• Published 22nd Sep 2013
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Bloom's New Life - Rakoon1

When Bloom, in order to save the magical dimension, sacrifice herself by unleashing an immense amount of light energy which cause her banishment to another reality, where she will live a new life.

  • ...

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Cherry Blossom had never been so happy in her life. She lived in a beautiful quiet village full of wonderful ponies, had a job she loved, good friends, and a fantastic coltfriend. After the picnic where she started dating Big Mac, Cherry returned to her home, but that has not changed her relationship with Big Mac. In fact, whenever they could, they were together and benefited the most of their time.

Big Mac was also very, very, very happy. After months wishing to have Cherry Blossom as his marefriend, after months following his sister and her friends' advices, after months of suffering and despair, he finally ended successful. He finally was dating Cherry. He had never been so happy in his whole life and this reflected in his behavior. He was in his happiest mood, more well disposed and also more talkative. All ponies noticed this drastic change, thinking he had changed, of course, for the better.

When Apple Bloom told to her friends the outcome of the picnic, they were immensely happy. Now, with they mission to unite Cherry Blossom and Big Mac finished, they could then concentrate one hundred percent in their attempts to find their Cutie Marks.

It was now a few months since Big Mac and Cherry Blossom started dating. Fantastic moments were experienced by this young couple. However, something was about to happen, something that would put Cherry in a dilemma that would decide the whole course of her life.

She was visiting Twilight who was in the middle of one of her weekly housecleaning.

"Sorry to bother you, Twilight" Cherry Blossom said, while entering. "If I knew you were cleaning..."

"Don't worry, Cherry" she said. "It's always good to have a visit from a friend."

"Well, I came to see if you could lend me one new book about ancient medicinal methods, but, if you want to, I can give you a hoof" Cherry volunteered.

"That would be great" Twilight said, while she rearranged the books she disorganized in their respective shelves. "You don't know the work that this gives to me."

Cherry laughed and said, while she was levitating a feather duster to clean the dust on empty shelves:

"You know, Twilight, I never met somepony as obcessed as you are by organization. I mean, that is a great quality, but I think you exaggerate a bit."

"A bit?" Spike asked, while getting down with a box encrusted with jewels on his back. "You would not believe the scrolls that we spend just to make her to-do lists."

"Ah, ah, ah, very funny, Spike" Twilight said.

"Hey, what do you want I do with the Elements?" he asked, motioning to the box.

"Let them be that I'll get to them later" Twilight said.

Spike nodded and then climbed the stairs with the box.

"Wait, when Spike said Elements, he was referring to the Elements of Harmony, right?" Cherry asked, remembering the power Princess Celestia used to defeat her sister when she was Nightmare Moon.

"Yes" Twilight replied. "You should know I, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord."

"Yes, but I never thought they were here" Cherry said.

"Well, I don't understand why, after all you already saw me with mine" Twilight said. "I mean, my crown is much more than a princess accessory."

"Your crown is one of the Elements?" Cherry asked.

"The Element of Magic" replied Twilight. "Each Element is bond to one of us. We can charge them with our magic of friendship. Besides Magic, there is also Honesty, which is the Applejack's Element, Kindness, that is Fluttershy's, Laughter, Pinkie's Element, Generosity, that is Rarity's and Rainbow's is Loyalty. You must already have noticed that."

Cherry froze. She then remembered the spell the Lord of Order had done to send her to Equestria. She remembered that he had mentioned "sincere honesty", "beautiful kindness", "wonderful laugh", "gracious generosity" and "strong loyalty" and he also had said something about "the most powerful of all, the power of magic of friendship". She then realized that he had somehow used the power of the Elements of Harmony.

