• Published 9th Nov 2013
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The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang - RoyalRainbow

Over a year has passed since his arrival, and Ford Mustang is prepared to ask Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. But when an unknown force of darkness emerges, it's up to Ford to save not only his loved ones, but the world as well.

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Chapter 3 – Meeting Rainbow Dash’s Father

Chapter 3 – Meeting Rainbow Dash’s Father

After finishing their lunch at one of Cloudsdale’s cafés, Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang fly off together to meet up with her dad in one of the cloud city’s floating neighborhood regions. While Rainbow is overly excited to see her father, Ford is feeling otherwise. The closer they get to her dad’s house, the more nervous he becomes. Rainbow takes a glance at her worried coltfriend and sees how he has been slowing his speed down gradually. Noticing this, she slows herself down to match with Ford’s pace as she begins to comfort him.

“You okay back there, Ford?” she asks concernedly.

“Oh yeah, sure! Why wouldn’t I be?” he responds nervously with sarcastic wit. “I’m about to meet up with your dad for the first time! What stallion doesn’t want to see the father of the mare he is dating right now?”

“Look, you’ve got nothing to worry about!” she giggles over Ford’s nervous antics. “My dad is like the coolest parent ever! Besides, I’ve told him all about you through my letters to him!”

“Has he said anything about me through his letters?” he inquires with a small, hopeful smile.

“Hmm… not that I can recall.” she ponders on that. “All I can remember is that he can’t wait to meet you!”

“Hmph! That’s what he wants you to think!” he cautions in an exaggerative manner. “To make you think he can act all compassionate and understanding towards me! And once you’re not in the same room as us… BAM! Consider yourself a single mare once more!”

Rainbow just smiles as she shakes her head to herself before saying, “You really must have watched too many movies back on your homeworld! Stop worrying about it! You’ll warm up to him! You’ll see!”

“Actually, that’s what I am worried about!” Ford continues to fret over this. “I wasn’t born as a pony! I was born as a human and transformed into a pony! I’m pretty much nothing more than a pretender in this world! What if your father finds out about that? What if… he hates me for that?”

“He won’t hate you, Ford! I know he won’t! And even if he does hate you, I won’t give up on you just because of my father’s disapproval! I will never do that to you, Mustang!” As she reassures she flies closely by his side as his worries begin to diminish.

“I know you won’t, Rainbow.” he says affectionately to Rainbow before kissing her warmly on the cheek. “And that’s one of many reasons why I love you so much! So anyway, can you tell me a little about your father? It will make me feel better if I get a general idea on what this guy is like.”

“Oh yeah, sure! Well first off, my dad’s name is Turbo Dash! He was one of the greatest racers in Equestrian history! And not just as a flyer! He was an accomplished racer on the ground as well, rivaling with the fastest Earth Ponies and Horses of Saddle Arabia! At his prime, he rose to the top in so many different races!”

“That’s amazing, Rainbow! So, what’s he doing right now?”

“Well, he’s a weather pony manager at one of the cloud factories here on Cloudsdale, but often times, he would volunteer as an instructor for flight camps!”

“What?” Ford puzzles after hearing this. “I figure he would either retire or become a full-time coach for the next speedsters! What led him to give up everything he had?”

“When he married my mom, Firefly.” Rainbow answers with a warm, reminiscing smile.

Things start to become quiet between the two flying Pegasi. Rainbow Dash rarely told Ford Mustang anything about her mother before, so he never pressured her into that matter. But seeing how they were going to meet up with her dad, Ford couldn’t help himself as his curiosity got the best of him.

“Can you tell me something about your mother as well?” he asks cautiously.

“Well… I… Oh, wait! We’re here!” she manages to change the subject quickly as she gleefully points out her former home.

Up ahead is Turbo Dash’s home, which is much bigger than any of the other houses around the neighborhood. Of course, it’s not like a mansion or anything like that, but still, it’s a very luxurious house to look at. Through Ford's eyes, it’s like looking at a miniature version of Rome’s Pantheon, with its domed, golden roof as part of the main structure of the house.

