• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 6,758 Views, 32 Comments

Bloom's New Life - Rakoon1

When Bloom, in order to save the magical dimension, sacrifice herself by unleashing an immense amount of light energy which cause her banishment to another reality, where she will live a new life.

  • ...

Healing Horn

Applejack led Cherry Blossom by the stairs and then she showed her the way to her room. When she opened the door, Cherry could see it. It was small but cozy, with just a bed, a nightstand and a dresser. There was also a window that gave a view of a good part of the farm.

"Why, it's amazing," said Cherry Blossom. "Are you sure I can stay here, Applejack?

"Oh, Cherry Blossom, ya like tah ask dah same question" said Applejack. "Can ya stop askin' that? Course ya can stay here, partner."

"It's just I feel like I'm abusing your sympathy" Cherry Blossom said. "I just arrived and everypony are doing so much for me."

"Ah'm in favor of the theory that what goes around comes around" Applejack replied. "Who knows, Ah may need yer help. Between friends is just that: give and receive."

Cherry Blossom smiled and then went to the window.

"The view is amazing" she said. "I've never seen anything like this."

"Ah'm glad ya lik'd tha room" Applejack replied. "Ah know it mustn't be like what ye are us'd tah, but..."

"No, it's great," Cherry Blossom said. "Better than I could imagine. It's perfect."

She just told the truth. During most of her own life, she hadn't really much, as her adoptive parents weren't exactly rich. Indeed, her room in Gardenia should not be much larger than that.

"Hey, since ya like tha room, what ya think 'bout goin' tah see tha farm?" Applejack asked.

"It seems great for me" Bloom answered.

"Great, Ah like ponies with enthusiasm" Applejack said.

They then heard a yell of enthusiasm coming from down stairs and that seemed to have been made by squeaky little voices.

"And speakin' of ponies with enthusiasm..." Applejack said. "What the hay are those fillies doin'?"

"Those three have a lot of energy" Cherry Blossom said.

"Yeah, Ah jest worry where they spend it."

"But what can they do that worry you so much?"

"If ya knew those girls, ya would understand" Applejack said. "They have done things you cannot imagine."

They then left the room.

Downstairs, the fillies were already planning for their goal of getting Big Mac and Cherry Blossom together.

"Then we are in agreement" Apple Bloom said. "We will try tah join mah brother and Cherry Blossom as long as we can."

"And because they will live in the same place, it will be much easier to do it" Scootaloo said.

"If we do this properly, there's nothing that can go wrong" Sweetie Belle said.

"Let's do this, girls," Apple Bloom said.


"What will ya do, girls?" a voice asked.

They turned around and saw that Applejack and Cherry Blossom had returned.

"Oh, get a new mission for the Cutie Mark Crusaders" Apple Bloom invented.

"Girls, can you go easy with that?" Applejack sighed, approaching them. "Yer Cutie Mark will appear shortly. Ya jest have to have patience."

"Ya're jest sayin' that because ya already have yours" Apple Bloom pouted, while the other two waved in agreement. "Ya don't know what is to be the ones with a blank flank."

"Have ya forgotten that Ah also had yer age?" Applejack asked. "And Ah also made several attempts to get mah Cutie Mark, but Ah jest had to wait for the right time for it to appear."

Although she doesn't know well the feeling of trying to get the Cutie Mark, Cherry Blossom knew Applejack was right. But she couldn't help but appreciate the efforts of the three small fillies for trying.

"You know, girls, you must hear the voice of those who know about this subject" she said, advancing. "It's okay wanting to try find your talent, but you must take it easy, because it's only a matter of time for you to get it."

These words appeared to have convinced Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle who waved to each other.

"Thanks, what ya did put them happy" Applejack said with a smile.

"You're welcome" Cherry Blossom replied. "I'm just returning the favor."

"Hey, Cherry Blossom, how did you got your Cutie Mark?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes, tell us how was it" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom urged.

Cherry Blossom didn't know what to say. She knew that her talent was using special healing powers, but never before she had done it as unicorn and she only knew about it because it was the Lord of Order that told her that. However, she remembered the first time she used them as fairy. She could tell just a part of the story. However, it was not necessary to do that because Applejack saved her.

"Can ya stop pesterin' Cherry Blossom?" Applejack asked. "She'll have plenty of time to tell you stories, but now she needs to relax from the whole change. And there is no better way tah do it than take a stroll through tha farm.

That made the three fillies to smile. They knew that Big Mac was in the orchard dealing with bad apples. It was a good opportunity to get their strategy to get him with Cherry Blossom together.