A ray of hope focused on her. If it was actually the power of the Elements of Harmony that brought her to Equestria, so the power of the Elements of Harmony was the only thing able to take her back to her home world. And only six ponies could help her: Twilight and her friends. She knew only them could help her. She remembered all the moments that Applejack had always been honest with her, saying what she thought without ever hesitating, like when Big Mac got hurt for saving Apple Bloom, the times Pinkie Pie always made ​​her laugh no matter how sad Cherry was, how Fluttershy was always sweet to the others including to animals which in turn treated her like a real friend, how Rarity used the jewelry she found only to emphasize the beauty of the dresses she sell and share its beauty with the others and not staying with the jewels and get rich with them, also there was Rainbow who has always been loyal to her for not telling anypony her secret and for supporting her at everything and Twilight was always by Cherry Blossom's side and handed her her friendship from the moment they met. But for that, she would have to tell to Twilight and the others the truth, but that was something for what she was not ready yet.

"Sorry, Twilight, but I have to go" Cherry Blossom said, putting down the duster and advancing to the exit.

"Now?" Twilight asked, frowning. "And what about the book you wanted?"

"I'll come later to get it" Cherry said, leaving the library.

"Okay" Twilight said, disconcerted.

Cherry Blossom walk through the village covered in snow looking to the sky. Then she found who she wanted to find.

"Rainbow" she called the cyan pegasus who was lying on the top of a cloud.

Listening her, she turned her attention down and saw Cherry Blossom.

"Hey, Cherry, what 's up?"

"I... I need to talk to you" she said. "Can it be?"

"But of course" Rainbow replied, coming down. "What's up, my friend? You are with a face..."

Cherry Blossom then told what she had just realized and her doubts.

"Wait, are you sure about what you just told me right now?" Rainbow asked. "The Elements of Harmony can make you return to your dimension?"

"At least I think that was the magic the Lord of Order used to send me here" Cherry Blossom said.

"So we have to go to Twilight and tell her this" Rainbow said.

"No, Rainbow, I'm not prepared yet" Cherry said .

"Cherry, you're already here for months. You had plenty of time to find the courage to tell them that you come from another dimension. If you want to come back, you have to tell them, because only then we can help you."

"And you think this is all about that?" Cherry Blossom asked. "I know perfectly well that one day I would have to tell the whole truth, but..."

Rainbow became worried, seeing her friend so sad .

"What's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, the truth is that I'm afraid of their reaction if I tell them my intentions of returning" Cherry said. "Mainly Applejack's reaction. Rainbow, if I go away, I will have to leave Big Mac."

"I see..."

"Also, I don't know if I want to go. I felt myself very connected to Equestria. I live in a great place, I have good friends... and a handsome colfriend..."

"What about your family, your friends... and Sky?" Rainbow asked.

"You know, thanks to Big Mac, the love I feel for Sky is virtually nonexistent. It was overtaken by what I feel for Big Mac. But I miss my parents, my sister, my friends so much... It's the only reason for be considering going back. Oh, my head is a mess!"

"Hey, calm down, Cherry" Rainbow soothed, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "I'll be always in your side, but I'm just saying it's better for you not keep that secret forever. You can't do it. That would only leave you tormented. But I know you'll make the right decision for you... and for everypony else."

Cherry smiled.

"Thanks, Rainbow" she thanked. "You have been a good friend. I understand the reason for you to have the Element of Loyalty."

Rainbow blushed a little and said:

"Oh, stop, you're embarrassing me."

"And, you know what? I think I'll risk and tell the truth.

"That's my girl" Rainbow said, ruffling her mane. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Cherry laughed and waved and then the two set off toward the library.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was helping Granny Smith knitting with the wool around on her forelegs while her grandmother was knitting, rocking in her rocking chair. As it was winter, the fields were full of snow and all the trees were bare, so there was not much work to do. At least until the Winter Wrap Up.

Then Big Mac came with his saddlebags and with a huge smile on his face.

"Howdy, Big Mac, why are ya so happy?"

"Happy?" he asked. "Ah'm normal."

"Yeah, sure..." Applejack said with a smile that she did when she was being ironic.

Big Mac then suddenly got all nervous and said:

"Ah think... Ah think Ah'm goin'... tah mah room. Yeah. Ah'll go tah mah room."

And having said this, he hurried up the stairs.

"What's gotten into him?" Applejack asked. "He look'd nervous. Ah'd like tah know tha reason fer all that happiness."

"Ah, your brother made ​​me now recall your grandfather and your father " Granny Smith confessed.