“Look, when we see him…” Rainbow says to the anxious Ford as they land on her dad’s cloudy yard. “…you don’t have to tell him anything about your human past. I’ll help cover that up for you. Just follow my lead and everything will be smooth sailing from here.” she finishes it with a confident grin.

They walk over to the door, and Ford makes a heavy gulp while Rainbow rings the doorbell. Soon enough, the door is briskly opened, and stepping outside is her grin-bearing father, Turbo Dash, an older, yet well-toned Pegasus with a soft-pastel blue coat, a short, wild mane, and a cropped tail. The latter two features share the same color pattern as his daughter. And lastly, his Cutie Mark features a simple cloud with a couple of red and yellow rays beaming out of it.

“Well, look who it is!” he smiles greatly at his daughter’s arrival.

“Hi, dad!” Rainbow responds with an emotional smile.

“So… aren’t you going give me a hug already, or are you just too cool to do that anymore?” her grinning dad says with opening fore hooves. Without another word, Rainbow leaps into her father’s hooves as he embraces her with tight, warm hug while kissing her on the cheek.

“And how’s my favorite Wonderbolt doing?” he asks in the midst of their embrace.

“Oh, you know me!” Rainbow replies in her cool and casual manner. “Kicking tail! Taking names! Showing off how awesome I am! You know, the usual!”

“That’s my Dashie!” Turbo Dash chuckles heartily as he ruffles her daughter’s colorful mane.

“You better cut that out, dad, or else you’re gonna get it!” she giggles as she tries to swat her dad’s fore hoof away from her hair.

“Oh yeah? Make me, squirt!” he provokes her daughter as he continues to ruffle her hair some more.

“That’s it!” Rainbow exclaims as she pounces on Turbo onto the cloudy surface. As father and daughter engage in their wrestling match, all Ford could do is just stand there speechlessly as he watches them tussling with one and another. In the midst of watching the match unfold before him, he breaks into a giggling smile as he sees his marefriend gnawing on her dad’s ear like a lion cub would do to her feline parent.

“Oh. you’re gonna get it now! Come here!” Turbo declares with a determined grin as he swiftly turns the tables around by pinning Rainbow Dash onto her side. Then, he extends out his left feathery wing and begins to brush lightly on Rainbow’s midriff. Once she starts to feel that awful tickling sensation, she bites her lips to prevent herself from giggling at this unfair tactic. Of course, Turbo is just getting started as his feathers pick up speed and ferocity while they continue to tickle Rainbow without mercy. Finally, she breaks into uncontrollable laughter as she desperately squirms out of this situation, but her father pinned her good, and she isn’t going anywhere.

“Wait! Stop! I… give up!” she begs to her father in the midst of her laughing. “Uncle! Uncle!”

“Sorry, Dashie!” her dad smirks as he carries on her daughter’s ticklish torment. “Your uncle isn’t here to save you now! Just admit that I’m more awesome than you, and I’ll let you go!’

“N-n-never! NEVER!” she defies her father as she continues to bear against this kind of torture.

“Eh, suit yourself!” Turbo shrugs as he continues to tickle her without mercy.

As Turbo tickles her daughter to no end, he briefly looks up and inadvertently glances at Ford Mustang. Once he notices that he and Rainbow Dash are not alone, Turbo immediately stops their game as he stares at the awkward-smiling, blue-haired stallion. After Rainbow finally catches her breath from the exhausted tickling she was enduring, she also realizes that Ford was watching them the entire time. Both father and daughter share a discomforting blush on their faces as the three Pegasi look at each other during this awkward moment of silence.

“Oh… sorry!” Turbo says embarrassingly as he gets up. “I… didn’t realize you brought over company!

