• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 2,291 Views, 54 Comments

Leave me alone will you? - AlphaRidley

"I'm just trying to get on with my life, but these ponies won't stop saying they know me even though I've never met them in my life. Is a little peace and quiet too much to ask for around here?" Possible Twixie.

  • ...

I don't know you...

Trixie had nothing but the saddlebags on her back and what was held within, and she was fine with that. She was no stranger to hard work, becoming well acquainted with it after she had woken up in the Everfree forest with long twisting scars that wound their way around her body and no memory besides her name and the basic things everypony knows.

She had spent several months in a nearby town under the care of an old couple, learning everything she could in order to find her place in the world.

Trixie had left the small town several weeks earlier, determined to see the world, and had traveled through Manehatten and Canterlot in that time, doing odd jobs along the way for some bits.

Trixie was currently on her way to Ponyville, where she was planning to stay for a couple days before she moved on towards Baltimare. She could see the Ponyville in the distance, it was not unlike the town she had stayed in with the old couple. Trixie was hopeful the townsponies didn't stare at her scars the way everypony else did.

That was the number one thing that Trixie hated. She didn't need to be reminded that something awful had happened to her. The scars that adorned her entire body from nose to tail spoke of being tortured, but that was in the past, and she would rather not think about the pain her former self had gone through.

"Welcome to Ponyville..." Trixie muttered under her breath as she looked up at the welcome sign that every town or city had. "Home of Princess Twilight Sparkle." The name sent a headache pulsing through her head, which quickly subsided as she kept walking. Her body and mind, although she couldn't remember any of it, were no strangers to pain.

Trixie entered the town with a bored look on her face, making a beeline for a stall where an orange earthpony wearing a Stetson hat was selling apples. Trixie didn't really like apples all that much, but she was hungry and it was the cheapest thing in her immediate vicinity.

Trixie didn't have to wait long, many of the ponies in line moved out of her way when they saw her. Trixie was used to this kind of treatment, the average pony would allow a pony who was old or a pony like her who was covered in scars, get what they wanted to buy first.

What was not normal however, was the fearful and angry expressions on their faces. Trixie simply ignored them and gave the vendor two bits. "I'd like four apples please."

When the vendor looked up she looked alarmed, quickly giving Trixie five apples instead of four, obviously too freaked out to count properly, and whispered something to a little filly who sat next to her.

Trixie ignored them like everypony else. She was used to stuff like this, although it still irked her when ponies did things like this right in front of her.

Levitating four of the apples into her worn saddlebags, the last one she began to eat as she walked away to find the town library, which would hopefully have information about the world that she didn't already know.

"Do you know where the library is?" She asked a nearby mare.

"Th-That way." The mare stuttered and hurried away.

Trotting in the direction that the mare had pointed, Trixie sighed. Why was everypony in this town afraid of her?

Upon arriving at what was without a doubt the town library, the words "Golden Oaks Library" written upon a sign in bold letters told her that she was indeed at the right place, Trixie knocked twice upon the door.

"It's a public library, You don't have to knock!" shouted a voice from within.

Trixie rolled her eyes and opened the door, she stepped inside and walked towards the bookshelves, immersing herself in her search for a book that held information she didn't already know.

"Trixie? What are you doing here?"

Trixie looked up with a start, almost dropping the book she had picked out, and looked over the pony that had said her name.

"I don't know you." Trixie replied, opening the book and beginning to read.

"What do you mean you don't-" The rest of whatever the pony was saying was cut off as Trixie calmly levitated a pair of earplugs and placed them in her ears.

It was very possible that Trixie's former self had known this mare, but she didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to be like her former self or know anything about them.

It took one minute of poking before the mare finally gave up and just ripped Trixie's earplugs out, tossing them to the floor with a huff. "Now I know you don't like me that much but it's rude to ignore somepony..."

"You must have mistaken me for somepony else, because I've never met you in my entire life." Trixie calmly replied, turning a page in the book and levitating the earplugs back into her saddlebags. "But I do know that you're annoying me, so why don't you go play with your friends and leave me alone."

Trixie could tell the mare was getting angry, but she didn't care. The mare should know to leave somepony alone when they're reading.

"This isn't funny Trixie, knock it off."

Snapping the book closed Trixie looked up at the mare in exasperation. "Look, I've already said I don't know you, you've just mistaken me for a friend of yours or something. Now would you please leave me alone to read in peace?"

"Not until you tell me why you're here."

Trixie snorted. "I was trying to read, did I not make that obvious when I told you to leave me alone?"

"I know you Trixie, you hate reading..."

Trixie groaned. "I've already said I don't know you, what more do you want from me?"

The mare snatched the book from Trixie's grasp and placed it on the shelf where it belonged. "For you to tell the truth..."

Trixie had had enough. "I HAVE BEEN!" She shouted, her horn flaring up with magic and discharging it into the air.

Twilight saw the signs long before Trixie did, in her anger Trixie was unconsciously letting her magic run rampant. Acting quickly she created a bubble of magic around Trixie, which would prevent Trixie from hurting herself or anypony else.

It didn't take long for Trixie to succumb to unconsciousness.

Author's Note:
