• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 6,758 Views, 32 Comments

Bloom's New Life - Rakoon1

When Bloom, in order to save the magical dimension, sacrifice herself by unleashing an immense amount of light energy which cause her banishment to another reality, where she will live a new life.

  • ...

A Blessing in Disguise

Since the events of the Autumn Equinox Ball, things have changed completely. On the day that followed it, Cherry Blossom packed her things and left Sweet Apple Acres. It cost her do it, especially after everything the Apples did for her, but she couldn't face Big Mac after what happened that night. She eventually went to seek help from Twilight and she accepted immediately receive her into her home, providing the basement for Cherry stay overnight.

Since then, Cherry Blossom's life has been home/work and work/home. It was not long until she got her own house and move to there quickly. After that, she just came out only when she needed it because she was afraid to cross paths with Big Mac or with Applejack and Apple Bloom. Her friends made ​​several attempts to bring her out, mainly Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but without success. She was irresolvable.

"Come on, Cherry" Rainbow said once, knocking her hoof on the door. "You can't stay inside forever."

"Stop it, Rainbow!" she said, leaning against the door. "Go away! Leave me alone!"

"I'm sure if you explain everything to Big Mac, he will..." Rainbow began.

"Explain what?" Cherry asked rhetorically. "That I'm a fairy princess from another dimension who left herself be banished to another reality just to save her own world and I still have hope to go back?"

"Well, you could say you still like your ex-boyfriend" Rainbow said.

"And hurt him even more?" Cherry asked. "No way! I can't lie to him, Rainbow."

"Lie to him?" asked Rainbow. "You wouldn't be lying to him. Unless... Wait, you mean..."

"Yes, I like him" Cherry answered, crying. "No, I don't like him. I love him. When we kissed, I liked it and I didn't want to stop."

"Then why are you like that?" Rainbow asked. "If you still liked Sky, I would understand, but..."

"My conscience doesn't let me, Rainbow" Cherry said. "It tells me that I'm betraying Sky."

Rainbow Dash was for the first time speechless. She didn't expect anything like that. She always knew there was some chemistry between Big Mac and Cherry, but she never thought it would become something more. Guessing what she should be feeling, Rainbow simply walked away from her house.

At Sweet Apple Acres, things were not much better. Big Mac, after Cherry Blossom's rejection, became depressed for a few days, but after taking a mighty sermon from Granny Smith, he raised his head like a true Apple and got down to work, using all his frustration in the process. Initially it was very rewarding for the rest of the family, taking into account it was applebuck season and all Big Mac's work have reduced greatly the working hours, but eventually it started to get out of control. Applejack and Apple Bloom were seeing his brother running from one side to the other bucking apple trees, making apples fall to the baskets.

"He's bein' jest like ya when ya've had to make all applebuck season alone" Apple Bloom said.

"Ya're right, sis, and it's better we put a brake on it" Applejack agreed.

They approached Big Mac and Applejack said:

"Ah, Big Mac, can we talk tah ya?"

"Nnope" he said, bucking a tree. "Ah'm workin'."

"It will not take long" said Applejack. "We promise."

After dropping all the apples from the tree he was bucking, he turned to them and then nodded his head.

"Good, we want tah talk with ya because ya are overloadin' yerself" Applejack said.

Big Mac rolled his eyes and said:

"Ah'm not overloadin' mahself" he protested.

"Yes ya are" Apple Bloom said. "Since Cherry Blossom..."

But it seemed she had touched the nerve because it made Big Mac contort his face and then buck with an immense strong kick the tree behind him, breaking its bark and make ​​it fall.

"Don't say that name, Apple Bloom!" he exclaimed, making her sister cringe.

"Take it easy, bro" Applejack said, approaching him quietly. "Take a deep breath, come on."

He did that and then he felt the anger to disappear slightly, just feeling guilty for being so harsh towards his little sister.

"Ah'm sorry for yellin' ya, Apple Bloom" he apologized.

"Ya don't have tag apologize, big bro" Apple Bloom said with a smile. "Ah jest wished you and Cherry Blossom were together."

Big Mac sighed and confessed:

"Tha truth is that Ah also want'd that, li'l sis."

"Then why don't ya go tah her an' say that tah?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's... complicat'd" he said.

"It's only complicat'd 'cause ya want it tah be complicat'd" Apple Bloom replied.

"Ya're still a filly" Big Mac told her. "This is a grown up problem."

"Ya know, Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom is not as much of a filly as she appears to be" Applejack said. "After all, ya follow'd her and her friends' advice tah get close to her. Look, if ya want tah get rid of all this anger, go tah her and dot tha i's and cross tha t's. If she wants tah date ya, great, but if not it's because she doesn't deserve ya. An' it pains me tah say this, because she's mah friend, but it's tha way I see things."