Rainbow Dash follows suit before she begins introductions. “Oh, right! I nearly forgot about that! Dad, I would like for you to meet my coltfriend, Ford Mustang. Ford, this is my dad, Turbo Dash.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Dash… sir.” Ford says timidly as he extends a friendly hoof.

“Please, call me Turbo. Of course, if you call me Dashie, I’ll have to kill you.” he grins deviously as he firmly shakes Ford’s fore hoof.

Ford couldn’t decide if Turbo Dash was kidding or not as he makes a difficult gulp in his throat, so he responds with a nervous smile, “I’ll… be sure to keep that in mind, Turbo.” Seeing the tense expression on Ford’s face causes Turbo to have a brief chuckle for himself.

“Anyway, come in already!” Turbo insists the two younger Pegasi with a warm welcome. “I’m sure we’ve got a lot to talk about!”


Inside the house of Turbo Dash, Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash sit together on one of the comfy couches in the living room. Across a coffee table, Rainbow’s father sits on the other couch as he faces the two. While father and daughter engage in casual conversations to catch up with one and another, Ford mostly just sits there silently as he attentively listens to their stories.

“You’ve been awfully quiet, Mustang.” Turbo Dash gets Ford’s attention, which nearly startles him. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

“Well…” Ford speaks in mild hesitation. “I live in Ponyville right now, mostly maintaining Rainbow Dash’s house while she’s away. But I also work there as one of the weather ponies down there. It’s a pretty active and enjoyable job for me.”

“But he’s also an artist too!” Rainbow adds beamingly. “I mean, I’m not the one who takes the time to visit art museums every now and then, but Ford is really talented! He even made me this awesome portrait of me for my birthday last year!”

“Oh, you’re just saying that because you’re my marefriend!” he blushes with a smile for her compliments.

“Well, that’s true, but I’m certainly not exaggerating about your art skills either!” Rainbow confirms tenderly when she kisses Ford’s cheek. “Oh, tell him about what you’ve made for Ditzy Doo on Mother’s Day!” she insists eagerly as she rocks Ford’s foreleg.

“Oh, alright!” Mustang complies before reminiscing on that special day. “Well you see, Dinky Doo heard about me when Rainbow Dash came over to visit Ditzy Doo one day. So, her daughter met up with me and asked me to help make something special for her mother. She even brought out all of her money to pay me for this special project. Seeing how very sweet she was, I declined her bits and only asked a dozen of her mother’s delicious muffins as payment. So on Mother’s Day, I helped Dinky by creating a portrait featuring the two together. Dinky was the one to present her gift to her mom since it was her idea to begin with. It was… quite touching to see those two together! As a bonus for my service, I received a baker’s dozen, making a total of 13 scrumptious blueberry muffins! Mmmm! Best project ever!” he finishes his recollection while licking his lips.

“That’s quite thoughtful of you, Ford, to do something like that for somepony on Mother’s Day!” Turbo Dash smiles greatly after hearing that. “By the way, considering how talented you are, how come you haven’t earned your Cutie Mark yet?”

Ford freezes in place with wide eyes as he isn’t sure how to answer that question. Mostly he didn’t take into consideration about of his missing Cutie Mark since he gave up that pursuit a while ago when he and Rainbow Dash started dating.

“Oh, don’t tease him like that, dad!” Rainbow fortunately covers up Ford’s surprised hesitation. “You know you can’t rush these things! Cutie Marks just happen when they happen! Ford’s just waiting for his perfect moment to shine! Then he’ll get that Cutie Mark for sure! You’ll see!” she winks at Ford, who in return smiles gratefully to his marefriend.

“Okay then… where are you from exactly?” her dad asks his next question.

“Why… he’s… from… Mustangia!” Rainbow answers for a puzzling Ford once more. “Yeah, Mustangia! You know, that’s why Ford’s surname is Mustang! ‘Cause he’s… a Mustangian himself! It’s so far out on the other side of Equestria that you probably never have heard of it before!”