"Why ya're saying that, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked.

"It's that his face of happiness an' nervousness made ​​me remember when yer grandfather propos'd to me and your father when he wuz plannin' tah do tha same with yer mother."

"Hold on a minute, are ya sayin' Big Mac, our Big Mac, is considerin' tah propose tah Cherry?"

"Who knows" Granny Smith replied, shrugging. "But Ah tell ya one thing, mah dear..."

But Applejack didn't get know what she would say, because when Granny Smith looked, Applejack had put away the wool and already started to climb the stairs.

"Ah, tha youth of today..."

Applejack reached the bedroom door of his older brother and opened it suddenly, catching his brother lying on his back in his bed and hurried to keep something under the pillow.

"Okay, Big McIntosh Apple, start talkin'" she told him, entering and approaching the red stallion.

"What are ya talkin' 'bout?" he asked, trying to have a completely innocent look, getting up and approaching her.

She looked at the pillow where Big Mac was hiding what he'd been trying to hide. But he always stood in her way, preventing her from looking.

"Big McIntosh, I hope ya tell me what ya're hidin', or Ah swear Ah won't stop until Ah find out."

That bothered Big Mac because he knew how his sister could be very persistent. He sighed and nodded. He went to his bed and took from under his pillow a velvet box. He opened it and showed to Applejack one horn ring with a single ruby in a band of gold.

"Oh, mah...!" Applejack exclaimed. "Granny Smith was right."

"Well, that does not surprise me" Big Mac said. "She has tha gift of knowin' everythin'."

The two brothers laughed and then Applejack asked:

"Are ya sure 'bout this?"

"Eeyup" he answered. "Ah am sure. She's the mare of mah life. Ah love her so much an' Ah just want to pass mah days with her."

"If that is yer decision, so it's mah duty as yer sister tah support ya" Applejack said with a smile. "Ah see how Cherry do ya well."

Big Mac also smiled and said:

"Thank you, sis. An', jest fer tha record, Ah want ya tah be mah best mare."

"Oh, Big Mac, Ah would be honor'd tah be yer best mare."

The two shared a hug.

In the library, accompanied by Rainbow, Cherry eventually told to Twilight, and therefore also to Spike, the whole truth. Twilight heard her story without interrupting, which was a relief for Cherry. When it was over, she expecting to see a look of amazement on Twilight's face, but instead she heard her saying:

"I knew something strange was going on with you. I mean, all this interest in the history and culture of Equestria, the failures of facts, your strange behavior... This explanation makes more sense.

"Wait,you believe in me?" Cherry asked.

"But of course" Twilight replied with a smile. "What reason would you have to lie? Besides, I and Spike already have traveled between dimensions. Right, Spike?"

"You bet" he answered. "Although I am very relieved that we have left that world, to tell you the truth?"

"Why do you say that?" Twilight asked, jokingly. "You were a very cute puppy."

"I thought you were not going to talk about it again" Spike muttered, pouting.

The three mares laughed and then Twilight told to Cherry:

"You can count on me, Cherry. If you really want to go back to your home dimension, I'll help you."


Twilight waved.

"Oh, Twilight, thank you so much!" Cherry thanked, giving a thanking hug to Twilight.

"You see?" Rainbow asked to Cherry. "I told you we could count on Twilight. And I'm sure that we can also count on the others."

"But, Cherry, I have to ask you" Twilight said in a more serious tone. "And what about Big McIntosh?"

"Yeah, he's crazy about you" said Spike. "If you have to go back to your world, you'll have to leave him."

Cherry lowered her head sadly and said:

"I know. I suppose Big Mac is the only one who truly holds me here. He's the large anchor that prevents me from returning. He is the love of my life. One thing I never thought would happen, given my history with Sky, my old boyfriend, but...

"He's just a weight on one side of the scale, right?" Twilight asked.

Cherry nodded.

"Hey, don't be like that, Cherry" Rainbow said. "If Big Mac really loves you, he will respect your decision if you..."

"No, don't even think to suggest that, Rainbow!" Cherry exclaimed. "I won't tell him."


