• Published 9th Nov 2013
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The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang - RoyalRainbow

Over a year has passed since his arrival, and Ford Mustang is prepared to ask Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. But when an unknown force of darkness emerges, it's up to Ford to save not only his loved ones, but the world as well.

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Chapter 5 – Bedtime Stories

Chapter 5 – Bedtime Stories

In the evening, Rainbow Dash had another birthday dinner, which was orchestrated by her father, Turbo Dash, with some help from her coltfriend, Ford Mustang. As night approaches in Cloudsdale, Rainbow and Ford are allowed to stay over for the night in her old room that’s been turned into a guest room, which is surprisingly kind of Turbo for the younger Pegasi to share the same bed together. Of course, the blue-haired stallion has his suspicion on the considerate gesture of Rainbow’s dad.

“Now remember…!” Turbo lectures his daughter and her coltfriend as they get cozy in their temporary bed for the night.

“We know… no funny business, right?” Ford assumes with a smirk.

“What? No! I was going to say to keep it down in there!” This catches Rainbow and Ford off-guard as their faces bear intense blushes by Turbo’s statement. “You two can have as much fun as you like so as long as this old colt gets his proper beauty sleep!” he winks to the embarrassing couple with a wide grin.

“Okay, dad! Goodnight!” Rainbow shrugs it off with a smile as she tries to diminish her blush.

Turbo chuckles lightly and then gives Rainbow a quick goodnight kiss before saying, “Goodnight, Dashie!”

“Goodnight, Turbo!” says Ford.

“Goodnight, Ford!”

After saying their goodnights, Turbo exits the guest room before closing the door. As the door is about to be shut, the grinning father quickly cracks it opened to say, “Don’t forget to use protection!”

“Goodnight, dad!” she dismisses her dad with a growl while Ford snickers to himself.

Turbo closes the door once more, but just like before, he opens it suddenly to say just one more thing, “Of course, if you’re already planning on having foals…!”

As Rainbow and Ford turn instantly red in the face by Turbo’s remark, their reactions are bit different from each other’s. Ford couldn’t help but laugh at Turbo’s constant need to embarrass his daughter, while the aggravated mare on the other hand couldn’t stand the suffering she has to endure anymore.

“DAD!” she cries out in a whining, angry voice as her grinning dad chuckles with glee by her predictable reaction.

“Okay! Goodnight, you two!” Turbo smiles with satisfaction before he finally closes the door and leaves a groaning Rainbow and a laughing Mustang alone in their comfy bed.

“You’re right about one thing, Rainbow.” says Ford after calming his laughter down. “Your dad certainly is the coolest!”

“Yeah… he is.” Rainbow Dash smiles to herself after having a brief chuckle.

Soon enough, Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash get cozy with one and another and they prepare to sleep in their embrace once more for the rest of the evening. But as they are about to sleep, Rainbow thinks of something that she wants to share with Ford first.

“You know, I never did tell you anything about my mother, Firefly, did I?” she speaks up, which gets Ford’s attention right away before he nods off to sleep.

“I wouldn’t mind hearing a little about her, if that’s alright with you of course.” he responds delicately.

“It’s fine, Mustang. I’ll be happy to tell you about her.” she reassures with a gentle smile. “Like my father, mom was also an accomplished flyer as well, except instead of racing, she was a dancer. Firefly was an amazing sky dancer, ranging from ballet to gymnastics. She was one of the main reasons why I performed some ballet recitals when I was in school.”

“Really?” he’s puzzled by this. “But I thought you hated dancing when we looked at your picture!”

“N-n-no! I never said that I hated it!” Rainbow retorts before continuing her explanation. “I tried dancing for a lot of reasons. The group was short on a number of dancers, and they were asking for any volunteers from the other athletic clubs. Besides, other then being informed that my mother was a gifted dancer, dad also told me that it may help me out with my stunt routines.”

“Hmm… I can see that. Your performance always seem very graceful to me.”

“Thanks.” she smiles from Ford’s compliment.

“In any case, if you have enjoyed dancing so much, why were you so embarrassed about it?” he asks bewilderedly.

“It’s just that… well… I… I have a reputation to keep, you know?” she hesitates with an uncomfortable blush.

