much to ask for at least.”

Of course, because of her soft-spoken voice, the seated guests hardly paid any attention to what Fluttershy has to say as they carry on with their pleasant conversations. Noticing this, Gilda steps up and tries it her way.


Alerted by the griffon’s screeching command, the attendees immediately hush up as all eyes are directed towards Gilda and Fluttershy. As the feathery bridesmaid sits back down, Fluttershy makes a subtle gulp before refocusing on her task at hoof.

“Oh, umm… thank you, Gilda.” she smiles softly to her new friend as the proud griffon nods in response. After taking a very deep breath to calm her nerves down, Fluttershy begins in a slightly nervous manner to her attentive audience.

“So uh… my name is Fluttershy, and as Rainbow Dash’s maid of honor, I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom this evening. As some of you know, I can be very shy towards others, so I didn’t have much confidence in myself. So when I was a filly, I was always picked on for my timidness. But one day, somepony stood up for me, and more surprisingly, she became one of the best friends I could have asked for. That day was when I made my very first friend, Rainbow Dash!”

After Fluttershy glances at the bride's warm smile, she feels a lot more confident now as she continues her speech, “There aren’t enough words to describe how truly amazing Rainbow Dash really is. She’s always been such an inspirational role model towards others, including myself. I can’t express enough on how grateful I am towards all the encouragement she gave me over the years. I would have never been able to overcome most of my shyness without somepony as remarkable as her. And as her friend, I vowed to do all that I can to help Rainbow Dash in anyway possible. So one day, when she came over to my house and confessed her feelings about Ford Mustang, I was more than happy to assist her in finding her special somepony, just like how he was kind enough to help me find the love of my life.”

Then, the maid of honor faces the groom as she expresses her warm gratitude towards him, “Ford, you are a very kind and brave stallion who would do anything for our Rainbow Dash. And after all the great lengths you would go for her, I know for certain that you would make a wonderful husband for her. I’m just so happy to be part of this important moment in your lives, and I hope that you two will experience that same happiness that Big Mac and I go through with our own little marriage!”

As Fluttershy cries a little over her happiness towards the newlyweds, Rainbow hovers towards her and gives her emotional friend a gratifying hug for knowing how much she means to the kindhearted Pegasus. After that, Fluttershy smiles broadly as she lifts her champagne glass up, which signals everyone else to do the same.

“To the bride and groom!” she announces cheerfully.


At once, they sip on their glasses before they cheer over the maid of honor’s speech. Modestly, Fluttershy blushes from receiving such vast praise as she reassumes her seat. After she sits back down, Big Macintosh leans in and lays a gentle hoof over his wife’s and awards her with a tender kiss, which she gladly accepts.

On Ford’s side of the head table, Applejack realizes that she is up next. Once things have started to quiet down, AJ gets up from her seat and commence her own speech.

“Ahem! Howdy y’all! My name’s Applejack, and Ah’m here tonight as Ford’s best mare! When we first met, Ah was just being my reliable self when Ah offered him a place to stay at Sweet Apple Acres during his first visit in Ponyville. And during the time he spent over there, he began to warm up to us. Ah mean, he’s just as hardworkin’ as myself or Big Mac whenever he lends a hoof with our chores. Apple Bloom is happy to have him come over so they can play together. And Granny Smith always prides herself to have another stallion appreciating her cooking. For all that he has done for us, especially for me, we’re quite proud to have him as a member of our family! Plus, it’s always a hoot to ruffle his feathers every now and then, especially when Ah first caught these two doing something frisky together.”

As the grinning farmpony receives some laughs, Ford and Rainbow blush mildly over of the reminder of that misinterpreted incident during the stallion's sick day. After the laughter dies down, AJ turns her attention towards Rainbow and carries on with her speech.

“Now, Ah’ve known Rainbow Dash for quite sometime now even since she moved in to Ponyville. At first, she seemed like a lazy, reckless, competitive showoff, and of course… she still is.” Through the best mare’s kidding, she earns some more laughs as the bride makes a mocking scowl in response. “But there’s more to her than that. Whenever there is real danger, she’ll always be there and ready to face it head-on. And despite how she’s always aiming to be the best, she would constantly put others first before herself. So knowing that she’s gonna be Ford’s wife, Ah can rest assured that she will undoubtedly make him the happiest stallion alive! And more importantly, Ah’d count myself lucky into welcoming my best friend into our family! So Ah better expect you two for some of our family get-togethers! Otherwise, Ah’ll have to get my lasso and drag ya down there myself!”