"Maybe... but Ah'm still not prepar'd for that" he said.

And having said that, he walked away. Applejack was worried about his brother. Cherry Blossom was his first true love and his first heartbreak. She didn't know if she would see the old Big McIntosh again.

In Sugarcube Corner, later, she and her friends were there talking.

"Ah don't know how Cherry Blossom could do such a thing tah Big Mac" she said. "The poor fellow is sufferin' terribly from inside."

"But look Cherry isn't better" Twilight said, levitating a piece of cake to eat. "I hardly see her. She only leaves her home to go to the hospital or to go shopping for groceries."

"Ah don't know why she is actin' like that" Applejack said. "After all, she was tha one who hurt mah brother."

"Applejack, you don't know what happened" Rainbow said. "She may have a good reason to have fled. But look Big Mac also didn't got the courage to go after her."

"Wait, now it's mah brother's fault?" Applejack asked.

"No, I'm not saying that" said Rainbow. "It's not his fault, but also it's not hers too."

"Ok, wait, who's fault is it, after all?" Pinkie Pie asked, approaching, with her muzzle coverage in cake, licking it all with her tongue. "First it was Cherry's, then it was Big Mac's and now it's nopony's? I'm confused."

"So, Rainbow, for you to be defending Cherry Blossom so hard it's because you know something we don't know" Rarity noted.

"Good point, Rars" Applejack nodded, turning to Rainbow. "What do ya know 'bout her we don't know, RD? Spill the beans."

"I won't spill the beans, you know?" Rainbow replied, only to realized her mistake.

"So, ya know somethin', huh?" Applejack said. "Tell us."

Rainbow Dash was so nervous with all the pressure Applejack was putting on her. She knew she could trust on her friends, but she had promised to Cherry not to tell to anypony until she wanted to tell everything.

"Applejack, don't you think that's enough?" Fluttershy asked. "If Rainbow Dash doesn't want to say anything it's because she has a good reason for that."

"But..." Applejack began.

"I think the same" Twilight said. "Probably Cherry asked her not to tell, because she may not feel comfortable with us for that. Right, Rainbow?"

Rainbow straightened up a bit and then nodded slowly.

"Well, then, I think it's better to stop with the questions" Twilight said. "Cherry Blossom trusted on Rainbow Dash and she will not break that trust. This is the quickest way to lose a friend."

"But, Twilight, it's 'bout mah brother we're talkin' about" Applejack protested.

"I know that, AJ, but you cannot be so overprotective with Big Mac" Twilight said. "Let him solve his own problems himself. You still can end up making things worse, either with Big Mac or with your own friends."

Applejack thought about Twilight's words and then realized she was right. She sighed and then turned to Rainbow and told her:

"Ah'm so sorry far makin' pressure on ya, RJ. Ah know ya're jest being a good friend."

"Forget that, AJ" Rainbow replied. "I know you were just helping your brother."

Applejack was relieved to hear that. Then Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared next to Rainbow and began looking intently at her.

"Pink, what's up?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm trying to figure out where you got the beans" she replied. "You said you had some and you know that I love beans."

That made her friends laugh.

"What's the joke?" she asked, enthusiastic. "I also want to laugh."

In the orchard, Big Mac was continuing the apple harvest, while Apple Bloom was playing, running and jumping, as she helped his brother carry the wagon with the baskets. Then she had the idea to climb to a dead tree that was there.

"Hey, Big Mac, look" she called, making his brother turned to her. "Ah can see the village, here."

"Apple Bloom, get out there, please" Big Mac told her. "Ya can hurt yerself."

"Okay, Big Mac" she said, disappointed, starting to go down the tree.

But when she came down, she heard a pop and started looking around to see where she came from. She saw then that the dead tree's trunk was starting to break and the tree was about to fall upon her. Seeing this, she became paralyzed and couldn't do anything but give a huge scream. Big Mac turned around as soon as he heard the scream and saw the dead tree about to fall on his sister.

"APPLE BLOOM!" He cried, starting running as fast as he could.

He run and run, hoping to get Apple Bloom before the tree. When he got close, he launched himself as far as he could and managed to push Apple Bloom out of there, but he had no time to get out. The tree then fell on him.

When Apple Bloom stood up, she looked up and saw her brother lying under the tree.

"Big Mac!" she called, running to him and started trying to wake him. "Please, Big Mac, wake up. Wake up, please!"

Despair began to take over Apple Bloom as tears started down by her eyes. She had to go get help. She had to go warn Applejack. Then she ran as fast she could. She knew Applejack was in Sugarcube Corner with her friends, so it was to there she went. She entered in the store breathless and the six friends looked at her with a puzzled look.

"Apple Bloom, what's up?" Applejack asked.