“Mustangia?” Is that even a real place, or is she just making that up for me? Ford ponders to himself confusingly.

“Come on, Dashie!” he all-knowingly grins to his daughter. “Who do you think you’re talking to? I was a world-class racer, remember? Of course I know all about Mustangia!” His answer is a shocking revelation to both Ford and Rainbow. “It’s one of the coolest cities I’ve ever been to! The beaches, the food, and sights to see! Oh, how I miss that place! It’s been forever since I flew over there! So, tell me Ford, what’s it like growing up over there?”

Unsure on how to cover this one up, Rainbow looks at Ford to see what he can come up with, so now it was his turn to think of something. “Well… you see I… I… sigh… I can’t do this.” Ford admits in discomforting defeat. Upon hearing this, Turbo’s usual grin starts to disappear as he becomes bewildered by the other stallion’s statement.

“Ford, don’t--!” Rainbow insists to him in a quiet voice.

“It’s okay, Rainbow.” he faces her with an reassuring smile as he lays his fore hoof on top of hers. “I already lied once about myself to you. It won’t be fair for me to do that again to you or to your father as well.” Unsure at first, she nods lightly to Ford before he turns his head to look at Turbo Dash in the eye, who’s bearing an impassive but concerning expression on his face.

“You see Turbo Dash, I’m… not entirely a pony.” Ford confesses uneasily with mild hesitation.

‘Not entirely a pony?’ Wait… are you a changeling or something?” Turbo inquires puzzlingly.

“No no! I’m not a changeling at all!” Ford dismisses that before sinking back into a timidly humble manner while confessing the truth. “Although… I was a different species before I became… this. You see, sir… I was once a human from another world over a year ago. But somehow, I was mysteriously transported into Equestria as well as transformed into the Pegasus you see before you. It was around that point where I met your daughter, Rainbow Dash, for the first time. She has been very kind to me over my stay in Equestria while she was also helping me adjusting to my new life as a Pegasus. And overtime, we fell in love with each other. I was given a choice to go back to my homeworld, but I chose to stay here so I can be with Rainbow Dash for as long as I can. And I never looked back ever since then.”

His finished confession is awarded with cyan wing wrapped around his back as Rainbow tenderly nuzzles with Ford for telling the truth to her father. After their brief nuzzling, both of them stare at Turbo Dash as they wonder what his reaction might be to all of this. Turbo still had a stoic expression as he shifts his gaze between the young couple and then at the floor. Silently, he gets up from his couch and steadily hovers into the kitchen area. In the midst of Turbo’s absence, Rainbow is assuredly thinking that her dad just needs some time to think this over. Ford, on the other hand, is dreadfully fearing that Turbo’s just sharpening and brandishing the largest kitchen knife he could find before he returns to threaten him out of his house… or worse!

“Oh, Rainbow!” Turbo calls out to his daughter sweetly as he comes back to the living room while carrying twin saddlebags meant for shopping purposes and a piece of paper indicating a list of groceries. “I hate to ask you this since you’re the birthday girl, but do you mind picking up some groceries for me? I’m planning on a big dinner tonight, and you’re fastest Pegasus that I know of who can help me get the job done!”

She and her coltfriend puzzle a bit by this unexpected request before she replies, “Umm… okay, sure! Do you mind if Ford comes along?”

“Actually, I was hoping to have a one-on-one talk with your coltfriend here. You know, stallion to stallion.” Turbo grins and winks to his daughter.

Oh boy, this is exactly what I was afraid of! Ford dreads to himself from predicting this fearful outcome.

After Rainbow Dash packs the list into her empty saddlebags and straps them across her back, she walks over to Ford Mustang, who looks at her with pleading eyes. If looks can speak for themselves, Ford’s eyes would be saying to her, “Please don’t leave me alone with him!”

Somehow, Rainbow could understand that look of his as she leans forward to give a nice, reassuring peck on the cheek before saying to him softly, “Don’t worry, Mustang. I won’t take long. I promise.”