“Rainbow, you’re such a silly filly sometimes!” he giggles a bit with a grin as he hugs her closely. “You have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to dancing, and that’s coming from a guy who used to watch a popular cartoon about talking ponies, which was originally intended for girls by the way!”

“Okay, I see your point there!” she chuckles along with Mustang before continuing with her story. “You know, my mother actually got her Cutie Mark not from dancing, but from her superb speed. She was a naturally talented speedster, but it was dancing that became her calling to life. Though granted, there was only one time my mom actually beat my dad in a race before. In fact, that was how they first met if dad told me correctly…”


Nearly 30 years ago, at Cloudsdale University…

At a large, oval track, one of the racing Pegasi, was so close to the finish line, that he could just taste that sweet, familiar sensation of victory already. This only caused him to kick it into overdrive as he zoomed right passed the finish line. Once he grasped his latest conquest, he landed gracefully before breaking into a cocky smile while posing for any of his fans out there. This young stud was Turbo Dash, one of the top athletes on campus who had plans to soar to great heights once he graduates from college.

“Another stunning victory for the great Turbo Dash!” he declared to the campus with extreme hype. After he prided over himself, he turned around to see how the rest of the competition was doing. To his surprise, the remaining athletic Pegasi, who crossed the finish line several seconds later, were practically out of breath as they collapsed onto the ground while heavily gasping for air.

Turbo just shook his head with a smile before calling out to his colleagues, “Sorry, slowpokes! But you’re gonna have to train a little extra harder if you wanna catch up with me!”

Across the cloudy track field, Turbo heard the delightful screams from a couple of cheering mares nearby. Grinning at this, he said to his weary competitors, “Now… if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear my fans calling out to me!”

And with a flap of his wings, Turbo casually glided over to the female spectators. After his landing, he got a good look at the trio. The two of them were all giddy with excitement after being in the presence of such a hot, young stud. But then, something grabbed Turbo’s attention briefly as he looked at the third mare. This pink-coated Pegasus mare with blue mane, violet eyes, and two blue-colored lightning bolts on her Cutie Mark was very stoic and uninterested at Turbo’s marvelous appearance. Shrugging that aside, he turned his attention back to the first two mares.

“So, ladies…” he grinned at them. “I take it you’ve enjoyed the show?”

“Oh yes!” One mare squealed happily in response. “You were so amazing, Turbo!”

“Yeah! And soooo fast!” the second mare agrees joyfully.

“Well, with a name like ‘Turbo Dash’, you certainly won’t expect anything else, now would you?” he boasted before the two mares giggled to themselves at his remark. After his little joke, he turned his attention to the silent mare beside the other two.

“How about you, pretty lady?” Turbo asks with a smug grin. “Did you like what you see out there?”

She looked at him with an impassive stare, but then she shrugs casually, “…Eh, I’ve seen better.”

This unexpected opinion caused her two friends and Turbo to stare at the unimpressed mare with wide-eyed disbelief before he said shockingly, “Wh-what?!”

“Yeah, sorry for putting it so bluntly, but I’m not so impressed by what I’ve seen over there.” The pink mare restated with a slight smirk.

The athletic stallion was still stunned by somepony who isn’t awestricken by his awesomeness. Eventually, he composed himself and he responded back with a smug grin, “Oh-ho-hoh! And I suppose you can do a much better job than me?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, I can.” she nodded with certainty.

This made Turbo Dash dropped his grin immediately after hearing her unfaltering confidence. With slight puzzlement, he asked her, “What a second… I’ve never seen you on the tracks before! What do you do exactly?”

“Well, I major in dancing, in case you are wondering.” she answered matter-of-factly. This only caused Turbo to stare at her in silence, but then all of a sudden…

“BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, this is precious!” he laughed uproariously with a smug smile. “I hate to break this to you, sweetheart, but you’re way over your head if you think you can win against me!”

“Oh, you want to put your money where your mouth is?” she goaded her upcoming challenger. “How about we settle a wager?”

“A wager, huh?” Turbo responded with keen interest. “Okay, I’m game! If I win, you’ll go out with me this weekend! And you’ll have to pay for everything, of course!”

“Alright, but if I win, you’ll have to do something for me for one whole week!”

“One whole week? Doing what exactly?” Turbo inquired warily.

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough!” she simply smirks to her pristine rival.