With that last bit of jesting, everyone has a good laugh as Ford and Rainbow join in the merriment. While Applejack was on a roll with this, she starts to tense up a little as it looks like she has more to say.

“And speaking of which, there’s one more addition Ah’d like to make to our expanding family.” she says to her audience as she suddenly turns her soft gaze to the surprised Rarity before walking up towards her.

“Rarity… when we first met, Ah… honestly never expected us being the best of friends, let alone marefriends, but after our fair share of adventures together, we’ve started to become really close to one another, ya know? Sure, we have our usual differences like yer prissiness and my messiness. However, we also have a few things in common, such as how stubborn we can be sometimes or how passionate we are towards our jobs. Either way, they’re just to name but a few on why Ah admire you so much. Ah love you, sugarcube, and Ah just can’t imagine what my life would be without ya.”

The Unicorn seamstress starts to choke up upon hearing such sincerity as she smiles greatly while her gorgeous, blue eyes try to hold back any tears attempting to break through. As Rarity starts to get emotional over this, Applejack anxiously removes her Stetson off the top of her golden mane and pulls out a jewelry box from the inside brim of her hat. From the reveal of AJ’s precious gift, Rarity freezes in place as her astonished eyes are fixated on the box that’s about to be opened before her.

"Ah guess what Ah’m tryin’ to ask is… Rarity, will ya marry me?”

As Applejack asks the ultimate question, she opens the jewelry case in front of her deeply amazed marefriend. From its unveiling, Rarity stares speechlessly at the unique piece of jewelry. It is an well-polished engagement bracelet made up of pure silver. The hoof ring’s centerpiece is a purple gemstone shaped like a diamond that matches with the fashion diva’s Cutie Mark. But what makes this ring so unique is that in the center of that gemstone is a bright, orange, holographic image that resembles AJ’s Cutie Mark; a perfect representation on how Rarity will always carry a part of Applejack with her!

Nearly everypony holds their breath as they anxiously wait on Rarity’s inevitable decision. The trembling Unicorn mare tries to control herself by concealing her muzzle with a fore hoof. But her overwhelming emotions betray her as her covering fore hoof fails to hide the ever-growing smile while her eyes couldn’t contain themselves any longer as heavy streams of tears pour out of them. Despite the proposing farmpony knowing on what the answer might be based off Rarity’s reaction, she still waits for her to say it out loud, until finally, she does.


With a high-pitched shriek of uncontainable joy, Rarity immediately pounces forward and tackles Applejack right onto the floor. With her newly established fiancée pinned down, Rarity lunges for a really deep kiss that greatly catches the Earth Pony by surprise. Though the audience couldn’t see what is going on behind the head table, the fact that they heard Rarity’s answer loud and clear serves as an indication to cheer for the newly engaged couple. Sooner or later, Rarity pulls her lover up from the ground as they act all giddy over this latest development in their relationship. With the white Unicorn lifting her left foreleg up, Applejack takes her cue and slides the engagement bracelet onto Rarity’s hoof. The tearful seamstress smiles giddily over her gorgeous hoof ring, and she pulls the orange mare in for another deep kiss. AJ is more prepared for this as her lips lock firmly against Rarity’s as they embrace each other very closely.


Once their meals and speeches are over, the real party begins as Vinyl Scratch plays the hottest tracks over her turntable. With a rocking soundtrack in full swing, nearly everyone gets up and take it to the dance floor, with the bride and groom leading the charge. Most of their dancing are pretty much freestyle as they boogie down on the dance floor, but in between, there are a few numbers where they follow synchronizing dance routines such as variations of the Conga line and Electric Slide.

After an hour of nonstop dancing, Ford Mustang takes a brief break as he heads over to the bar for a refreshing drink. At the bar, several stallions gather around it, whether they are ordering their beverages or they just standing around while conversing with their friends nearby. One of those stallions is Turbo Dash, who spots Ford approaching the watering hole and welcome the younger Pegasus with a free hoof.

“Hey-hey! There’s the stallion of the hour!” Turbo greets him with a tipsy smile as his free hoof wraps around Ford’s shoulders. “Here, let me buy ya a drink!”

“Turbo, it’s an open bar.” Ford chuckles at the older pony's choice of words. “The drinks are all complimentary.”

“Oh, well in that case, I’ll just have to leave a generous tip for them!” he laughs it off in a hearty manner.

“I can tip for my own drinks, you know.”