"Can we go with ya?" Apple Bloom asked, with her and the other two making their sweet smiles.

"Ya can, but ya two..." Applejack motioned for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle "It's time tah go home, don't ya think?"

The two made ​​a disappointed look and said:

"Yes, Applejack."

And they began to approach to the exit saying:

"Goodbye, Apple Bloom."

"Goodbye" the other said.

And they left.

"Can we start tha visit?" Apple Bloom asked to Cherry Blossom. "Where do ya want tha start?"

"Apple Bloom, Ah never seen ya so excit'd 'bout a simple visit tah the farm" Applejack observed.

"Come on, sis, Ah'm jest being hospitable" Apple Bloom defended herself.

"Yeah, right" Applejack replied, not convinced. "Well, Cherry Blossom, as the invit'd pony, ya can choose where you want to start."

"What 'bout the orchard?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Ah thought it was Cherry who had to choose" Applejack said.

"To me that sounds good" Cherry Blossom said.

They then left and moved to the orchard. Applejack explained that all orchards that were around belonged to her family. She explained with all those apples they made all kinds of candy later sold to stores or warehouses or sold them from themselves. She also said with those they also made their famous apple cider that was so adored by the ponies of Ponyville and was what kept the Apple family business stable. When they passed through the strange and stripped apple trees, Applejack explained that those were zap apples trees, whose special apples were of the rainbow colour that appeared only in a single time of the year and then disappeared from nothing. With them, they made the famous zap apple jam zap which was a success even bigger than the apple cider.

Cherry Blossom could not help but notice that Apple Bloom's enthusiasm was increasing. She had a slight impression that her happiness had nothing to do with the visit or the fact that she would stay in the apple farm.

"Hey, look, it's Big Mac" she said, pointing across the field with her hoof.

It was true. Big Mac was not far from there, bucking trees with bad apples and separating the apples that fell in different baskets: one for the good ones and the other for the bad ones.

"Well, since he's there, we'll tell him 'bout our lastest guest" Applejack suggested.

"Yeah" said Apple Bloom, enthusiastic.

They then approached him, when he approached the last tree with bad apples and prepared to give it a kick.

"Howdy, Big Mac" Applejack greeted. "Look who's here."

When Big Mac was about to take the kick, he saw who was with her ​​sisters, Cherry Blossom. The mere presence of her made ​​him hesitate in the middle, especially with her smiling at him. He tried to stop the kick, but it was too late and then she hit the rear legs firmly on the tree trunk, making him moan of pain and then fall on the floor with her ​​legs shaking.

"Big Mac!" the three fillies called, advancing to him.

"Are ya all right, big brother?" Applejack asked.

"Eeyup" he answered.

But when trying to move the right hind leg, he ended up groaning in pain. It was swollen and even redder than his coat.

"Obviously you're not well" Cherry Blossom said. "You must have a broken bone."

"How do ya know?" Apple Bloom asked, watching the swollen leg. "Tah me it seems just a bump."

But when she touched with the hoof in the Big McIntosh's hurt leg, he gave a groan and then a fierce look to Apple Bloom who made ​​a nervous laugh and retreated.

"It's better get ya tha the hospital, Big Mac" Applejack said. "The thing looks ugly."

Then Cherry Blossom remembered only one thing she could do at that moment.

"Wait, let me try something" she asked to Applejack.

Although not quite certain, Applejack waved and then Cherry Blossom asked Big Mac:

"May I?"

He blushed a little when she asked that question, but then he waved her without taking his eyes from her.

Cherry Blossom approached herself to the wounded leg and got her horn closer to it. She focused as much as she could in her desire to heal Big Mac. All it took was thinking about that and she began to feel her magic focusing on her horn which began to glow. She could feel her power flowing inside of herself. The Lord of the Order was right: when the time came, she would realize what to do. Well, the time had come and Cherry Blossom was just following her instincts and was getting it. However, that task was requiring a lot of energy and was leaving her tired.

Then the swelling started to shine and they could hear a sound coming from inside. Big Mac gave a slight moan and then the leg twitched a bit and became normal and the swelling faded slightly, no longer looking as red as before. The fatigue came on Cherry Bloom and she broke the spell. When she did that, she was full of dizziness, but she was supported by Applejack.

"Wow, take it easy, girl" she said.

"Thank you, Applejack" she thanked her, regaining control of herself.