"I've hurt him enough" said Cherry. "That's enough the grief I will cause him with my departure."

Rainbow seemed about to say something, but Twilight said:

"If that's what you want, then we will not say anything more. Right, Rainbow?"

She looked like she wanted to protest, but she nodded.

"Thank you, girls" Cherry thanked.

"Well, I'll start investigating the spell the Lord of Order used to send you to Equestria to be able to repeat it" Twilight said, starting to make books levitate to her for she analyze them. "Rainbow, can you go get the others?"

"You got it" Rainbow said, saluting and taking off.

She then left at high speed.

It didn't take long to Rainbow go back, quickly followed by the others representatives of the Elements of Harmony. Applejack came first, followed by Pinkie Pie and then by Fluttershy.

"Okay, why did ya call'd us here?" Applejack asked. "What's tha emergency?"

"Are you planning a big party and you need our help?" Pinkie Pie asked lively, skipping. "Please say it is a party. Please, please, please!"

"No, Pinkie, it's not a party" Rainbow replied, in midair.

"A friends meeting?" Pinkie asked.

"No," replied Rainbow.

"A special lunch?"


"A snack?"


Pinkie gave a nervous smile and then passed the hoof through her mouth, as if she was closing a zipper.

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked. "You look so nervous."

"Yeah, and why is Twilight seeing books at breakneck speed?" Applejack asked, seeing Twilight flipping through book after book as fast as she could.

"You'll know everything as soon as Rarity arrives" Rainbow answered.

As soon she had said that, the library door opened and Rarity entered.

"I'm sorry, darlings, but I had a huge task to finish" Rarity replied.

"Ah'm glad ya came" said Applejack. "Now, we can know what's goin' on here?"

Pinkie moved her hoof through her mouth again, but in the opposite direction, as if she was opening a zipper and asked to Rainbow:

"Seriously, we're not really planning a party?"

A stern look from Rainbow Dash made Pinkie Pie dropped a nervous laugh and closing the mouth like a zipper again.

"So, what's so important?" Rarity asked.

"Cherry has a thing to tell you" Rainbow said, still in the air, placing her hooves on Cherry's shoulders.

She then took a deep breath and tried to get the right way to tell everything.

"You know, I..." she began, but then freezing. "I am..."

But she seemed that she was not able to continue. Then Pinkie began to say:

"You're from an alternate world and you're not actually a pony, but a two-legged creature with no muzzle and wings called fairy, and you sacrificed your life in your dimension so a very powerful entity could save it and then he sent you here where you've just become a pony, and now you want us to use our Elements of Harmony to repeat the spell that powerful entity used on you so you can return home to your family and friends!"

She then finished with a grin. Everypony was open-mouthed with what Pinkie Pie had just said, especially Cherry who didn't know how Pinkie could know one thing about all that.

"Wow, Pinkie, ya say such things" Applejack said, chuckling.

But seeing that neither Cherry or Rainbow or Twilight or even Spike didn't said nothing, she asked:

"It can only be a joke, right?"

"Nope, she's pretty much spot-on" Spike said. "Why do I have a deja vu feeling?"

"How did you know all that?" asked Cherry to Pinkie Pie.

"Just a hunch" Pinkie Pie replied, shrugging.

"Wait, you're from another world?" Rarity asked Cherry.

"And you need our help to get back?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, yes" she replied uncertainly. "I understand if you say no. After all, I have hidden this from all of you this all time."

"Oh, darling, what are you talking about?" Rarity asked. "We are your friends, after all. If you really want to go back, you can count on us."

"Yes, we'll help you" Fluttershy said. "Right, Pinkie?"

"Okey-dokey-lokey" she said.

Cherry was speechless. She could not believe they were all willing to help her. They were really some good friends.

"Thank you all" Cherry said.

But then she noticed Applejack who was not in a good face. She could well guess what she was thinking.


"Let me ask ya somethin', Cherry Blossom" she said. "What do ya intend tah tell mah brother when ya go away? Or tah Apple Bloom? They must be tha poneys who like ya tha most and ya will turn your back on them?"