“Well in that case, it’s only fair that you’ll owe me one week’s worth of dates if I win! Deal?” Turbo extended a fore hoof with a cocky smile.

Without hesitation, the confidant mare embraced the hoofshake and answered with an all-knowing smile, “Deal!”

Moments later, Turbo Dash and his newfound rival took to the fields as they do their routine stretches at the start of the finish line. One of the two mares that was with the new challenger was kind enough to volunteer to give the signal as she holds the checkered flag with her mouth.

“By the way, I didn’t get your name, sweetie.” Turbo grinned to the female Pegasus as they continue with their stretches.

“My name’s is Firefly.” she introduced herself. “And I’ll see to it you remember that once I leave you in the dust, Turbo!”

“Ooo, feisty, aren’t we? Oh, I can tell our first date is going to be an interesting one!” Turbo said grinningly over his assured victory.

After finishing their stretches, Firefly and Turbo took their starting positions as they eyed on their newly appointed flag-girl. Once she saw that they were ready, the volunteer reared up as she lifted her head up with the flag still grasped between her teeth. And with a mighty wave of the checkered flag, the two racers were off.

Both Turbo Dash and Firefly had a great sprint; in fact, they were on par when it comes to their initial speed. Noticing this, Turbo kicked it up a notch, which allowed him to gain the lead by a few yards away from Firefly.

As the first turn approached before him, Turbo had to slow down a bit due to the tremendous speed he boosted earlier. After completing the first turn, he glanced back to see his opponent. To his surprise, Firefly managed to catch up a bit, but it doesn’t like she has increased her speed at that point. In any case, he decided to push himself a little further just for good measure.

Soon enough, he was approaching the last turn, and after that, he would have completed three-fourths of the race. But as he was in the midst of his cornering, out of nowhere, Firefly dashed right by him and completed the last turn of the track. But it wasn’t her cornering that took Turbo Dash by surprise. It was also when she finished completing that turn that she unleashed an incredible boost of speed as she was gone in a flash while leaving the Turbo in the dust. Once the stunned Turbo Dash completed his cornering, Firefly already passed the finish line.

After Firefly won the race, the spectators gathered around to chant her name and praise her spectacular accomplishment. As Turbo Dash made his way to the finish line, though at a slower, defeated pace this time, he stared speechlessly at his female competitor while the crowd kept cheering for Firefly. He just couldn’t believe it! He’s been training all his life to be a professional racer, and then this mysterious mare beated him like he was just a rookie! He just couldn’t put his hoof on it on how she was able to defeat him so easily! He just had to find out why that happened to him!

Once he approached Firefly after the crowd finished their chanting, he asked bewilderedly, “H-h-how?! How did you beat me?!”

“Simple, I paced myself.” she answered with a casual smile.

“‘Paced yourself?’” he snapped in disbelief. “I’m one of the fastest Pegasi on campus! There’s no way you can beat me just because you’ve paced yourself!”

“Well, that’s partially true.” Firefly said nonchalantly before continuing her explanation. “But I’ve noticed a lot of things from your last race as well. For example, your top speed does exceed my own, but you have low stamina and you usually waste it all just as soon as the race began. Also, your cornering is very poor. Since you were going so fast, you had to slow down to complete those turns. Therefore, upon your exit point, you’ve lost most of your speed and had a lot to gain afterwards. So as you can see, racing isn’t always about speed, you know.”

“I… well… I mean… uhh…” Turbo flabbergasted to a great extent.

“Oh, and in case you are wondering how I know so much when it comes to racing, it's because that I used to be one of the top racers from my days in high school.” She continued with a sly smile. “Now then, about our little wager…”

“Sigh… alright. You beat me fair and square, Firefly.” He admitted defeat in a slightly grumbling voice. “What is it that you want?”

“Come inside the gymnasium at seven o’clock tonight, and you’ll find out soon enough.” She said ambiguously while maintaining that wicked smile of hers. But as she made her departure, the last thing she said to the perplexed Turbo was this: “Don’t be late, Dashie!”


‘Dashie?’” Ford Mustang says in surprise as he couldn’t help but chuckle greatly while listening to Rainbow’s story. “I thought he never wanted to be called by that name!”

“It was only my mother who was allowed to use that nickname once he got used to it.” Rainbow replies as she gets comfortable in Ford’s embrace before continuing her tale.