“Nonsense! This is your night, Ford!” Turbo insists firmly. “And I’m not gonna let you spend a single bit here without me taking care of that for you!”

As Turbo leads Ford to the bar, the other customers in line make way for them as it’s practically customary to allow the groom to be at the front of the line. While Rainbow’s father already got himself a glass of whiskey, Ford orders one of his favorites: spiced rum with fizzy cola and a twist of lime. After receiving his drink, the two stallions walk away from the bar before they stand in place and casually sip their alcoholic beverages. As the Pegasi savor their drinks, they observe the ongoing dancers. More specifically, they are gazing at Rainbow Dash as she is happily dancing alongside with some of her close friends.

“Gosh. Just look at her out there.” Turbo points it out with a contented smile. “Happy as can be. How I want to share this moment with Firefly right now.”

“She would have been very proud of her, Turbo.” Ford reassures warmly.

The older stallion nods for Ford’s good nature before both of them take more sips out of their drinks before they finish and place them on a catering tray nearby. Then, Turbo speaks up in a more somber tone, “Listen, Mustang… I know that we talked about this before, but I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for my baby girl.”

“Ahh, it was nothing, really--!”

“It was more than nothing to me, Ford! You not only made her the happiest mare I ever did see, but you also went out of your way to save her! If it weren’t for you, I… would have lost the only family I had left.” he states as his emotional eyes start to get watery. “Because of you, I’m able to be here today as the proud father of the bride. You took care of my sweet, little Dashie like you said you would, and I can’t tell you on how fortunate I am to have you as my son-in-law. So… thank you, Ford… thank you for everything.”

Touched by the appreciative words from his smiling father-in-law, Ford goes up to him and gives Turbo a great, big hug, who openly accepts it. In the midst of their masculine embrace, the older Pegasus feels a couple light taps on his shoulder. With a brisk turn of their heads, the two stallions see the grinning Rainbow Dash hovering right next to them.

“Hey dad! Don’t mean to interrupt your bromance here, but can I have my husband back?” she inquires with an amusing grin. “I can’t showoff my best moves without my awesome dance partner backing me up!”

With a small smirk of his own, Turbo Dash hands over his son-in-law to his daughter as he answers, “He’s all yours, Rainbow.”

Eagerly, she takes Ford by the foreleg as they fly back to the dance floor while Turbo Dash waves them off. Back in the center of the ballroom, the couple carries on with where they have last left off. In the midst of their latest dance number, Rainbow asks her husband with a sharp smirk on her face.

“So… what were you two getting all gushy about over there?”

Hesitant at first, Ford simply replies to her, “Oh you know… stallion stuff. You wouldn’t understand.”

In response, she just shrugs it off with an even wider smirk, “Riiight…”


A couple hours later, everyone takes a break from their dancing as it’s time for the wedding cake. Pinkie Pie really outdid herself with the amazing cake’s creation. The six-layer cake roughly towers at six feet high. Each stacked tier is covered in smooth buttercream icing with a different pastel color that matches the order of Dash’s colorful, streaky tail: red at top and purple at the bottom. The light rainbow cake is decorated with fluffy, frosting trimmings and cloud-shaped cutouts. At the very top are a couple of figures that visually represent the newlyweds in their respective attire as they stand underneath an arching rainbow.

But the most extraordinary features about this cake are a pair of figurines that are shaped like roaring dragons! The shiny, blue dragons, with a few golden-yellow characteristics such as their spines, teeth, and eyes, match with the final sketch Ford made for Pinkie Pie weeks ago. Each of them sit on their hindquarters on opposite sides of the cake as their elongated bodies arch back while their fore claws grip themselves on to the third, green-colored layer. Of course, what really captures their striking characteristics is where their opened jaws breathe out constant, colorful streams of harmless sparks! The glittering pyrotechnics shower the wedding cake toppers as everyone marvels at the vibrant cake with wondrous, hungry eyes while several of the guests make great use of their cameras to capture its presentation.

When the time has come, Pinkie Pie and some of her assistants snuff out the sparklers and remove the dragon statues aside so they can start slicing up the cake. First up is Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang as the husband uses a cake spatula to slice up a piece for his wife. With the sample on the spatula, Ford gently brings it over to the smiling, restless bride before she happily gobbles it up. Her mouth is overwhelmed with so many flavors, whether it’s the multi-flavored cake layers, the Zap Apple jam filling, or the sweet buttercream icing.

“MMM… SO… AWESOME!” she squeals in delight as she presses her cheeks together.

