> Leave me alone will you? > by AlphaRidley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I don't know you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie had nothing but the saddlebags on her back and what was held within, and she was fine with that. She was no stranger to hard work, becoming well acquainted with it after she had woken up in the Everfree forest with long twisting scars that wound their way around her body and no memory besides her name and the basic things everypony knows. She had spent several months in a nearby town under the care of an old couple, learning everything she could in order to find her place in the world. Trixie had left the small town several weeks earlier, determined to see the world, and had traveled through Manehatten and Canterlot in that time, doing odd jobs along the way for some bits. Trixie was currently on her way to Ponyville, where she was planning to stay for a couple days before she moved on towards Baltimare. She could see the Ponyville in the distance, it was not unlike the town she had stayed in with the old couple. Trixie was hopeful the townsponies didn't stare at her scars the way everypony else did.  That was the number one thing that Trixie hated. She didn't need to be reminded that something awful had happened to her. The scars that adorned her entire body from nose to tail spoke of being tortured, but that was in the past, and she would rather not think about the pain her former self had gone through. "Welcome to Ponyville..." Trixie muttered under her breath as she looked up at the welcome sign that every town or city had. "Home of Princess Twilight Sparkle." The name sent a headache pulsing through her head, which quickly subsided as she kept walking. Her body and mind, although she couldn't remember any of it, were no strangers to pain. Trixie entered the town with a bored look on her face, making a beeline for a stall where an orange earthpony wearing a Stetson hat was selling apples. Trixie didn't really like apples all that much, but she was hungry and it was the cheapest thing in her immediate vicinity. Trixie didn't have to wait long, many of the ponies in line moved out of her way when they saw her. Trixie was used to this kind of treatment, the average pony would allow a pony who was old or a pony like her who was covered in scars, get what they wanted to buy first. What was not normal however, was the fearful and angry expressions on their faces. Trixie simply ignored them and gave the vendor two bits. "I'd like four apples please." When the vendor looked up she looked alarmed, quickly giving Trixie five apples instead of four, obviously too freaked out to count properly, and whispered something to a little filly who sat next to her.  Trixie ignored them like everypony else. She was used to stuff like this, although it still irked her when ponies did things like this right in front of her. Levitating four of the apples into her worn saddlebags, the last one she began to eat as she walked away to find the town library, which would hopefully have information about the world that she didn't already know. "Do you know where the library is?" She asked a nearby mare. "Th-That way." The mare stuttered and hurried away. Trotting in the direction that the mare had pointed, Trixie sighed. Why was everypony in this town afraid of her? Upon arriving at what was without a doubt the town library, the words "Golden Oaks Library" written upon a sign in bold letters told her that she was indeed at the right place, Trixie knocked twice upon the door. "It's a public library, You don't have to knock!" shouted a voice from within.  Trixie rolled her eyes and opened the door, she stepped inside and walked towards the bookshelves, immersing herself in her search for a book that held information she didn't already know. "Trixie? What are you doing here?" Trixie looked up with a start, almost dropping the book she had picked out, and looked over the pony that had said her name. "I don't know you." Trixie replied, opening the book and beginning to read.      "What do you mean you don't-" The rest of whatever the pony was saying was cut off as Trixie calmly levitated a pair of earplugs and placed them in her ears. It was very possible that Trixie's former self had known this mare, but she didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to be like her former self or know anything about them. It took one minute of poking before the mare finally gave up and just ripped Trixie's earplugs out, tossing them to the floor with a huff. "Now I know you don't like me that much but it's rude to ignore somepony..." "You must have mistaken me for somepony else, because I've never met you in my entire life." Trixie calmly replied, turning a page in the book and levitating the earplugs back into her saddlebags. "But I do know that you're annoying me, so why don't you go play with your friends and leave me alone." Trixie could tell the mare was getting angry, but she didn't care. The mare should know to leave somepony alone when they're reading. "This isn't funny Trixie, knock it off." Snapping the book closed Trixie looked up at the mare in exasperation. "Look, I've already said I don't know you, you've just mistaken me for a friend of yours or something. Now would you please leave me alone to read in peace?" "Not until you tell me why you're here." Trixie snorted. "I was trying to read, did I not make that obvious when I told you to leave me alone?" "I know you Trixie, you hate reading..." Trixie groaned. "I've already said I don't know you, what more do you want from me?" The mare snatched the book from Trixie's grasp and placed it on the shelf where it belonged. "For you to tell the truth..." Trixie had had enough. "I HAVE BEEN!" She shouted, her horn flaring up with magic and discharging it into the air. Twilight saw the signs long before Trixie did, in her anger Trixie was unconsciously letting her magic run rampant. Acting quickly she created a bubble of magic around Trixie, which would prevent Trixie from hurting herself or anypony else. It didn't take long for Trixie to succumb to unconsciousness. > Not you again... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Trixie! Wake up!" Trixie groggily lifted her head and opened her eyes. "Oh great, you again..."  She groaned as she sat up and stretched, letting out a satisfied sigh when her back popped. "Yes, me again." The purple Alicorn in front of her replied. "You still haven't told me what you're doing back in Ponyville." Trixie ignored her and looked around. She was lying in a bed, most likely the purples Alicorn's, in what appeared to be the library. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?!" Sighing in exasperation, Trixie returned her gaze to the mare in front of her. "Did you really think I would be?" She replied. "I've already said that I don't know you." "And I know that you're lying to me, so why don't you just fess up already so I can get on with my life away from you." "I'm good." The mare threw her head back and groaned, turning around she stomped out of the room, leaving Trixie alone with her thoughts. "You really should listen to her Trixie. You don't want to see Twilight when she's mad." Trixie nearly launched herself out of the bed and through the door. She did 'NOT' like being startled. "Don't do that!" She hissed, looking around the room for whomever had spoken.  "Down here." Trixie looked down to see a baby purple dragon with green spikes with his arms crossed in front of his chest, an annoyed look upon his face, and impatiently tapping his foot. Trixie's eyes grew wide, she had never seen a live dragon this close up before. "Whoa..." She breathed out. The dragon's annoyed look only deepened. "You just gonna stand there and stare at me all day?" Trixie blushed in embarrassment. "S-sorry." She stammered. "It's just I've never seen a live dragon this close be-" The dragon cut her off by waving his hand---she could that the dragon was a male by the arrangement of it's spikes---in a nonchalant manner. "Yeah yeah, it happens all the time, don't worry about it." "I would introduce myself, but you obviously already know who I am." Trixie said, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. "What's your name?" "Spike."  Trixie suddenly shuddered as an itch crawled up her body from her hooves,  It was an itch that had bothered Trixie many a time in the past. If Trixie had one word to describe the itch, it would have to be parasite. No matter how much she sated the itch, it always came back within a few days.  The itch only wanted one thing, and it always got what it wanted.  The only way Trixie knew of that would make the itch go away temporarily was for her to play the piano. It was a way to put her pent up stress towards something she enjoyed doing, the gorgeous music she played was a mere enjoyable side effect. Trixie became very irritable the longer the itch was allowed to fester within her hooves. Several times on her journey from town to town she had been forced to enter the nearest building that was in poscession of a piano and ask to play said piano. If you were to hear the music Trixie played from any piano, no matter what kind, you'd think that music was her special talent.  You'd be wrong. One look at Trixie's cutie mark and you'd know without a doubt that her special talent was magic. This almost always caused ponies to look at her weird, especially when they noticed how little she used it, prefering to use her hooves for most tasks. "Do you have a piano?" Trixie finally surrendered to the itch when her hooves began shaking uncontrollably. Spike looked at her curiously. "Uh... Yeah, Twilight has one downstairs. Why do you ask?" "May I play it?" Trixie asked through gritted teeth, her voice fluctuating as she struggled to fight the gluttonous itch that had plagued her since she had first touched the old couple's piano so many months ago. Spike cautiously took several slow steps backwards. He didn't know what exactly was wrong with her, but she was beginning to freak him out. "Y-yeah s-sure go r-right ahead." Spike quickly scammpered out the door and down the stairs before she could reply. As much as it pained Trixie to do so, she would have to use magic if she wanted to get to the piano without screaming in frustration at the itch.  When Trixie had first started to use her magic after waking up under the old couple's supervision, she had expierenced unimaginable pain within her brain. And although she could now withstand that pain without screaming, it was still hurt like Tartarus if she used anything harder then basic levitation. One flash of brilliant blue light later and Trixie was downstairs, her body shaking as she looked around for the piano. Spotting the piano in a corner of the room that looked like it hadn't been  cleaned or even used in a while, Trixie teleported again. Sliding the cover back into the maple wood piano Trixie placed her hooves on the keys. They flew across the keys with more precission then seemed possible for just using her hooves, and a beautiful melody spread within the library. Trixie practically moaned in relief when the itch had retreated back into wherever it hid.  "When did you learn to play the piano that well?" Trixie cursed in her head as that annoying mare's voice reached her ears. Did she really have to bother her every five bucking minutes?            > Stupid rainbow Pegasi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie stopped playing for a brief second to bluntly reply to the annoying Alicorn. "I can't remember." Then she returned to the piano and allowed her hooves to guide her in the creation of pure auditory bliss. "What do you mean you can't remember?!" Twilight yelled at her. "I mean-" Trixie stopped playing and swung around on the piano chair, a slightly crazed look in her eyes."-that I cannot recall when, where, or how I learned to play the piano. So if you would just leave me the buck alone, I will get back to playing and you can go back to doing whatever it is you bucking do when you're not bothering me." In hindsight, cussing at a princess wasn't a very good idea, but Trixie had had enough of Twilight bothering her, and consequences be damned she was going to express this one way or another. Twilight's shocked face was priceless, but Trixie didn't stick around long enough to see the rest of Twilight's reaction, she trotted back up the stairs, snatched her saddlebags from the spot by the bed where Twilight had placed them and after walking back down the stairs left the library. It only took five seconds for Trixie to regret leaving the library. She was used to weird looks, but she sure as Tartarus wasn't used to rainbow ponies shoving their face right in front of hers.  "Do you need something?" The rainbow pony lifted a hoof and jabbed her chest with it. "Yeah, actually, I do." Trixie stifled a sneer in favor of a glare. "Well then hurry up, I have better things to do then stand here doing nothing." "What are you doing here Trixie? You better not be trying to get revenge on Twilight again." Trixie sighed as she realized this was just another pony who thought they knew her. "I'm afraid I don't know you, or what you're talking about, so if you would kindly remove yourself from my sight I will be leaving." The Pegasus blinked in shock, unable to think up a proper response to what she'd just heard. Trixie huffed in annoyance after a few seconds. Tired of waiting for the Pegasus to move she maneuvered around the shell shocked pony and walked away.  Sadly, the Pegasus seemed to get over her shock when Trixie was about three yards away, and Trixie's path was once again blocked by a pony who thought they knew her. "Yeah, real funny Trixie." The Pegasus snorted. "But you're not gonna get me to leave you alone that easily, so you might as well just fess up to whatever your planning so I can get on with my life." Trixie shifted her gaze towards the sky  and let out a long, drawn out sigh. "What will it take for you to leave me alone?" "I'll leave you alone when you fess up. I'm not gonna let you hurt any of my friends again."  Trixie's eyes narrowed as she lifted a hoof and held it against her chin in an exaggerated expression of a pony thinking. "Well then, I suppose if you're going to be like that I might as well tell you my plan to bring unhappiness on the rude inhabitants of this minuscule town." The Pegasus leaned in closer and glared, but didn't reply to her insulting remarks. Trixie placed her hoof back onto the ground and began pacing back and forth in front of the Pegasus. "I'm surprised you didn't yell at me for insulting the ponies in this town and the town itself," Trixie paused in her pacing to give the Pegasus a thoughtful glance. "but that's beside the point." "Then get to the point." The Pegasus snapped, her anger at Trixie for the earlier comments almost tangible." Trixie tried, but ultimately failed to repress the smirk at the Pegasus' reaction. "Very well." She replied, her legs locking in place as she stopped her pacing a few feet in front of the irritated Pegasus.  "Now, are you ready to hear my plan? You are going to need to listen closely to understand it." "Stop playing your games and just tell me already!" The Pegasus growled. "Good. Now here's my plan." Trixie grinned. "I'm going to leave this pathetic little town and travel somewhere that has ponies that don't act like bucking jerks and accuse me of doing things I've never done. Goodbye." With that said Trixie swiveled around and walked away from the stupid annoying Pegasus and towards a nearby Boutique where she was planning to buy something that would cover her scars. The way this town had reacted so far  proved that if she wanted to live a normal life she would have to blend in with all the normal ponies. Unfortunately in her haste to get away from the annoying Pegasus, Trixie didn't pay attention to what was in front of her and walked straight into another pony's side, knocking them and the stuff they were carrying over. "I'm sorry." Trixie apologized as she helped the pony back onto her hooves and picked up the pony's stuff for them. "I was so busy trying to get away from this annoying Pegasus that's been bothering me that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings." The pony she bumped into was a Unicorn mare, and was approximately the same age as herself give or take a year. Her coat was a rare shade of pure white that seemed to glimmer when the sunlight struck it, and her purple mane was curled in a elegant way that without magic would take forever. The mare's eyes were grayish-blue and stared at her with wonder. This struck Trixie as odd, but at least the mare wasn't glaring at her.