• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 5,739 Views, 77 Comments

Escaping Tartarus - AlphaRidley

After escaping from Tartarus after a thousand years, a female human looks for a way to free the rightful ruler of Equestria, Discord.

  • ...

A bat wing is grown

Eris woke up in darkness, a blindfold wrapped around her eyes. She moved her hand up, fully intending to rip the offensive fabric away, but was unable to move her hand more then a few inches before the clattering of chain on the cold stone floor and the pain in her wrist made her stop.

She was in a prison cell, that much was was obvious. Eris tried to use her magic to break the shackles, but the moment she did a sharp pain barreled it's way through her nerves and into her brain, where a migraine began to form.

Shifting into a more comfortable position, her hands resting on her knees, she waited in silence; going over the events before she passed out in her head.

She didn't have to wait for long before the sound of hooves on the floor alerted her to the presence of Princess Celestia.

"Feeling better I assume?"

Eris said nothing, did nothing, she refused to acknowledge Celestia. Not even a twitch or the slight tensing of muscles. It wasn't long before Celestia walked closer, placing something at her feet and messing with the chains.

"I've lengthened the chains so you can eat. Don't try to escape unless you want me to shorten them again."

Eris didn't how much time had passed when Celestia visited her again, and she didn't really care. Celestia would have to let her out eventually, when she saw that Eris wasn't eating.

"Why won't you just eat?" Celestia asked on her fourth visit. "You know you can't starve yourself to death, you're only making yourself suffer even more.

As usual, Eris didn't respond, she saw no reason to.

It was only on the 17th visit, after Eris had ripped the clothes that were put on her to keep her warm off, that Celestia removed the shackles. Eris didn't bother trying to escape, she just continued staring into the blindfold.

Eris felt something soft gently touch her chest and she dub her fingernails into her knees to keep from moving.

"Your ribs are showing...You're too stubborn Eris..."

Warm wings wrapped around her, lifting Eris up off the ground she sat motionless on.

Celestia telepoted to another part of the castle and placed her down on a comfy bed, forcing her to lay down.

Eris smirked and tried to talk before a coughing fit wracked her already pathetically weak body, blood dribbling between her lips and dripping onto the pillow her head rested on. "You're pathetic Celestia... You can't stand to see another living being suffer, it's-"

Eris's hands flew up to her head, one roughly gripping her shoulder blade while the other tore at the blindfold that covered her face, which Celestia took no time in removing for fear of Eris injuring herself again.

Eris's eyes were wide open, golden orbs with mismatched red pupils that stared across the room at something only she could see.

It scared Celestia.

In the end Celestia was forced to hold Eris still with her magic when the hand at her shoulder blade began tearing into her skin.

Once Eris had stopped trying to kill her shoulder blade, Celestia levitated Eris onto her back and carried the human into the room's bathroom. Celestia began to wash the blood off her back, she would need to clip Eris's fingernails soon to prevent this kind of event in the future. Celestia didn't know what was causing Eris to act this way, but she was determined to find out.

Celestia gasped as she saw the skin on Eris's shoulder blade, the one she had just cleaned off, began to ripple as if it had a mind of it's own, which was impossible, it was just skin.

Acting quickly when she saw Eris's fingers twitch, Celestia wrapped Eris once again in her magic, preventing the starving human from moving once again. She was just in time, for Eris began to scream as the rippling turned to bubbling.

Something purple erupted from within the bubbling skin, flinging blood all over Celestia's face.

Now Celestia wasn't squeemish, but she had to force herself not to throw up at the sight of the bat wing that was growing out of Eris's back. Celestia had never seen something like this before.

After placing Eris under a sleeping spell and once again cleaning the blood off her, Celestia spread a healing tonic that would decrease the time it took for Eris's wound to heal drastically. Celestia also bound the wing tightly to Eris's back so she wouldn't move it, and once she had placed Eris back into the bed, Celestia trotted back into the bathroom for a shower. The feeling of blood on her coat was revolting.

Celestia stepped out of the shower some fifteen odd minutes later, and after taking a moment to dry off her coat, trotted back over to Eris's bed. She would have to sleep with Eris tonight in order to make sure she didn't injure herself in her sleep. Climbing under the covers Celestia draped a wing over Eris's frail body and drifted off into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


"Heheeheheh.....You just wait Celestia, you just wait. Once my plan is complete we'll all be in for a big ole storm of CHAOS..."

Author's Note:

I'm disappointed in all of you, I just went back and read over last chapter, and fixed a bunch of spelling mistakes that you people didn't tell me about... Not amused by this... :(

If you guys haven't noticed, I've been trying to bring out Celestia's caring and motherly side. How am I doing?