After finishing her first piece of that truly delicious cake, she does the same for Ford as she takes the serving tool and serves a modest piece for him. After accepting the tempting treat from her, he also expresses his approval with a muffled, satisfying moan and an irrepressible smile. Once he swallows his first bite, he breaks into a devious grin as he prepares another small slice for her.

“Hey, Rainbow. Mind if we try a little tradition I know of back home?”

“Sure, what do you have in mind?”

“Well first, I have to ask…” he inquires with am increasingly mischievous smile as he holds the slice up with a fore hoof. “You want this cake?”

“Yeah… I want it.” she replies with a raised eyebrow.

“You want this cake?”

“Yes, that cake! I want it!” she answers again with her patience being put to the test.

“You want this cake?”

“Are you even listening to me? Yes, I want it!” she says once again in an irritating tone.

“You want this cake?”



As per her command, Ford lets her have it as he splatters the cake all over Rainbow’s muzzle. Half of the guests gasp at this while the other half suppress their chuckling as they just witness the groom’s unorthodox action towards his wife. The bride was startled by this, but her initial surprise shifts into a mocking death glare as she expects a good answer from her giggling stallion.

“Hey… you asked for it.” he points it out with a witty grin.

Amused by that setup she failed to foresee, she breaks into a chuckling smile before she licks her chops to get as much of her splattered cake off her face as possible. Following with her satisfaction from tasting that scrumptious cake once again, Rainbow smirks deviously as she scoops up a generous portion from their colossal dessert.

“So… I take it that it’s fair play from here?” she states it deceitfully.

“Yep!” he answers while being obviously to the larger size of Rainbow’s slice of retribution.

“Well then… eat this!”

In retaliation, Rainbow flings it directly at Ford, and his face is entirely covered with cake and frosting. More gasps and laughs are heard from the crowd while Mustang removes his messy mask with his hooves and lips as Rainbow laughs out loud.

“Hey!” He retorts in a mix of amusement and disapproval. “You didn’t have to go too crazy like that!”

“Oh yeah?” she goads him with an extremely smug face. “And what are you going to do about it? Hmm?”

In response to that challenge, Ford takes a larger scoop of cake and faces his slightly startled bride with a grin matching that with hers. “Oh, it is so on!”

In preparation for the battle to come, Rainbow takes a hefty serving to use as her next projectile before they simultaneously cast their next shots. Like two immature foals, they carry on with their culinary warfare as their bodies and clothes suffer major damage from the explosive shots of cake. Despite how dirty they are getting, they are having the time of their lives as they laugh and continue to fling more cake at each other.

Meanwhile, the bystanders are completely baffled by the couple’s private war while some of them are amused by the Pegasi’s antics. Rarity, however, isn’t taking this all too well as she sees her lastest fashion creations turning into fashion disasters.

“Have you two gone insane?!” she screeches in a state of immense panic over such a crime against fashion. “Somepony stop them!”

As for her newly appointed fiancée, Applejack laughs it off as she wraps a hoof over the displeased bridesmaid. “Oh, Rarity! Just let them have their fun for one night! Ah’m sure things can’t get worse from there--!”

But their opposing conversation comes to an abrupt halt as the two hear a large, collective gasp from the crowd. Rarity and Applejack, along with everypony else, turn to the source of the sudden development in the newlyweds’ amusing quarrel. Apparently, their little warfare has cost them a casualty, and to everypony’s dismay, it happened to be Discord, who’s inexpressive face is plastered with cake.

“Ahem! You were saying, darling?” Rarity asks Applejack in an irresistible, witty manner.

As for Ford and Rainbow, they ceasefire as they survey the situation carefully before the groom sheepishly apologizes to the stoic trickster, “Oops. Ehh… sorry about that, Discord. We didn’t mean to put you in the crossfire.”

To everyone’s surprise, Discord displays a carefree smile as he reassures the anxious couple. “There’s no need to worry, Ford. I’m not some despicable creature to hold grudges. After all, we can settle this like proper gentleponies.”

Suddenly, the Master of Chaos disappears in a flash of blinding light. And as everyone else wonders on where the mismatched creature has gone off to, Discord miraculously pops out of the wedding cake as he is equipped with six arms in total with each of his hands holding a glob of cake. The audience panics on what’s to come as the grinning trickster prepares his grand statement to the terror-stricken crowd.