“So anyway… what was it that he had to do for Firefly once he lost the race?”

Rainbow just grins widely as she says, “Well you see…”


“So Dashie, how do you like your new leotard?” Firefly asked with a wide smirk to her new dance partner.

In one of the gymnasium’s dance rooms past seven o’clock, Firefly was wearing a white sweatband with two red stripes on her head, a purple leotard, semi-transparent stockings, and a set of ballet shoes. The once-proud racer who goes by the name of Turbo Dash is wearing a matching attirement, except without a sweatband, and his leotard had a soft gray color instead.

“The name’s Turbo Dash!” he mumbled while nipping the leotard’s tight elastics in a vain attempt to loosen it up a bit. “And it’s a little… tight. Can’t I just wear something that’s a bit more comfortable, or better yet, not wear anything at all?”

“Sorry, Dashie.” Firefly answers with teasing smile which earned her an inaudible grumbling from the disgruntled Turbo Dash. “But it’s a requirement for you to wear this type of clothing when practicing. But if you’re looking for something a little bit looser, I’m sure we have some spare tutus around here that are just your size…”

“On second thought, this leotard isn’t so bad once you get used to it!” he quickly changed his mind with an awkward, blushing smile.

“Good!” she said flat out with a satisfied smile.

“Ugh! Do I really have to be your dance partner for your private practice sessions?!” he continued to complain. “Couldn’t you choose something else?!”

“Why? Don’t tell me you’re chickening out already!” she goaded with a raised eyebrow and a mocking smile.

“N-n-no! I would never back out of a deal!” Turbo retorts with a hesitant blush. “No matter how embarrassing it might be.” he mumbles to himself.

“Hey, you should consider yourself lucky to have me as your private dance instructor!”

“And why would that be?”

“Because Dashie, dancing will teach you how to be more flexible and more in control of yourself no matter how fast you run or fly.”

“R-really?” Turbo was surprised by hearing this claim. “You’ll show me your techniques when it comes to racing?”

“So as long as you’re cooperative with me. So Dashie, you ready for your first dancing lessons?”

With little to no choice, Turbo Dash answered groaningly. “Sigh… Let’s get this over with.”


“Ha-ha! I don’t suppose you have a picture of your dad in a leotard, do you?” Ford asks with a chuckling smirk.

“Unfortunately, no.” Rainbow smirked right back. “If I did, I would have made sure he won’t show anypony those embarrassing pictures of me ever again!”

“So, did your dad persevere with your mom’s punishment or what?”

“Actually, yeah he did. During their time together, they’ve started enjoying each other’s company. It was once the week was over that dad realized that he was a bit sad that they wouldn’t see each other again after that. As for his racing, he improved significantly, especially with his cornering, thanks to mom’s private lessons. He only wished that there was a way to make it up to her. That was until one day, when he found a poster promoting a ballet recital on one of the school’s bulletin boards featuring my mother as one of their lead dancers that night…”


At the university’s very own outdoor amphitheater that evening, the seats were packed with students, faculty members, guests, and family members who were able to make it. Once it was time, the curtain rose and the show began. In this show, it featured a variety of performances ranging into groups and styles.

As for one of the final acts, Firefly, who was wearing a shimmering, sky-blue, toga-like gown, was preparing her solo performance where she will do an aerodynamic, sky-dancing routine. Once it was her turn, she gracefully took to the stage. As she took her starting position, she noticed somepony familiar in the crowd. It was from recognizing that face from the one of the front row seats that nearly broke her initial concentration. Staring right back at her startling face was Turbo Dash!

Completely shocked at first, Firefly recomposed herself before the orchestra began to play. Throughout her dance, she dazzled the crowd with her rhythmic steps, grateful twirls, and breathtaking stunts as her moves are in sync with the fitting music echoing in the amphitheater. In the midst of her routine, Firefly kept glancing back at Turbo Dash. She just couldn’t put her hoof on it. She figured that Turbo would have been asleep by now, but surprisingly enough, despite his unexplained impassiveness, he was very attentive during the entire night. Once her performance came to a close, she and all of her classmates received a standing ovation.

After that, once she packed up her things, Firefly made her exit from backstage. And to her surprise once again, she saw Turbo Dash waiting for her outside the amphitheater. But that wasn’t the only thing that surprised her. Hovering above the ground, Turbo was carrying a bouquet that featured a colorful arrangement of flowers.