Big Mac got up and moved his injured leg. He almost didn't feel any pain. He was surprised and looked at Cherry Blossom, not resisting to smile her. She returned the smile. Despite knowing that it was for she being happy for him to be well, Big Mac could not help feeling an intense happiness invading his heart.

Who was quite happy with that was Apple Bloom. What Cherry Blossom had done was amazing. She had never seen anything like it before. Bic Mac's injury had been healed. But that was not the best part. That had provided the ideal climate for both and she hadn't done anything. Apple Bloom now could only think what might happen if she, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gave a push. At least they could do those two to start dating. Keeping her composure, she exclaimed:

"Wow, Cherry Blossom, ya heal'd our brother!"

"Ah never seen anything like it" Applejack confessed surprised. "And ya, Big Mac?"

"Nnope" agreed Big Mac.

"This is my special talent" Cherry Blossom said. "It's tiring but worth it."

Big Mac moved his leg again and then slammed it down. When he intensified the beating, he felt pain that made ​​him groan.

"I suggest you to go a doctor to see that" Cherry Blossom opined. "I don't know what I did to your wound."

"Ah think she's right" Applejack said. "Come on, Big Mac, Ah'll go with ya."

"I'll go with you" said Cherry Blossom to Bic Mac "After all, I have to know what I did to your leg."

This made him feel uncomfortable, knowing Cherry Blossom also would go with them, but he nodded.

"Me too" Apple Bloom said.

"No, ya stay and help Granny Smith with the dinner" Applejack replied.


"A hospital is no place fer a filly like ya, believe me" said Applejack. "Also we jest go to see if it's everytin' right with Big Mac. We go in a hoof and return in the other."

Apple Bloom then walked away muttering. However, she smiled, because she knew that the plan to join Big Mac with Cherry Blossom was going well by itself.

At the hospital, Cherry Blossom, Applejack and Big Mac were waiting in a office, with the latter sitting on a table. The door opened and Dr. Stable, a unicorn doctor, entered, carrying a few exams with his magic.

"Well, from what I can see here, Big Mac, you have no broken bones," he said. "Indeed, you seem very well. I believe you only have to rest for a day or two and you'll be as good as new."

"It's good tah hear that, Doctor" Applejack said.

"I still don't understand how you can be all right after what you described" Dr. Stable said.

"Well, doc, it's all thanks tah Cherry Blossom" Applejack replied, putting her hoof on her shoulder. "She heal'd Big Mac with her magic. It was amazing."

"Eeyup" Big Mac nodded.

Cherry Blossom blushed and said:

"It was nothing special. I just did what I had to do."

"From what they say, it was everything but nothing special" Dr. Stable said to Cherry Blossom. "I'm impressed with what you have done, Miss Cherry. You healed a broken bone nearly completely. It would be great to have some helping like that here in the hospital. Would you accept my offer to work here as a nurse?"

"I... I... I..." Cherry Blossom started. "But I don't know how to be a nurse. I just know how to heal."

"And that's enough. Who knows how to heal, knows how to be a nurse. Your help would be invaluable. "

"Cherry, it's a great offer" Applejack said. "Ya should accept."

"Eeyup" Big Mac said. "Ya healed me and that was so kind of ya. Ya'll be a great nurse."

"Well, if all of you say that..." Cherry Blossom said. "Ok, I accept the offer."

"Splendid!" Dr. Stable exclaimed. "Can we start at the beginning of next week?"

"For me, it's settled" Cherry Blossom replied, extending her hoof.

"I'll wait for you, then" Dr. Stable said, shaking her hoof.

After leaving the hospital, the night was already falling. It could already see the moon and some stars in the sky and the sun had almost completely disappeared.

"Well, isn't it amazin'?" Applejack asked to Cherry Blossom. "Ya're going tah be a nurse, gal."

"Yes, I can not believe it yet" Cherry Blossom confessed.

"We have a lot of luck, Big Mac, because we have a nurse tah live with us" Applejack said, poking her brother. "We already know who tah ask for help when some of us get hurt."

Big Mac was unresponsive when Applejack said that.

"Tah live with us?" he repeated.

"Ah, yeah, you don't know about it" said Applejack. "When we were goin' tah tell ya, ya've hurt yerself. Ah invit'd Cherry Blossom to stay with us, as she had nowhere tah stay."

Big Mac remained stunned by this news. If he was strange and careless to the point of hurting himself just by the mere presence of Cherry Blossom, he has no idea what would happen if he had to see her every day.

"Well, only if you don't mind, of course" Cherry Blossom said.