Reluctantly, Rainbow leaves the two stallions alone as she heads outside to swiftly take care of her chores. Once the door is closed, Ford briefly stares at the last, empty spot that Rainbow Dash was standing in before she left. After he breaks out of his trance, Ford slowly turns his attention to the peculiarly smiling face of his host, Turbo Dash. In return, the younger stallion smiles awkwardly in the midst of the silence he trapped himself in.

“So… Ford.” Turbo breaks the discomforting silence between them. “Wanna have a drink with me?”

“Umm… sure.” Ford replies timidly. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, I’ve made some fresh raspberry lemonade recently. Would you care for a glass?”

“Oh, yes please!” Ford agrees with thirsty anticipation.

After a stroll through the kitchen, Turbo brings a tray consisting of two glasses and a pitcher of rosy-colored lemonade filled with ice cubes, slices of lemons, and raspberries. He lays the tray on the coffee table and pours a glass before handing it over to Ford. After pouring a glass for himself, Turbo reassumes his seat as each of them takes a refreshing sip of their beverages.

“Wow! This is quite delicious, Turbo!” Ford comments the sweet and zesty drink. “You certainly can’t buy this from a store!”

“I’m glad you like it!” Turbo responds kindly to the compliment. “Help yourself for some more!”

“Thanks!” Ford says appreciatively to his host.

After he finishes his first drink, Mustang reaches for the pitcher and pours himself another glass before taking another gracious gulp of his lemonade. After satisfying his taste buds, he takes a moment to think of something on what he wants to say to Rainbow Dash’s father. The only thing he can think of is something that’s probably really absurd, but it’s better than nothing he guesses.

“Umm… Turbo?” Ford begins to ask.


“You’re not going to show me your collection of authentic and deadly weapons, are you?” he asks with a nervous smile.

“Of course not!” Turbo chuckles greatly on Ford’s vivid imagination. “Where would you get an idea like that?” This helps relax Ford for a change as both of the stallion share a hearty laugh.

“But I do have a collection of all the martial tournaments I’ve won in the past!” Ford’s laughter ceases immediately after hearing Turbo’s claim. “It’s been a while, but I can still pull off some seriously slick moves! Care for a demonstration, Mustang?” Turbo asks with a sinister grin.

After a bit hesitation, Ford answers with a nervous chuckle, “Uhh… maybe some other time.” Seeing Ford on edge causes Turbo to break into a playful grin before they continue to enjoy their refreshments.

Nearly done with what’s left with their lemonade, Turbo speaks up again, “Anyway, Ford. May I ask you something?”

“Mm-hmm.” Ford responds simply as he sips his drink.

“Why do you think you deserve to be with my daughter?” Turbo asks steadfastly.


The startled Ford Mustang nearly coughs up his drink as he instinctively covers his mouth before swallowing what’s left. Once the burning, sour sensation starts to die down in his throat and nose, he starts to catch his breath from this surprising interrogation.

“I’m sorry?!” he asks unsurely to Turbo’s sudden questioning.

“Why do you think you deserve to be with my daughter?” he enunciates once again.

“I… don’t quite understand the question, sir.” Ford responds tensely.

“Just answer it as best as you can for me.” Turbo insists softly.

Ford Mustang takes a glance to study Turbo Dash’s expression. His face is impassive to tell, but it didn’t display any distrust or resentment towards the younger Pegasus. After that, he takes a while to collect his thoughts before he can try to answer the question. In the midst of his thoughts, Ford slowly finishes the rest of his drink before setting it down on the coffee table. Once he quenched his thirst, Ford is ready to answer Turbo's riddle.