“Umm… Hi, Firefly.” He greeted gingerly with a small smile.

“Hi?” she greeted back with caution.

“I got these for you.” he hands the bouquet of flowers to the slightly perplexed Firefly before she accepted the unexpected gift.

“Oh… th-thanks, Turbo.” she responded with nervous blush on her face after retrieving the flowers. She examines the flowers carefully, and then she looks at the awkwardly smiling stallion. She still couldn’t figure out why Turbo Dash had to show up for her recital tonight. She was certain that there had to be reason behind all of this, and she was going to find out one way or another.

“Okay, I give up! Who did you lose a bet to this time?” she asked sharply once her patience was running thin.

“No one!” he blurted out loud. “I came here at my own free will, alright?”

“Why?” she inquired in a skeptically manner.

“Well… I… I heard you were performing tonight.” Turbo admitted sheepishly. “So… I… figured that I might as well check it out myself.”

“Well, that’s awfully sweet of you, Turbo.” Firefly responded even though she wasn’t buying the whole thing. “But you didn’t have to bore yourself just for my own benefit! I’m not that desperate for spectators you know!”

“Actually… I though it was… nice.” He commented with a weak, blushing smile.

Just from hearing that compliment, Firefly’s questioning ceased immediately as she froze in place with wide eyes and her face turning beet red suddenly. In the midst of her frozen position, all she could say was this, “…What?”

“I mean… dancing isn’t my thing, but the way you’ve performed tonight was expressive, dynamic, and surprisingly engaging. And… well… I actually kind of liked it.” he confessed with a slight blush while rubbing the back of his head with a fore hoof.

Firefly kept staring at Turbo with a blank expression while her blush just kept on glowing. “…You… you did?” she asked with a small smile.

“Look… I know I was bit of jerk to you when we first met.” he admitted humbly. “And even though I wasn’t that thrilled when it comes to dancing, I’ve really enjoyed our time together. I didn’t even get a chance to properly thank you for all that you have done for me. I would have never greatly improved my racing capabilities in such a short amount of time without your help. So… thank you, Firefly… for everything."

After hearing Turbo’s kind sentiment, Firefly bore a blushing smile as she said to him, “You’re very quite welcome, Turbo.”

“So… can I at least buy you some dinner for a job well done?” he offered modestly.

Firefly thought about it for a few seconds, but then she smiled sheepishly as she answered, “Well… I am kind of hungry. Sure, why not?”

Together, they casually flew side-by-side from the amphitheater as they searched for a place to eat. In the midst of their flying, Firefly couldn’t help but believe how much Turbo has changed since they first met. She never thought that this once-cocky athlete could be such a gentlecolt to her. It was causing her to have newfound respect and appreciation for Turbo’s company. She didn’t understand these new feelings herself, yet she wasn’t ready to dismiss them right away.

“Hey, Dashie?” she asked.

“Yeah?” he responded.

“Thanks for showing up for my recital.” she said warmly as she kissed him on the cheek. “It really was very sweet of you to do that for me.”


From her sweet gesture, Turbo’s wings froze in place after they have ended involuntarily. In a sudden flash, Turbo dropped from the sky before crashing onto the ground. Initially surprised by this accident, Firefly couldn’t help but chuckled from the young stallion’s reaction by that kiss she gave earlier. As Turbo recovered from his crash landing, Firefly swooped down to help him up.

“Oops! Sorry! I figure a ladies’ stallion such as yourself wouldn’t get so worked up with just one, little kiss!” she teased with a smile after helping Turbo Dash getting up on all four hooves.

“Th-that wasn’t it!” he flustered sharply with a sudden blush. “I just… sprained my wings from all that training I did, that’s all!”

“Heh! Sure you did!” she said with a giggling smile. “Anyway, there’s a good diner nearby. You can handle a little walk around the corner, can’t you?”

“S-s-sure. No problem.” he stammered with a smirk.


“And that was what they would consider to be their first date that evening.” Rainbow continus her story. “Afterwards, they started going out together doing the usual things: study dates, going out on weekends, and supporting each other by showing up to their respectable events. Once they’ve graduated, they’ve continued going out for quite some time. A few years later, my parents were at the highlight of their careers, Turbo became one the most recognizable racers in history, and Firefly was a professional dancer in a multitude of shows and plays. Unfortunately for them, it was putting a damper in their relationship as it was making less time for them to see each other.”

