• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 5,738 Views, 77 Comments

Escaping Tartarus - AlphaRidley

After escaping from Tartarus after a thousand years, a female human looks for a way to free the rightful ruler of Equestria, Discord.

  • ...

Waking up with white hair

Eris wasn't used to waking up feeling warm, so she was quite interested in what was wrapped around her. She only had vague memories of the previous night's events, most of which included pain in her shoulder blade and Celestia standing over top of her.

Groaning in annoyance as the sunlight struck her closed eyes, Eris rolled over and opened them to come face to face with a sleeping Celestia. Eris did the only thing her brain could think of in it's current half-asleep state. She screamed... Loud.

Celestia's eyes flew open and she instinctively wrapped her wing around Eris, pulling the human girl closer to her. Eris was not amused in the slightest and struggled to get away from the being that had locked her away in Tartarus for something as stupid as sending a pissed off Hydra into a town full of ponies.

On accident of course...

Eris's efforts were not entirely for naught however, for she did succeed in getting away from Celestia. Only to fall off the bed, right onto the bat wing located on her right shoulder blade that Celestia had wrapped so she couldn't move it the night before.

And boy did it hurt like Tartarus.

Celestia was off the bed and at Eris's side in an instant, using a fast acting healing spell to numb the pain. Celestia levitated Eris back onto the bed and waited for her to come out of shock. Once Eris was breathing normally again, Celestia removed the bandages she used to prevent Eris's new wing from moving and took a closer inspection of the wing then she had the previous night.

The bat wing was almost identical in every way to the wings Luna's Night Guards had, the only difference being the creature said wing was attached to. Celestia prodded the wing with her hoof curiously to discern if the wing was real or if it was simply an illusion, having been to tired to find out the previous night. It certainly felt real enough, but the way it connected to Eris's muscles like a parasite said otherwise. She would have to look into it further if she was going to find out the truth.

"You can let go now."

Celestia's heart skipped a beat. Eris shouldn't be able to move her mouth, let alone speak, with the numbing spell that Celestia had placed on her. Celestia carefully turned Eris back onto her back so they could speak while looking at one another. "Your hair..." Celestia gasped and brought a hoof to her mouth in shock.

Eris's eyes narrowed in confusion. "What about my hair?" Lifting a hand painstakingly slowly up to her face she grabbed a lock of her hair and brought it into her field of view.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR!" Eris shrieked, and Celestia was forced to shake her head to get her ears to stop ringing. Where before Eris's hair had been brown, now it was white as snow with the very back being black.

"I didn't do anything to it, did you really need to scream directly in my ear?"

"YES!" Was the reply she got.

Celestia sighed and forced herself not to scream in frustration. Eris was really getting on her nerves, and if the human didn't stop soon she might rethink not sending the girl back into Tartarus. "If I had a guess as to who is causing your transformation I'd have to say it's probably Discord."

"What?" Eris shouted in disbelief. "My Master would never cause me grief!"

Celestia groaned. "Just think about it for a second will you? Not only have your eyes changed color to match his, a bat wing has grown out of your back, and your hair is even turning white except for the back, it seems to me he's turning you into a Draconequus."

"Hmm...Very well, I guess I will indulge you, but everything comes at price...

Discord's words rang around within her head. Eris' pupils dilated, her breaths came in short and fast bursts, and her body started shivering uncontrollably. "No no no." Eris muttered the chant countless times to herself as her arms clasped around her legs and she rocked herself back and forth on the bed, trying to convince herself that what Celestia was saying was wrong, that her Master wouldn't hurt her despite the proof laid out before her.

"Eris..." Celestia whispered softly. She had to force herself to not reach over and pull Eris into a hug. She couldn't stand to see a living creature in a state akin to the one Eris was in right now.

"You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong!" Eris shouted at Celestia before breaking down as sobs racked her starved body. Celestia put her thoughts aside as she gave in to her instincts and wrapped her wings around Eris. What Eris needed right now was a companion, and Celestia was all to happy to fill that role. They might have been mortal enemies not long before, but if you were to catch a glimpse of them now, you would say they were best friends. They weren't of course, but it certainly looked like it. What with Celestia comforting the poor human who just had all her world and beliefs shattered around her, it would be hard to see that they hated each other.

Celestia carefully let go as Eris calmed down. She was scared not only of her, but also for her. Here was one of Discord's own creations, and he was playing mental games and torturing her. Eris didn't deserve this, but it was what she got. Celestia swore that if she ever met Discord face to face again she would make sure he was punished. Severely.

Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating this, but I just couldn't think of where I wanted to go once I reached the halfway point until today. But eh, better late then never. Am I right? hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, because it's the last you'll get until I'm finished with Running Away, which is my top priority right now.


Comments ( 30 )

Why WOULD Discord change his most loyal servant into his own species?
Unless it was for...No no no. Bad thoughts, bad thoughts, bad thoughts.
Okay, back to my usual brand of twisted logic...He was pissed off at her for getting captured for simple recklessness?

3614862 No, he's not pissed at her, he's having too much fun using her to get back at Celestia. There is a reason that the romance tag is there...

Eris, stay faithful

3615571 She might, she might not. I'm still deciding which path I want her to take.

Are humans Discord' s creatures in this?

3619903 Eris is the only human in existence, and yes she was created by Discord. :twilightsmile:

3620042 huh. Sucks to be her.

4013638 I will.... Eventually... :D

3616034 Can you show both paths plz :fluttercry::fluttercry:

4298592 I might, i might not

Comment posted by AlphaRidley deleted May 28th, 2019

to be fair, he did give her a heads up about a perisie. So to give her what she wanted he had to make some changes
and she muntie not be turned into a Draconequus, but a hybrid of human and one. So if you go for my idea,
I called it and you should tale us how she got here in the first place?
but tale then. :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

5711302 Don't worry bro, she'll go insane (if she's not already) before she turns completely into one of Discord's species.

that was NOT what I said at all.cdn.meme.am/instances/400x/55119802.jpg
I never said anything about that and I think my idea is better, because of false hope that she may have some human left in her and then she be more mixed up than discord and that makes discord the only one of his kind so he more unique. so PLACE READ CLOSELY

5946386 A new chapter will start to be developed after I take my Ap Bio test next monday. :)


6690053 Yeah.. about that...:twilightblush:
I'll get back to this when I'm not swamped with school work.

Hope this get's continued. Also hopping this isn't a story where she betrays Discord. But i like the idea of a Eris and Discord romance. I just imagine it get's to the point where there both very powerful and respect each other the same

7859813 I plan to finish it eventually, but since I've forgotten where I wanted the story to go... you get the idea.

I can say with a certainty that Eris was never going to betray Discord. I can't stand stories where the hero joins the villain only to betray them later, and so I would never write one.

7859911 Same with me. I remember a couple stories that have been ruined for me. I'm glad that's not what your doin

When are you gonna update this story?

I enjoyed that. To be clear I'm actually working on the next chapter right now. We'll see how long that lasts.

Ok, thank you for telling me

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