“Well… the truth is… I don’t think I deserve her.” Ford admits sincerely. “I count myself lucky to able to date somepony as wonderful as her! She has her usual characteristics such as bravery, athleticism, loyalty, and brashness, but as we were getting to know each other, I discover new characteristics about her. She’s an attentive listener, a kind caregiver, and an encouraging supporter. Everything that makes her who she is today is why I still adore her so much.” He smiles tenderly as he recollects those heartwarming memories to himself. “Eventually, when I was given the chance to go back home, I was in such a turmoil with myself that I almost broke her heart in the process. I would’ve never forgiven myself if it wasn’t for my new friends for making me realize how important Rainbow Dash really is to me. Once I told Rainbow about my true feelings for her as well as the truth about myself, I was surprised to find out that she also loves me and accepts me for who I am. And ever since then, I have never been happier to have her into my life.” Once his recollection is over, Ford looks Turbo right in the eye as he finishes his speech with absolute conviction. “I love her, sir, and she loves me as well. And I won’t give her up for anything, not even if anypony tells me otherwise.”

After hearing what Ford had to say, Turbo just raises an eyebrow as he asks stoically, “Not even if that pony is her own father?”

“Especially you, sir.” Ford replies without a doubt in his heart. Turbo Dash is slightly surprised by Ford’s resolve as he blinks his startled eyes a few times. Then, his face returns to its impassive state as he bears a tiny smile for himself.

“Well then…” Turbo say casually as he places his glass on the table. “I have only one thing to say to that…”

Steadily, he gets up from his seat and approaches Mustang very leisurely. As Turbo stares down at the seated stallion, the determined Ford Mustang feels a bead of sweat running down his neck as he prepares for the worst to come.

In a flash, Turbo pulls Ford out of his seat and surprisingly gives him a big hug before confirming to him with a wide grin, “Welcome to the family, Ford Mustang!”

Confused by this sudden affection, Ford startlingly responds, “Wh-wh-what?!”

Taking a break from his bear hug, Turbo looks at the startled Pegasus as he continues with a chuckling grin. “You know, from what Dashie has told me, I once imagined that you were just a big softie! But now I see that you’ve got guts to go with that big heart of yours!” he says as he gives a light hoof bump to Ford’s chest.

“Y-you don’t mind if I was once a human before?” Ford stammers inquiringly.

“Of course not! I wouldn’t care if you were a human, pony, griffon, or even a changeling! As long as you make my daughter happy, then I’m happy!”

“So… does that mean you’ll accept me?” Ford asks hopefully.

“More than that, Mustang! I’ll even give you my blessings into asking her to marry you!” Turbo Dash commends with glee.

Caught off guard by Turbo’s unexpected approval, Ford flabbergasts, “W-w-wait, how did you know I was planning to propose to her?!”

“Call it a ‘father’s intuition.’” he winks at his possibly future son-in-law.

Ford Mustang takes a moment to collectively process all that has happened in just a few minutes. Once he finally grasps this startling revelation, he breaks into a most grateful smile before he returns the affection by firmly hugging Turbo back as he says to him appreciatively, “Th-thank you, Turbo! You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that from you!”

“You’re welcome, Ford!” Turbo responds as he pats Ford on the shoulder. Once Ford finishes his hug, they both take seats on the same couch.

“I don’t know if Dashie ever told you about this before…” Turbo shares something with the younger stallion. “…but she didn’t have much self-esteem for seeing herself as attractive as most of the other mares when she went to high school. Personally, I think the colts were just jealous of her top-athletic prowess. But either way, some of the students used to tease her greatly based off her appearance and characteristics. I’m sure you can guess some of the insults they would sling at her for somepony with rainbow hair and a tomboyish attitude.”

“I can only imagine a few of them, sir.” Ford admits quietly without even wanting to go over the list of cruel names.

“Eventually, she would just shrug them off, but I think all that teasing might have left a greater impact on her own self-image as a mare.” Turbo continues. “That’s why I assumed she would always focus on her goal as a Wonderbolt, so that way she could keep herself preoccupied without having to worry about pursuing a relationship.”