And upon that declaration of war, the ultimate battle of their lives begins as Discord launches the cake in all directions. Taking action immediately, most of them take cover with any furniture nearby while the rest strike back by firing the leftover cake right at the malicious assaulter . As the battle rages on, more ponies are caught in the crossfire, and they too seek retribution by taking part in this ever-expanding war. Even Rarity gave up in her futile struggle for the sake of decency as she joins up with Applejack, who like most of their friends, are having a blast with it. Eventually, the entire ballroom is turned into a ginormous, free-for-all battlefield. No one is safe; not even the Alicorn Princesses for that matter as they too join in on the fun. And yet, despite how dirty their clothes and fur are getting, they couldn’t care less at this point as the infectious laughter and merriment ring out across the room.

With no more cake to dish out, the fighting dies down as the filthy masses take a breather as their exhausted laughter continues to fill the air. As the forerunners of this cake war sit on their haunches side by side, Ford and Rainbow continue to catch their breath as they smirk over each other’s grubby faces.

“You got a little something on your face, Rainbow.” he points it out with teasing smirk.

“So do you, Ford.” she responds in the same manner.

“Here, let me get that for you.”

From leaning closer to her, Ford proceeds to clean up the mess by licking the frosting that’s smeared across her muzzle. In return, Rainbow does the same as she enjoyably licks the smothered cake off her husband’s face. After wiping most of the dessert off their cheeks, they work their way toward each other’s lips, until finally, they are drawn into a hungry kiss with their tongues exploring and savoring their respective partners’ mouths. Eventually, they pull out from their latest breathtaking kiss as they pant heavily over their recent treat together.

“Mmm… You taste delicious.” she comments with a dreamy smile.

“You’re delicious.” he remarks with the same expression as hers.

“You know, as fun as that way, it’s kind of a shame that our cake had to be tarnished like that. Not to mention that Rarity will undoubtedly have a fit over this.”

Hoping to fix all of this, Ford turns to the godly trickster and asks of him, “Hey, Discord. Would you mind doing that for us? We like to have our cake and eat it too.”

Without so much of a fuss over this request, Discord replies with a pleasant smile, “Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. But remember… I get the corner piece first!”

And with a snap of his fingers, everything is enveloped in a brief flash of light before it fades away and reveals the room as the way it was originally before this whole mess happened. All the tables are back in their proper places. The majestically multicolored cake is all in one piece. And to Rarity’s immense relief, all of their clothes, including the bride and groom’s, are completely spotless. Proceeding where they left off, they begin to serve individual slices of cake for all the guests in line, starting with a generous corner piece for Discord, as promised.

Everyone takes great enjoyment out of the wedding cake, including Wagner and Queen Chrysalis, who rarely eats anything outside of their respective food sources. Along with their cake, they are also given other choices as additional desserts that are based off of the Apple Family’s recipes, including their famed apple pies and apple crisps. And of course, they couldn’t have their cake and pies without some vanilla ice cream to go with that. One thing is for certain, no one is going go hungry tonight.


After dessert, the party resume with more music and dancing. Of course, like all good things, it would have to end at some point. Later that evening, guests gradually start to leave as they head on home. Of course, the first ones to leave are the ones who live outside of Equestria, which include Gilda, Wagner, and their invited guests.

Next up is Chrysalis and her changeling companions while Princess Cadance escorts them outside on the castle’s courtyard. Surprisingly, the changelings’ bellies are extremely bloated as they grudgingly walk on all fours. Despite only sampling the local food in the reception area, the real cause of their swollen stomachs is all the emotional love they had the privilege to intake. Due to thousands of attendees there, Chrysalis and her fellow escorts can gather as much love as possible without having to worry on causing any fatigue to their generous hosts. Apparently, because of this rare opportunity in their lives, they have bitten off more than they can chew.

“I take it you all had your fill as it is?” Cadance inquires with a knowing smirk.

“Ughhh… I can’t eat another bite!” Chrysalis groans in response. “Can you, Commander?”

Commander Trapjaw is just as overstuffed as his queen. Because of that, he crawls on his belly with the use of his feeble forelegs as he overdramatically expresses his discomfort to everyone, “So… much… love…!”

“Well, you’re welcome to take some more with you.” Cadance insists sweetly. “I’m sure we’ve got plenty to spare.”

“No more, Cadance!” the changeling queen refuses sharply. “I’ve got enough love as it is to feed an entire colony for three whole years! Any more of this stuff, and I might explode!”

“If that’s the case, let me help put that theory of yours to the test.” The Alicorn princess suggests with an unusually devious grin as her horn starts to glow.