"You've been crying, my dear?" Rarity asked. "Your eyes are so swollen."

"Applejack, ya mest come quickly" she said hurriedly between sobs.

"What happen'd?" she asked.

"Big Mac... he... he... There was a tree and... he pushed me..."

"Apple Bloom, calm down" Twilight said. "Breathe."

But she didn't want to breathe, she just wanted to say what had happened. However, she made a deep breath and managed to articulate better the words:

"A tree fell on Big Mac."

"What?!" Applejack asked, while getting up and coming to her sister.

"Oh, Applejack, it's all mah fault" Apple Bloom said.

"Ya explain later, sis" Applejack said. "Now we have to go help Big Mac."

"We'll go with you" Twilight said, as the others nodded.

"Thank ya, girls" Applejack thanked.

They went to the place where Big Mac was, led by Apple Bloom. They already found him half-conscious. Twilight, using her magic, made ​​the dead tree disappear and then put Big Mac in the wagon while Rarity and Pinkie Pie took the baskets with apples. Fluttershy and Applejack accommodated him and Rainbow Dash hitched up the wagon to her and began to pull it to the hospital, followed by the other ponies.

At the hospital, they were soon attended by Dr. Stable who took Big Mac to the observation room while the others waited in the waiting room. Apple Bloom was inconsolable.

"It's all mah fault" she said, while her sister placed her foreleg around her shoulders. "He told me tah don't do that, that Ah could hurt mahself, but it was he who end'd up gettin' hurt, and all 'cause I didn't listen."

"Oh, Apple Bloom, it's not yer fault" Applejack reassured.

"Yeah, it was just an aciddent" Fluttershy said.

"Besides, Big Mac made a big heroic act to save you" said Rarity. "Now that is to be commended."

"Yeah, I bet Big Mac run even faster than a lightning just to catch you" Rainbow said.

"It just shows how much he loves you" Twilight said. "He chose to take the tree than see you hurt."

Even hearing those words of comfort, Apple Bloom failed to assuage the guilt she was feeling. Pinkie Pie then said to her:

"Oh, come on, Apple Bloom, where's that smile? Your little friend Pinkie wants a super duper smile. If you do that, I bet Big Mac, when he wake up and see you, will be super duper hyper happy."

That made Apple Bloom let out a slight smile. Pinkie always knew how to cheer up anypony.

It was then the hospital doors opened and Cherry Blossom appeared, dressed in her nurse's uniform. She then noticed them.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Cherry!" Apple Bloom called, going to Cherry to embrace her. "Mah brother is hurt."

"What?!" Cherry asked, as if she had just slammed into something. "Are... are you serious?"

"Yes, she is" Applejack said, approaching. "Big Mac saved Apple Bloom from an old tree that fell, but he turned out to take with it."

Cherry became unresponsive. Upon hearing this news, she felt her heart speed up for anxiety and fear, and these feelings began to invade her whole body. That was the same feeling she felt when she felt by many times she would lose Sky forever.

"How is he?" Cherry asked.

"Ah, now you care about him, hein?" Applejack said.

"Applejack..." Rainbow began.

"No, Rainbow, let it be" Cherry said. "I know how you must feel, Applejack. After all, after fleeing from your brother that way and then begining to avoid him, I deserve it. But Applejack, I really like Big Mac. He was always very nice to me. He always treated me very well. So I ask again, how is he?

After a few seconds, Applejack told her and Cherry trotted to the observation room. There, she saw Dr. Stable and another nurse observing his injuries. Big Mac was already awake, lying face down on the table, which greatly eased Cherry's anxiety. Upon entering, the looks of the two crossed. Cherry felt herself ashamed seeing Big Mac looking to her in that way.

"Oh, Cherry, my dear, I'm glad you came" Dr. Stable said. "You must know what happened here with Big Mac."

"Yes, I got to know from Applejack..." she said, averting her eyes slowly from Big Mac.

"Well, I would say that our friend here had immense luck" Dr. Stable said. "Given the size of the tree and how it fell, I would say it could have caused worse damage. But because Big Mac here is strong and tough, he just got a few broken ribs, two broken ankles, a broken escapula and the left radius and the right tibia are also broken. I would say that in some weeks, he'll be ready to another... in a matter of speaking."

"Some weeks?" Big Mac repeated. "But Ah have..."

But when he tried to movem he felt a lot of pain coming from his broken ribs.

"Big Mac, I think it's better if you don't to do many efforts" said Cherry, approaching and putting up at his level. "It can make things get worse."

At the beginning, Big Mac wanted to pout and deflect his eyes, after what she had done to him, but then he saw the worry in her eyes and realized she was really worried about him. Then he got quiet.

"But we believe we can reduce that recovery interval, if you use your healing magic" the nurse said.