After a brief sigh, Turbo smiles warmly as he resumes his reminiscing. “But since the last few months, whenever I talked to her or read one of her letters, she would tell me more about you than how she was doing as a Wonderbolt. It was unbelievable to hear that from her! The mare who is now the rising star of the team she wanted to join since she was a filly was gushing over her new coltfriend! I can’t tell you tell how much I’ve looked forward upon meeting with you, Ford Mustang, and I want to personally thank you for making my little girl so happy right now!”

“Umm… happy to be of service, Turbo.” Mustang smiles humbly for all the praise he was receiving.

“Just promise me one thing, Ford.”

“Anything, sir.”

With a gentle hoof resting on Ford’s shoulder, Turbo gazes at him with pleading eyes as he requests softly, “Take good care of my little girl for me, will you? She’s all that I have left right now.”

Hearing how heartbreaking Turbo sounded of all a sudden, Ford can imagine all the emotion pain Turbo Dash had to go through in order to raise Rainbow Dash as the beloved mare she has become up to this point; probably had to do with something regarding with her mother.

Determined to not let him down, Ford crosses a foreleg over his heart as he makes a solid vow to Rainbow’s father, “Turbo Dash, I would gladly give my life for her if it ever comes to that! I promise to look after her no matter what!”

Content upon hearing that unwavering answer, Turbo strongly embraces Ford once more as he is thankfully to know that his daughter will be well taken care of.

After their latest hug, Turbo asks Ford with mischievous smirk, “Well, since we have some time to kill… want to look at some embarrassing pictures of Rainbow Dash when she was a filly?”

Ford blinks his eyes as he puzzlingly stares at Turbo Dash upon that devious suggestion, but then, he breaks into an enormous grin as wide as Turbo’s as he answers, “…Absolutely!”


“Dad! Mustang! I’m home!” Rainbow Dash shouts out loud while entering the house with her saddlebags full of groceries. “Sorry it took so long! The lines at that store were terrible! You would think they would even bother to open up another register at that point!”

After she finishes her complaining, Rainbow is surprised to hear the unusually dead silence in the house. But then, her ears perk up a bit as they catch a strange noise coming from the living room.

Wait… are they… laughing? Rainbow puzzles to herself. Why would they be laughing together? Unless... OH NO. she gasps at this dreadful realization.

After her twin saddlebags drop onto the cloudy floor, Rainbow speedily flies into the living room. Once she sees her father and Ford Mustang sitting on the couch together, she gasps in fear as she blushes immensely while the two stallions continue to chuckle with one and another. It’s just as she feared: her dad is merrily going over her baby pictures from their family photo album with her greatly amused coltfriend!

“Ah! Here’s one of my favorites: Little Dashie eating her spaghetti when she was just a foal!” Turbo points to another picture showing a cute, smiling foal version of Rainbow Dash slobbering over her bowl of messy spaghetti.

“That’s no surprise!” Ford smirks to himself. “She still eats like that whenever we would have spaghetti together!”

“Does she still make those adorable slurps of hers?”

“Oh yeah!”

“Ha-ha! Like father, like daughter!”

After sharing another laugh together, the two bonding stallions finally take notice of Rainbow’s startled and embarrassed presence.

“Oh hi, Rainbow!” Turbo greets her daughter casually. “Glad you could make it!”

“Dad?! What are you doing?!” Rainbow blushingly demands while taking a seat next to Ford Mustang.

“What does it look like, kiddo?” her father replies with a nonchalant grin. “I’m doing what any father would do: showing my daughter’s coltfriend some embarrassing pictures of you!” Suddenly, he is distracted by another favorable picture. “Oh, here’s a classic! Getting Dashie to have one of her first bathtimes! Boy, was she a hassle back then!”

Ford and Rainbow lean in as they see a photo of a struggling cyan-colored filly Pegasus with short, spiny, rainbow-colored hair as she splashes and squirms out of her father’s grasp while forcing her to take a bubbly bath. Ford just awes at another cute picture while Rainbow groans heavily with an intensely glowing blush on her face.

