• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I don't know what I'm doing 90% of the time. Really bad at updating things I've said I'm going to update.


"I'm just trying to get on with my life, but these ponies won't stop saying they know me, even though I've never met them in my life. Is a little peace and quiet too much to ask for around here?"

Possible Twixie Rarixie.

Updates will not be frequent.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 54 )

Weird story. Also interesting story. Feels rather rushed, though. Like you're trying to reach certain points in the storyline quickly instead of 'enjoying the trip', so to speak.

I'm a bit curious as to why she's so dismissive towards somepony who claims to know her. If she's amnesiac and is aware that she's lost her memory, wouldn't she be interested in finding out what Twilight knows? Maybe she has some subconscious aversion to finding out about the past, seeing as how she suffered brief headache just seeing Twilight's name?

Your writing is good - proper grammar and syntax, no spelling errors that I could see. Other than the pacing, as I mentioned above, story looks very good. I'll follow this with interest.

3475823 I tried to imply that Trixie doesn't want to know anything about what happened to her before she woke up in the clearing. Yeah... I never can drag a story out for very long... Though I certainly wish I could. :twilightsmile:

I can see that this story is going in a good direction, keep up the good work.

3476053 I'll start writing the next chapter tonight or tomorrow on my way home from school. :raritywink:

Is this the re-write of Almost Nothing Left you mentioned? Part one of the 'Amnesia' series.
I gather Trixie doesn't want to remember her past because every time something tries to jog her memory, she is in a hell of a lot of pain? I also see this story will take a slower route for the 'Twixie' ship to sail.

3476088 It's not really a rewrite, it's more of a 'what if Trixie was sane instead of mentally broken' thingy ma bob... Yes, it will take much longer for the Twixie ship to sail. This story will also hopefully be nearly as long as Transformations. Hopefully....:twilightsmile:

While it does hurt her, she can bear the pain. It's more of she wants to make a new life and succeed where her past self failed.

3476102 But this is the new part one, correct?:duck::raritywink:

3476119 Yes it is the story I mentioned (Is that what you're asking?).

Your stories are. Amazing !!!!!!.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

3480596 Thanks! Glad you enjoyed them!:twilightsmile:

Hey I like this story ^..^ when is ch 2 gonna come out

3511158 Updating Escaping Tartarus is currently my top priority, this will be updated on the side every now and then. :twilightsmile:

3529957 Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

3548462 Yeah... I have about a third of the next chapter written. This won't be updated very frequently, it is a side project after all. Sorry.

And so we wait...

3625308 Oh believe me, if I could think up more ideas for this story in an instant I totally would. Sadly the ideas I come up with on a weekly basis are only useful for creating a new story most of the time... Sorry.

THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!:pinkiehappy::yay:
So Trixie gets an itch to play the piano. Cool. I'm sorry I'm such a pest.:fluttershysad: I just don't want this story to end up being forgotten or abandoned. That has happened to about three or four Trixie stories I've been following.:fluttercry:

3625725 There's no need to be sorry, I'm sure we've all done it plenty of times. You're welcome.

Once again, I am impressed with this story.

4418864 I'm glad you enjoyed it.

4457822 Well it definitely has potential to get both really sad and really sweet :twilightsmile: Please update soon :fluttercry:

I like Twixie myself. Also readthe last line as Rarity wondeered what the hell made trixie appologize.

4944784 A lot of people do(myself included), but the way I've set up this story it will take a long time for twixie to appear, which will drag the story out longer than I want. Also there's a lot of twixie already out there.

I do not care WHO Trixie ends up with. Hell, you could try to hook her up with Derpy, as far as I am concerned. I am just so GLAD that this story has had a chapter added to it.:pinkiehappy: I thank you so very much.:rainbowkiss:

4945174 Glad you're happy. :twilightsmile: You might get another chapter before the next chapter of ET, but that's only if I get into the zone (Or can't decide where I want ET to go). Next update should come out before October if I don't get distracted with writing for other fandoms.

4944838 you could always go with the good old twixity 3 way shipping.

4945717 Eh.... I'm not gonna try writing a three way shipping, It would be terrible if I attempted it. too much drama that I won't be able to write well. The shipping hasn't changed yet, but it might.

Twixie definitely.

4945979 Your opinion will be taken into account. :twilightsmile:

I'm intrigued. Gonna be coming back for more.

4968526 Well, that's better than boring!

4968626 Indeed.

I kept laughing at the fact, of her not mentioning she has amnesia.

4968680 She doesn't see it as she has amnesia, but more like she's been given a new chance at life. She doesn't want to dig into her past. :twilightsmile:

4969855 That's actually a good way to look at it. What happened in the past, stays in the past.

I just re-read this and I'm wondering. Doesn't any pony notice all the scars on Trixie? Seeing that, plus the fact that she doesn't recognize anypony in this town, should get somepony to know that something happened to Trixie. Then again, right now everyone is just concentrating on the fact that Trixie is there, and not anything else about her. If Rarity doesn't put two and two together, I know Fluttershy will.

4982520 Of course they notice the scars, but they have a princess to worry about Trixie. Rarity is obviously going to be the one to realize it, this is Rarixie after all :raritywink:. As for Fluttershy, well... you won't see much of her. Her character's annoying to write for in my opinion.

4983451 Everyone has at least one character that they have trouble writing. For most authors it's Zecora, though.:derpytongue2:

Go Rarixie! <3 I made an account after reading this and I'm gonna try to write a one shot Rarixie. Rarixie forever!

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