"Look, Applejack, you can not..." Rainbow began.

"Never mind, Rainbow" Cherry said. "Applejack has the right to ask those questions."

"Ah, ya can be sure Ah have" Applejack said. "Mah brother loves ya, Cherry."

"And you think I don't love him, AJ? " Cherry asked. "I still have lots of doubs and it's all because I love Big Mac."

"Of course, ya love him so much that ya're leavin' him" Applejack mocked.

"I have my reasons" Cherry said.

"An' what are those reasons? Do ya have any boyfriend there waitin' far ya? Were ya only datin' Big Mac jest far fun?"

"Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping.

"Pinkie, I don't think it's time..." Fluttershy said.

"Ohh, wait, I feel something coming" she said.

And then her ears flopped, her tail twitched and her right front knee twitched too.

"Ears flopping, tail twitching and right knee twitching" she said. "This means somepony misses her family."

"I didn't know that combo before" Twilight commented, using her magic to get a notepad and a quill and she began to note. "I thing it's better write that down."

"Yes, you're right, Pinkie" Cherry said. "I missed my parentes, my sister... and my friends. I would do anything to see them once again. What would you do for your family, Applejack? Tell me."

The angry face of Applejack eased up and she said, quietly:

"Ah would do anythin' fer them. Just like you. Even if it meant sacrificing my happiness."

There was a pause in which Applejack was able to understand Cherry's dilemma. A feeling of guilt hit her.

"Ah'm sorry, Cherry. Ah should have realized that."

"Don't worry, Applejack" Cherry said, smiling. "I understand you. You want to protect your brother at all costs. I feel the same about my sister, Daphne."

The two then shared a hug.

"Well, girls, if you have finished the discussion, I have great news to tell you" Twilight said with a book levitating by her side. "I think I found the right spell."

"Really?" the other mares asked.

"That's my Twilight" Spike said. "She always have answers to all the questions."

"Well, not to all questions, Spike," she replied. "But let's move forward. I found the spell that and I believe we have to divide by the six. But there's two catches. We have to use the spell on a mirror dimension, or it will not work.

"On a mirror?" Rainbow repeated, scratching his head.

Cherry then remembered something.

"The Lord of Order's throne room is full of mirrors and he sent me here through one of them" she said.

"But where are we going to find a mirror like that?" Rarity asked.

Twilight did not need much time to think to figure out the answer.

"What about the one which is in the Crystal Empire?" she asked.

"The mirror you used to recover your crown from Sunset Shimmer?" Fluttershy asked. "But it only opens every thirty moons?"

"I think with this spell we can open it again to Cherry's dimension" Twilight said.

"So what are we waiting for?" Pinkie asked. "Let's go, everypony."

"Wait a second" Applejack said. "Twilight, you said that there were two catches. Which is the other?"

"The spell can only be used only once every century for a moment" she replied. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"That I just have this opportunity" Cherry said. "If I cross it, I cannot come back, because neither you or the Lord of Order can re-open the portal until the next century."

"Cherry, are you sure you want to do this?" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, there's no turning back" Rainbow said.

"The truth is I don't really know" she answered. "I want to go back and see my family, but... I'm not so sure that I should."

"Well, you have until the opening of the portal" Twilight said. "Let's get things ready and we head to the Crystal Empire in train which leaves at sunset."

The others nodded.

"Yes, sir, ma'am, sir!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, saluting Twilight.

And they began to head to the exit. Applejack then turned to Cherry and said:

"Mah brother is waitin' fer ya in that big hill in tha east field."

"What?" asked Cherry. "Why?"

"That's with him" said Applejack. "But, Cherry, It's better ya tell him that ya're leavin' as soon as ya arrive, if this is really what ya want."

Cherry nodded.

"And be gentle" Applejack requester. "Mah brother can be big and strong, but he's a soft heart."

"Don't worry" Cherry reassured. "I promise I'll be careful."

Applejack nodded and then exited. Cherry sighed, trying to find the right words to tell Big Mac. It would cost her a lot, but she had no choice. She couldn't come back without saying goodbye to Big Mac. She took a deep breath and then left the library.