“Funny, that doesn’t sound like my Rainbow Dash! My Dashie just loves taking baths!” Ford empathizes teasingly to his blushing marefriend with an alluring voice.

Recalling yesterday from their steamy shower together, Rainbow’s face becomes as red as the colored streak in her hair; both from being reminded of that intimate moment they’ve shared and from being mad at Ford for even bring that up subtly in front of her dad. In retaliation, Rainbow gives a swift and merciless punch to Mustang’s right shoulder. Despite the immense soreness in his bruised upper foreleg, Ford just keeps grinning to himself as he is certain that it was totally worth it.

“Oh, you’re gonna love this! This is something I will always treasure!” Turbo exclaims grinningly as he flips to the next page of his album.

“Oh no… dad, please! Don’t show him that! I’m begging you! Anything but that!” Rainbow pleads significantly. But her words fell onto deaf ears as Ford gasps with wide eyes and a broad smile while looking at the next picture.

“Oh my Celestia! Is that what I think it is?!” Ford smiles in disbelief.

“Yep!” Turbo confirms with a smirk. “Rainbow Dash performing her first ballet recital while wearing a tutu!”

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Rainbow cries out in agony over the reveal of her darkest secret as Ford couldn’t help himself but laugh non-stop at the unbelievably cute picture of Little Dashie doing her ballet performance.

“I can’t believe you would show him that! I was only young and naïve back then!” she whines to her dad, who is fighting a very bad case of the giggles by Rainbow’s melodramatic reaction.

D’awwwww… but I think you look so cute in that!” Ford coos teasingly to his blushing marefriend as he pulls her in closer with a wrapped wing. “Besides, you looked like you were enjoying yourself too!”

“I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed by this!” the grinning father remarks. “The instructors said you were one of their best sky dancers they have ever seen! Though granted, they had to put up a lot of work for you to cooperate with everypony.”

“You promised you wouldn’t show that to anypony else except family members only!” she frowns at her dad with an accusing hoof pointing at him.

“Well, Ford Mustang is pretty much part of the family now, isn’t he?” Turbo smirks knowingly.

This catches Ford and Rainbow by surprise as they look each other for a bit. Almost simultaneously, they bear tender smiles for each other as she leans her head on his shoulder while Ford leans his head against her colorful mane.

“Y-y-yeah… I guess.” she mutters with a light, affectionate blush, which earned her a nice kiss on her forehead from her deeply-touched coltfriend.

And so from there, Turbo Dash and Ford Mustang are gleefully getting along just fine as they continue to look over the family album together. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, agonizes immensely over these embarrassing photos as she hides her intensely red face beneath one of the couch’s pillows. Suddenly, she’s starts to think to herself that bring Ford along to meet with her father was a bad idea to begin with.

Author's Note:

Admittedly, I had a difficult time choosing a good name for Rainbow Dash's father. For some reason, I tried to think of names that go with the word "Rocket", but I stopped brainstorming on that one because Equestria hasn't made any form of rockets at that time, especially those that travel into space or at least are used as a means for travel. Probably the closest thing they have to a rocket is fireworks. I also thought about "Sonic Dash", but that seems too reminscient to Sonic the Hedgehog, especially with the amount of crossovers the fans have done with Rainbow Dash & Sonic.

There was one name I really wish I can use: Bifrost. For those that don't know, in Norse Mythology, the Bifrost is a magical rainbow bridge that extends from Asgard (the Realm of the Gods) to Midgard (Earth, basically). It would be so fitting and cool for Rainbow's dad to have that name referencing to the mythology. Anyway, someone already used that name for Rainbow's father in "Fire & Rain" by Ruirik. It would seem rather unfair for me to use that name from one of my favorite stories, so I stuck with "Turbo Dash."

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