“I think we both can relate with that, huh?” Ford winks at her which earns him a giggling smile in return. “So anyway, you once told me that Turbo quit being a racer so he can marry Firefly, right? Well, how did that happened?”

“Well you see, three years after they’ve graduated from college, my dad’s last race was one of the biggest events that Equestria has ever hosted: the World Grand Prix! It’s an intense race where the best racers must complete one lap around the world as they pass through each checkpoint that’s marked across the globe! It’s pretty much the mack-daddy of all races!”

“Have you ever thought about competing in it yourself?”

“I did, but I was more focused on getting into the Wonderbolts first.”

“In any case, what happened during the final race?”

“Well, the big race lasted for quite sometime. Usually the fastest speedster can finish the race in less than a month. But during the halfway point, dad went missing all of a sudden. Nopony knew what happened to him or where he went off to. Mom was really worried on that day. She’s been listening to the radio’s broadcast since the beginning of the race. Until one day, she received a surprised visit.”



“Huh, who could that be?” Firefly asked herself after hearing the doorbell ringing.

Ever since she first heard about Turbo Dash’s mysterious disappearance, she’s been staying at the house the two have been sharing together since they’ve graduated from college. For nearly a week, she’s been sitting at home as she kept on listening to the any updates the radio can offer regarding with the missing Turbo Dash.

She’s not only surprised to have an unexpected visitor at this hour, but also do to the fact that it’s been nothing but a grey, dreary storm outside this evening. She didn’t answer it right away since she was busy thinking about the possibilities on who it could be showing up so unexpectedly. But then, after one major possibility popped into mind, she immediately rushed to the door and opens it swiftly.

Once the door is flung wide-opened, a familiar figure briefly stood before the startled mare. But then, he immediately collapsed onto the floor right before Firefly. She couldn’t believe it at first, but once she recognized that rainbow-colored hair and the soft blue coat, she could thankfully confirm this drenched pony’s identity. Turbo Dash had finally come home!

“T-T-Turbo?!” Firefly gasped in shock.

“Hey, Firefly.” Turbo wearingly looked up at her with a tiresome smile. “Miss me?”

Seeing how exhausted and weak he was, Firefly lead Turbo into the living room before she propped him up on one of the cozy couches. As Firefly helped Turbo lie on the couch while he was catching his breath, her attention was drawn towards the unrecognizable saddlebag he was carrying. She remembered hearing about the competitors not being allowed to carry any bags with them during the race. So why was he carrying that bag with him? Well, she can worry about that later as she had some questions that needed to be answered first.

“What happened out there?!” Firefly snapped out of concern. “Everypony was freaking out about you since you’ve disappointed from that race! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?! How could you just show up out of nowhere without sending a single word to me regarding with your sudden disappearance?!” In the midst of that, tears dripped from her eyes as she expressed her constant worry for her coltfriend.

With what little strength he had, Turbo reclined from his seat and used his ruffled wing to gradually pulled Firefly for a welcoming embrace upon his return. Having been away from each other for so long, Firefly calmed down a bit as she gave in to that familiar comfort.

“I’m sorry if I worried you, Firefly.” he said soothingly as he continued to nuzzle with his caring marefriend. “I just wanna see you as soon as possible.”

“Wait, so… you were alright this whole time?” she puzzled as she looked into Turbo’s golden eyes.

“Yep.” he confirmed with his trademarked grin.

“And… you turned around just to see me?” she asked in slight confusion.

“Actually, I was already at the halfway point of the race.”

“You mean… you’ve actually completed your lap around the world?” she inquired surprisingly.

“In a way, yeah I did.” he responded casually.

She took awhile to process this stunning news from Turbo before breaking into an awestricken smile and saying with excitement, “Wow… that’s… that’s amazing!”

“Yeah, I guess.” He simply shrugged in response.

“Turbo! This means you’ve broken the world record by a landslide!’ she expressed with uncontainable joy over this.

“Well… I would have, if I didn’t miss the remaining checkpoints along the way.”

Hearing that caused Firefly to drop his beaming smile instantaneously as she stared at the surprisingly calm Turbo Dash with wide-eyed disbelief before saying, “…You what?”

