• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 5,738 Views, 77 Comments

Escaping Tartarus - AlphaRidley

After escaping from Tartarus after a thousand years, a female human looks for a way to free the rightful ruler of Equestria, Discord.

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Eris stumbled out of the hole in reality, that was the problem with the way she teleported, it wasn't even an actual teleport. The closest thing to teleporting that she could achieve was to bend the space around her, allowing her to connect two points, creating a hole in reality.

It was sort of like a portal, but it required a massive output of energy and was much more complex; which was why Eris never used it unless she had no other choice.

Another problem with it was how it allowed her enemies to easily track her. It would take a while, but Eris was positive that the ponies would figure out what exactly she had done and where she was. Eris would have to work quickly if she wanted no interference.

Eris looked around for Discord's statue, quickly and quietly moving towards it when she spotted it.

She gazed up in awe at the Spirit of Chaos, Eris had always admired him, but she had never been this close to him before. Clasping her hands together she started the spell that would set him free, her hands glowing as her magic spread through them.

"Don't move a muscle."

Eris froze, her eyes stopped tracing his body and her hands stopped glowing as the spell was broken. That voice could only belong to one pony, she was going to be thrown back in Tartarus.

Eris slowly turned around, her hands catching her on Discord's statue as she moved backwards in fear, tears silently dripping down her face as she gazed upon Princess Celestia.

"Did you honestly think you could free Discord? Did you really think that I wouldn't be able to track you through your magic?"

Eris swallowed a whimper, she didn't want to go back to Tartarus, she didn't want to suffer any longer.

Celestia's horn began to glow, lighting up Eris's face and revealing her tears to the princess.

Celestia's glare softened slightly, and Eris immediately began thinking of a way to get out of here with Discord's statue.

"How interesting..."

Time froze for Eris as Discord's voice resonated within her skull, sending her into a comatose like state. Eris knew that Discord could see and hear what was going on around him, but she had no idea that he was capable of speech while trapped in stone.

'Help me!' Eris screamed within her mind.

"Hmm...Very well, I guess I will indulge you, but everything comes at price..."

"Just do it!"

"You asked for it..." Discord's voice made Eris shiver with an unknown emotion.

Eris woke up as Discord left her mind. She looked around, trying to determine where Celestia had taken her. She was mostly likely in a guest room at the castle, no doubt locked inside by a magical force field.

Eris slowly pushed herself out of the bed she had been placed in, landing on the floor with a yelp.

Pushing herself back to her feet, Eris looked herself over. She was surprised to find that she was wearing clothes, it made her feel somewhat more at ease knowing that Celestia had at least learned how to treat a guest correctly, even if said guest was a prisoner. She would not, however, allow Celestia to lull her into a false sense of security, Eris would be watching her every move.

Eris walked towards the bathroom, which was so conveniently built into the room itself, and began to fix her hair.

She had never had to brush her hair in Tartarus, for the wind never blew there. So she was still unused to having to mess with her hair.

Once her hair looked satisfactory Eris walked back into the bedroom and stood in front of the door, mentally debating with herself whether or not she should try opening it.

As she reached for the doorknob the door suddenly swung outward, lucky for her, she would have been knocked on her ass if it had opened inward.

There in the doorway stood one of Celestia's many royal guards; his face a blank slate waiting to be filled with emotion.

"You will follow me to the throne room."

Eris walked swiftly after him as he walked away without another word. She could have easily killed the guard with a well aimed kick to his throat, but ultimately she decided not to; she would obey as long as she felt she was safe.

Now Eris didn't see why Celestia kept the guards around, she was a god, nothing these foolish mortals could do could possibly injure her.

They walked along in silence, her silent footsteps in striking contrast to the sharp clap made when the guard's hooves met the polished marble floor.

After a couple of minutes had passed they arrived at what most ponies would think was a large door. To Eris, however, it was a normal sized door; she was as tall as Celestia.

The guard opened the door, gesturing with his spear for Eris to walk in first, which she obeyed, albeit probably much slower then he would have liked.

Eris took her time, scrutinizing the entire room as she slowly walked forwards. Celestia certainly had changed Discord's castle a lot since the last time she had seen it.

She finally reached Celestia's throne, almost jerking back in surprise when she saw Luna sitting beside her. The last time Eris had bothered to spy on Luna was when she was banished to the moon for throwing a temper tantrum.

The guard behind Eris growled at her and prodded her back with his spear, trying to get her to bow.

Spinning around faster then the guard could react, Eris snatched the spear out of his grip and snapped the weapon in half over her knee, tossing the two halves to the side. The guard backed up as she glared at him menacingly.

"I bow only before the Embodiment of Chaos, you would be wise to run away before I decide I've had enough and turn you into stone, just like your precious princesses did to Discord." Eris spat, clenching her fists in rage.

Once Celestia had gotten all the guards to leave the room, Eris turned back towards the princesses, her arms crossed in front of her chest and a frown on her face.

"Well, let's get this execution over with shall we?"


If Eris was to say that she was surprised at the princesses reactions to her statement then she would be lying, she knew for a fact that they had stopped giving executions shortly before Luna turned into Nightmare moon.

Eris sighed in exasperation. "What, did you really think I would allow you to send me back to Tartarus? You never planned to let us free, we would be trapped in that hellhole for all of eternity. I'm sure Luna can sympathize with me, you locked her away on the moon for throwing a temper tantrum. Which was a direct result of you not showing her that your stupid little ponies cared for her night."

"How do you know about that?" Luna half asked half demanded.

Eris smirked. "Do you two really think being locked away or frozen in stone prevents us from seeing the world around us? Discord spoke in my mind when I touched his statue, and I used my powers to open a window so those of us trapped in Tartarus could watch you lot happily frolic around without a care in the world, while we were forced to watch, unable to die or fall asleep.

"Until I passed out by Discord's statue I had been without sleep for over two thousand years. I will not allow myself to feel that again, You will kill me right here, right now, or I will sacrifice myself to free Discord and my brethren in Tartarus."

Celestia and Luna stayed completely still and silent through Eris's monologue, they refused to kill her, but they also couldn't allow Discord to be set free.

All of a sudden Eris collapsed to the ground, holding her hands over her eyes and howling in agony.

"Did I forget to mention everything comes with a price? Nothing is free my darling, not even for my most loyal follower."

Eris lay there even after the stabbing pain in her eyes had passed. Her body convulsing weakly, her breath in short gasps, Eris welcomed the darkness with open arms.