Fearful on that claim, Chrysalis backs away a bit before she retorts with a menacing growl, “Don’t you even dare!”

Following suit with their visitors’ departure, Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang also prepare their leave as they hover toward the arriving carriage, which are being pulled by four Pegasi of the Royal Guards. Trailing behind the increasingly giddy couple are their closest friends as they say their goodbyes to them.

“Well, it’s been fun, but we gotta get going as it is!” Rainbow says to her friends.

“Awwww, don’t be like that!” Vinyl whines mockingly. “What’s a wedding party without the bride and groom being there?”

“Sorry, everypony. But me and Mustang here got our own private party to attend to. Right, Ford?” she leans closely to his face while bearing a very enticing grin for him.

From understanding that subtle reminder, Ford flaps his wings with renewed excitement as he concurs with his nuzzling wife, “You heard the young lady, folks. But hey, let’s meet up at the Baltimare Harbor 11 o’clock tomorrow before we set sail for our honeymoon.”

Agreeing to their meeting place, the gathering friends give one great, big group hug to the ecstatic newlyweds before they reluctantly let the eager Pegasi go as they float over to the royal carriage that just pulled over. But as the two take their leave, Pinkie Pie calls out to them.

“Are you sure you’ll be able to meet up with us on time?”

“Yes, Pinkie Pie. We’re sure.” Ford answers assuredly.

As the bride and groom approach their vehicle, Pinkie rises in front up them unexpectedly as she asks once again, “Are you absolutely sure about that?”

With a tiring groan, Rainbow answers, “Yes, Pinkie. We’re absolutely sure about that.”

After stepping around the seemingly unconvinced pink pony, Ford opens the door to their carriage to let his lady in first. But before either one can step inside, they are caught by surprised once more by Pinkie Pie’s unpredictable appearance as she sits on one of the coach’s plushy seats before asking her tedious question one last time.

“Are you absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent certain that you will make it--?”

“Yes, Pinkie! We’ll be there, alright?!” Rainbow screeches as she has all she can take. “We’ll even throw in a Pinkie Promise just for good measure!”

“Okie-Dokie-Lokie!” Pinkie confirms in her usual cheerful self before she merrily bounces out of coach.

After Ford and Rainbow take their seats, they close their door to their carriage and signal their drivers to take off. At the couples’ command, the Pegasi soldiers gallop mightily whilst they flap their wings tremendously. As the stagecoach is about to take flight, the newlyweds look back from their window and wave goodbye to their friends while they did the same. At last, the magical pony-drawn carriage lifts off from the paved ground and disappears into the spectacular, starry sky. Before rejoining the party, the friends of the bride and groom continue to stare at the dark horizon as they reflect on how wonderful this night has been for them.

Sigh… what a marvelous wedding this has been.” Rarity states it with dreamy smile.

“If you think that one was good, just wait until we have our wedding someday.” Applejack smirks knowingly while she lightly nuzzles with her fiancée.

“Uhh… I believe that would be our wedding you’re referring to, AJ.” Vinyl Scratch intervenes with a cheeky grin on her face.

“And Ah think that rambunctious music of yers has finally made ya deaf, Vinyl.” she lightly chuckles in response.

Vinyl nearly butts heads with AJ as she demonstrates a bold smirk matching that with the farmpony's. “Hmph! If that’s how you really feel, then maybe I should find somepony else to cater for our wedding event, hmm?”

With a heavy sigh, Octavia asks, “Are we really doing this right now?”

“Girls, there will be plenty of time to plan for these events for another day.” Twilight Sparkle steps in while settling this in a reasonable tone. “For now, I think we can all agree that we’re very happy for Rainbow and Ford on their newfound marriage this evening.”

In unison, the ponies nod in silence with Twilight before they head back inside the castle. As they walk back towards the party to continue their celebrations, Pinkie Pie shares something rather interesting in mind.

“You know what comes after that, right?”

“And what is that, darling?” Rarity asks, even though she might know the answer herself.


After the party extraordinaire sings it out loud, her friends are completely flabbergasted by her unexpected yet unsurprisingly random answer. Fluttershy exchanges glances with Big Mac, who just offered a simple shrug to his wife. So she turns to her pink, perky friend to ask the obvious question for the baffled ponies in present.

“Umm… Pinkie Pie… what’s a threequel?”

Author's Note:

The Wedding of Ford Mustang & Rainbow Dash (2/3)

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