"Of course he doesn't mind" Applejack said. "Mah brother's heart is softer than butter. Ya don't mind, do ya, Big Mac?"

Big McIntosh returned to reality and just said, shaking his head and with a slight smile:


That was the truth. Getting weird or not beside Cherry Blossom, Big McIntosh just wanted to have her as close as possible from him. It was a paradox that he accepted in full force.

They returned to the farm and they saw that the lights were off.

"What tha hay..." Applejack began, as they approached the farmhouse. "Why are tha lights off?"

They arrived at the entrance and Applejack opened the door and turned on the lights. When she did that, there was an explosion of streamers and confetties and ponies screaming:


There was plenty of ponies from the town, some she knew by sight. Some of the present were Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were there too, along with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Hungging from the ceiling was a band saying Welcome Cherry Blossom. Then Pinkie appeared in front of Cherry Blossom and said excitedly:

"See, I told you I would organize a big welcome party and I stick to my word. Course I already had everything ready for it, but it was then I realized I didn't knew where you lived, then I didn't know where to do the party. But when I heard you were coming to live with Applejack..."

Applejack then put a hoof on Pinkie's mouth and told her:

"Oh, take it easy, Pink. Ya don't want tah scare Cherry, do ya?"

But then Cherry Blossom didn't resist and started laughing. All that liveliness of Pinkie actually managed to achieve all her humor, she admired as well all the work she had made only to organize a welcome party.

"I think you contaminated me with your enthusiasm, Pinkie" she said. "Thank you."

Pinkie Pie took Applejack's hoof out of her mouth and said:

"You're welcome. My job is make all the ponies I know to laugh up and become friends with them."

"By the way, how did you know where I was living?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Was it Twilight or so who told you?"

"I didn't say anything" Twilight said. "But Pinkie has a knack for discovering things about the ponies that we don't even know how."

She turned to Pinkie and asked her:

"Was your Pinkie sense that told you that?"

"No, silly, I listened you talking with Applejack about that" she answered.


"But enough of boring conversation" Pinkie Pie said. "Let's party!"

So the party began. Cherry Blossom had never been in a party as lively as that one. Pinkie Pie really knew how to make a great party. Cherry never had so much fun and laughed loudly. That was her first day in Equestria and she forgot completely for a few moments her worries and anxieties.

Applejack went all the way to the punch when she saw her sister and her friends whispering. Curious, she approached them.

"What are ya up to?" she asked.

The three fillies turned to her with an nervous look and said in unison:


"Nothin', eh?"

It was enough for Applejack to fix her gaze on the three fillies for they to exchange glances and then start talking to each other. Then they turned to Applejack and Apple Bloom said:

"Okay, we'll tell ya, but ya have tah promise not tah tell anypony."

"Ah promise" Applejack swore.

"Do you Pinkie promisse?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Cross mah heart and hope tah fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye" Applejack recited, making the gestures.

"I hope you comply to the promise, Applejack" Scootaloo said. "Pinkie is right there and she will not like you've disrespected a Pinkie promise."

"Believe me, Ah would never do such a thing" Applejack said. "It's me ya are talkin' about."

Apple Bloom made ​​a gesture for her to approach and Applejack did so and she said to her ear:

"Look tah Big Mac"

Applejack did it. She saw Big Mac in the edge of the food table.

"What?" she asked.

"Who is he looking at?" Scootaloo asked.

Applejack tried to follow his field of vision and saw his brother starring at Cherry Blossom.

"He's lookin' to Cherry Blossom. So...?

But she stopped herself as she began to figure out the whole thing. Seeing her brother staring at Cherry Blossom, she began connecting the dots with his strange behavior that coincided when Cherry Blossom was around. Then she realized everything.

"He fell in love with Cherry Blossom."

"Dah" Scootaloo said.

"And let me guess, ya are tryin' tah get them together, right?" Applejack asked.

The three fillies nodded.

"Well, stop doin' that" Applejack said. "If their destiny is to be together, they will get together. Don't worry, okay?"

"Okay" the three said.

"Well, tomorrow Ah'll talk to him" Applejack said.

"But ya Pinkie promissed..." Apple Bloom started.

"Ah'll not tah tell him what ya told me" Applejack said. "Ah'll make him to tell me what he feels about Cherry."

Having said this, she walked away. When she moved away, Scootaloo asked to her friends:

"We will not give up, won't we?

"We didn't Pinky promisse" Apple Bloom replied with a smirk.

"So our mission still stands" Sweetie Belle said.

And the three nodded to each other.