“Yeah, it would be a waste for me to stop at every checkpoint if I wanted to see you again.” He simply said with a nonchalant smile. Firefly was completely speechless by how Turbo’s been acting from all of this as she continued to stare at him blankly. Trying to understand his logic just only made her more infuriated over Turbo’s careless decision.

Not being able to contain her fury any further, she snapped out loud, “…YOU FULL-BLOWN IDIOT! Why would you skip all those checkpoints if you can just complete the race in record time?! For that matter, why would drop of out the race so spontaneously like that?!”

“Look, would you just forget about the stupid race and just listen to me?!” he sharply responded. “There’s something really important I have to tell you!”

“Really?! What could be more important than winning the biggest race of your life?!”

After taking a moment to collect himself, he quietly reached into his mysterious saddlebag lying on the floor. With one fore hoof, he pulled out a dark blue, velvet box before showing it to a perplexed Firefly.

“…This.” he answered plainly as he opened the box before her. Within the box, Turbo revealed a luxuriously shiny, golden hoof bracelet with a sparkly diamond as its centerpiece. It took a few seconds for Firefly to figure it out, but then, she let out a silent gasp as she eyed the beautiful piece of jewelry with large eyes while a soft blush crept on her face.

“Listen, Firefly… during the race, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking regarding with us. I mean, while I do enjoy racing, I’ve realized on how much it’s been having a toll on our relationship. The fact is… I hate myself on how far apart we are every time I enter a new competition. And during the World Grand Prix, I begin to fear on what would happen if I win, and that it will separate us even further than before. I don’t want that, and I don’t even care about competing anymore. Once I spotted this little beautiful at one of the stores during my last checkpoint, I’ve finally realized what I really want right now. I love you Firefly. I’ve always had and always will. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Firefly… will you marry me?”

Once she heard his proposal, Firefly was motionless for a little while as her eyes kept shifting between the engagement bracelet and Turbo Dash. Then, as she was staring into Turbo’s sincere, golden eyes, Firefly’s violet eyes started to break down into tears as she formed an affectionate smile.

“You… you really are the biggest and sweetest goofball I have ever met!” she sniveled with a giggling smile.

“So… does that count as a ‘yes?’” he grins hopefully.

After taking a moment to wipe the never-ending tears from her eyes, Firefly answered at last as she gleefully leaped into Turbo’s embrace, “Yes… yes of course I’ll marry you!”


“After that, my dad announced his retirement as a racer, and they got married several months later.” Rainbow Dash happily concludes. “Other than me being born, he said to me that their years as a married couple were some of the happiest moments of their lives.”

While Ford Mustang is smiling at hearing the romantic tale of Rainbow’s parents, he couldn’t help but curse to himself on how beautiful it was. Dammit! I wish my proposal would be as awesome as that!

“Hey, Dashie?”


Once he got Rainbow’s attention, Ford leans forward and gives her nice kiss on her cheek before saying sincerely, “Thanks for sharing those stories with me."

“No problem, Ford.” she responds tenderly as she nuzzles closely with him. “Thanks for listening.”

Then, with a hoof on his chin and his body laying on its side, he displays his set of bedroom eyes while a sly grin emerges on his face. “Well…” he says grinningly.

“Well what?” she responded with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, what about my goodnight kiss?”

Rainbow smirks deviously as she asks back, “You want me to call dad back in for you?”

Ford chuckles lightly before answering with a smile, “Nah… that’s okay. Better not disturb his beauty sleep anyway.”

“Well, how about I give you one instead of him?” she asks in a seductive voice as she lays a fore hoof on Ford’s cheek.

“Eh, I suppose that will do.” he mockingly shrugs before he gently pulls his smiling marefriend forward with a caressing fore hoof. From there, the two share a gentle, sweet kiss together before closing in for the night.

As they are finally tucked in for the night, Ford makes an alluring yet mischievous grin as he asks Rainbow Dash, “You know… since your dad gave us his permission, you wanna…?”

“No.” she answers sharply in a deadpan expression.

Ford just chuckles in response, “Okay, just asking!”

With a giggling smile, she says to Ford before drifting to sleep, “Goodnight, Mustang.”

Ford follows suit as he snuggles closely with Rainbow before saying to her with a sleepy smile, “Goodnight, angel.”

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