"Can you do it, Cherry?" asked Dr. Stable. "This type of broken bones may require more from you. The damages are still higher than those you are used to."

But Cherry Blossom was not intimidated. If she could heal Big Mac, so she had to try that hypothesis. She moved closer to him and leaned her horn. She began to focus all the energy that she had to carry the largest heal spell she had already done. Her horn began to glow and she began to cast the spell on Big Mac's broken bones, but she found a lot of resistance on their part. She felt she was beginning to unite the bones again, but it was then that the effort was too much and the magic was broken. She then decided to concentrate her magic on individual sites. She started by the broken ankles and then managed to mend them. However, she had no energy for the rest. Using his X-ray magic, Dr. Stable examined the work of Cherry Blossom and said:

"Apparently, your magic, Cherry, is still not strong enough. At least, you fixed the ankles, but we'll have to wait some more time to try the rest again. Well, Big Mac, let's bind your back, your foreleg and hind leg and then you go home where I want you in absolute relaxation.

"But, doc..." he started.

But he gave up, seeing Dr. Stable give him a reproachful look.

"Eeyup" he said instead.

Then an idea came to Cherry. She knew it could be wrong, but she could not let Big Mac in that way.

"Dr. Stable, may I ask you to accompany Big Mac during the treatment?" she asked. "So I could try to heal his bones as good as possible. I mean, if Big Mac agree, of course. Do you mind, Big Mac?"

Big Mac blushed a lot, because he didn't expected that. His brain told him to not accept, but his heart, the one that had a bigger voice, said otherwise. He turned out to hear the last one.

"Nnope" he said.

"Of course, if you need me, Dr. Stable..."

"Oh, Cherry Blossom, don't hesitate to do so" he said. "This hospital has functioned without you. Of course you can."

"Thank you , Dr Stable" she thanked. "Thank you very much."

Already relieved to know Big Mac was going to be okay, she knew she should extend her relief to other ponies who were eager to know how he was.

"Well, I think I'll go tell your sisters that you are right" Cherry said to Big Mac. "They are very nervous, especially Apple Bloom."

"Thank ya very much, Cherry" Big Mac thanked.

She smiled to him and then left the room. She went to the waiting room, where the others stood up when they saw her.

"So, Cherry, how is Big Mac?" Applejack asked.

"Is he well?" Apple Bloom asked anxiously.

Cherry then smiled and said:

"He's now up, protesting for needing to get to rest for a good time."

That caused a great happiness to everypony, especially Apple Bloom.

"Can we go see him?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Of course" Cherry said. "But it's better be just the family."

"I agree" Twilight said. "We'll wait here."

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie waved. Cherry then took Apple Bloom and Applejack to the room. When they entered, they saw Big Mac who was lying on his back with the torso, the foreleg and the hind leg binded and the last two casts. He was pleased to see his sisters.

"Look who he is" Applejack said, approaching Big Mac. "How are ya, big guy? Are ya okay?"

"Eeyup" he said.

Apple Bloom approached slowly and nervously.

"Howdy, Big Mac" she greeted.

"Howdy, sis" Big Mac said. "So, don't ya come tah give a hug tah yer big brother."

But she could not.

"Ah'm so sorry, Big Mac" Apple Bloom said. "It's mah fault ya are hurt. Can ya forgive me?"

Big Mac smiled and answered:

"What is there to forgive? Sis, it's not yer fault. Ah'm just glad ya're okay.

"Really?" she asked.

Big Mac nodded. Apple Bloom squealed with joy and hugged her big brother.

"Ya're the best big brother ever, Big Mac. Ah love ya."

Big Mac smiled for a moment, but then he complained about the pain and Apple Bloom turned away, apologizing. Cherry Blossom smiled. She could not but admire that sibling relationship. She could see how the relationship between the two were quite strong. Then she cleared her voice and said to Applejack and Apple Bloom:

"Big Mac will need care, at least until I can repair his bones with magic. So, and knowing you, Applejack, will have a lot of work without Big Mac, and Apple Bloom is too young and Granny Smith needs to rest, I volunteered myself to do that."

"Ya?" Applejack asked.

"I'm a nurse, right?" Cherry asked. "It's my duty. Dr. Stable also agreed. It's a good way to ensure Big Mac back to work quickly and.... he doesn't give in crazy about standing still."

That made Big Mac drop a laugh that made ​​Cherry blush a little.

"This is awesome!" Apple Bloom said. "Ya're goin' back to the farm, Cherry."

"Yes, but only until your brother's recover" Cherry Blossom replied.

"It's okay, at least ya will be with us again" Apple Bloom said.

The little filly smiled. It seemed fate had returned to her favor. With Cherry Blossom again near Big Mac, she could already see them dating. It seemed that accident had put things back on track.